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Everything posted by Jayvee94

  1. I am starting to think that it's all in Effie's head. I wonder if she drank too much.
  2. There is something I want to add to emphasise the Rose Mercenaries' occupation, additional game features: Inn and Restaurant - You know the Mess Hall from Fire Emblem Fates. But in addition to that, this will be an attraction to mercenaries. At lowest level it will only attract the locals. Foreign dishes will probably not bring in money. At higher levels, it will start attracting mercenaries from the whole continent. You can meet a random mercenary You can hire the mercenary to join you in about how many chapters you want him/her. There will be certain conditions to make them permanently join your army. [spoiler=example]Anna will appear in your inn in whatever route you take. You can hire you for "some" money for a few chapters. You need to earn enough money in your business for her to join permanently Armory, Smithy and Shops - Like in Fates. In addition to the Smithy's forging mechanics, you can use a Recipe Card to boost one stat at the cost of another (ie. boosting Crit at the Cost of Hit, boosting Mt at the cost of follow-ups). Supports with your local blacksmith may award some key character an eponymous weapon (a weapon named after the recipient). [spoiler=example]Sheena receives her Axe Splitter in early chapters from Andy Narra Prison - Mercenaries who are recruitable through the Inn in one route may need to be captured in another. Sheena herself is one of the characters capable of this. In fact her signature phrase is, "Aim for the weapon arm". I decided to give the capture ability to Shmuel instead as he is in a law enforcement student of sorts and he's designed to be overleveled.
  3. How long does the first booster/starter card of the series is usually tweeted before release? About a month before?
  4. Part 4: War of the Dragons A beautiful White Dragon emerged at the end of the war and promises restoration of the war torn lands. Most people are fooled by this. People with wisdom, and the members of the Temple do not buy this. Later, the true nature of the White Dragon becomes evident. He ordered his followers to execute everyone who refuses to worship him as their god. The cowards are ruled with fear. The brave took their chances to flee. Unfortunately for some of them, they got caught. Most of the continent has fallen under the White Dragon's control. The only places that doesn't are Yeshuo and the Trade Archipelago. An old man emerged with a handful of his mages. The old man is the Dragon King [class: Dragon King, weapons: Staff, Tome (light and dark), Dragonstone] and his mages are actually dragons representing each type magic in the game. These colorful dragons have a wide variety of personality reflecting the type of magic they represent, but they are all loyal to the Dragon King. The Dragon King organized the "Dragon King's Army" not only composing of the Twelve chosen heroes, but also the Rose Mercenaries, the Temple of the Dragon, and the remnants of Gemran and Juiyo. The Dragon King's Army faced a rather powerful enemies. They include: a super powered version of mortal classes, unique dragon classes (they have weapons instead of stones because they underestimate you), and finally VARIOUS F'ing DRAGONS. various fill-in epic fights, where you can fill-in with Character Specific Paralogues of your favorite characters. The Dragon King himself decides to fight as his army faces the White Dragon. The White Dragon uses his sinister sounding Light Spell while the Dragon King has two Tomes of similar stats but different effects, one Light and one Dark. This is where you also fight powerful dragons. The White Dragon berates the Dragon King for not being born a dragon himself. The White Dragon is defeated for the first time and then transform into a BEAUTIFUL YET SINISTER FEATHERY WHITE DRAGON WITH FANGS and lets out an INSULTING AND DISCOURAGING NOBLEWOMAN'S LAUGH. The Dragon King's brings out his Dragonstone and transforms into A CRYSTAL DRAGON, because tropes and other reasons. Although he's powerful on his own, all his skills does not benefit him but HIS ALLIES. Making the army almost equally powerful. (i.e. +5 dmg, +50 avoid, +30 crit, etc.). Well only from a few spaces away. well still thinking for an ending The Temple's Three Schools of Magic The Light of Charity It is very well known for producing not only the best healers and light magic users but also physical classes that represents protection and justice, notably the Armor Knights, Soldiers and Cavaliers. The Nature Defenders It is dedicated to maintain natures balance to maximize its benefits to society. Not only they are composed of your anima wielding mages, they also have classes that work well with various terrain, notable Fighters, Hunters, and even Forest Knights The Secluded Shadows No. They are not evil. They are merely victims of the prejudices of society. This results into hiding themselves into society. They are the keepers of secrets no one else wants to talk about. Not only they are composed of Dark Mages, they also have stealth based classes like Outlaws, and Ninjas.
  5. I guess you could include archetype divergent evolutions in unpopular opinions Splitting Merric into: the studious loner like Lute, and a very social "I'm not a child (anymore)" determinator like Ewan Splitting Minerva into: Hot Blooded Red Armored Milady, and Calm and Dark Armored Zeiss
  6. I'm starting to think that I have chosen the wrong representatives for the archetype. Maybe I should start a poll.
  7. Wait let me read the article in the link again again ..... The Merric: An early to mid-game mage. Usually a child prodigy that specializes in wind magic, if not the Excalibur tome specifically. Despite rarely being on the starting lineup, they usually are already acquainted with one of the Lords. They are studious and powerful, but sometimes looked down upon for their young age by everyone but their mentor figure (the Wendell Archetype). The Sacred Stones essentially split the archetype into two. Having dark version of the character, usually female wearing black, who is more aloof and absorbed in her studies, and a light version, usually male with red hair, who is more social, eager to prove himself and be treated like an adult. This might be an evolution of the mage twins Raigh and Lugh from The Binding Blade, or even the original Merric and his rival Ellerean. They are NOT COMPLETELY similar to Merric. But the similarities ARE there.
  8. So I have recently read this page: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/FireEmblem under the archetype tag that since Sacred Stones, the Merric has been split into two variations: the Dark Lute and the Light Ewan So here's the list the Lute: Lute, Soren, Miriel, Nyx the Ewan: Ewan, Tormod, Ricken, Hayato The similarities can be easily seen by generally every Fire Emblem fan. In case of confusion let's discuss further in this thread.
  9. Oboro would be very surprised that some girls WEAR their armor YET forget their pants. Oboro: Is THAT what you're wearing?
  10. With all things at constant. I recommend Avatar!Velouria and Azura!Selkie Velouria will end up will balanced stats all around except magic and resistance. Selkie will be a good speedy mage killer.
  11. I actually like that! So here's what's going to happen: Genny Bianca will take the role of Lucius to Sheena's Raven. Both Kin and Genny would tell Sheena that Revenge is not true justice. Sometimes, the kindest mercy will dissuade the criminal to repeat the crime. Spoiler (Third Route Spoilers) Well, Part 3 is coming up. I need a good bridge to make it to the next "story flag" or something. Part 3: *needs good title* once again the outline: Despite of the trauma that happened. Sheena and the Rose Mercenaries continued their work for charity. A new leader emerged from the fourth nation which I'll need a name. How about Drachenstein? He's a charismatic, nationalistic, manakete-hating Wyvern Lord. Oh, he has german accent. He launched a conquest campaign to the previously war-torn countries as vengeance for the war his country previously lost. This massacre of dragons and beasts does not sit well with the Temple of the Dragon King. They hired the Rose Mercenaries to defend them and both the war-torn countries. Sheena is noticeably more grim and aggressive in contrast to her previously energetic yet merciful attitude. Genny is not happy to see this.Yeah, Genny kinda becomes more important later in game. At this point, Sheena and Ghin's mother Chef Josephine (class: master chef) joins them. Her class is in this link: http://serenesforest...1 Both countries organise their own elite soldiers as their generals. Gemran will have the Four Horsemen (which is literally just four mounted high-ranking soldiers each having a favorite weapon, and the lance weilding horseman is a female half-dragon and can hear the voice of the gods). Juiyo will have, I have honestly no idea what to name their elite soldiers The black-cloaked swordsman will appear at the side of the enemy. Man I need a name, profile and backstory for this guy. I am tempted to name him/her Anakin. And I will be needing a great setting for this emotional duel. There will be hints of something more sinister behind the great war.
  12. I'd be very glad to. Now we have three writers! Now, what is the best way to build up to where Hey, the rough outline is now complete! Now we need to complete the lore. Here's the checklist: Some classes are more numerous in some regions in the continent and has more variety: Yeshuo has more mages and shield wielding and light armored foot soldiers, Juiyo has more martial arts inspired classes and their swordsmen promotes into horse archers, Gemran has more variety of cavalry and heavily armored units, the Trade Archipelago (which I decided to name Kalaklan) will only have classes that adapts very well to the shores, hills and forests. Naming the legendary weapons. This includes: The Rosas Family's Roseblade (resembles a sword used in Arnis/Kali/Escrima), Kenji's Silverlight etc. Naming the chosen twelve: Sheena Jade Rosas, Shifu (a title for master) Long, Princess Cello of Gemran, Rex, the secret prince, Kenji, , etc. Inserting more characters to balance out the game. The game would hypothetically feature the Rose Merchants' merchandising businesses like: Sheena's Cusina (a mess hall), Andy's Smithy and Mechanics (blacksmith), Anika's Pharmacy and Shop (item and staff shop), Gyms (this is where you pit your playable units against your other playable units or challengers, unlocked after a paralogue which features it) etc. A blacksmith character in some paralogues where Andy Narra is not available, like Guerrero in Cello's Paralogue.
  13. Thanks. Do you know any story writers around who could help me? Well, since I'm not an expert in story writing, I'll write an outline The Rose Mercenaries decides to sign one of the contracts and sets sail to that country (either Gemran or Juiyo). Despite starting to work as mercenaries, they still carry their merchandize. Sheena and Genny are looking forward to meet the villagers they are going to help. Well, on the way to their destination, they are attacked by Pirates. Upon arriving to the docks, they are met by their contractors (of the nation they sided with) and they are told of their first mission: to defend a fort near the border. (Well, what would the Rose Mercenaries do to learn of the cause of the war and how to stop it?) Due to being mercenaries and being a charitable organization, they earn the respect of not only the citizens of the country they sided with but also their allies. This leads to ragtag bunch of characters joining the mercenary group. These include grateful villagers, smaller mercenary groups and some merchants (because The Rose Mercenaries still work as Merchants). Some soldiers who work with the mercenaries consider joining them after being relieved of duty. Sheena asks their contractors a question why the country they sided with declared war in the first place. Their contractors tell her, it is necessary. She is not convinced. Whatever the answer is, although war seems to be a reasonable solution, she believes it is not the best way. Each ruler would award the Rose Mercenaries their nation's legendary weapons. One at a time. As the contract is close to being expired, the Rose Mercenaries find a lead to who is instigating a war. They will have a clue to who is the instigator in the nation opposite of who they sided with. After the contract expires, Senator Kin Rosas and a few of his bodyguards joined his children in the investigation which leads them to a seemingly uninhabited building. As they learn that there are instigators in both sides of the conflict, they are ambushed. They are mercenaries in black hired by an unknown contractor. One of them is [spoiler=Big One] a student of Kin Rosas who is eager to fight the latter. I need profile and backstory of this one. The Student seems to blame him for the death of his mother. He insists on explaining that he was saving his student from a foolish death. There are only three people in the room: Kin, Sheena and the black cloaked swordsman (class: Hero). Everyone else is outside fighting the rest of the mercenaries. Kin insists that this is his fight. Sheena refuses to stay back and fought by his side. EPIC BATTLE ENSUES. Then this sequence happens. The army outside the room Routed the mercenaries in black and the army started searching for Sheena and Kin. the swordsman disarmed Sheena, her sword is beyond her arms' reach. Sheena reached for her sword. Kin steps in to continue the fight. As the swordsman gained the upper hand, an arrow struck him from out of nowhere. Kin took this opportunity to knock the sword out of the hands of the swordsman. Kin asks them to surrender. The swordsman pulls a knife and stabs him at the stomach. (He's bleeding but fortunately misses the organs). Sheena lets out a big NOOOOOOOOOO. Another arrow flies out of nowhere but this time it misses his target. [spoiler=Where are the arrows coming from?] The arrows actually comes from Rex. He's secretly a prince of the two currently warring countries who's thought to have been dead. He's looking for vengeance for the death of his parents. credit: Hylian Air Force At that exact moment the rest of her allies entered the room. Sheena stares at his father terrified. [credits to Hylian Air Force] The swordsman escapes as he saw the reinforcements (of course s/he i couldn't decide on the gender yet gets chased). and you know what happens next. Part Two: The First Contract (Third Route)
  14. I'd name Mozu's spear as Goat Slayer And Ophelia's tome as The Force
  15. Edit: I didn't realize this was already posted when Internet has been interrupted
  16. Well, I can't remember all of them but it goes like this: Camilla! Shiro Selena! Velouria Beruka! Midori Setsuna! Selkie Oboro! Ignatius ... Wait, female avatar? What are your boon and bane?
  17. Thanks again. BTW, I have updated the profiles of the characters in the previous post. You might want to check it out. Also, due to being mercenaries, they might run to various ragtag bunch of characters. I have a few rough ideas needs polishing. A "Free Knight" girl and her Blacksmith father (who makes the shoes of her horse) A mercenary who breaks the fourth wall. Yeah, you read that right Two genius stepbrothers who builds crazy contraptions, one talkative "magic knight" and one silent "hammer wielder". Get it. Oh, they have a giant pet who plays a lot A female street magician (a thief class) with a talent for entertainment and misdirection. And I'm looking for the best timing to introduce Anna, Jake and the cipher trio.
  18. Thank you! I'll make sure to credit you. BTW, the only Rose Merchants are known to work for charity. That makes the people love them. And you may have forgotten the lance wielding river fisher.
  19. Thanks again, eclipse Paralogues Before we proceed with the continuation of the story of the Rose Merchants, now Rose Mercenaries, we take a peek at the happenings in two of the biggest trading partners of the Archipelago. The Asian inspired nation will take a story of a young man named Long Long A brilliant martial arts student who aspires to become a master himself Class: Brawler (although they can fight with clubs, they can fight unarmed and they will have skills to make them on par with armed enemies) He's accompanied by his buddy: Cheng A resourceful buddy of Long. Anything is his weapon, even ladders. Class: Spear Fighter I want the Eastern nation sidequest to have a plot similar to Fists of Fury The European inspired nation will take a story of a bored mischievous princess Cello Cello Princess of Gemran looking for an adventure outside the castle Class: Princess (this princess can wield a Sword (ie Rapier) and (Thunder) tomes) Jim Fisher a stern Red Knight of Gemran, retainer of Cello Class: Cavalier (favors swords) Jean Fisher a gentle Green Knight of Gemran, retainer of Cello Class: Cavalier (favors lances) I want the story to revolve around the princess sneaking out of the palace (attacking the guards in the process) with her retainers trailing behind her. She ended up in a village where the people are being oppressed by a local Parish through indulgences and threats of excommunication. Part Two: the First Contract A few months after the Rose Merchants received letters from the kingdoms Gemran and Juiyo. Oddly, she also received an invitation to a banquet from an unknown person. Sheena finds it odd to see the invitation along with two urgent letters. The two biggest trade partners of the Trade Archipelago is at war with each other. This is rather shocking to her. This is also bad for her country as the war will also hurt their economy. In order get into the bottom of the cause of the war, Rose Merchants must pick a contract. Will it be for Gemran or for Juiyo? Characters joining: Gemran Liberty Class: Cavalier/Sword Knight The only child of Guerrero. She is one of the village defenders of her village alongside her father. She has very theatrical introductions (i.e. Super Sentai or maybe Enzo and Cass). Her horse is Tiamat. Guerrero Class: Blacksmith He is the father of Liberty and also one of the defenders of their village. He is the local blacksmith. He has a very distinct laugh. Vadear Class: Mercenary Oh yeah. You're reading my profile. I might be a red unit right now but if you talk to me with your boss, I will join you. I will wear blue as a bonus. Do you think I am getting good level ups lately? I hope I don't get RNG screwed. Juiyo Madoka Class: Thief or Ninja? help pls She is a street magician who earns an honest living. She amazes her audience with her swift hands. Best at misdirection. Cheonjae Han Class: Spear Fighter He is the mind of the Builder Brothers. He does much of the talking Joyong Han Class: Oni Savage He is the hand of the Builder Brothers. He talks very little Mao Class: Cat The Pet cat of the Builder Brothers. He is secretly a sentient shapeshifter (a laguz).
  20. Hi, I'm requesting active participation for the story in this link: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=63004 I'm working on polishing my story and I need your help in making it beautiful.
  21. Well, btw, I want people to participate in polishing the story. Would you recommend this to be on Feedback or on the main Written Works thread?
  22. Well, um. Thanks. In this part of the story, the Rose Merchants will ask around for the rare ingredient (I need your help to name a dish and it's rare ingredient). However, the villages they went are often attacked by bandits. Bandits, bandits everywhere. As they help the villagers they come across two possible villagers to join them and I'll be needing your help to create their profile and backstory. A lance-wielding river fisher Pisce is a fisherman from Sylvan's village. Although he debates with the tax collector over his goods, he doesn't hate him, if only because he isn't greedy. Class: Villager (lance) Pisce recruitment convo: Sheena: Excuse me, Sir. This place is a battlefield right now. You should take cover in your village. Pisce: Uhm, excuse me, miss. Who are you? Sheena: I'm Sheena Jade Rosas, leader of the Rose Merchants. Pisce: Ha! Rosas? You're the daughter of the famous Chef Josephine? Merchants shouldn't be on the battlefield. Why don't you go back to the kitchen with your mama? Sheena: Hey listen, young man! I have subdued around a two scores of bandits and protected half a dozen of villages. I might even saved YOUR mama. So, show some respect! Pisce: Oh, good for you! And how was it?! Sheena: Uhg. I got no time for this. Looks like you can fight. Pisce: Of course I am, thank you very much. Sheena: Fine. I'll let you fight. But, stay close to us okay. Dead men don't bring any fish back home. Pisce: .... They're not mercenaries. Are they? credit: Hylian Air Force and me or An axe-wielding woodchuck. A woodsman named Sylvan returns from collecting firewood, carrying an axe and wearing a helmet likened to that of a giant beaver. Class: Villager (axe) credit: Hylian Air Force Now, we will just come with a plot for the merchants to take down the leader of the notorious Bandit group. Amatar Freeblades- The sons of nobles who are among the last in line for their thrones. Often attack commercial cities or other nobles on the road. credit: Hylian Air Force BTW, you can recruit two people from the bandit group. They are twins: one thief and one myrmidon. Sham, son of Shir is known for infiltrating and pilfering from the less scrupulous lords of Gemran. Though good natured, his habits have forced him to ally with the Amatar Freeblades in order to avoid being executed extrajudicially, for his habits could not be exposed to a magistrate without his victims admitting their own unforgivable sins. Class: Thief Scim of house Itar is an accomplished swordsman, trained by one of the best bladesman in Juiyo. He has won many official duels, and perhaps far more unofficial ones, which led him to challenge Amatar himself. Amatar fought Scim to a stalemate, and was accepted into the Freeblades, and although no reasonable magistrate would order his arrest for fear of the safety of the constables, he doesn't enjoy watching the Freeblades accost random nobles and tax collectors. Class: Mymidon Credit: Hylian Air Force Then the Rose Merchants are recognized for their bravery and awarded a medal of honor by their nation's leader. Afterward, they are offered a few contracts. Signing any of them will turn them ... into mercenaries Hylian Air Force has provided me profiles in this link: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=63005
  23. I have been making a story concept in mind that I hope to pass to IntSys. However, it seems improbable so, for the first time, I'm sharing my incomplete story. I'll be needing your help in polishing the story but I don't want it to be too far from the plot outline I've made. You can post your feedback here: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showforum=35 So, here's the map description I suck at making maps: Our first hero lives in a southern archipelago akin to South East Asia, and it is the trade capital of the continent. The main land has at least four known nations, two of which are the archipelago's biggest trade partners: East of the Great Wall is a martial arts country named Juiyo inspired by East Asia (3 kingdoms China, warring states Japan, and Korea); West of the Great Wall is a romance and arts country named Gemran inspired by west Europe (Spain, Portugal, UK, Ireland, and France). The religious center of the continent is Yeshuo inspired by the Mediterranean Countries, here lies the Temple of the Dragon King (while a temple is there, the real temple is the people). [spoiler=The Fourth Nation] As for the other nation, they are at the back seat for now Part One (the Rose Guild) The Prologue may start at the training section: Sheena Jade Rosas Daughter of Senator Kin and Chef Josephine . She is a very charitable salesperson and talented sword fighter. She wishes to establish trade networks in the continent for the benefit of the people. Class: Apprentice Well, she will be training with her father Kin Rosas (currently a very popular Senator) Watching from the sidelines: Ghin Rosas The hot blooded brother of Sheena, despite his efforts to train with swords he doesn't seem to handle it as good as throwing axes. He shows of the most often. Class: Journeyman Then followed by a scene in their mother's restaurant where Bandits attack. Here joins: during battle Shmuel Habagat A fresh graduate of law enforcement. His family is close to the Rosas. He speaks very little unless necessary. class: Archer lv 10 (yes overleveled) After battle (I haven't polished the story yet) Anika Amihan A mage from a family of apothecaries. She is usually snarky and mean but is surprisingly sweet to her good friends. Class: (Wind) Mage Genny Bianca Best friend of Sheena. A novice preacher. She is exceptionally knowledgeable of the Scriptures and seems to know better than present priests. Class: Cleric/Deaconess Andy Narra A shy inventor from a family of blacksmiths. He keeps a book of drawings of his designs for future inventions. Class: a unique crossbow class And they formed the Rose Merchants and set off to an adventure. Why? Well, Sheena's mother, Chef Josephine wanted to cook a rare dish she hasn't cooked in a long time. It requires a rare ingredient form an outlying island. Yeah, a silly plot device I will update the story time after time. Country names by Hylian Air Force
  24. Do we have anyone to associate with Range 2 throwing weapons? (eg. Tomahawk, Wakizashi) Oh yeah, the current Japan only DLC.
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