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Everything posted by Nukemind

  1. Takumi. He has an awesome bow. You are allowed to back talk your long lost brother but you do NOT be mean to Azura. It was that moment I was confident that I was right in choosing Nohr. Until then I regretted it, now I be happy. Though I'm playing Revelations first, pretty much every Hoshido character is on the bench. Can Peri get a special mention? I love and hate her. She scares me and I hate her hair, but she is still very unique which is nice.
  2. Sigh. I got to chapter 16ish in Revelations today, bought a master seal- no grinding no going back on my first run. I thought Maid was a T1 class -.-. She just seemed so stat wise like a good base rather than a bad Jeigan. Had to look up why master seal wasn't working. Still, even with leve 40 II doubt Felicia will max her stats. BUT- I adore the class and the look (Ninja Maids with Staves!)
  3. CamillaxKamui is interesting. ZeroxCamilla I hate. And ElisexKamui S is weird... Only three I have seen. Camilla Kamui while weird I actually enjoyed. It showed Kamui (at least trying) to grow up.
  4. Oh good! Seeing as Awakening was a "last ditch" effort, hopefully they can do even more for Fates. Plus I would like to be able to 20/20 all the Nohr exclusives XD. Thanks NeonZ!
  5. For those who have played it, if there are any here (I know some people somehow did) or just know- does the third path allow grinding like Hoshido and/or Awakening. And does IT have a post game?
  6. Nukemind


    Thank you for the intro Eclipse! And yes, I don't draw much, but FE 8 is an easier one... doesn't have crazy hairstyles or anything else!
  7. Thanks to both of the people who answered my questions :). I don't know where I heard the three tiers thing. Maybe it was what you said.
  8. Question: Post Nohr Campaign is it open map? Or Hoshido for that matter? I rarely grind "durging game" but post game I like to max all my units if possible- both in 8 and 13. I would love to do that after Nohr... Make them all 20/20! ( or did I hear that there were three tiers? If so 20/20/20.)
  9. I am actually more surprised at Ephraim. I feel like Sacred Stones is the most, for lack of a better word, overlooked Fire Emblem. Granted he is at 10, but still- Good Job Ephraim!
  10. Play both sides. It's actually something I have always wanted, Fates does it somewhat. For instance, take Sacred Stones. At certain points in the game, kinda like chapter 5x, you would play a map as Grado. Why? It lets you see both sides. Just like Lyon was (to me) either a Tragic Hero or a Sympathetic Villain, we could see what it's like on the other side, how "your team" is viewed, etc. It might also be nice if we need the heroes to lose a battle. Suddenly you are put in charge of the Grado/Valmese/Begnion/whathaveyou troops, and route the heroes. Heroes then regroup. It annoys me that we win EVERY SINGLE BATTLE. Even the best Generals lost at least once. So those are my mechanics. I would love alternating chapters/sides until say chapter 20 when the armies join vs a greater evil. Story Wise... Magvel, 20 years post Sacred Stones. Grado has fallen on hard times- despite the best efforts of heroes the people starve, cities lay in ruin. Recovery from the Earthquake is hampered by the fleeing of people to other regions.Eventually, however, new lands are discovered. The Lands of Valm and Archanea are discovered. Valm, on the recovery, launches an invasion of Magvel. Out of Story: We know, or at least by the wiki it says, that Jugdral, Archanea, and Valm are all connected. Basically because of Camus iirc and his amnesia. And Valm and Archanea are Definetely in the same world. I would love to see all the worlds really be one- after all Manaketes are all in one. Except Tellius. And Tellius doesn't fit in, imo, only because it has the two Godesses. Despite the Demon King I do feel Magvel would fit in- it has Manaketes, and all the staples.
  11. Hmmm... hopes for FE:15 For one I actually like the idea of kids. I feel that different matches give more replayability if you want them, but unless you min/max they are skippable. I want an open world map a la 8 and 13- you don't have to grind, but again, if you want to, you can. I want another Prison like we see in My Castle... If only I could have captured Lyon... I want it set in Sacred Stones world- it is the only one without another game. Grado was hit with a massive earth quake. This could lead to tensions. Or a prequel, or a timeskip, etc. Bring back light magic. What I DON'T Want: Fanservice- really, just unnecessary. Sword Wielding Lords- Give them Axes, Lances, magic, whathaveyou- just make it "un stereotypical". My three most memorable lords are Ephraim, Ike, and Hector. Of those only one wielded a sword... of course personality is the big thing. Not the usual story (Fates seems good on this)... no "we were randomly invaded/backstabbed by an ally/neighbor" (this is why I am going Nohr, despite no open map- it's unusual, it's original... for the series at least.) Neutral On Having Two Games- I loved Sacred Stones, it was basically 1.5 games based on the seperate chapters. Splitting Fates like this means more money for them. If they really are two games, eventually three, then I like the idea. Lord knows IS and Nintendo need money. They will be more different than two Pokemon games. BUT if they are basically the same story... well then I feel cheated. Apologies for misspellings- I am on a phone, alone, in a restaurant waiting for my food.
  12. FE8 was my first, and still favorite, FE Title. I disliked FE7 (at first), having played it after 8, not because of it was more difficult, but because I love customization and missed branching promotions. Of all the Fire Emblem games that I have played 7 is still my least favorite though I love it. If I could play a campaign as Prince Lyon I would- even if I had to sacrifice my entire army. I have beaten FE8 over 30 times. FE10 annoys me greatly because of lack of unit availability- and most characters are one dimensional. FE9 is my least played FE game, though I loved it.
  13. Nukemind


    Howdy, I am new to these forums. I started with Sacred Stones when it released. I have played (and beaten) every Fire Emblem that came to the USA. My favorite game still is Sacred Stones- both Nostalgia and for the fact that, while easy, it allows so much customization. Still, I will be going down the Path of Nohr simply because I want a challenge.
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