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Everything posted by shroudening

  1. 14. Still on chapter 1. Probably not even that far in. 15. I'm kinda on break from both sen iii and akatsuki right now. But in akatsuki's case that just means I haven't been playing the story. I still log in to micromanage. 16. Do the playble characters from the other classes count? If so, Ash. 17. Pretty awesome. 18. Hot tea. Nothing added. Typically earl grey or genmaicha. 19. Japan, Italy, UK, France, Canada, South Korea, South Africa, New Zealand, the list goes on... 20. Most of my time in NY has been upstate, though I have been to NYC a few times. I feel like it's a place that I'd love to visit but maybe not live in. But I could very well end up there if a good opportunity comes along. 1. Yes 2. Definitely the Stop Sign. Very red. Very octagonal. Saves lives everyday. 3. Got any protein shake? 4. 17. I think it's a pretty good number. 5. That depends. Do you have Smash Bros? I think I probably would, even without fully understanding the implications of doing so beforehand.
  2. 6. Definitely, though as far as to what extent I'm not really sure yet. 7. Call me a weeb or whatever, but I really do like sushi and sashimi. Also stir fry, and properly cooked steak. Celiacs has definitely influenced my diet considerably. 8. Rean Schwarzer 9. Gonna leave it as a tie between Ao and SC for now. 10. United States. Unfortunately, my choice in major never gave me the opportunity to study abroad. 11. Oh geez. Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Wyoming. I've been to D.C. twice. 12. I don't know. Part of me wants to go an academic route, and part of me thinks I'm not cut out for it. And all of me wants to avoid corporate culture but there's no avoiding that, 13. Mad Scientist for sure. I. Fire for Classical, Metal for Chinese II. Probably Envy for sins. For virtues, I'd say Diligence, though I've been anything but that lately. III. Smash Bros Melee. I played Roy a lot as a kid (and still do), and was always curious about the series he came from. And when brawl came out I felt the same way about Ike. That's about when I picked up Radiant Dawn, and I went backwards from there. IV. Led to the main site after searching for FE resources, led to the forums after that. V. Not really. I know a bit of Roman mythology from taking Latin for two years, but I wouldn't say it's an active interest. VI. Fight, but I'd probably get wrecked. VII. I'm mixed European, and I have some Finnish blood in me apparently, but that's more of a coincidence than anything.
  3. 1. Originates from the Finnish name Taavetti, which I thought sounded cool. Someone somewhere started shortening it to 'Taav' and I was like, "hey, that's not too bad...". 2. Hmm... it's been a while, but from what I can remember I was using SF a lot when I first started playing Fire Emblem. Then I realized that there was a forum, and thought it would be cool to join. And then for the next seven years, I proceeded to do nothing. 3. Actually, the first games I stumbled upon were the Crossbell games. Of course, I couldn't play them because they were never localized, and that realization frustrated me greatly. After learning more about the actual chronology of the trails games, I purchased the first two chapters of Trails in the Sky on steam, and as with any steam game for me, I played it once for like 20 minutes and then proceeded to never play it for a small eternity. It wasn't until around Thanksgiving time last year that I decided to mess around with it again, but for whatever reason, everything just clicked for me. It was probably around the part of the game that Olivier is introduced, I'm sure. 4. You would have me pick between Olivier and Wazy? Impossible, I'm afraid. I suppose the best answer here would have to be Wazy cosplaying as Olivier. 5. It's very challenging for me to just choose one, but as of now, I'd go with Ao no Kiseki Evolution's Unfathomed Force. 6. Does depression medication count, homeslice? 7. Olivier Lenheim from Trails in the Sky. Particularly, the anime adaptation of the series, broham. 8. I love ham, hambro. 9. Kettle cooked is supreme. Flavors are nice but nothing beats original, dude. 10. Nope. No salsa, no dip. I'm pretty simple, compatriot. 11. Asking me to dance in any capacity would be like asking me to solve calculus problems while riding a bike. Not really, compadre. 12. Nothing. That's a good question. There's a part of me right now that regrets choosing the major that I did. Personally, I'm starting to think that it's not really code itself that interests me per se, but the different applications that you can do with it. In that sense, I may have been better off majoring in a science or engineering discipline, bro. 6. I think this guy just has a problem with the number 11, honestly. Well, how's "don't kill me" as a question limit? 7. If we're talking original compositions, determination of fight hands down. But overall, this. 8. Get over the barrier. Original version. 9. The Glint of Cold Steel. 10. Yes, you're very clever. 11. Olivier is always thinking about beauty. And beautiful people. 1. a. The little red ribbon is a nice touch. b. Sweet hat. Where can I get one? c. Cute, but intimidating. It's obviously a gang, and the one in the middle is their leader. 2. Very rigid, at least offline. Online I tend to be a little more open. 3. Physical - Extremely rigid. Intellectual - Rigid. I am very unlikely to seek out professors for help with homework problems, or when I am having academic trouble in general... a very problematic trait. I also have this never-ending assumption that I am always wrong, so I would rather save face by not sharing my thoughts than risk looking stupid by sharing them. Emotional - Extremely rigid. I usually seek professional help far too late out of not wanting to share how I'm feeling with anyone. Sexual - I have no data on this particular point. Material - Probably Porous. I try to skimp on the things I need in favor of the things I want. Time - Really depends, but in general I tend to be very impulse driven. A sudden burst of inspiration will result in me dropping everything and spending hours on that one particular thing. And if I'm at work or school, the realization that I cannot do that thing right then and there frustrates me greatly. When I am on break from school and work, this kind of behavior makes maintaining a consistent sleep schedule very difficult. I think this would qualify as pretty porous. 4. First, we shower him with a bouquet of roses while shouting incoherent catchphrases. Then I'll go in and give 'em hell with some Vander style swordplay while you charge up a powerful shot from your orbal gun. Then I jump out of the way before you send him flying to North Ambria. 5. Absolutely.
  4. Sup? I guess I'm answering questions now. Fire at will; please don't kill me. 1. Pikachu 2. Samus, Peach 3. Master Hand 4. Ike 5. Yeah sure what could possibly go wrong? 11 max sounds reasonable. 1. Your username has two A's in it, so logically I can assume you're cool, buddy. 2. I dig that sax sometimes, pal. 3. Not amazing but I'm working on it. Looking for a job right now, amigo. 4. Doge, but it's a tough pick for sure, friend. 5. Just graduated this May actually. Bachelor's in pretending to know how to write code, breh.
  5. Oops my B. 20. TearRing Saga and Berwick Saga 22. You can just answer "St. Giorgio" here tbh. 23. Hisoka from Hunter x Hunter.
  6. Of all things... you liked trig? How very peculiar. I thought that was one of the more universally hated topics. Cool! 16. What is going on in that battle between Mask Marf and Minato, who is winning, and what exactly is Aigis doing in the background? 17. What'cha reading down there? 18. Alrighty buster! What are your favorite Alt. Rock bands? 19. Any particular reason you like Conquest more than FE4? 20. Any interest in the TRS games? 21. Have you played any Tales games, and if so, what are your favorites? 22. Favorite Sekkou Boy? 23. Opinion of Hisoka?
  7. Prepare yourself, Dusky... for my questionnaire assault! 1. Who do you main in Super Smash Bros Melee for the Nintendo Gamecube? 2. Lloyd Bannings versus Lloyd Irving. Dual Tonfas vs Dual Swords. WHO WOULD WIN!?!?!?!? 3. Do you drink tea? If so, what kind? 4. What is true beauty♪? 5. Do you lifttttttttt?? 6. Favorite Color Mishy? (for reference, see http://kiseki.wikia.com/wiki/Mishy) (<- no kiseki spoilers, I promise, but don't go onto the other pages obviously) 7. What is your weapon of choice? Unrealistic fantasy weapons are totes fair game. 8. Favorite Operating System? 9. Favorite Pokemon Region!? 10. If you had a persona would it be Mara? who would it be? 11. What vegetables do you prefer cooked and what vegetables do you prefer raw? 12. Sushi? 13. Fran Seeker or Noel Seeker, which would you rather seek? 14. What are all the amiibos you have? 15. Favorite field of mathematics!? I may or may not be back.
  8. DodgeDusky I have so many questions for you. Not all of them pertain to melee, I promise.
  9. 1. Who do you main in Super Smash Brothers Melee for the Nintendo Gamecube? (Think Carefully) 2. What is your favorite color-combination? 3. What is your favorite western video game? 4. What is your favorite key signature? 5. Tips on how to be awesome?
  10. should I switch to Alisa R then?
  11. but dusky my good sir I was told if read the entire thread I could join my heart has been shattered into a million tiny pieces
  12. I finished reading the thread guys.
  13. I mean, sure finals are coming up... but how can I say no? NNID: TaavIsaac
  14. Santa lancer here. Signing up under the id TaavIsaac. EOM.
  15. hmu for smash fam

  16. For conquest, having another bow user by chapter 10 is pretty nice, considering that you have access to two ballista (and only Niles/Zero as a default bow user up to that point). Plus, I found it considerably easier to level up when she can attack from a distance. Definitely go for the reclass if you plan on using her.
  17. That ain't Other M Ridley. With the Other M boss stage for Ridley already long confirmed, I highly doubt they would use any other version of Ridley. He's quite a bit different from the Brawl version. tbh I'd prefer Boss Ridley and then Little Birdie as a playable character
  18. I agree that it's a bit weird, though it looks like it can work. The hit box should be essentially the same, since most of the target is the clown car itself and not the koopa inside. I personally would have preferred just having Bowser fighting on his feet with his signature paint brush. It's not like any of the koopas actually need the clown car anyway, I too, am more or less convinced that the videos are real and that the images are fake. But I will not rejoice until the official announcements confirm or deny what we have been told.
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