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Everything posted by Jayvee94

  1. Voting is now officially closed. Please post the final results here. What changes do you expect from the midterm results?
  2. Also, note that they mention time vs money. You have the option to wait rather than spend (farm Ville style). The most ideal free to play model.
  3. I'm gonna vote for Alm and Celica. I can't decide between Sothe and Micaiah for the last one
  4. I know we usually have great knights but I want Axe Cavaliers
  5. God dammit, valor. In another topic, I think the midterm results helped my "indecisiveness".
  6. If they have light magic return, it will be ally buffs in contrast with dark magic's enemy debuffs. Someone else suggested that idea. Also, with the returning world map, we can establish the following: Random mercenaries who would only join in one chapter unless fulfilling certain conditions for then to stay (E.g. Rescuing an important character, obtaining a certain item, 3000 gold etc) Teaser chapters for units to be recruited later by the main team. Items or even chapters unlockable through supports Team armorers, weapon recipes, and plebotinium (mythical) ores (could be the fire emblem).
  7. I just watched the latest trailer and noticed Fae is speaking dragon.
  8. Can we have a sword flier for once? Also a bow flier (Kinshi Knight) done right.
  9. Now let's go in depth with the story. With a few characters we want for this game. A stage magician who has a thief class. Not an thief by profession. With stats hinting to prefer a combat medic promotion Characters who join as a "human" class, but can be reclassed as a shapeshifter. A villain driven by madness who wants to drive "inferior" races to extinction (this will feel too close to home). A recurring Messiah-like character who would would function as Gotoh. Feel free to add more A villain in one "grey" country who feels war is necessary (liberating allied city states) A corrupt church (with good publicity) who assassinated the majority of a house (who vocally opposed them) forcing the survivors to flee and go into hiding. A fighting chef with quirky but loveable personality (I want her to be the hero's mother) (possibly a noble, we don't know)
  10. Maybe a reference to the Est archetype. Also, staff attacks? ?
  11. Well, we do like a few gimmicks in a fire emblem game. We just don't like too many of them. Imagine if the heroes are mercenaries, we can have contracts which are essentially gaidens/paralogues where our heroes can earn a few gold, items, new allies, maybe rare weapons, maybe even character development etc.
  12. I suggest to start with your most obscure favorites first. There's a random selection in the site just in case you missed it.
  13. I prefer voting for my favorite characters who are relatively obscure 1. Eirika 2. Seth 3. Ross 4. Ephraim 5. Lethe 6. Nino 7. Jaffar 8. Tibarn 9. Lyn 10. Morgan (F) 11. Noire 12. Random 13. Random
  14. Maybe the Chu in Chulainn is like the Scottish loCH.
  15. I would like the avatar the quiet bookworm in the group. (As silent as Pokemon Trainer red). With a side of a visual novel character. A strategist as competent as Soren.
  16. I really do hope they add classes through Rescue/Recruit Gaidens.
  17. Johan and Johalva -> Luchar and Lucharba They sounded like Char and Churva in swardspeak (or bekimon in my country)
  18. I'm liking the ideas do far. We all know DLCs are inevitable. I am just looking for possible storylines that would accommodate them, like what I've mentioned above.
  19. Would it be nice if the protagonist's group start as mercenaries (with a side of merchants)? It would make the storyline expandable. DLC chapters would make sense. I'm also hoping for character focused downloadable Gaidens. Would the protagonist be secretly a noble?
  20. How about switch axes with bows? With a few tweaks to balance.
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