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Status Updates posted by Tragonight

  1. First day of school, junior year. It started earlier than it did last year.

  2. I finally got Fire Emblem Fates - Birthright and a New 3DS XL. I'll get Conquest and Revelations eventually, the bundle was too hard to get a hold of. Not going to start Fates just yet.

  3. School's over now. It's sad, I'm actually going to miss it.

  4. Happy birthday!

    1. Anacybele


      Thank you, Trago. ^^

  5. Happy birthday!

  6. No more time to camp around on this site. Never thought I'd see the day.

  7. Today marks the beginning of a new school year.

  8. I survived band camp! Feels good to be alive.

    1. Yari


      Welcome back then!

  9. Going away to band camp until August 24th. Might pop in occasionally during lunch / dinner breaks if I have time.

    1. Avarice Shadow
    2. Yari


      Have fun! I won't miss you!

  10. I hate accidentally going on people's profiles when I'm on mobile.

    1. Blitz


      it's not that bad, right?

    2. Tragonight


      Well, I don't intentionally stalk people...

    3. Blitz


      no one said you had to be stalking and I am pretty sure most people won't take it that way anyways

  11. Hey, want to play some Smash?

    1. Sentacotus


      Wish I could I don't have wifi right now *sad face*

    2. Tragonight


      Oh. Well, I already added you, so tell me the next time you get on your Wii U.

    3. Sentacotus


      Will do and when I get online I'll add ya back.

  12. Happy birthday!

  13. Hey, do you play Smash?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tragonight
    3. Tragonight


      Hold on, my Wii U is having problems. Sorry about that.

      GGs. Want to play more in like 5 minutes?

    4. IceBrand


      Ggs, dude. I'm getting pretty sleepy. Maybe tomorrow.

  14. Hey, do you play Smash U?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tragonight


      Can you add me? I'm not at home right now but we can probably play some other time.

      NNID: TragoKnight

    3. Tragonight


      I have a question. Why does my profile have no views despite having latest visitors?

    4. Blitz


      I think the profile view counter is busted. A few people (I have been stalking) didn't get theirs increased for a while

  15. Hey, do you play Super Smash Bros. 4 (Wii U) ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tragonight


      Same, but can you add me when you have time? My NNID is TragoKnight.

      I'm not that good, but I play for fun and I'm looking to get better too. :) No items and Omega stages only though.

    3. Anacybele


      Oh, sorry... I don't like playing only Omega stages since they're basically Final Destination, which I find to be a horrible and boring stage.

    4. Tragonight


      Do you play with items off?

      What stages do you play on?

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