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Everything posted by shroudening

  1. happy new year you nerds. things i have done this year so far: - buy carrots - eat carrots - gacha see you in 2019 i guess
  2. All you virgin cartoon fans wouldn't know a true chad animation if it hit you in the face and inadvertently caused your deaths.
  3. photobucket deserves to die a slow and painful death tbh sick of seeing all these please update your account images ffs
  4. Not an easy task by any means. Trying to pick out single characters from trails and tales in particular was quite the challenge. Arche Klein (Tales of Phantasia), Melia (Xenoblade Chronicles), Samus Aran (Metroid Fusion), Niko (OneShot), Wazy Hemisphere (Zero no Kiseki), Nikaido Tadashi (Devil Survivor), Shinjiro Aragaki (Persona 3), Felix (Golden Sun), Miror B (Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness)
  5. Yes. It was in 2007. I was being annoying and immature on that specific forum, and so they searched for an excuse to ban me. Uh... Happy 10th banniversary?
  6. 54. For this particular job, I'm done with the phone interview phase and I'm waiting to hear back on whether they want to proceed to the on-site interview. Depending on how good or bad my performance was, I could already be done, or I could be taking a trip to Boston. As usual, I panicked during the coding parts of the phone interview, though I managed to get through it in one piece. Overall, it went a lot better than my last phone interview, which was basically two software engineers firing lots of technical questions at me for things that didn't seem relevant to the position I was applying for. Never got any response after that and my self-esteem took a pretty bad hit from the whole ordeal. 55. Well, like any country, it has it's perks and problems. Aside from the obvious interest in Japanese media, I'm very interested in martial arts. I used to practice shorin ryu when I was younger, and getting into kendo has revived that interest quite a bit. I also really like the history of East and South Asia in particular, and Japan... hopefully I'll someday muster up enough motivation to start rereading some of my tomes from college. But I think the thing that interests me the most about Japan right now is its passion surrounding robotics. The field has a very different atmosphere compared to robotics in the U.S. Far more peaceful, quirky, maybe not always entirely practical but absolutely overflowing with creativity. I'll stop there to avoid overgeneralizing. 56. Yeah, no question 56? You thought I wouldn't notice!? Too bad for you! 57/58. Hmm... I don't really have a strong feeling on whether guys or girls should have long or short hair, if that's what this question is about. I do have some pet peeves for guys' hairstyles though. "Man buns" and super short hair like buzz cuts are just bad taste imo.
  7. your welcome tonton your welcome tonton
  8. brought to you by NIS America 11/10 avy btw tonton
  9. and I'm now posting on the forums what has the world come to?
  10. ....curses! Olivier appreciation thread?
  11. ....curses! Olivier appreciation thread?
  12. How do I say this discretely... you seem to have reasonably high core strength, and lots of compatible openings. Just remember to cool off every once in awhile, son. 1. I don't eat too much of either due to celiac disease, but when I do occasionally get something gluten free, cheesecake would be my pick. Google tells me it's technically a pie despite being called a cake, so pie I guess. 2. Shiba. They cute, although I don't think I could really take care of a pet anytime in the near future. 3. Melee. Nothing beats Super Mario 64 in my book. 4. Chain Chomp. 5. Actually, if anything I've digressed within the past year. I've been kinda stuck since graduating college. My final semester was a total burnout, and going back to live with my family while most of my friends already had jobs was... not so appealing. It was certainly worthwhile for me to rest and recharge, but hasn't really given me any means to grow as a person per se. XXIX. From Olivier's perspective, it is impossible to flirt with anyone and everyone when the conversation goes serious. XXX. My kendo bias leads me to answer samurai. Both are very interesting from a historical perspective. XXXI. Dragon XXXII. I think erring on the side of honesty is typically for the better, though I do see the benefits of telling white lies for the sake of comforting someone. If someone's dealing with emotional pain, harsh truths are just going to make them feel worse. XXXIII. I haven't seen a Disney movie in many years, though I hardly watch movies anymore in any capacity. Definitely not my thing anymore. XXXIV. Doesn't really matter to me all that much, but I think I prefer silly over serious. For more details, please see signature.
  13. 54. Melancholy. My least favorite right now is probably ostensibly, because one of my good friends uses it way too often in conversation. 55. Circumambulate 56. I'm gonna cheat here and give you a favorite phrase instead: 頭が痛い 57. When I'm actually on a decent sleep schedule, night person. 58. Weight lifting, though I haven't done much of it since graduation. Also pixel art, composing music, and playing the piano.
  14. 18. In the year 20XX at an international melee tournament. We will be matched up in losers quarter finals. Prepare yourself. 19. I alternate between side and back. 20. You can call me 血染めのシャーリィ. 21. I took some of it. Other things like references are typically omitted around here. 22. I actually have some background in kendo and fencing from college, so katana or rapier would make sense. Though if we're considering unrealistic fantasy weapons, I'd probably be in the Vander school.
  15. 49. Celiac's cause gluten free is a huge P.I.T.A. 50. I'm of the impression that a lot of people really dislike her. I'm not one of those people, but I do feel she's a bit boring. 51. It's interesting. Definitely doesn't play like the first two games in the arc. I get the impression that I'm going to really have to rely on the new mechanics to get through hard mode, which is probably to be expected. 52. Not really. 53. S̵̷̡̥̘͉ͨ̓̾̌͐̍̾ͭ͛̒̌̐ͮ͊͐͂ͮ͟͝ͅͅ ̸̨̢̳̥̟̜̰͕̻̭̺͈̃̌̌͒ͣ͂ͥ̈́̅̎̏͂̇͝T͔̤̞̲͔̲͚̤̯͙̘̞͛ͫ̎ͭ̌ͩ̊̓̇͘͘͟ͅ ̵̩̹̺̺̣̜͕̺̺̖͈̎ͦ͐͑̓ͥ̽ͨ̒́̕͘͝U̧̜͚̮͇̗̣͇̜̻̩̣͖̪̪͕̲̯͋͌̉̉ͬ̒̒͑̇ͦ͆ͫ̉̿͒̔ͪ̀͂͡ ̵͙̱̦̼̯̘̗̗̘̫̲̪͚͖͓͉̳͈̜̔͛̑͑͊̋̊̓͝F̢̔ͭ̑̈͊͌͏̯̗̝̳͈̦̘̭͢͡ͅ ̧̗̟͇̰̞͈̲̩̝̜͕͂ͨ͑ͨ͒̂͒̔̿̓ͫ̉͜͡ͅF̸ͧ̾̄̽̒҉̀͏͍͕̞̲̻̻͖̗ XXII. Kwality with a capital K. XXIII. Western. XXIV. Broadsword, though Katana is a close second for me. XXV. No, but I've never really put much thought or effort into solving one. I'd rather solve one first before looking up the algorithm. XXVI. Hoenn. My first gen, has some of my favorite starter lines and legendaries, and I actually liked the fact that there was a large focus on land and sea. Still haven't started ORAS though. XXVII. Corrin. I find him more annoying to play against and we really didn't need 6 FE reps. I was really pleased about Roy returning regardless, and characters like Ryu, Bayo and Cloud were far more DLC worthy in my opinion. XXVIII. Eastern, but it's by no means an exclusive preference for me.
  16. Pseudoscience 43. It's always hard for me to tell if something's working, but lately I've been feeling mostly okay, so perhaps. These medications aren't miracle workers, but if they can let help stabilize my mood enough to carry on with daily activities, that's all I can really ask for. 44. Whale. Isn't that ironic. 45. Bottled. If you've got boiled water, you might as well make tea or something. 46. I like both. I've never owned either though. If I had to choose, probably go with a dog. 47. Tea. I don't drink coffee at all. 48. As of now, earl grey and genmaicha. The latter is green tea mixed with roasted brown rice, and it tastes great. I have a few varieties of oolong that I really like too.
  17. 36. I've tried Zoloft a few times to no noticeable effect, now I'm trying Wellbutrin XL. 37. Neuroscience for weaklings. 38. Costume characters in Akatsuki 39. If I can guarantee that it's gluten free, I'll probably give it a try. Unless it's cooked vegetables... get those away from me. 40. Either imprisoned by superintelligent AI that I helped create, or at some university somewhere getting a degree in something. 41. No, no, no, no, no. 42. They're either wonderful or little devils. There's no in between as far as I'm concerned. I was most certainly the latter.
  18. XV. Suburban XVI. Looking to move into the city as soon as I can find a job. Not a big fan of driving. XVII. Somewhere between pessimist and nihilist. XVIII. Cold. Unless we're talking tea. Then hot. XIX. I did quite a lot of small lake fishing as a kid, and I've tried and failed at fly fishing. Not something I really feel like doing again, but maybe I will someday. XX. Time and Darkness hands down. But Red and Blue were great in their own right too. I actually haven't played the others. XXI. Haxorus. I was initially very hostile towards the 5th generation's dex, but Haxorus was a huge plus for me. He's cool and badass and that's pretty much all I care about when it comes to Pokemon.
  19. 31. Orange Juice 32. Honestly, I don't know. I suppose someone similar in height and stature to myself, and with a personality that wouldn't drive either of us insane. I think that narrows it down a lot though. Similar hobbies or interests would be a huge plus. 33. I am an oddball with oddball friends. The only things I ask for in a friendship are tolerance for weirdness (within reason), some form of common interest, and being willing to support one another. 34. I live in it. It doesn't bother me very much in general, aside from the rare case in which I have to drive through it. It's not something I particularly like either, but perhaps I'd miss it if I ended up moving south? I do actually appreciate winter for the lack of allergies and bugs, for what it's worth. 35. Sleeveless t-shirt, black jeans, outdoor sandals. Simple and comfy. 1. You da man. But if you play Sen III before finishing Crossbell, we're gonna have problems, buster! 2. As soon as you set up PM netplay. 3. Submitted. Thanks mom. 4. Every weekend. 5. Ruins of Lemuria from Golden Sun: The Lost Age. The track perfectly captures the feel of an advanced civilization stuck in time. If feels heavenly, but full of melancholy, and is very befitting of what one could call an eroding paradise. One of the first songs I learned to play when I first picked up the piano. 1. Impulsive, Peculiar, Disorganized 2. Success should be measured by the beauty of both the journey and the result! A dishonest 'win' is not a real success in my eyes. On the flipside, a graceful fall can be a charming thing in its own right, if you don't let it defeat you and you keep trying. Here, look at this great quote from Confucius I just pulled off the internet, "Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall". We only truly fail when we give up on an ambition or dream, and even when we do succeed, that is not a reason to stop either. I have no clue what I'm talking about anymore... 3. I have every fear in the book! Fear of intimacy, fear of rejection, fear of car accidents, fear of getting pulled over, fear of falling, fear of people or things breaking into my living space with malicious intent, fear that we are all slowly killing ourselves with pollution beyond a feasible point of return, et cetera, et cetera. Fear of not finding a job soon and drowning in loan debt is a pretty big one right now. 4. Plenty. I have a natural tendency of breaking out of a lot of the norms around here. I grew my hair out in college for one, and my parents hated that decision and resisted it every step of the way. Most gender specific norms tend to bother me in varying degrees. 5. Time. I think of time as a currency that you're always spending, and you can never get back once it's gone. You can get more money, but you'll have to put in the time. Wasting my time is probably the easiest way to get on my nerves aside from directly insults. 6. Hmmm... Can't say I'll never do one again, but I don't really like amusement park rides with high drops very much. It's not actually the height itself that bothers me, but the feeling of weightlessness has always been unsettling. What I can say for sure is that I will never go for things like bungee jumping, skydiving, etc. I am not really a thrill seeker, at least not in this way. 7. Introvert. I have always been very shy. 8. Being out of college is nice. I'm glad I decided to take some time off from school and work to recover from burnout. I have no real responsibilities at the moment, though I will soon. 9. Challenges are like a craving for me. Consequently, I tend to take on a lot more than I can chew, and I find myself in very difficult situations. So lately I've been trying to make my life as easy as possible. At least until I feel ready to take on more stress. 10. Way into the futuuuuuuuuure! Preferably to the end of humanity. Do we kill ourselves in nuclear war? Do we slowly die off due to lack of resources? Do we somehow last long enough to see our Sun's demise? Do we go total Sci-Fi and start colonizing on new planets? I'm genuinely curious. 11. Smoking near me, click bait on the internet, forum spam, passive aggressive behaviors, phones ringing in class or during meetings, PDA, people not cleaning up after themselves in public spaces. 1. Not right now, but during my first three years of college I biked all over campus. 2. Mystery, Holy War, Binding Blade, Sealed Sword, Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery, Awakening, and half of Conquest. Thracia, Echoes, and the TearRing Saga games are on my to do list. 3. Holy War and Radiant dawn are more or less tied for me. I realize that Radiant Dawn's kinda a weird one, and I do agree that Holy War is a better game in general, but Radiant Dawn was actually my first Fire Emblem game and it's what got ime into the series. As for Holy War though, I found the mechanics incredibly fascinating. It managed to hold true to the things that make Fire Emblem what it is, while also being entirely its own game. The generation system was novel, and it's partly to blame for why I really didn't like the generation systems in Awakening and Fates. I also think it had one of the more compelling stories. 4. I'm always interested in learning new languages, but I think it's better that I stick out Japanese. I almost took Korean during my final semester of college (alongside Japanese), and I think I made the right choice by passing it up. Knowing some spanish could be useful in general, but I don't see it really advancing me in any way career wise.
  20. Articulating why I like something has never been particularly easy for me, but here we go. 26. Some of my reasons spoil the events that happen in Sky FC and SC, but putting those aside, Olivier is an eccentric foreigner that always seems to be getting into trouble or causing a stir wherever he goes. As a member of Estelle's party, he sometimes serves as comic relief, but also as the kind of character who is incredibly good a lightening up the mood in a tense situation. He's the kind of character who joins your party cause he thinks it will be fun, suggests sneaking into the enemy's base cause thinks it will be fun, and pretty much does everything he does in Liberl purely on a whim. Despite his usual antics, he also has a noble ideal that he pursues, and occasionally he shows a more serious side when necessary. He somehow manages to convey a strong sense of purpose while also giving the impression that he's just screwing around. All of these things, in addition to his theatrical personality and bizarre sense of humor at times... Well, I could probably go on and on. 27. Wazy is cool. He pretty much never misses a beat in that regards. His sense of humor seems polar opposite to Olivier's, at least in the sense that he enjoys making people feel uncomfortable subtly rather than being all showy and dramatic like Olivier. He's the kind of person who you'll find in the most unexpected of places (I'm thinking Zero, end of chapter 3 in particular). Light-hearted like Olivier, but far more nonchalant and never the butt of a joke. His sense of style is impressively unique, and he has a big burly Morpheus looking character as his subordinate. 28. You know, since starting college I haven't picked up a good fiction book. That seems to be a tendency for a lot of people, but it's been a while and I'm hoping to get back into it eventually. It's hard to say what kind of genres I like at this point, but most likely Science Fiction, Historical Fiction and probably Psychological Thriller as well. Basically the same genres I like in other forms of media. 29. I actually don't watch a lot of TV in general, though I've been watching a lot of Xavier: Renegade Angel lately and I find that it's right up my alley in terms of bizarreness. I think I may like King of the Hill unironically too. 30. Yes, at least the stuff I can eat. Soy sauce is typically made with wheat, which causes a lot of problems when I try to eat out. How'd this get out of order. 12. Please, you're going to show me all the good spots to get tea, of course. 13. I'm sure this applies to all second languages, but take classes if you can. A lot of aspects of language learning are a lot harder to grasp outside of the classroom, plus that sort of setting gives you a well-defined study schedule, actual pressure to succeed with exams, study partners, and lots of listening exposure (hopefully). One of the things my department did was hold gatherings once a week in one of my school's dining halls, where students and faculty in the department would converse only in Japanese. Absolutely terrifying for the first year, but it gets a lot better as you get used to it. Bottom line is it's a lot more fun and effective this way, not to say that self-studying is physically impossible but you're making your life a lot harder than it has to be. I couldn't have gotten this far without taking classes, but that's just me. Now that I'm out of college, I'm not really sure how to proceed quite frankly. I still have at least a years worth of undergraduate level courses that I could take, but whether I'll find that right opportunity will depend on where I go and what I end up doing.. Plus, it's a lot harder for me to find those study abroad opportunities now that I'm graduated. Jump on those opportunities if you find them. 14. I'm tired and my head hurts. 15. It's cool. 16. I do love unwarranted attention. 17. Knack 13. Being happy is way too mainstream, homeboy. 14. I have nothing to say about him because he is nothing to me, homes. 15. Buy a really nice 3D Printer, lots of mechanical parts, and build something cool. Hopefully functional too, dawg. 16. I have a running joke offline that the day I step foot at a car dealership for the first time, I'm going to tell the dealer that "I want a red one". Honestly, I hate driving, don't want anything to do with car maintenance, and I also hate being aware of all the pollution we cause on a daily basis yet not being able to stop because my livelihood depends on it. The ideal situation for me is an environment where I can get to most places by walking, biking, or public transit. If I have to buy a car, I at least hope I can afford something fuel efficient and reasonably safe. Brand does not matter in the slightest... brotato chip. 17. No, my nizzle. 18. something cool, dog To understand recursion, you must first understand recursion, dog. 19. I cannot get into superheroes for the love of me. I suppose a big part of it lies in my childhood. I never read comics, so the nostalgia's just not there for me, bud. 20. Cheese, but preferably both, brah. Same. My Latin experience was online, and I learned a lot less than I would have in an actual class. The only thing I can remember now is "Cornelia est puella Romana", which is presumably the first sentence in Ecce Romani. But honestly, I hated all the conjugations and declensions, so it was fun while it lasted, but I'd never go back. Plus, studying abroad in the Roman Empire is kinda hard nowadays. VIII. Fall is really nice around here. Winters suck and Spring and Summer are okay. IX. From the one test I took a while back, INTP. I agree with it to some degree, but I don't believe it tells the full story in my case. I think I could definitely fit in the INFP category too. It really depends on the situation. X. I try to remember at all times that in a grand sense, to live at all means to die in vain. In that sense, I see a lot of religious concepts (afterlife especially) as a sort of wishful thinking that escapes that harsh reality. It seems like a lot of people believe that there must be some overarching purpose to all life, but I don't see the logic in that. Rather, I seek to create my own meaning in life, and not let that be decided for me. I try not to let the tiny details bother me so much, but being the perfectionist I am, I tend to anyway. XI. Not really. My first game was Phantom Hourglass, which I loved. I've since then started and never finished Ocarina of Time, Windwaker, and Spirit Tracks. Usually I get stuck on some dungeon, put the game down and then never pick it back up. XII. Still a huge Pokemon fan. I still buy all the main games (though I'm starting to get a backlog now). I do miss the days of the Colosseum games and the old Mystery Dungeon spinoffs, but I do feel like it's still a strong series despite its very lengthy history. Never really was a fan of the show, but the adventures manga is pretty sweet. XIII. Brawl, but by that I really mean Project M. PM Ike is incredibly fun. XIV. I voted Isaac from Golden Sun in the character poll. I really, really wanted to see Isaac badly. The number of swordsman doesn't bother me as much as it might other people, plus he had a lot of potential with other weapons and psynergy too. Absolutely could have been a unique fighter rather than a clone. Anyway, that's never going to happen now, and any character that I'd pick nowadays wouldn't be from a Nintendo IP anyway.
  21. 1. Honestly, I don't log in enough to really know too many people here, but I will say that your username is one of the more familiar ones I've seen. 2. Two of my favorite Trails/Kiseki characters, Olivier and Wazy, both fit that category, as well as Zelos and Raven from the Tales games. That being said, all of these characters also happen to be nefarious pranksters too. They all seem to deeply enjoy teasing with the people around them, or otherwise are constantly trying to lighten up the mood. It's something I can often relate to. 3. Absolutely not. I avoid any flirtatious behavior out of fear mostly. 4. It's not referenced in the Bee Movie script, so I'm gonna say no. 5. If you squint your eyes reeeeeeeally hard, you might find me in the FE4 thread. I'm much more active on the discords nowadays. 6. Smash Bros Melee. I played Roy a lot as a kid (and still do), and was always curious about the series he came from. And when brawl came out I felt the same way about Ike. That's about when I picked up Radiant Dawn, and I went backwards from there. 7. Led to the main site after searching for FE resources, led to the forums after that. 8. I see Mueller Vander and Ike soloing the entire game. It would be glorious!! 9. Wazy. 10. Default answers for me would probably be Roy and Ike. Setting aside the smash characters, my favorite is probably Ares, though I had to really think hard about it. 21. I grew up with Nintendo consoles, and have only somewhat recently started buying PlaySation consoles. The full list would be Nintendo 64, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Advance SP, Gamecube, Wii, DS (dead), DSi, 3DS, **new** 3DS, Wii U, PlayStation 3, PSTV, PS Vita and as of very recent, PlayStation 4. 22. Red. I've been teased offline for being a little too color coordinated in this regard. 23. I started my sophomore year of college, and continued through graduation this May. 6 semesters in total, with the first five going through Nakama 1 and 2, and the final semester starting Tobira. Really wish I had been able to study abroad, but there's no point in regretting it now. 24. You know, it's kinda strange. There are the obvious reasons like understanding anime, manga, JRPG's, etc. But that alone wasn't really enough to convince me to give it a try. I remember at the end of my freshman year I was struggling to find a 4th class that would fit into my schedule. I knew a few friends who were taking it, saw some possible career potential as well perhaps. But probably the biggest reason was just genuine curiosity. I could have continued French or Latin from high school, but I was more interested in trying something outside the European world, and Japanese happened to fit that bill too. Anyway, I decided to try it out for just a semester to see what it would be like... but then I kept going... 25. Dull and boring. I'd love to have a tragic backstory for you, but the truth is just that there is very little interesting about my childhood. Grew up a sheltered life in a white suburban American town. My parents decided most things for me in terms of what I did outside of school (boy scouts, team sports, etc). I played plenty of video games whenever I could, but to them the games only served as distractions, and for a long time they restricted it to weekends and even banned me from gaming for an entire year once in elementary school. Gaming was also the basis for pretty much all my friendships, and I still tend to find it hard to connect with people in any other way. It wasn't really until I enrolled in a STEM focused magnet school in a nearby city that I started to actually consider what I want to do in life, and that's ultimately what got me into science and engineering. I am indeed from North America. I. Doubt it. If that were the case, I probably wouldn't drink it unless other people were around. The way I drink tea, it's either lifestyle, caffeine addiction or most likely both. II. I like the competitive scene for smash, and I have tried to be competitive in the past, but as of now, not at all. I tried for a good while to get really good at Smash for Wii U, but never put in enough time or effort to really see any results. I really enjoy melee, but the skill curve is so high that I don't feel there's much point in trying to play it on a competitive level. If I do end up trying to go competitive again, it will likely be in Project M, or some future game perhaps. III. I have many tendencies befitting that of a perfectionist, and I find myself in a never ending state of self-criticism. At best, I just look like I'm acting too humble. At worst, I unintentionally undermine my friends and colleagues who somehow see me in a positive light. I have a deeply rooted double standard, where I expect only the best performance from myself but set the bar much lower for anyone else. IV. I don't think much about it, honestly. It's a matter of different style as far as I'm concerned. V. Couldn't give you a definitive answer, but it seems like a pretty cool place to go in Europe. It's one of a handful of places that seems to focus in some of my academic interests, and I'll admit that I really want to go tea tasting. 1. We both have great opinions, in my opinion. 2. Interestingly enough, I don't drink alcohol. It's primarily a matter of principle, though I think Celiac's has also influenced that decision. As for non-alcoholic, tea as I've mentioned before. I also like protein shakes, smoothies, fruit juices etc. 3. Passive aggressive behaviors, especially from my family members. They get under my skin more than anyone else could, and they do it regularly. 4. Can't really say I'm hyped for anything yet, given that I don't know what the future holds. You could say that the uncertainty only adds to my already high anxiety, though I wouldn't say I'm not hopeful that good things are going to come eventually. 5. Lately, I'm appreciating having lots of free time. For the past four years, I've been overworking myself during the semesters while doing full time internships during the summers. I still feel really burned-out, but pretty soon I will have to start working again. But at that point I feel like I will no longer be able to do most of the things I enjoy doing. 6. Lloyd, Elie, Tio, Wazy 7. Estelle Bright, Estelle Bright, Estelle Bright, Estelle Bright, and Estelle Bright 8. Lots of smash amiibos: Ike, Lucina, Roy, two Shulks, two different Diddys, Samus, ZSS, Charizard, Toon Link, Pink Yarn Yoshi, Pikachu, Classic and Edgy Clouds, and Alm & Celica (courtesy of Mr. DodgeDusk). Also, small figurines of Estelle, Renne, Feema, Tio and Lloyd from various Falcom games. 9. The best way to start a day is to not be tired. 10. The best way to end a day is to be tired.
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