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James Bond

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Status Updates posted by James Bond

  1. Happy Birthday

    1. ZemZem


      Thanks Sask!

    2. ZemZem


      Though I'm still 16 over here. XD

  2. Happy Belated Birthday!

  3. Happy Birthday!

  4. *gives a Tana plushie*

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. James Bond

      James Bond

      How is it going?

    3. The Envoy of the Beginning
    4. James Bond

      James Bond

      Bored out of my skull... >_>

      But it's ok, I will find something new to watch, since all the animes I used to watched are finished...

  5. After this long I am still fanboying over a certain Gothic Lolita... >_> oh well...

    1. The Envoy of the Beginning
    2. James Bond

      James Bond

      Of course! I would put that in italics if I could!

    3. Cowboy Karimov

      Cowboy Karimov

      I thought it was Stocking...

  6. Happy Holidays to everyone!

    1. Nightmare


      Happy Holidays sucka!

    2. James Bond

      James Bond

      PS. I can dig it...

  7. What!? I missed your birthday...I am a terrible person... =(

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. James Bond

      James Bond

      I wish I had the zeal to study that you have...

    3. NTG


      but studying isn't necessarily for everyone... plus a lot of it (my maths) isn't 'relevant' to the real world, sadly. studying isn't necessarily better!

    4. James Bond

      James Bond

      Well, I have to do something in my life, that is the problem...well anyway good luck with everything...

  8. Queen's Blade would have been great, if there wasn't so much nudity...

  9. Happy Birthday!

  10. Why is Sena so easily fooled by Yozora? It is almost hilarious every time...

    1. The Envoy of the Beginning

      The Envoy of the Beginning

      It is one thing I have noticed, but you know what they say about blondes.

    2. James Bond

      James Bond

      Yes I know, but she isn't as stupid as it seems, she just wants to have friends...desperately... >_>

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