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James Bond

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Status Updates posted by James Bond

  1. I finished 9th yesterday, I might watch later...

  2. In that case yes then!

  3. Yes...at least for me...

  4. Himegami Aisa is better...

  5. Good luck then!

  6. Almost any If I am correct...

  7. Are you using No$GBA?

  8. You can't use emulator? =(

  9. Yes you can, they have even made a translation patch for it

  10. It's ok, SNES FEs are quite ok, but FE2 for example has lots of bugs...

  11. You know those FE in Japanese are patched to be in English, or so it they are supposed by those fan-translators...

  12. Yes that makes sense.especially since some games can't even be patched correctly

  13. Oh well at least you knew something

  14. Interesting...so you can play games in japanese? I am actually jealous...

  15. Nyeh I will have the European one also because of region lock

    please tell me I understood correctly what you said

  16. Usually 2-3 days, British have great service...

  17. Yes that is indeed weird and it happens to me as well sometimes, mr. combo breaker...

  18. In Greece we usually get things on time here in Montenegro though they get thing s quite later...apparently I will buy them from UK though...

  19. Well here in Montenegro 3DS hasn't come yet, In Greece if I were to buy both it would cost 300€ but even if I were to buy it from UK where it is cheaper I still don't have enough money right now... :)

  20. 19th of April it is, but I can't even dream to have it by then...

  21. Greetings from Eastern Europe, more specificly Montenegro, although I am not from there...

  22. Thing is I won't be getting Awakening soon...you are luckier than me...

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