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Everything posted by shroudening

  1. I feel like a FE4-style plot twist would have worked best in regards to giving Lucina greater focus in Awakening... though maybe that wouldn't be as likable. I'm not personally a fan of unnecessary time travel in media, and to me it didn't feel really contribute to the story as a whole (feel free to disagree). It would change the entire story significantly, but I would have rather seen Chrom's army disperse or die and then switch the spotlight over to Lucina and the other kids. Then Lucina would be the main lord of the game for the second half of the game after a significant timeskip. But of course, this didn't happen so it is what it is.... A Lucina side story could work into Awakening's general plot too, but Chrom would have to be out of the picture somehow. It would have made much more sense for King Chrom to remain in Ylisse while allowing Lucina to take charge of his army during the Valm expedition. And as previously stated, there's plenty of room for an Awakening sequel, and hopefully that would star Present Lucina instead of Chrom or Future Lucina. I'd like to see this happen, as it could patch up some holes from Chrom's story.
  2. Psh Pokemon are obviously immortal. Except for Marowak because screw logic.
  3. I don't typically use cheats in any of my games. Only when I'm hacking around a particular game do I ever use AR codes and the like. When I'm doing a playthrough of a particular game, I don't cheat because I want to experience the game as it was meant to be experienced. Cheating over Wi-fi with other players is just immature. Nobody likes a cheater.
  4. Can I be cured with the mayonnaise treatment?
  5. There there there and there.
  6. shroudening


    I'm Isaac, pleased to meet you. Welcome to SF. You, my good sir, seem like an awesome person (+ extra bias for math, programming and ducks). Enjoy your stay, don't pet the raptors, etc, etc.
  7. I'm quite convinced myself that it does make a tremendous difference. My first character had a flaw in HP and it really hurt his performance in Classic Hard mode. Granted, the rest of his stats were nice, but his HP didn't even make it into the 50's if memory serves. Assets and flaws do effect avatar's caps, and a mediocre speed cap would probably be a death wish in the harder modes. No amount of reclassing and grinding will make up for a flawed cap. In the easier mode, I'd assume that the asset and flaw are much less noticeable, but talk about boring...
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRbpHNohglY
  9. You know a dream is weird if you can get high off of it.
  10. Omegle? Is that like... an omelette inside a bagel? brb whipping out the frying pan...
  11. Prince chrome-plated metal's visit to Regna Gravy. Not as interesting as I had hoped, but still somewhat interesting nonetheless. Also, Ricken somehow translated into Costa Rica.
  12. Every night before an exam this semester, I dreamt of missing the exam due to oversleeping. It's gonna be a long year.
  13. I don't see this as a character fault... the plot is really to blame. He essentially had to choose between saving the world and keeping peace in his own domain. Nearly every other lord in the series either lost their domain or had a superior in charge of it. And since they didn't carry the responsibility of maintaining a kingdom at the same time, they could focus on the hero'ing business. Chrom definitely shouldn't have become king that early on in the game - it doesn't work well with the story. Realistically, he would be forced to stay on the throne and keep a majority of his soldiers within Ylisse. The game even contradicts itself when Emm says that she cannot leave the capital because her people need her, and then king Chrom does it without any hesitation because there's a larger threat overseas. This would have been fine if Emm was still around keeping the peace internally. Anyway, the plot would have been quite a bit stronger if a) Emm remained alive and in power for a considerably longer amount of time or b) Chrom lost the kingdom for whatever reason and was forced to flee to Valm or elsewhere. Or anything that would temporarily alleviate him of the responsibility to his people (oh oh, turn them into stone!). Anyway, Chrom's portrayal suggests that he has relatively strong leadership ability and a good heart at the very least. I wouldn't call him a bad leader, just a leader with horrific circumstances, victimized by a plot that has him ruling a kingdom while forcing him to go play hero elsewhere. The plot calls for him to be a hero, which is why he can so easily ignore his responsibilities as king to do whatever the hell he wants.
  14. Sup? I'm Isaac. Welcome to the forest! I just started Devil Survivor Overclocked, and I'm really enjoying it so far. Anyway, have a good time!
  15. I remember the last time I went on vacation. I spend the entire time in the condo browsing the internet and playing video games instead of doing whatever it was I was supposed to do. It was great. Vacations are expensive. You're saving money by not going.
  16. Now I have a 5th reason to get a PS3. I'm quite glad that it isn't a PS4 game. The two main characters look pretty cool. I can't wait to see what it turns out to be!
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