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James Bond

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Status Updates posted by James Bond

  1. You didn't even need to explain, I was aware it was going to happen...

    1. Integrity


      funny, i got the same response from rey about his spam warn!

    2. James Bond

      James Bond

      Oh well, happens, have a nice day!

  2. Happy Birthday yo!

    1. Rei Rei

      Rei Rei

      Thanks Saskarachter!

    2. James Bond

      James Bond

      Just how many names will I have until the end of this year....

      Have a good one

  3. Happy Birthday! Χρόνια Πολλά!

    1. Jedi


      Thank you very much! ευχαριστώ

  4. Happy Birthday!

    1. Freohr Datia

      Freohr Datia

      Thank you Sask~!

  5. Happy Birthday!

    1. Esme


      thank you very much!

  6. Happy Birthday Balcer!

  7. Happy Birthday!

    1. Iris


      thank youu

  8. Happy Birthday!!!

    1. Soledai


      Thanks, Sask.

  9. Happy Birthday!

    1. Original Alear

      Original Alear

      One of my birthday gifts this year was a book about the making of the Princess Bride (sorry if you don't know of it). The author played Westley (main character). Apparently, when he was still trying to get his acting career started, he actually worked driving Roger Moore to the set of Octopussy.

    2. Original Alear
    3. James Bond

      James Bond

      lol, that was interesting, thank you for sharing the story!

  10. Happy Birthday!

    1. Fruity Insanity

      Fruity Insanity

      Thaaaaaanks~! ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

  11. Happy Birthday!!!

  12. Happy Birthday good sir!

    1. Raven


      Hey, thanks!

  13. Happy Birthday Soul!

  14. Happy birthday! I will find you a good ytp later!

    1. Zak Something

      Zak Something

      Thanks ya. :) Heh, alright. XD

  15. Happy Birthday spy!

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