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Everything posted by Jayvee94

  1. If you're going to marry a 2nd gen: Rinkah!Kiragi Sakura!Asugi Hinoka!Caeldori Kagero!Dwyre Beruka!Midori Charlotte!Siegbert Selena!Velouria Mozu!Percy Peri!Nina Shiro!Camilla Hana!Hisame Azura!Sophie Effie!Soleil Felicia!Mitama Setsuna!Selkie Nyx!Forrest Elise!Ophelia Orochi!Rhajat
  2. Dragon King born as a man and anointed as king of the dragons Weapons: Tome - B (inc. light and dark magic), Staff - A, Stone - B lv. 1 Amaterasu lv. 10 Miracle lv. 25 Monsterbane (same as slayer in Sacred Stones) lv. 35 Judgement [(Skill/2)% of reducing ALL enemies' HP to 1 within 2 tile radius]
  3. Here's my suggestion. Let me know what you think. Assuming you're marrying a second gen (since we have no information of your avatar): Hinoka!Siegbert Sakura!Forrest Rinkah!Velouria Kagero!Dwyre Hana!Soleil Oboro!Ignatius Setsuna!Nina Azura!Sophie Camilla!Shiro Elise!Kiragi Charlotte!Asugi Effie!Mitama Beruka!Midori Nyx!Rhajat Selena!Caeldori Mozu!Percy Peri!Hisame Felicia!Selkie
  4. Great idea. But first we need animals. Bear Hawk Tiger Etc. Hunter Bow-(max B) Lv 1 skill +2 Lv 10 confined defense Promotes to Beastmaster Bow - (max A), Dagger - (Max B) Lv. 5 beast capture - use capture to send defeated beast to the ZOO Lv 15 (I honestly have no idea)
  5. Hmm how about some Wi-Fi inspiration Temple apprentice Sword, Tome (including light magic) Skills Lv. 1 shove Lv. 10 acrobat Can promote to: Temple Guardian Sword, Lance, Tome (including light magic) Lv. 5 aggressive negotiations - Skill% chance of cutting enemy skill in half Lv. 15 swordfare Or Temple consular Sword, Tome (including Light Magic), Staff Lv. 5 renewal Lv. 15 tomefaire Dark Apprentice Sword, Lance, Tome (including Dark magic) Lv 1 Smite (like shove but 2 spaces) Lv 10 heartseeker Promotes to: Dark lord TOME(including Dark magic), sword, Lance Lv 5 vengeance Lv 15 Paralyze - 1.5*skill% of immobilizing the enemy for one turn Any sci-fi inspired skill suggestions?
  6. How about something crazy. The recurring appearance of not only Anna but also Jake and the Cipher only characters, Ema, Shade and Yuzu with different classes each game. They are not important to the plot but they're supportable comic relief characters. Also, the side missions would make better sense to the story if the protagonist has a mercenary group. Hmm, part 1, tragic ending, time skip, children, part 2
  7. So you want as cross country pairings as possible. Let me work on it
  8. Please Help me conceptualize a new class. Chef Weapons: Shuriken (Daggers) Lv 1 Luck +4 Lv 10 Burn Strike (Basically Poison Strike) Promotes to Master chef Weapons: Shuriken (Daggers), Tome (Scrolls) Lv 5 (I honestly have no idea yet) Lv 15 Skilltaker I am thinking of a best mix of Ninja, Maid/Butler, Merchant skills (and skills that would make it surprisingly deadly)
  9. For Takumi, he's often left with Rinkah, which is not my personal favorite. His better waifus have better Husbando. If you don't want defense penalty, avoid defense bane. Luck bane has lower defense penalty
  10. Oboro surprisingly loves Ignatius for a child in revelations.
  11. Actually, the game description for paper is actually unsure.
  12. Let me got this straight. Does Kana call his oba-san as onee-san?
  13. I find the teeth of Shade's horse disturbing.
  14. If you're gonna marry a first gen:
  15. Hey, guys. I've been doing this to a couple of guys. I wanted to help anyone in choosing on which mother is best on each child (if you're planning to use them) or which child to leave out in case of M!Corrin x 1st Gen. Here are the instructions, you just need to tell me: Which version you're currently playing; Which PC (Parent-Child) pairings you decided to keep or have been keeping; PC pairings you want to avoid You can either message me privately (PM) or post on this forum (for public opinion), I'll be happy to help. Disclaimer: My "default" suggested pairings will be based on most similar growth rate patterns possible, so mods and skills may not be considered. This is the exact reason I ask for your prefered pairings in the first place.
  16. Mages and Magic Knights tend to be bad moms to most of the children. Mages and Magic Knight children also tend to be bad kids to most of the mothers.
  17. Well, Hisame likes Hinoka as a mother. He's generally her best child. Unless she's been paired with someone else.
  18. What I like about bronze weapons is that they minimize kill stealing. You know when you're unit crits and takes the experience away from your villager.
  19. What I like about bronze weapons is that they minimize kill stealing. You know when you're unit crits and takes the experience away from your villager.
  20. Hehehe. Sorry if I offended you. I'm 21 by the way.
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