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Everything posted by Jayvee94

  1. Sanaki. Empress of Begnion. Born from a lineage of apostles. Her signature fire tome Cymbeline, will incinerate those vile senators who perpetuate hatred.
  2. Thanks, keep this up. By the way, I added a new poll so we could decide on which path to take.
  3. Guys! Chapter by chapter. Anyway Chapter 1: Nohr *Corrin wakes up* It's all just a dream cliche *ding* Corrin: There are Hoshidans calling me their brother/sister. Yet my siblings are her in Nohr. Foreshadowing *ding* Flora uses her powers with her sister Discount Elsa *ding*
  4. All characters which can be recruited are present in this chapter to convince Corrin on which he or she should side with. BRILLIANT! *ding*
  5. Hey guys. Let's make a hilarious thread about nitpicking CinemaSins format. Yes, that format. Let's do it chapter by chapter. Here's the guidelines: *quote line or occurrence here* *comment her* *ding * +1 (or in case of fanservice) *optional comment here* *ngid* -1 Examples: *Camilla is speaking* Camilla IS my sister in this scene *ding* +1 *For each mention of Sub-human* That's racist *ding* If the occurrence happens to frequently, add it to the bonus round. Let's open the sin count Prologue: Ties that Bind
  6. It's ironic for Kagero.She had low skill and hit rate.
  7. Well, I've double checked that this forum isn't dead yet. Well here's the list: Ignatius: Spear Soleil: Killing Edge, Armorslayer Hisame: Practice Katana, Sunrise Katana
  8. From now on, elements which are not part of the main story shall be posted here. I haven't conceptualized the classes in Juiyo yet. I want to add Chinese and Korean inspired classes. Now for the mercenaries: Akagi - A mercenary leader. A village volunteer. Has serious anger issues. (His stats are meant to be balanced all around) Base Class: Mercenary -> Hero* Secondary: Ninja Skill: Wrath Baku - A member of Akagi's mercenaries. The teams brains. Has explosive power Base Class: An axe weilding foot soldier -> An axe-tome magic knight* (suggestions please) Skill: Similar to Saizo Hayate - A member of Akagi's mercenaries. The groups clown and the fastest Base Class: Mage -> Mage Fighter* Secondary: Myrmidon *mercenaries may join promoted when recruited later in game. Unit's Luck% chance of having "Heart Seal" in their inventory.
  9. Hisame's growths alone seems to fit as Master of Arms. With Setsuna as a mother, however, he's better as a swordmaster.
  10. Oboro, dead people don't need stitches. They're sooooooooooo last season.
  11. You may have heard of the tale of the Royal Twins of Renais. *cue epic cutscene of heroism* But that's not the whole story! I wish the Route Split can be handled like Radiant Dawn Part 4. Assigning Forde and Kyle with Ephraim while Seth with Eirika this would introduce us with more Frelian Knights, a few more mercenaries, and a few more villagers Also, many characters are seemed to be tied to Eirika's story. I mean
  12. I think it's best to start with basic mechanics. A few class for each style: Jack-of-all-stats: Lord, Mercenary, Cavalier Mighty Glacier/Stone Wall: Knight Fragile Speedster: Myrmidon Physical Glass Cannon: Fighter, Archer Squishy Wizard: Priest, Mage etc. The mobile game will start similar to most FE games: BANDITS, BANDITS EVERYWHERE A simplified weapon Rank System (C-A is a good place to start)
  13. For Gaiden Villagers, Archer appears to be a favorite. Except for Cliff, he's great as a mage. For Sacred Stones (1st canon class): Ross - he's complicated. He want's to be a Warrior. Alternate to his Journeyman (2) is Hero. His most popular class is Berserker. Forde and Kyle - Kyle seems to be a suitable Great Knight to to having better defense than the two. Forde is fit as a Paladin as he's the fast one Ewan - He wants to be like his teacher (a Sage). Yet his growths rates most resemble to that of a generic Mage Knight. Amelia - Paladin. Gerik - He would be an obvious hero here. All of the myrmidons in this game fits swordsmaster due to storyline and character. L'Arachel - Due to being a princess of Rausten. She's fit as a Valkyrie. I have noticed a trend that some pre-promoted units have their unpromoted forms in cipher (ie. The Royal Families of Nohr and Hoshido, Titania) Following this pattern, which units will have an unpromoted card in the future?
  14. The Arch Dragons These intelligent dragons appear as mages when they are first encountered. They are given a mission to mitigate the losses on the side they are assigned by the Dragon King. Vesta, Fire Dragon - she is assigned to guide little Zhulong due to the latter's immaturity and inexperience. Zhulong, Light Dragon - this little kid is idealistic and optimistic. He's an advocate for Word Peace. Despite his power, he fanboys over the charitable Rose Mercenaries. Amatsu, Dark Dragon - due to people's the inherent fear of darkness. He decided to stay in Yeshuo, the place where people have equal reverence to light and dark. He was the fromer friend of the White Dragon. Unlike the latter, the former did not betray the Rainbow Dragon. Odin, Thunder Dragon - he is sent to Gemran not only to mitigate its losses in the war but to also find its nation's Chosen. Ninlil, Wind Dragon - he is sent to Juiyo not only to mitigate its losses in the war but to also find its nation's Chosen. credits: KentaEzren and me
  15. Well, I know some of you have prediction unreleased cards in the future. Let's speculate a bit okay maybe a lot. Yes we may sort of include speculations on already announced stuff or speculate on teasers. Let me start with our speculation of our own. Okay, so we know that "Medallion" cards will have MASTER CLASSES. So does that mean, Gaiden will have them too? On a related note, what color will the cards be in Valentia? In games with branch promotions, some units are given canon promotions in their debut series (i.e. Hero Severa, Dark Flier Cordelia etc.) until the second series they appeared gave them an alternate promotion Except Severa for some reason I am suspecting that the Villagers in Gaiden and Sacred Stones (speculate what color) characters will be given canon promoted classes based on their intended design. (eg Mage Cliff due to his high resistance, Pirate Ross, Mage Knight Ewan (just because his growths most resemble that of a Generic Mage Knight), Great Knight Kyle, Paladin Forde etc.) those are just my examples please don't kill me.
  16. Maybe they would add #INSANE effects with Vanguard Ike, Light Priestess Michaiah etc.
  17. Bring back old skills: Resolve: Skill and Spd x1.5, when under half HP
  18. I can help with Revelation pairings, but only based on growth rates. I tend to make the children's growths as close to their design as possible.
  19. Waaaaaaaiiiiiitt! In page 59, is it supposed to be Lady Corrin?
  20. For your undecided pairings, here's what I suggest: Saizo x Sakura Hinata x Hana Azama x Oboro Silas x Hinoka Leo x Felicia Laslow x Peri
  21. Peri is the only Nohrian Scum to make the best food. XD Takumi: I'll never tire watching you eat, Oboro. Oboro: H-huh? Me: <3 <3 <3 no words can explain, I guess
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