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Everything posted by Jayvee94

  1. The only thing that Asugi should not be is NOT TO HAVE access to physical weapons.
  2. As long as he has access to magic weapons like Flame Shuriken, Bolt Naginata etc. He'll be fine.
  3. Well, Asugi is a Magic Knight. Anyone suits him. I prefer Kagero
  4. Take advantage of Midori's personal skill by passing her any useful luck based skill from ANY mother who has it. E . G. Rinkah's Blacksmith lv. 5 skill Sakura's miracle
  5. I saw many LPs and Jakob seems to be GREAT as a KNIGHT.
  6. I can see Revelation players may be the best suppliers of skills for other players.
  7. Mighty Glaciers (high power, low speed) for Merchant Glass Cannons (high damage, low defenses) for Mechanist
  8. In early game Revelations, there are two types of people: those who use Mozu, and those who use Gunter.
  9. I see you're going for a Magic Knight kind of build. A magic boon is always good. Since your avatar is already strength oriented. For bane, consider luck or any defensive stat.
  10. Either you've been ignoring your weapon's drawbacks or the drawbacks are never too big for you.
  11. We can actually start a sin count like Cinemasins. Play a chapter. E. G. Nohrian scum "that's racist (ding)" Ryoma ex machina (ding) *RNG screwed (ding) Awesome crit quote (-1 sin) Etc. You get the point
  12. Gaius doesn't have a child of his own.
  13. From tvtropes tearjerker section The dialogue for some of those scenes are quite depressing. Roughly translated,
  14. She is unskilled but strong. She has the strength proportional to her bust size. She's the subdued/downplayed version of Gonzalez
  15. Well, the Javelin does NOT allow you to double attack no matter what. You can only test this theory with weapons like Chakram (a Shuriken). Check the wiki
  16. Beruka's canon class is actually Wyvern Lord. Based on the DLC and cipher
  17. The logo above both represent the Fire Emblem pendants.
  18. I'm curious with Ike's pair up/tag team quotes Does he say, "I fight for my friends"?
  19. Has anyone gathered the amiibos' tag team/pair up quotes?
  20. On this thread, I'm listing EN GARDE and VICTORY animations shared among PLAYABLE classes and ALSO unique ones. Base classes also represent their promoted versions unless noted. Please help me if I miss anything Male axe/club user(includes Oni Chieftain - scrolls and Blacksmith - Katana) Female axe/club user (same as above) Charlotte (I don't know if her unique animation applies if she reclassed to above) Female Knight Male Knight Benoit/Ignatius Spear Fighter - Naginata (includes Master of Arms - Naginata/Lance) Spear Fighter - Lance (it is unknown if this applies to tomes (not scrolls)) Samurai Male Swordmaster - Double Katana Female Swordmaster - Double Katana Male Bow/Yumi user Female Bow/Yumi user Female Villager (includes Merchant - naginata) Male villager Male Merchant Female Merchant Midori Cavalier Great Knight Sky Knight Kinshi Knight Male Wyvern Rider Female Wyvern Rider Male diviner Female diviner Monk Shrine maiden Male Dark Mage - tome Male Dark Mage - scrolls Female Dark Mage - tome Female Dark Mage - scrolls Male mounted Mage - tome Male mounted Mage - scrolls Female mounted Mage - tome Female mounted Mage - scrolls Maid Butler Male mercenary Female mercenary Note: Forrest, despite being male.. . You get the point
  21. That's not always true. Because in Kiragi's Paralogue, the existence of Vallite soldiers had be conclude that the paralogue is within Revelation canon. Also, the implied knowledge of the soldiers by Takumi.
  22. That's not actually the answer I'm looking for. Looking at the paralogue stories I can conclude that, Kana and Shigure Sophie and Midori can fit with any canon Caeldori fits within the Birthright canon etc.
  23. Some of you may have played the game already and went into some paralogues. Based on your observation, which canon does each child comes from? Birthright; or Conquest? or maybe fit with any canon
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