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Everything posted by Nukemind

  1. Which nations do you think are tied to Nohr? Looking at the Topography the closest I can see is North Italy, Western Austria, or Switzerland.
  2. If that's the only way I'm fine with it. Otherwise, they can't make enough money. FE8 as I said was the first one I played, and there was marriage even in that, though not kids. Heck, Thracia had kids and marriage if I have heard correctly.
  3. Same. Been playing since FE8 in fourth grade... now I'm in my second year of college. Only ones I haven't played are Thracia and PoR at this point. I can't find a PoR disk OR Rom and it ticks me off.
  4. Conquest was the number one game on Amazon for a while, but supposedly that's because Birthright was already sold out. So people bough Conquest when they couldn't get Birthright. This is great news. I know many don't like it because Fire Emblem isn't as traditional as it once was, HOWEVER, if Fire Emblem stuck to it's old traditions whatever Awakening would have been would have been the last Fire Emblem. The old style just can't compete. Gotta take what we can get.
  5. I... yeah I need to read sarcasm better.
  6. Belka, Peri, Camilla (personality), and despite thinking Takumi is a jerk I like him more and more the more I see his supports. Oh and Hinoka and... pretty much every character to be honest.
  7. Oh that's simple. THere was no outrage because the majority of people didn't think it affected THEM. This is coming as a pasty book nerd who has never been out of the stats, but it annoys me to no end when people will cry racism at anything and everything that seems rascist against whoever/whatever they are, but if it's against someone else, well, who cares?
  8. That makes sense. I didn't think of just going there when pregnant, it would make sense. Ah gotcha, so basically like FE8 Fado, Callaech, Serena, Lyon, Riev, etc.
  9. I will admit Racism in Japan is historical, bit it is in every country. Japan vs the West is actually fairly new. From the Meiji Restoration to the time of WW2 (and even after- that is the Japanese Economic Miracle) they sought to emulate and learn from the west. In reality, if they have any racism, it's vs their neighbors. China, Korea, and admitedly Russia. Japan has an interesting history. Less than 30 years after Westernising, they fought Russia. And beat them. Some "Small Backward Island Nation" which had been fighting with bows less than a generation previously sunk the Russian Fleets, crushed their armies, and sent them home with their tail between their legs. Not long before that, they put the smack down on China, crushing their much larger neighbors fleet and armies. After these two incidents, and a peaceful annexation (though not well liked) of Korea, the idea of a "Master Yamato Race" DID develop. The Second Sino-Japanese war was fought concurrent to WW2 (one of the reasons they fought us is we turned off the oil and scrap tap which they needed for that war), and it was much more racial in scope than the previous ones. However, in the end, Japan was defeated, Korea and Manchuria freed, Formosa released, and more. After all this, whilst the "older" generation continued in some racism, much like in the states, the younger generations rejected it. Sadly, I have never been there but I AM a history major with Japan and Germany, and the 1850-1950 time period, being my main field of study. For all intents and purposes, if an American went over there he/she might be looked at differently, but no differently than a person from Japan who could only speak Japanese coming to America. Japan has come a LONG way. There is nothing rascist here. Someone had to be a villain. No different than Russia in an American game. If the enemy had Chinese names, and Hoshido was Japanese, I could see the argument as there are still tensions there. But not vs Europe Sorry for the long write up, and if there are grammar errors I actually did that on my phone so please forgive me. Nanking/Peking was one of the worst atrocities. If you are interested in the war, the Second Sino-Japanese war has a large article on wikipedia, but I really recommend the books Hirohito and The War of the World. The second deals with all nations. If you want the attrocities you might want to look up Japanese Special Military Units and/or Comfort Women. There were many other things but this is what Japan draws it's primary criticism for during the war, as in all of the above.
  10. Nope. At first I was like "Oh Japan is good and Europe is bad. OKAY. This could be bad." But they don't use any generic stereotypes. To me, it's not different than an American game. Having some Chinese and/or Russian leader being a mustache twirling villain. At least Japan show's that there are alot of good people in Nohr besides the few high ups.
  11. You need Niles or... Orochi I think it is. Then you go up to the person you want to capture, and use the capture command. It decreases hit, and prevents other skills from activiating, BUT if they woulda died to the attack they are captured. You can't capture route exclusive characters, and their are some other limitations. But it's good for capturing "Disposables".
  12. No, as discussed it's both legal and smart. Whats better? Killing an enemy whilst he is fighting, and hurting your own soldiers, or after they have been shattered, are retreating, but refuse to surrender, lay down arms, etc. There is a reason that whilst Vlad Tepes III (AKA Dracula and Vlad the Impaler) is seen as a villain over here in the States, in Romania he actually has a holiday and is celebrated. Yeah, he killed a good 20,000 civilians- at minimum. But he protected Wallachia from being taken by the Ottomans. Though I don't agree with everything in the small print. For a few reasons. One- it's completely and totally cruel. Two- it violates the Geneva's convention "rights of death." Essentially, if someone dies, they should be buried, or returned to their country of origin. But, Vlad did some of what you encourage, and again he is celebrated by the country he did it to. Salting the Earth, however, just leads to another war later down the road. It's better to mend bridges than encourage a war when the enemy recovers: See Treaty of Versailles, and the Three Punic Wars.
  13. It still has SOME bitterness to it, but I agree, it's basically the 20th century versions of the Brothers Grimm Originals.
  14. Pretty sure it does. My Kamui is 20/18 and he receives like 1-2 XP from promoted units below 10, whilst people in the 10-15 range get a helluvaalotta more. Personally, I just double scout all the later regions. Always me to level up my units, and raise all their supports.
  15. Unless you play Revelations :P. But yes, it's a case of picking your poison. I always said I would go Nohr first, and I did- like 5 chapters before going revelations. In the chapter you "betray" Hoshido and/or Nohe, I've said it before, Hinoka say "All this time... What have I been fighting for?" Despite barreling knowing her or er story at the time, it ranks in my top 5 video game gut punches. I felt like a piece of crap- but I would too if I turned my back on the people who raised me. A little kind sister- Elise. A surrogate mother- Camilla. The Stalwart Protector- Marxander. And the brother that is basically me in RL- Leo (though he's more handsome, he and I have the same color and til recently style hair, both bookish, both desire praise, etc. love the guy. He also has my flaws.) For people that until recently Kamui didn't even remember... And yet the Queen... It's such a rough choice and I freaking LOVE the game for making you choose. Very few games would make you do that these days.
  16. Haven't fought any Hoshidans- doing Relevations. Only one I wanted to save was Candace, and she parked on a fort and I could t hit her. Just killed her. The other Paralogues bosses have been criminals, well so was she, but ones I have no chance of respecting.
  17. I... I sympathize with Hinoka (and am on the fence of Camilla or Flora...). She trained her whole life to rescue Corrin, got him back, then had her world ripped from her. But I sympathize more with the Nohrians, who had brothers and sisters killed without any way to protect them, didn't know if they themselves were next, etc.
  18. Very good reasoning in this thread, and the general consensus is very close. Once again, thank you all :). One subsequent question if you don't mind: do you consider kids non-canon? Even assuming Elise could bear a child (not going to get to much into that) AND assuming the kids live in the Outrealm, there would be an 8-9 month I believe it is pregnancy period. I honestly didn't see the story as taking place over much more than a year, though perhaps I am way off on this too. Then there's the fact that even with accelerated growth they still do TAKE TIME. So it maybe a month to a year, or a week to a year, but each kid could take a year from when they are... Made... To when they join the army. That's why I'm asking if they are considered non-canon or minor canon.
  19. Ah now I gotcha. Thought you were arguing against what I was saying. I think we are in total agreement. It's said all's fair in love and war. Whilst not completely true, the instance infringes on both. She's a lot better character than many give her credit for.
  20. The only thing graphically wrong with Awakening was the (lack) of feet. Once I saw it I couldnt unsee it. Advanced Wars is pretty similar to Fire Emblem, as is XCOM (at least the first one of the new ones- haven't played number 2 or the originals) if you want SciFi Emblem. I hope if It DOES go the way of Pokemon, then you can get every character on each side. Because releasing two as hooks so you buy the third "happy" route is nothing short of annoying and a money grab. Meanwhile, all the characters are developed less since there are so many more.
  21. Oh you misunderstand me. I agree in the Middle Ages we would cut them down. Even today we would. But I meant if the enemy SURRENDERS these days we will imprison them, and I assume that "morality" would be common in a fantasy middle age as well. I know all to well the costs of battle, not from personal experience but from my grandfather, who lost all three of his brothers. He was the only one who COULDN"T fight, due to a heart murmur, and so he was at home as one by one they got a letter. He still talks about it alot... and I'm of topic again. My mind wanders, my apologies. I also assume in every battle there are a lot of soldiers we don't see. Whilst the A team of royals is fighting, there has to be other troops. A group of 40ish people can't topple a country: at least not in open battles
  22. True, I haven't played to it in Conquest. And I agree with you, if the admit defeat and withdraw, it's wrong to attack them. BUT if it was just a disorganized breaking of the lines, it's completely fine. ESPECIALLY if they are holding weapons. If they throwdown their weapons and put up their hands, they have every right to be treated as a PoW. Whilst this is all true in our universe, I would assume since this is a fantasy romanticised middle ages, it WOULD be true there as well.
  23. IMO yes. She levels very quickly, but it's not unrecoverable. She's a very good unit. I took her to Strategist but Maid is good too. Plan on reclassing so I can get all the skills.
  24. I've got a gold milk farm let me get my castle code and you can visit! Edit- 13745-46352 93187-07404 Also have gold quartz, ruby, and soybeans And Gold every shop, Dawn and Dusk Dragon, and smithy if you need it. Silver or bronze on statues defences, and everything else.
  25. Heh Odin. Saw this today, minor spoilers (Will always say that as I don't want to ruin ANYTHING for ANYONE). http://cryopon.tumblr.com/post/136268932428/consequences-of-timespace-shenanigans?is_related_post=1 Odin is actually slightly good. He is completely outclassed but I like his personality so I am babying him a little.
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