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James Bond

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Status Updates posted by James Bond

  1. Many 3rd tier units are great in that game...RD was a fun game, I wish Awakening is just as good

  2. Indeed, first time I saw Mia I thought she is going to be a great unit, but I realsed she needed careful use, so I babysit her with Bas exp, and when she promoted she evaded everyone and killed them in one hit,

    Speaking of Nephenee (and Brom) they are of my most favourite units in RD totally.

  3. Exactly, even thopugh my favourite character from both was Mia

  4. Oh well, it just that Marcia's portrait in PoR was more cute and stuff, in RD she seems totally not-so interesting...

  5. Coincidentally the first FE that I bought and played was Path of Radiance, I also found Marcia very cute (but not Radiance Dawn Marcia)

  6. You and Shadowofchaos have that in common about Olivia :P

  7. Cheer up...(then again I am going with male avatar)

  8. can't wait 'till he gets his 3DS and Awakening and start leveling Celica ^__^

    1. Ϲharlie


      Characters not related to the main story are kind of boring to use, IMHO.

    2. James Bond

      James Bond

      I know no supports and stuff... >_>

  9. We agree on that.

  10. My avatar goes with Lucina, I guess I will resort to Olivia as well...

  11. Yes I would rather had her as Lucina's mother than any other...

  12. It's a pity you can't pair Cordelia with Chrom

  13. I see what you did there...

  14. You were Frozen that's why...

  15. For Great Justice! ^__^

  16. Your cause is just!

  17. Aha, naughty Charlie...

  18. Is your avy from Yu Gi Oh or something?

  19. Indeed that one with Lucina

  20. Your avy is a masterpiece

  21. Thank you as well!

  22. Nice avy btw

  23. ^__^

    Thank you, you too!

  24. In cuteness

  25. Happy Birthday!

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