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Posts posted by ruadath

  1. Just a thought I had the other day for if/when I eventually return to this:

    Chapter 1 should be improvable to 2 turns by rigging the Event Tile in the Prologue to yield an Orsin's Hatchet. This wouldn't hurt Robin's EXP gain at all since she handles the enemies who attack the fort.

  2. By the way, I made a small statistic

    Runs finished: 1

    Runs active or on hiatus: 9

    Runs dropped: 2

    Percentage of runs finished: 8.33%

    Percentage of runs (among active/on hiatus) with messy updates for small improvements (that largely don't affect the turncount): 22.22%

    I'm sorry, I'm trying to fix this by focusing most of my effort on this run and trying to get things done one at a time! And I think (hope) the messy changes are almost over here...

    Continue from C22, drop the planned changes

    You should seriously only go back if you see a direct need for the different Marcus/Lowen stats, otherwise just rig. You've been manipulating the RNG enough in this playthrough to warrant it, and it's pretty unlikely anyone will care to replicate your strats, except perhaps the earlygame ones (which I still have doubts about), so don't worry about the burning as few RNs as possible thing.

    At this point, I would rather just continue along with the "changes" since I'm pretty sure I can make it so that everything works out almost exactly as it did before with minimal effort, and come out with a significantly better Hector/Marcus (additional procs in Str/Spd) with only a slightly worse Lowen/Sain (not missing any Str/Spd procs compared to original). I'm just looking for potential additional improvements to help make things work out a little better, and I think this fix to Lowen's Str could be really useful in the long run. In any case, barring any major unforeseen changes, I don't expect it will take much longer than a couple of days for me to get the playthrough back to the point where I halted (which was at Chapter 21, not 22).

    But thank you for your input, I appreciate your feedback, and I'm sorry about holding up the run with these small changes.

    EDIT: Updated with Hector's new stats after leveling in Chapter 18


    He's actually a point short on Skl and Res compared to his level 10 from the original run (which occurred in Chapter 20), but I imagine the extra EXP gain is well worth it.

  3. The site has been really slow for me until I log in. Is it the same for anyone else?

    You mean today (or yesterday), right? The site was really laggy for me too, and stayed that way even after I logged in.

  4. Sorry, no new videos since these clears are all pretty identical to what has happened previously... but I'll give a status report

    Chapter 16: Nothing new or interesting happened here.

    Chapter 17: I was a little bit smarter and saved (another) Heavy Spear use by using the Steel Lance instead. The last turn was a little bit different because Marcus leveled after killing the boss and also wasn't strong enough to one-shot him (had to crit +hit). Here is his level:


    Lowen and Sain got slightly worse levels as discussed before. I probably should have taken screenshots, but I forgot to.

    Chapter 18 (current): So both Hector and Marcus reached their EXP benchmarks to make them level at the appropriate times in this chapter so all is good in that regard. However, Hector's higher Str/Def combined with Sain's lower Def pulls an enemy away from Hector on one of the last EP. Sadly, this doesn't really result in extra EXP for Sain, since due to this guy not attacking Hector, Sain has to kill a lower leveled enemy on the last PP, so he gains a net of 1 EXP.

    Will Lowen get any better Strength levelups out of these changes btw?

    However, Lowen has the potential to aggro an enemy away from Hector as well, depending on where I position him. If my calculations are correct, this won't affect anything except modifying Lowen's level 10 on Chapter 20, for a net change of (+ Str, -Skl, -Spd). Not sure that is normally a change I would make, but Lowen's Str seems a bigger issue than his Spd here so maybe? Combining this with his loss from Chapter 17 though, this is -2 Skl, so maybe that's a lot. Idk, but the extra Str seems like it could be very helpful (I think he is already Spd blessed enough)... what do you guys think?

  5. I like convoy warping items around as it allows for some fun tricks, but since I'm big on "finality" and the importance of each individual decision I would kind of like to see a game where the convoy is only accessible in the prep screen and only armory/vendor excess items can be sent to the convoy (there should always be an option to send it to the convoy instead of buying it on person). That is, if you pick up loot on the map you have to have space to hold it or you're going to have to chuck something.

    I agree with you on the finality thing, but you have to realize that while this kind of thing is entertaining for us because it adds a new dimension to creating well-planned optimized strategies, for most casual/blind playthroughs it's not going to serve any purpose other than just frustrating the player because they have to drop some valuable item since they weren't expecting to pick up a new one.

  6. This is pretty silly video of me screwing around in Conquest Chapter 19 and losing on the first turn, but the point of this is to check if the new improvements I've made to my recording setup are good enough that my videos are now watchable (i.e. no lag). Ignore the fact that the screen is smaller than usual as that can easily be fixed.

    Otherwise, I would appreciate some feedback on whether or not the speed is at the level that it would not be painful to watch videos of a playthrough. If you guys think this is good enough, I can start sharing the stuff I've been working on (including Awakening, maybe)!

  7. Yeah, it's the quintessential problem of having too many runs going on at once...

    I haven't necessarily given up on this run, it's just that it's really annoying to do because of the ridiculous RNG abuse coupled with money management vs. reliability issues (which go away if you just throw in all the renown items for forge capital, but not sure I want to do that). Fates (at least Conquest) has comparatively significantly less RNG abuse (with the exception of Chapters 7 and Chapter 9, I think pretty much every strat I use could be replicated by hand, not counting the stuff that goes on in My Castle) and has more interesting map objectives (not only rout/defeat boss) which make it more fun to plan out.

    I will probably come back to this eventually, maybe even sooner than I think. But I'm probably going to wrap up my Conquest run first.

    EDIT: Also, as for the FE7 run that is still going on... I've been focusing attention on redoing certain chapters for more optimal results. Since I limit my RNG abuse in GBAFE, things are very difficult to plan out, and making small changes often requires redoing whole chapters in order to get everything to work out properly..

  8. Just another thought before throwing out the idea of a 4-turn clear of Chapter 2 entirely:

    What if, instead of having Shanna drop Roy forward on turn 2, you have her drop Alan forward? He's strong enough to crit-kill all the fighters with one Str proc, so he should be able to clear a path to the boss on the EP. You could use a rescue chain to ferry Roy forward on turn 3 via Wolt --> Lance --> Wade --> Shanna/Allen, while you have Lot --> Dieck --> Allen/Shanna bringing Marcus forward as well in order to get the boss kill.

    Haven't put too much thought into this, but perhaps it is worth looking into?


    Turn 2 screenshot: Wolt carrying Roy, Lot carrying Marcus, and Shanna carrying Alan.

  9. So, a slightly disappointing update here... it turns out that after Chapter 15, my Marcus is actually slightly too low on EXP... 4 EXP too low. This means that he won't level up on killing Zoldam, but will level up after defeating Uhai, which is not what I want to happen.

    In order to try and fix this, I'm going to take a look at chapter 15 again and see if I can feed Marcus the extra EXP from somewhere (one extra kill/round of combat should do the trick). Ugh, this is getting to be painful, and perhaps more trouble than it's worth...

    EDIT: OK, so by rearranging my actions on the last turn, I can get Marcus one more kill while still getting Hector just barely enough EXP so that he should level up at the appropriate time in Chapter 18... hopefully this means things will finally work out and I can move on with this playthrough!

  10. The thieves (or rather, every enemy on H5) has A rank in weapons. Sword A rank gives +3 damage, but this is cancelled out when facing WTD (i.e. when Abel uses the lance).

    Note that you have to have at least C weapon rank to get any bonuses at all, so with Abel's base rank of D in lances, he won't be getting that +1 damage. Also, the reason you're not noticing this on all the other enemies is because they are Axe users, and even at A rank, Axe bonuses are mostly to hit, so it only nets you +1 Atk.

  11. I suggest recording them all regardless of if people want to see them, but I think you should probably just stop posting updates/etc until you complete all the videos up to where you were and can just batch post them together as you post C21.

    Ok, sounds like a good idea. I'll do that.

    Will Lowen get any better Strength levelups out of these changes btw?

    I haven't fully tested anything out, but besides some differences in weapon uses, there shouldn't be any changes except for in Chapter 17 where Lowen and Sain will get slightly worse level ups (Lowen will lose a point of Skill and Luck and Sain will lose HP and Skill but get Luck, IIRC). This will remain true as long as I don't reroute Chapter 20 entirely.

    I'm a little worried about Lowen but honestly I don't think there is much I can do. The one good thing, however, is that Lowen is still pretty fast (15 Spd at level 11), which means that he has 12 AS with the Steel Lance thanks to his unusually high Con. Maybe this can help offset his low Str a little bit?

  12. Here is the new Chapter 15 strat. The main differences (everything except for some silly Hand Axe trading at the beginning of the chapter) start at turn 6 (roughly 9:25 in the video) if you want to skip there. I'm willing to rerecord all the chapters after this to showcase the minor differences plus all the other small changes I have made since (which have accumulated in some cases), if you guys want to watch it. Otherwise, I'll just relegate all of the resulting changes to the errata on the first post of this thread.

    Let me know if you guys would like me to upload these new videos here or in the comments so I know what to do.

  13. I'm currently uploading a new video of Chapter 15 for my rankless LTC run that feeds the boss kill to Hector, and with some modifications to the strat (which I may or may not record a new video for, depending on interest), I have a clear that I want to use for this playthrough.

    Chapter Totals:
    1314/0 EXP
    9488/0 G

    Campaign Totals:
    3767/2150 EXP
    51744/25600 G

  14. FE7 wins by virtue of rose tinted glasses everywhere, even vets give it way too much credit as a game. Terrible balance, terrible ranking system, terrible story, terrible maps everywhere, terrible forced tutorial and many popular characters are memelords that aren't far off the same stuff their fans will bash in FE13/14.

    what is this blasphemy

  15. Just a thought. In his epilogue (in FE7), it says that he "replaced Marcus as the most famed knight in all Pherae." So why is Marcus still around in FE6, but Lowen not? Did Lowen get sent to attend gathering of the Lycian League armies or whatever and get killed (along with Hector) over there?

  16. So far I haven't thought of anywhere for you to gain the experience for Marcus...

    The answer might actually be that less is more! If I can have Marcus lose enough EXP (I think 26?) that he doesn't level after killing Uhai, then he'll definitely level up after killing Oleg! So how do we go about doing this? I just finished completing a preliminary rerouting the last 2 turns of Chapter 15 so that Hector kills Sealen instead of Marcus, and Marcus finishes the chapter at 3.04 EXP (instead of 3.50). Hector and Marcus will be the only units with different EXP, so I'm hoping the rest of the chapter clears remain pretty much intact. Here is where I anticipate things being different:

    Chapter 16: Nothing. Well almost. My new clear of Chapter 15 puts me short 1 use of a Hand Axe, which could be problematic for my campaign since I broke both of my Hand Axes in very specific places to alter the RNG flow. I haven't tested it yet, but I think I could get in this chapter with 1 less Hand Axe. I'll have to see.

    Chapter 17: Marcus doesn't level on the first turn after critting the nomad, and instead will level after killing Bernard. He also no longer one-shots the boss with a crit (lower Str), but a crit+hit will do. There will have to be some changes on the final turn, and in particular, I anticipate Lowen and either Florina or Sain (probably the latter) get slightly worse levels, but it shouldn't be a problem, hopefully.

    Chapter 18: This should be the same as long as the 1 use less of a Hand Axe thing is resolved in Chapter 16. Otherwise, I'm probably screwed here.

    Chapter 19: Marcus won't level after crit-killing Uhai

    Chapter 20: Hector won't get a level mid-chapter from killing a nomad. At worst, this can be resolved by burning 7 additional RNs.

    UPDATE: So the Hand Axe thing doesn't exactly work out, but there is an easy workaround. Some of Marcus' Hand Axe uses (exactly 4, in fact) can be converted to Javelin uses on the first turn of Chapter 16. So then I just need to find an opportunity for Hector to convert 3 Iron Axe uses into Hand Axe uses before Chapter 18, which sounds very easy. So the only thing holding us back now should be figuring out the levels in Chapter 17. This is done too! I'm looking forward to having a Marcus who procs Str/Spd every level!

    One last thing I want to check though, is to see if Hector not levelling in Chapter 20 will allow for any improvements there.

  17. Yeah I agree, definitely not worth incorporating as it's too sketchy (I don't like scumming for enemy stats). No chance of getting Alan/Lance to that benchmark (especially as they'll be missing out on a ton of the Chapter 2 EXP as well, though I suppose you could have one of them swing their sword around the remnant enemies that Marcus leaves behind)

    Just fyi, note that not all of the fighters need to have rigged low HP/Def; only the closest three, since Roy will get 90 EXP from crit-killing the 3 of them, and then he can level up by attacking the archer before he gets rescue-dropped further up the map. After that he'll be able to handle even the 3 Def ones.

  18. Lol, you're right. I dropped him off in the wrong spot and forgot to change that (should be north instead of east). I'll try this again and see how it goes.

    Never mind, this is impossible. You can't get the merc to move from his spot since the fighters will always survive, so Roy won't be able to make it to the throne. Well, that's a relief I guess!

    EDIT: The counter to this, however, is that if you rig the enemy stats in Chapter 1, you can get the fighters to spawn with 2 Def and <=27 HP, which means Roy can OHKO them with Rapier crits... so at the expense of EXP to Alan/Lance, you can probably get Roy close to level 3 here... maybe that will let him kill fighters in Chapter 2? Idk

    EDIT 2: In fact, assuming you rig the stats for the nearest ones, you can actually get Roy's EXP significantly higher my having Alan+Marcus rescue drop-him all over the map. You should be able to get him to at least level 3, if not level 4 by the end of Chapter 1 via this process, and I believe level 4 gives him enough Str to one-shot the Chapter 2 fighters with crits. This does mean Alan will get like 0 EXP though (Lance might still be able to get some), so I don't know if you would want to do this. Seems like more trouble than it's worth tbh.

  19. On NM you don't have to go through this spiel to 4 turn it since a level 3 Roy can Rapier hit+crit the boss. From some RNG hacking (a la beamcrash), I think I have some evidence that it still might be possible on HM, though it is unclear to me. I'll post a screenshot and edit an explanation into this post in the next 15 minutes or so.

    From preliminary testing via hacking, the following position should be reachable at the start of turn 3:


    Here Shanna has the Javelin equipped so she can crit+kill soldiers (except for the one with 3 luck, who survives). Lot should be carrying Marcus, and ignore Wolt in this screenshot; he shouldn't be there. At first it looks like there is no good way to clear the path to Roy and get Marcus forward. However, I think there actually might be:

    Turn 3: Lot gives Marcus to Dieck, trades some axes to Wade maybe. Wade kills the guy on Shanna's left (if she crit him, this should be doable with the Steel Axe). Then Shanna flies around and clears the path for Roy (with the Javelin again most likely, but maybe not). Roy advances forward, and Dieck charges up and drops Marcus forward, which puts him just in range of reaching the boss on turn 4 as long as no one is in his way ( a big if).

    Based on the given screenshot, this is wrong since Shanna can't move around to clear Roy's path if only the guy on the left dies, but by having Lot attack with the Hand Axe after giving Marcus to Dieck and then having Wade take the Hand Axe from above to kill the soldier you should be OK.

    Turn 3 EP: Assuming Shanna is injured and Roy is not, everyone should after her, and that means that everyone who also attacked her on turn 1 can potentially die here if critted at least once on either turn. I just realized this screenshot doesn't show everything, but there are 3 more enemies up above (archer, merc, and fighter). If they can get cleared on the next turn, things should be good?

    Turn 4: Marcus has to crit kill the boss and Roy has to seize. Maybe there are still a couple of enemies in Marcus' path. Shanna+Dieck+Wade should be able to clear them out (with crits if necessary)

    So maybe doable? I don't know. This is even worse RNG wise than the the proposed 3-turn clear of Chapter 1. Here is the other half of the map on the screenshot, btw


  20. I have no idea how much EXP she would get (it would depend on how many crit-kills you are able to feed her), but even if she did, I doubt you would be able to rig the +2 def (10% growth each time) on top of everything else unless you get lucky and manage to get the levels on PP.

    Why does this matter though? Can you not just rig a dodge? If you're worried about the archer blocking the way, it looks like you can still have Lance kill the soldier and Marcus kill the archer (rig a crit if necessary) before Allen rescues him from above. I feel like I'm missing something but not sure what it is.

  21. It's probably too late to warrant looking into this, but... I wonder if a 4 turn clear of Chapter 2 is possible (with extreme RNG abuse, probably significantly more than what you incorporate in your playthrough)?

    The idea being roughly as follows:

    Turn 1: Use the usual cav+Bors rescue drop to get Javelin!Marcus onto the fort, and have someone (Wolt) rescue Roy.

    Turn 2: Have one of your cavs take the Javelin from Marcus and clear the path forward. Wolt should give Roy to Marcus, who charges forward and gives him to Wade, who then gives Roy to Shanna. Shanna then charges up north-ish and drops Roy 10 spaces away from the gate. There are three spots available and you probably don't want the one with the forest since you'll get cramped by the ranged enemies (it might be impossible not to get cramped by them, you'll have to figure this out). Lot rescues Marcus and Dieck moves onto the fort like normal (and kills the guy if you want). RNG abuse going to be necessary on the EP to keep Roy/Shanna alive, and perhaps some crits necessary to make the path not blocked.

    Turn 3: Lot gives Marcus to Dieck, who gives him to Florina and maybe kills something. If you position things correctly, I think Lot can trade his Hand Axe to Wade while doing this so he can help clear a path if necessary. Roy would then move forward 5 spaces, and Shanna would drop Marcus near the boss or something.

    Turn 4: I think Marcus can handle the boss with a Silver Lance crit+hit? Definitely a double crit would work. Wade/Dieck/Shanna help clean up and Roy gets to the gate... hopefully?

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