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Everything posted by Jayvee94

  1. I can give you an assistance on pairings. Just tell me which pairings you have decided to keep. I'll optimize the rest of your pairings. I've been assisting "Nguta" via PM.
  2. Attack faceless with strong unit, strongest non-metal attack possible. Feed the kill to your weakest units.
  3. I have this sort of idea. The protagonist home country is the trade capital of the continent and is an Archipelago. He/she is the leader of a guild of merchants. The protagonist is a child of a mayor/Marquis and a famous chef (with a chef class) and has a younger sibling of the opposite sex. The starting units are in order. A sword wielding Hero (of course) (fighting style based on stick fighting martial arts) An axe wielding journeyman (the sibling) A young cadet (the overleveled Archer) A shy inventor from a family of blacksmiths (innovator of Crossbows) A sharp tongue apothecary with talent in wind magic A charitable catechist (best Friend of the hero) I want a storyline buildup that will turn these Merchant guild into a mercenary group. Voila we now have a short of a sandbox game where the side quests are in form of contacts.
  4. Elise! Shiro - Basara Nyx! Caeldori - Falcon Knight Azura! Dwyer - Butler
  5. Why not give your Corrin a Resistance Boon? Pegasi are well known for that.
  6. Make sure to get Death Blow from Revelation players. That'll make her a killer bitch/bitch Killer. Also get Great club from Birthright/Revelation players. For extra punch
  7. First I compared the children's base growth rates and compared it with the mothers. Then I took the correlation of their growths. The higher the value, the more similar the growth. Then I used the Hungarian method to maximize the sum of those values (one child per variable parent) It's hard to explain. But you gotta love math to understand it completely. :-/
  8. My calculations are still incomplete However, Setsuna consistently appears to be the best mom for Selkie. For Velouria, Effie and Charlotte appears to be great mothers for her. However, Effie is also a good mom to multiple possible children and Charlotte is a great candidate for Siegbert.
  9. I mean so far. You said you've chosen Hana for Asugi. How about the other mother's you've mentioned on your top post?
  10. Would you give us a recap on which child you have for each mother you've chosen? I am doing a very complicated calculations for optimizing your pairings.
  11. In Birthright alone, Setsuna seems to be the best mother for Selkie. Based on their growths alone.
  12. pretty much what Elif says Magic parents are good for offensive Dragon Kana as dragonstones are magic based now.
  13. How will you use Kana? As a dragon tank or as a Swordsman?
  14. Thanks. I just hope I can change the title.
  15. So what do you call multi-branching storylines NOT similar to tell-tale?
  16. I updated my post above. Please read
  17. I am honestly shocked with this answer as I don't play actual telltale games. I am just a fan of multiple branch storylines
  18. What if the story of a new Fire Emblem game is made telltale style. Protagonist: a Merchant (later Mercenary) Setting: A South East Asian style Archipelago Republic/League (home of the protagonist) An east Asian style empire (known for martial arts) - sanctions the kingdom A west European style Kingdom (clergy has power) - sanctions the Empire A Mediterranean style city state (home of the Legendary Dragon King (born as human - existence is doubtful)) A cebtral/Eastern European style Nationalist state What can you expand about the setting I provided? I can see a lot of possibilities as the Hero can accept ANY contract (side quest) alongside the main quest.
  19. I thought Diviner promotes to Onmyoji or BASARA
  20. You misread my comment. What I meant was he should not be a pure magic user.
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