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Posts posted by ruadath

  1. Right, I saw that too, although I guess he either found it too tedious or didn't realize that it was possible to 2 turn the first chapter by setting things up so that Leif got 3 kills on the first EP? I'm not familiar with the game at all, but it doesn't seem to me like missing out on Dagdar and co. (and the Pugi/Brave Axe) will result in any loss to turn count before the Manster chapters, at which point I assume it's irrelevant.

    It's not something I'm really interested in working on more anyway, since I have other things I'd like to wrap up first, and right now I'm even a bit too busy with RL stuff to focus on that.

  2. If you start of the pirate ship chapter with Guy in your squad he will talk about how he feels seasick.

    The bottom of this page gives a list of conversations that occur with the tactician at the start of each chapter, assuming you deploy them. It varies depending on whether you're playing Eliwood or Hector Mode.

  3. While I procrastinate working on and recording defense chapters in my active playthroughs, I decided to figure out how to effectively RNG abuse in yet another Fire Emblem game... and this was the result:

    No plans to pursue this any further at the moment (since I've never played this game before, and I have other playthroughs that are higher on my priority list), but thought you guys might enjoy.

    EDIT: Sorry, there is a recording issue at the moment that will get fixed in like 2 minutes when I change the link. Fixed!

  4. Hey guys! As some of you may know, Vestaria Saga Part 1 was released recently. Since I've done (okay, started) LPs for both Tear Ring Saga and Berwick Saga, I thought it was only right for me to also try an LP of this game. My LP completion rate is 0%, but hopefully this will be the one that I finish. Besides, it can only help that I'm starting my fourth year of university tomorrow and will most likely be very busy for the next 8 months.

    I know that feeling lol. I'm at something like 5% myself (1 completed, too many started).

  5. I'm pretty sure the Branch of Fate would go from the M!MU file even after starting the F!MU BoF file, so Felicia should be the same if starting from the M!MU file again. If going from a M!MU file to a F!MU file, Felicia should be rerolled since she's a "Different unit", as she has different bases and is a higher level.

    Ah, OK, I misread the question. Yeah, that sounds reasonable.

  6. I haven't tested this at all, but the answer is probably dependent on whether or not Felicia rejoins the party later on at whatever stats you left her at or at a new level (I think it's level 13? I forget). If it's the former, her level ups should remain fixed, but if it's the latter then they should be rerolled.

  7. I should note that the Game does NOT reroll the random numbers upon starting branch of fate. It simply calculates your main character's new level ups by using his previous level and random number rolls, in combination with the total growth rates given by your boon and bane. It's entirely possible to decide whether to use a character when starting at branch of fate based on their level ups in a previous save file.

    Just for clarification, I believe this is only true for the units you have gotten up until Branch of Fate, since new characters have there levels rolled on their join map. I might be wrong though, as I haven't tested this out.

  8. Finally got this done! Training Leonardo is annoying, but I managed to get him 8 kills (2.5 levels) so he is up to level ~8.50, which should mean that I don't need to BEXP him again (or very limited amounts). Thankfully, NPC!Jill was (for once) very helpful and cooperative in making this process easy by weakening the soldiers to low HP so Leo could finish them off. Micaiah got to level 11, so pretty happy with that and she definitely shouldn't need BEXP.

    Only 1-6 left to be annoying now, and after that it should be pretty smooth sailing to 1-E. Hopefully I can finally get that clear up for you guys soon!

    EDIT: I miscounted, actually it was 9 kills.

  9. Canto + Pair Up/Shelter is ridiculously broken. The game gets really easy to abuse if you can do that (one might already argue that Pair Up + Shelter is broken), so not sure I would want to see the return of Canto unless they got rid of the Pair Up system.

  10. Sorry, been focusing on getting Radiant Dawn's first annoying defense chapter planned out/recorded, so I haven't looked at this for a while

    Just out of curiosity, you say you cleared Chapter 7 on Hard in 3 turns. Since Effie and Arthur don't turn up until the start of the 4th turn, does that mean they don't join your party if you clear the chapter in just 3 turns? Or do they join after the chapter or something?

    Yeah, it's pretty amusing to be honest. Elise and Silas have the normal conversation were they talk about Elise running ahead of her retainers, and then once you clear the chapter they just forget about Effie and Arthur and they don't join you. It's much more fun having them join this time around, so I'm happy taking the extra turn.

    I'd rather you post it as the run feels more complete with it there if nothing else.

    Yeah, I was feeling the same way. I'm probably going to do it, but it might take a little bit longer to get up. Shouldn't be longer than by the end of next week though (hopefully sooner)

  11. The desert chapters was painful, the worst desert chapter in FE so far.

    I couln't get the ocean seal.

    I noticed too late that probably only Hawkeye can find this. RIP 50000

    It was already hard enough to find all items before all the enemies are defeated. At least I got the most important ones (body ring, falla ring, hero crest).

    I guess I won't use Heath. Got one level up: only res :/

    You can guarantee that you pick up the Ocean Seal by doing the following as soon as you start the chapter (assumign you come off a hard reset):

    Go to the status screen for Hector (press "R" or whatever)

    hang out for like half a second

    cancel out of it and then move him 2 spaces right to pick up the ocean seal.

    Look at roughly the 30 second mark of this video to see what I mean.

  12. Priscilla is great, plus once she is promoted, she has the "thief bonus" for combat EXP so she gains levels really fast. She has pretty solid growths too and is definitely worth investing in.

    Dart is pretty decent but it costs a lot of money to promote him and he's by no means necessary.

    Rath is the best bow user.

    Oswin is fine if you want to use him, although 4 mov (5 upon promotion) will limit his usefulness compared with just training up another cav.

  13. So yes, while you did a good job on this clear, and feel free to play as you want, but I honestly think that clearing Chapter 9 without all these things in more turns is much harder, since you rig misses and use bonus items and rig support points and get talk bonuses as you need them.

    I changed the thread title. For what it's worth, the bonus items were only used in Chapter 7 in lieu of using the renown statboosters (which is what other LTCers have used on Lunatic) for a temporary rather than a permanent boost. The talk bonuses have also been only for Felicia during Chapters 7 through 9 and I won't need them beyond that (and in fact I didn't strictly need the bonus for either Chapter 8 or 9, it just dramatically improves reliability).

    On a different note, do people want to see my clear of Chapter 10? I'm planning to get back to work on this soon, but it's a little bit annoying to record a chapter of that length, and obviously there won't be any ridiculous strategies going on there (the only RNG abuse will be to set up Camilla for a series on nice levels for the rest of the playthrough). Let me know if you you want to see what I do, otherwise I'll probably just play through the chapter and post another video starting with Chapter 11.

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