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Everything posted by Nukemind

  1. Can I also once again point out the upbringing and life of the siblings (and even some of the common people of Nohr), including but not limited to during and prior the game - [spoiler=Some Spoilers of Both Story and Supports]The killing of other siblings, a constant threat of death, the fact that none of the siblings are fully related, the fact that for all appearances Nohr is poverty stricken or at least has poor soil- proven in Kamui and Azura supports- the fact the "King" has no problem killing anyone, even his older kids, if they fail, not just turn on him- see Kamui and Camilla in Relevations, Convicted Criminals being allowed free because they are good fighters, what I can only assume is a king who is not governing his realm well, massive war, Sorcerer's who are forced to RISK THEIR LIFE to summon Faceless, etc.
  2. Personally I can't stand it. They tried to do a 3dish style, but the more 80s-90s anime style from the GBA's was far superior IMO.
  3. Hmmm, I had reassigned him to Charlotte, but now I can send him with Hana, and then Saizou, who already had a cool C with Charlotte can S rank her instead of Hana. Very simple fix, thanks mate!
  4. Ah gotcha. Just wanted to warn anyone else in case it wasn't a bug. I had planned them out and can change them, not complaining- someone put in alot of effort! BUT... don't want anyone to be like me who wants every child, and end up doing Keaton last and have a heart break moment. Hana is even better, as with her hair the daughter will look (Similar) to Holo.
  5. Yes, I believe it is Chapter 18, maybe 19 of Revelations. Even Fliers won't make a difference you MUST use Dragon Veins. It's also won my award for best chapter of all time, for what it's worth.
  6. FE8 actually had pretty good graphics. They still stand up to time rather well, but mainly because it was simplistic. I still maintain FE7/8 looked better than Shadow Dragon.
  7. I know this is late, but one minor thing on this for anyone else: I have been pairing Wolf Boy (Flannel) and Setsuna but they gain no points. Turns out they can't get supports... or my game is bugged. Doesn't have it on the support list for me either. Just a word of warning.
  8. Chasing and Massacring RETREATING troops is actually not technically illegal, as they are combatants, but pretty much every nation would frown upon it. Massacring SURRENDERED troops is, as they are no longer technically combatants, but rather prisoners of war the moment that they are taken by the enemy. There is a reason Hussars and other light cavalry was used in history: if you play Total War you see it a little, but they were mainly to chase retreating (but not surrendered) troops, as well as to harrass the enemy and various other quasi-legal activities. Then again, Hussars are arguably descendants (not biological but tactics/unit wise) of Hunnic Horsemen. War Crimes include but are not limited to: Using Poison Gas, killing those who have surrendered, attack on unarmed non-combatants in war zones, attack of enemy ships not carrying munitions, attack of medical personnel, and.... well there is a good bit more. Geneva is fairly detailed. Then again, Nohr might not even have the concept of war crimes, this isn't our world, it's a different world with a different history and different cultures (though they are remarkably similar, or at least Hoshido is basically a romanticized Sengoku Jidai-ish era Japan. At least tech wise, with there being little to no infighting).
  9. I see, honestly haven't done TO MANY of his supports, though a few. I got a woodsman-hunter vibe from him, will have to crack down and get some supports with him.
  10. Takumi vs Leo would be interesting. Ones a thinker, but I wager he's an inferior fighter. Elise vs Sakura would just be them being nice to each other and healing each other. Ryoma vs Xander... I can't predict. Stats are similar, actions are similar, even mindset is (somewhat) similar. I would love all three.I do agree with Katryn above me. Good people must do bad, and bad good. Otherwise you end up with Mary Sue's and Evil for Evil's Sake. I much prefer heroes with a touch of grey, and villains with a touch of light.
  11. Sigh, I need to get some Amiibos. All I have is Link, and I don't even know where he is after the move. Out of curiosity are the Amiibos fully integrated characters or are they basically out realms characters who react to everything with ...??!
  12. From what I've seen, in all routes but Relevations the Nohr siblings take a hit from both the villain and the idiot bats. Camilla actually has really, REALLY nice supports with Honika. She actually isn't that bad of a person, but being raised by King Creepy Face and his advisors gives a really warped sense of morality for the siblings.
  13. It's a really fun game. Like, second favorite kind of fun. But I have to agree- it has some (a lot of) Deus ex Machina in it, and the story jumps perspectives a lot. Won't spoil anything, as you just got it. Enjoy it for what it is, and it's okay if you don't understand everything at first. I played it without having played PoR first and understood very little my first play through, besides "This isn't Magvel, this isn't Marth/Alm's world, those guys are red, let's kill them."
  14. True, good point! Revelations Castles have 2 food and 2 gems.
  15. Ah ok now I got you. Originally I didn't care for her besides her looks but her recruitment chapter in Revelations made me like her.
  16. What about Camilla? As in how she is portrayed or how her storyline plays out in one or more routes? Personally I LOVED her in Relevations.
  17. After 20 reclass for skills, reclas back and promote at 20.
  18. Still angry about her. If you get an A in Relevations she should be like Kaze. She was the only Corrinsexual I was interested in... Well maybe when I get Felicia's sis...
  19. The worst thing about awakening... Was when someone pointed out the lack of feet. Couldn't NOTsee that and so disabled all battles -.-
  20. Ah now I gotcha. Still, I enjoyed it all- every map so far. I'm playing on Normal Casual my first run. Subsequent will be Hard/Classic and a Lunatic/Xlassic, then my final run (well, may do more but my MAIN, for keeps run) will be normal casual to build my dream team. That's the one where I will have every kid, everyone 20/99. What am I saying? I loved these maps my first runs, and had few deaths. But I feel subsequent runs will make them seem like a chore.
  21. Better than Awakening. It has a few flaws but each game seems to make both progress and... Regression I guess? They do some better some worse. The battles are so much better than just open fields all day every day. Characters are better by and large. I do think the Royal Weapons are annoying, and marriage limitations.
  22. Funny Relevations maps are my favorite since SS... Maybe RD. It's not just open plains and it encourages thinking. Chapter 18 making copies of youself was amazing and probably my favorite map of all time. That the copies and originals shared health was awesome. Could heal the original to heal the copy. Only complaint is copies didn't gain support points.
  23. Lunge is annoying. I've said it before, I'll say it again. Avatar should be able to marry any Gen1 and not be cut out of a kid. Should be an extra female for male determined games, and vice Versa. The new weapons are cool, but confusing. Wel at first at least. All the defensive buffs in My Castle are annoying. I can play better, with better weapons and higher levels. But the enemy still has incredible +Hit, +Crit, +Avo, +Def, extra units, and of course auto heal or auto damage. I have Relevations... Can't imagine how much people hate mine with 3 Puppets 3 Golems and both +Health and +Dmg. Resources for upgrading is annoying too as I rarely have WiFi and don't like visiting. well, weak wifi.
  24. I mean it's not anime, but it's anime style, which is what threw me. Like if you watch HS DxD (only Ecchi I have or will watch... Lost a bet with a friend) Akeno and Rias could be ALOT older, but they are 17-18. Similarly, the Princess in Gundams are generally 16-18 despite looking almost like adults. And then anyone who is loli-like ends up being 15-16. Then again, I'm bad at judging people's ages in real life, so judging the age of pixels is even harder XD. Yeah that line was why I thought she was 14-16. Then again, we don't know much about Nohr's age customs, or even Hoshido's. It not just Middle Ages with magic: it's a whole nother world.
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