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Everything posted by Jayvee94

  1. Azama has read the book of the sacred stones. (Because other FE games appear as books)
  2. Also, I've never seen a Wyvern Lord primarily wielding SWORDS before. Was he equipped with that in his boss fight? Edit: it was a Runesword.
  3. Would it be potentially more favorable to promote from cost 1 to cost 5/3 (total cost of 4) than to deploy the latter directly (total cost of 5). Compare deploying 4/3 (total cost of 4) and promoting from cost 2 to 4/3 (total cost of 5). At least there's an incentive for paying additional cost.
  4. I'm guessing that third tier class cards cost at least 5/3.
  5. Thanks. Well, that makes third tier classes very expensive (going from tier one to tier two to tier three). Many players will prefer skipping the second tier now.
  6. For example I have a cost 4/3 card over a cost 2 card via class change. Do I need 3 cards in the bond area or 5 cards?
  7. I notice that some "medallion" characters are getting demoted by one stage (Sothe and Bastian). I mean, look at their costumes.
  8. I have a question regarding this line: The total cost of all units played during this phase may not exceed the cards in your bond area (1 card means one cost 1 unit, 2 cards mean two cost 1s or one cost 2, 5 cards means one cost 5, five cost 1s, a cost 2 and a cost 3, etc.) Does that count only the top cards or all cards in the stack? (In the vanguard and rearguard area of course)
  9. I wish we could use a resolution enhancer in CSI shows. Where are they when you need them?
  10. Well we could expand the trio's class selections as long as they don't overlap with each other. Emma: physical mounted Shade: magical and magic knights (physical AND magical) Yuzu: physical foot
  11. Would Druid be to similar to Sorcerer? Shade already became a Sorcerer, Sage and Dark Knight. We're looking for sumthin not too similar to a specific class above but not too different to the general category they belong.
  12. It is quite consistent that the cipher column quartet have different classes representing the boosters they come with. What do you think would be their classes in the future releases?
  13. This could be useful for less than perfect hit rates.
  14. There should be a second round of poll. This time between: Micaiah and Eirika
  15. Forrest still looks fabulous as a Butler. Also, princesses like a cup of tea cliche. *ding*
  16. Radiant dawn does use a lot of kanji for their class. So we get a thief Sothe? He doesn't look young in his card.
  17. I know his class here is sword master but the kanji is it's weird.
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