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Posts posted by Kakeyo

  1. Honestly, relationships between cousins never really bothered me, so the two of the being cousins doesn't bother me as well.

    Japan doesn't have a problem with cousin relationships as well, which is probably why the writers didn't mind making Azura and Corrin cousins.

    But you know, when did cousin relationships started being considered taboo?

    I wasn't like that before.

    But people these days seem to think it's disgusting, especially in the USA.

    Actually, why people in the USA are so against relationship between in the first place?

    Did some scanal happened there? I'm genuinely curious.

    Like I said before, I wasn't always like this.

    18 states in the USA allow first cousin marriages (including California, Florida and New York, some of the highest population states [Cal = 40 mill, Flor = 20 mill, NY = 20 mill]).

    However, since the USA allows for states to determine much of their own legislature (instead of all laws coming straight from the federal end) some states have criminal charges attached to marrying your first cousin (including Texas which has 27 million people all its lonesome).

    The USA has a long and storied history with some states accepting some practices while other states outright condemn it (mostly divided by north and south, or "coastal states" versus "inner states"), which is why some Americans will balk at the idea of two cousins marrying (and even get very angry at the idea) while other Americans won't care.

    Lastly, the USA is also known for its more prudish attitudes toward sex (when compared to European and Asian 1st world countries) most likely due to the fact that the USA was founded by many groups of devote faith. The stigma surrounding sex (typically seen in religious doctrines and writings) has thus translated into the American popular culture. The USA is okay with graphic violence, but the thought of side-boob is offensive and demeaning, apparently.

    Which leads back to the cousin marriage issue. A lot of Americans aren't comfortable openly discussing sex, so some will be uncomfortable with anything outside the "normal" no matter the details (two consenting adults, etc.).

    Overall, the USA is a huge place. Lots of Americans don't care. There are some who will be vocal about their distaste, but the country really does have two conscious halves when concerning matters such as this. >.>

  2. Edit: Crap, I read that wrong. Are you talking about the unused petting game voices or the voices that are used in My Room? Because the unused petting game voices are in there.

    I was talking about the unused petting game voices.

    Thank you for posting the link and organizing this and whatnot! I've been curious about those voice clips ever since people posted Silas's. xD

  3. More supports for the royals.

    I would personally love to see:

    Saizo x Elise

    Laslow x Hinoka

    Niles x Sakura

    Odin x Sakura

    Charlotte x Ryoma

    Nyx x Takumi

    I've also become a huge fan of Saizo, just in general, and would have liked to see him with a few more Nohr supports.

    Saizo x Odin (would be funny)

    Saizo x Niles

    Saizo x Gunter

    Also, I agree with someone else's post - aunt/uncle supports would have been amazing. Especially Elise and Forrest.

  4. Awesome! I always love these topics. :3

    [spoiler=Elise's Son]

    Name: Lance

    Class: Outlaw (High growth in magic, speed and resistance -- meant to become an adventurer)

    Personal Skill: Carefree - First debuff effect each round is ignored.

    Description: Elise's son raised in the Deeprealms. Lance is extremely laidback and doesn't much care for responsibility. As the son of the fourth royal he believes he'll never need to lead anyone. Despite his slacker attitude he has a heart of gold and especially hates anyone that picks on kids. Is the most sarcastic.

  5. Kaze didn't care about it because he didn't knew about the full circumstances. Also, Saizo is freaking Big Brother (as in, the monitor system from 1984) in his supports with Corn.

    Kaze and Sazo are the same age - if Saizo knows, its because he cared to find out. Kaze didn't know because he didn't care to follow up. It's just less interesting.

    Big Brother? I mean, all supports are super short (so this is a complaint to the system rather than this support) but Saizo watched Corn for like an hour, helped him move some boxes and then decided he was cool. Big Brother he is not. xD

  6. Gameplay wise: Saizo. As a Dread Fighter he is beast. His resistance goes through the roof, his strength is amazing and even if his speed is middling (not even bad) his shuriken debuffing and one hit OK in the form of lethality (that procs fairly often) more than makes up for it.

    Even as a Dread Fighter, Kaze is weak (strength, I mean). Additionally, I've played the game 4 times now (conquest twice, Hoshido once, Revelations once) and each and every time he is a fragile unit.

    Kagero has Kaze's problem only worse. She hits hard, but her HP is super-duper low, only matched by her defense. She makes a great glass cannon, even as a Dread Fighter.

    Character wise: Saizo. He's an unmitigated badass and has more character development than half the royals, I kid you not. His father was killed by enemy ninja, he feels responsible for avenging him, he has a past lover, lived in a tiny mountain village growing up and likes down-to-earth things, is sarcastic by fiercely loyal, puts duty over his own life, wants to carry on his line, hates himself for failure but never gives up, and so on. His support conversations aren't the same thing rehashed--they're different, show a different side of him and overall make him a good character.

    Kaze is a nice guy. His supports show some of his back story, but they're very lackluster when compared to his twin, Saizo. His father was killed, but apparently he doesn't care. He knows how to peel potatoes. He never had a liege and vaguely blames himself for Corrin's kidnapping. Is easily fooled by people like Charlotte and apparently is oblivious to simple social ques. Just... a nice guy. The white bread of ninjas, if you will. Nothing wrong with him, but nothing to really latch on to either, in my opinion.

    Kagero is weird. Her character is all over the place. She's always kidnapped, no matter the route you take, despite being an awesome ninja and retainer to Ryoma. That and she draws weird demon-babies on her downtime. Even though she doesn't really want to draw demon-babies... She's not overly dedicated to her job (though she does it well) and generally feels alone. She's rockin' a huge rack for some reason (but all the ninjas are! *dun dun chish*). Overall, she's the least developed and seems kinda out of place.

    Overall: Saizo. He's cool, his unit is useful and I wish Kaze had been replaced by him as the ninja that follows you no matter what. Kagero comes in dead last.

  7. I'd say that the lack of unique endings is far more than a nitpick; it's supposed to make the players feel like they have done well by hearing how the characters and certain pairings fared after the war, yet it's all the same and, like mentioned numerous times, often contradictory, which robs the player of a feeling of accomplishment. That's far worse than a little nitpick.

    But hey, maybe I'm just nitpicking what nitpicking means.

    Haha, maybe. Those endings are kinda only there for a few seconds at the end as nothing but 3-5 lines of text. They felt minor (in this game) so I guess I was counting this complaint as a nitpick because of it. >.>

  8. Some things everyone have mentioned (so I won't explain) but just say it really irritates me:

    - No unique weapon icons.

    - Male Corrin losing a child if he marries one of the 1st gen women.

    - Yukimura not in Rev.

    - E rank weapons being the sh*ttest things ever (and being forced to grind with them).

    Some thing I want to elaborate on:

    Romantic support conversations.

    Why can't a male and a female have a platonic support conversation anymore? In other games it didn't always end in marriage... Some characters don't even make sense for getting married - but they make perfect sense for being friends! (Big example: Niles x Azura - that made for a good friendship, not lovers).

    Additionally, some of these romances come out of left field at 'S' rank. (Big example: Saizo x Hinoka - letter delivery = great foreplay?)

    Battle supports.

    Supports have always had a funny edge about them, but some tied to the very story. This happened because you had the supports on the battle map, meaning you could talk about certain events that just took place. There are tons of world-shattering events in this game (and a whole host of personal world shattering events) that go uncommented on by important members of the team.

    You're allowed to talk to Chrom and company on the DLC map - why not implement that on other maps? Like talking to Felicia on the Ice Tribe map, or the Hoshido siblings on the map with their father? Or literary anyone after the jump into the magical kingdom between kingdoms? No one has anything to say about that? I mean, outside of "I just trust Corrin, you guys".

    No unique mother supports.

    Some mother supports are silly considering the parent. Would it really have been that hard to write up different scenarios for each woman? Hell, I'll work for free. I'll write up a hundred different short stories if you'll add them to game to make it feel more complete.

    No mention of significant deaths outside the battle map.

    After Flora dies no one gives a damn in the MyCastle segment. They don't even mention it. Same with Scarlet. The list goes on. It's a nitpick but I really wanted someone to say something regarding any of the major personal blows, but nothing.

    Spouse has no role in story/outcome of story.

    I already made a thread about this but... Why does your spouse not matter at all? At the end of Conquest Leo doesn't care Azura died, despite being married with two kids. Same with Takumi on Birthright. They both are like "Well, she was like a fart on the wind I suppose". Fantastic husbands.

    I mean, some significant stuff happens to the MU - you'd think their spouse would be there to support them or at least comment on the things in their life. Would it really have been that hard to add a few lines of dialogue to huge story moments to account for your significant other?

    No unique endings.

    All the endings are genetic - some even contradict each other (Elise leaving with Odin, yet in Effie's end she mentions how she says friends with Elise for the rest of her life). Again... maybe they just need more writers at IS? I'd be more than happy to write out unique things for and every pair. Were they strapped for time? It just makes the ending feel... weak. Especially after you've beaten the game just once.

  9. Grisly Wound is locked to anyone who can become a Wolfskin, Kitsune, or their promoted forms (Kaden, Keaton, Selkie, Velouria, as well as Kana if the Avatar marries any of them, or Shigure, if Azura marries Kaden or Keaton). Those 4 characters you listed are incapable of having Grisly Wound as a result.

    ... And aptitude can only be on Mozu or her children. >.>

    (Hacked skills spread like the plague)

  10. Gunter: Impotent. Older than your dad.

    Jacob: Dick to your friends. Abusive father.

    Kaze: Terrible at naming children.

    Izana: More feminine than you. Can't defend against invaders.

    Marx: Loves Garon more than you.

    Keaton: Bestiality. Will fill your home with garbage.

    Tsubaki: Already perfect. Without you.

    Seigbert: Embarrassing haircut. Not his dad.

    Ignatius: Weak-willed coward. Won't protect you.

    M!Kana: Why don't you take a seat over there.

    Shigure: Bad at football. Pretends to be a Disney princess.

    Saizo: Suicidal. No depth perception.

    Hinata: Worst Samurai. Already married to Naruto.

    Kaden: Bestiality. Loves himself more than you.

    Ryoma: Most boring brother. Discount Walhart armor.

    Shiro: Dies when he's killed in his join chapter.

    Kiragi: Enjoys hunting more than spending time with you.

    Hisame: Pickled his dick.


    Hisame's is perfect.

  11. Here are my strats for Ryoma:

    - Start by walking left for the Dragon Vein. Give all stat boosts to Kagero (all throughout the map, except for magic - give that to Saizo). Trade Saizo's star to Kagero (she's your buffer).

    - Use the dragon vein and walk your duplicates closer to Camilla.

    - Use attack stance to kill Beruka - (have non-duplicates get closer, but won't be close enough to attack).

    - Camilla will attack (most likely Kagero) but shouldn't kill.

    - Kill Camilla and Selena with six unit attack stance.

    - Arthur and Subaki will arrive (from the north and south respectively). Two units can kill Subaki, other four can kill Arthur (use Saizo's star to get str buffs when you can)

    - Kill Effie with sting shuriken (should only take one, but maybe attack stance depending on your luck)

    - Kill Sakura and Elise (Sakura with a bow is easy - make sure to kill Elise with a single blow or with attack stance)

    - You should be closer to Takumi than Leo at this point - he'll move down and it should be easy to kill him with six units verse his three.

    - Leo will arrive the next round. Pair Ryoma up with Saizo and have him lure.

    - Kill Leo, back up so that you're out of range of Niles/Odin.

    - They walk up, easy kill with attack stance.

    - Hinoka should have started moving. Walk toward her while healing/using stat stuff on Kagero.

    - Azama will lag behind - kill Hinoka while he out of range and make sure to kill Setsuna afterward (should be easy with six attack stance people).

    - Azama is a pushover afterward.

    - Walk up to the edge of Xander's range.

    - Use dragon vein and move all your people as close as possible while frozen.

    - Kill Pieri first using the sting shuriken.

    - Allow Xander to attack you (don't engage him! he deals too much damage on the counter) He'll deal a lot of damage but shouldn't kill (as long as you're at full HP, using shell horn and he doesn't crit - even if someone dies [he usually attacks Saizo] you can still easily win with four])

    - Have Ryoma attack stance with himself and kill Xander.

    - Have other Ryoma kill Laslow (after buffs from Kagero)

    End - victory!

    This exact strategy has worked for me over three times now (I love them Dread Scrolls). I'm on lunatic difficulty (I'm not sure if that makes a difference) and the only thing that throws me for a loop is crits (which you can't really plan for). Hopefully you guys found this helpful!

  12. Stat boosters are only gotten the first time you clear with the character

    Hoshidan Sibling - Dread Scroll (Dread FIghter)

    Ryoma - Energy Drop (Strength)

    Hinoka - Speedwing (Speed)

    Takumi - Secret Book (Skill)

    Sakura - Seraph Robe (HP)

    Nohr Sibling - Ebon Wing (Dark Flier)

    Xander - Dracoshield (Defense)

    Camilla - Talisman (Resistance)

    Leo - Spirit Dust (Magic)

    Elise - Goddess Icon (Luck)

    Really useful - thank you. :3

  13. Design wise: Kitsune. I like their attack animations and high-energy personalities. The wolfskins, on the other hand, have a bizarre fetish for garbage that I don't understand and don't care for. It's like Gaius and his f*cking mental disorder for candy, only this time it's aimed at something disgusting.

    Gameplay wise: Kitsune. I like the high dodge. I play more sweeper than tanky so even though the wolfskin is awesome in the stat category, I just never used them much.

    As a random side-note, I love the character models for the lower-tier classes of both the kitsune and the worlfskin (including the closed eye, japanese style of the wolfskin face) but I dislike the advanced class designs. The tail on the nine-tails looks... silly... an the horn on the advanced wolfskin is a bizarre choice.

  14. Never saw this for Awakening, but it looks fun!

    Eldritch Knight (Spears, Magic)

    Warriors who've mastered heavy arcane armor. Wields both spears and tomes.

    Solo class (lv.40)


    Level 1: Hunker Down: Next turn x1.5 defense and resistance, no movement, 1/2 speed.

    Level 10: Rune Armor: Cannot be affected by enemy staffs.

    Level 25: Anti-Magic: All damage from the same tome as equipped is nullified.

    Level 35: Magic Absorption: Mag/Str/Skill +1 each time the unit is struck with magic (max of 10).

    HP str mag skl spd lck def res mov

    Base stats:

    20 3 3 7 3 3 8 10 5

    Max stats:

    65 30 32 32 23 25 30 35 5 (Tomes A) (Spears B)

    Growth rates:

    15 10 15 15 5 5 20 20

    Pair Up stats:

    2 2 3 3

  15. I ran through the whole map with Dread Fight Saizo. He opened all the doors, got all the chests, avoided all the guards, etc.

    The trap goes off at the end leaving him at 1 HP (and no one else, because they were at the beginning - apparently it doesn't hit the whole map).

    Saizo has vantage + lethality + rend heaven. Everyone that attacked him died in a spectacular way.

    I then walked my units up, opened the other door, and killed Mikoto.

    I can't recommend Saizo more if I tried. That guy is an unstoppable beast. >.>

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