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Everything posted by Nukemind

  1. I hate Peri's look but her introduction (the name acronym thing) was spot on. I just hate Multi-colored hair.
  2. I feel like I'm one of the few who enjoy it. Like seeing the ding on a level up, can do it while watching TV, etc.
  3. One small question on My Castle: I am maining Relevations. If I play Hoshido and Nohr will that castle "Cover Mine Up" for spotpass?
  4. In that case I have no problem, I didn't hack the game, and won it fair and square. I honestly wish you could see the enemies invade so I could see how effective my defenses were... I don't want to give skills unless and enemy earns t by beating me fair and square. Or if they are people on here, in which case all my firepower is right infront of the throne room, just flank to the right. Evades Golems, Statues, Spikes, Dusk and Dawn Statue, etc.
  5. Dangit, paid 2k for that. Hope it doesn't harm the game (don't think it will)...
  6. Honestly, of the three, I would prefer Conquest if it had the playstyle of Birthright. I'm the opposite- I love grinding characters as I like to maximize there stats. I want every child (no prisoners though), every one 20/20... or 20/99 if I've heard right.
  7. 13745-46352 93187-07404 If you want to attack, best bet is flanking to the left or right. Front of my "throne room" is heavily defended. Like, my units heal, yours take damage, 3 golems, 3 puppets. In other news: Does every castle get different food/gems? I have Milk, beans, rubies, and quartz.
  8. I was choosing between Camilla and Felicia. If you don't care for the people- marry a 2nd Gen character. Because if you marry a first Gen, one child isn't going to be born as there aren't enough girls. (Which is why I feel when males determine children there should be an extra marriageable women for Male MU's, and when Females determine children there should be an extra marriageble male for female MU's.) Advice? Pair them up, and go into any scouted battles you can. Even in Nohr you can increase relationship, though not XP, via extra battles, or so I'm told (I'm at Chapter 7 Nohr, Chapter 20 Relevation, and Chapter 6 Hoshido- as in haven't started.)
  9. She's good at being a person to marry, with good hair color, so that I can have a good looking kid. After that, it's back to the reserves for her until I finally 20/20 everyone. I can't stand her personality either. Very abrasive, and not in a Tsundere kind of way.
  10. Totally forgot about her. I was arguing with someone about who I wanted to nix so I could marry Camilla with MU, then I saw him. Didn't even think about Kagero. Well, Butler-Genius-Jakob!Kagero Totally Not L is definetely going to be my next kid. And I may be marrying a kid myself at this rate because I like them all (besides Ignis).
  11. First Question: Yes, per save.Second: 99.99% sure but don't know what it is. It will be HUGE I know that considering you can capture, buy, recruit from the enemy, and in Relevations you basically have all characters from all routes. My own minor question: does Dwyer look like L to anyone else?
  12. Roger thanks! I meant Kaden, got his name wrong. Fox boy. Like him and his daughter a lot more than wolf boy.
  13. So every time it's the same thing? It COULD be decided on map or decided at game start but pretty sure every game til now it's decided the moment you level up.
  14. What do you think is the worst child? Because I'm pretty heart set on Camilla at this point... If she could pair with Kedon I would marry her daughter but she can't -.-.
  15. Yeah... Scarlet... Got to A then... Damn shoulda stopped. Whatever, first play through. And I bet that there might be more via DLC. Plus, wasn't planning on marrying her...
  16. Mine has the Wyvern Knight skills. When I get home I shall give you the skills. I was stupid- even though I heard he has dragon blood I thought dragon talent allowed Manakete class -.-
  17. I'm both saddened and happy to hear this. Personally, I got two preorders cancelled (a WalMart and a BestBuy), then camped out in front of Best But and finally got my Special Edition. In my city (San Antonio) both Special and Regular are all sold out pretty much everywhere. This is NOT a bad thing. Let me explain. This is negative as fans can't get it. The fact that I almost lost out on my SE due to scalpers ticks me off. HOWEVER- it also means the games are popular like the topic says. It means we can look forward to more FE's, the studio is making money, we can count on a lot of DLC (must say- DLC seems reasonably priced in FE) etc. This is the most popular I've seen a FE game since I started with FE8- and I'm happy about it.
  18. Ah I see, thank you! So Three Females for Revelation. Hmmm... May choose one of those- marrying a kid leaves a bad taste in my mouth no matter the age. Need to get going, Chapter 18 and no kids means soon they can't catch up. I even broke my no grind rule and have been scouting to bring up some of the lower levels, my goal is EVERYONE 20/20. Do that once per game, subsequent play throughs are more for fun. Thank you again Cocoa, you seem to know a lot!
  19. Eh one other thing. What are these Corrinsexual people?
  20. I was scared of that. Due to her XP growths I actually thought she was a base class, and super maid or something would be the promoted. Ah well, she's basically a healer Jeigan then. Live and learn. Thank you for the info! Ah gotcha. Well I guess I shall marry neither Camilla or Felicia them. I think Kaden's daughter looks kinda cute, I wonder what her personality will be like though. (I've tried to go spoiler free besides pics.) Thanks for the info!
  21. Heh, reminds me of my angriest moment. FE8, enemy had around 20% chance to hit, 1% chance to critical. Even less because of how RNG was calculated. This was near the end of the chapter before the chapter before Formotis. Freaking guy does both, lose Amelia. Restart -.-
  22. This. When instarted with FE8, and every US game til Awakening, I was cautious. Then I got casual mode. On my yearly replays of FE8 I notice how much worse I am now as I am used to Casual mode- this isn't a bad thing in FE14- in fact I still use it. I just don't sacrifice units on purpose, casual mode means I don't reset every unit loss and changes nothing else. By doing harder difficulties with it I can be challenged whilst not sweating that if I lose a unit I must restart.
  23. I have few problems choosing Nohr, though I only did one chapter and switched to Revelations. Simply put- those guys raised the MC. I began to feel really crappy about Conquest, however, after the Queen died. Up to that point I was all for it. Takumi had reinforced my choice- be a jerk to me I understand but don't be a jerk to Azura. Up to that point the Nohrians (besides King Jerkface and Hans) had seemed cool- so did Hinoka and Sakura. But when the queen died... And I realized how I truly liked 2/4 Hoshido siblings... That's why I changed my mind about Conquest and just started with Revelations.
  24. Copied as I accidentally put this in the wrong thread- And also, I'm playing Revelations. One question: I have a Male MU. I heard somewhere a LONG time ago that if there was a Male MU there would be to many males and not enough females for all kids. Is this true? I honestly haven't counted and am expecting to get more units for more kids. Around Chapter 18 and haven't married anyone, though a lot of people are read to go from A->S (including me with Camilla, Felicia, and Elisse- though Elisse only because I was trying to quick level her.)
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