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Posts posted by ruadath

  1. they're also usually among the first to promote in ranked runs since combat units aren't deployed every map, and they get to spam barrier/torch etc staves.

    Really? I usually didn't promote Priscilla until fairly late game because I preferred the extra experience from staves, etc. Then again, I haven't completed a serious ranked playthrough since I was like 12/13 (back when I didn't touch Marcus, etc.) so maybe I'm completely wrong here.

  2. The healers are only the first to promote if you're going about "turtling" maps (taking them really slowly heal every wound, including level ups, before attacking each enemy). Nothing's wrong with doing that, of course, (unless you're doing a ranked playthrough), though it does have the potential to take the challenge away from the game, even on it's hardest difficulties.

  3. Is it just me or has the forum clock been getting faster than actual time? When I first joined the forum roughly a year ago, I remember it being a couple minutes fast, but now posts that I make seem to be timestamped nearly 10 minutes ahead of the time on my computer!

    Anyone else notice this?

  4. After spending the last 5 (or however many) hours constantly and painfully resetting the clock, I was able to raise Niles and Odin from no support (maybe 1 support point or something) up to B support without doing any maps in between, which suggests that there is no cap on support growth from the My Castle events, at least for "fast" supports. I'll have to wait until one of the "slow" supports to develop a bit further before I can declare that this works in general for all non-Avatar supports.

    EDIT: I just developed Silas x Elise to B (from nothing), so therefore I suppose we can conclude that this method works for all non-avatar supports.

  5. Bumping this again because I suspect that the Avatar/Jakob (and maybe some other people's) support growth is unique in being able to ascend multiple levels in one chapter (without visiting any battles, etc.) When I was raising Jakob x Avatar, after gaining a support level I found that more hearts would appear when I started visiting him again in the castle.

    However, when trying the same thing with Silas and Beruka later, I find that I still get a screen with a single filled heart, which leads me to believe that their support growth is not increased upon further visits. This also throws into question whether or not it is possible to raise the support levels between two-non Avatar units an unlimited amount between a single chapter (without using DLC maps/My Castle battles, of course).

    I'll try looking into this further and let you guys know what happens.

    Never mind, I was just being dumb, you can infinite grind supports with anyone in My Castle.

  6. Yeah, Dolphin debugging is how I figured this out in the first place.

    The different behaviour at short and long range interests me though. If it is true, it makes me wonder why they implemented it. To nerf long-ranged attacks somewhat?

    It's not a matter of nerfing, since (as far as I'm aware) the statistical distributions of hits/crits are not any different for the two. It's just that the game does something different with the RNs it is given to get the numbers for the long range attack. For example a seed that yields a 3% crit on any short range attack may not yield a crit on a long range attack.

    What is really bizarre about this, however, is the fact that it's not consistent. Sometimes, a long range attack will function exactly like a short range attack. Most of the time, it will not, and there usually isn't any clear reason for the difference.

  7. I've mentioned this before but the RNG in this works in an extremely strange manner. I haven't seen this occur in any other FEs (let me know if I'm wrong), but the game uses the RNG differently for short-range attacks vs. long range attacks... most of the time. And yes, I've tested this many many times in different scenarios to ensure this isn't just a result of me neglecting to account for skill procs, supports, or something silly like that. The most glaring evidence for this is a test I did with the a tome-user (with 1~2 range) who attacked from 3 different squares and got different results.

    I don't really know too much about exactly what is going on here (hence the reason for creating this topic), but I do know that close-range attacks are always "stable;" they work in the normal way that we expect them to (the first 2 RNs are averaged for the hit, and the next for the crit, and then skill procs or whatever). The long range attacks, however, do not seem consistent at all; in some rare cases (which seem fixed for particular tiles on a map, although I have not found any conclusive patterns), it works just like a short-range attack.

    The majority of time however, it seems to use some alternative mechanism, or perhaps a combination of multiple alternative mechanisms (more details on this to follow). I have not done any testing to figure out if these same mechanisms apply for longbows or siege tomes (and probably won't touch that until we resolve this simpler issue first).

    I have (in fact, I've had) some proposed tools/methods to do testing on this and maybe gather information, sort of like with the Enemy AI Targeting thread I made here a while ago. Just like in that case, however, I've been too lazy to actually put effort into this and get a detailed understanding of how this system works, and I'm hoping this thread might inspire someone else (or maybe me) to actually put effort into this and figure out what is going on.

    Feel free to post here with any questions/comments related to the above.

  8. I think I might have figured out how to deal with the issue I mentioned above. It's kind of complicated to explain in full detail, but basically a very injured Lowen will draw the enemies away from a full HP Florina, despite the fact that they only do like 1 or 2 damage to Lowen (who is thus 4/5HKO) and can 2HKO Florina. However, they get a bit lucky with the RNG seed that makes everything else work and actually do manage to kill him... if he has the Javelin equipped. If he has an Iron Lance equipped, however, the 1 additional AS actually keeps him safe. So there are two ways to deal with this, the most reasonable being:

    1) use the Goddess Icon on Lowen

    Of course, I'm not a reasonable person, and you guys know how much I hate to use statboosters (using the Dracoshield on Kent back in Chapter 17 killed me...) So before I resort to option 1, I'm instead going to:

    2) look back at my playthrough and see if I can trade around my Iron Lances differently between chapters in order to end up with Iron Lance that has 4 uses remaining

    which can then break on the EP to equip Lowen with the Javelin. I'll add this information to the errata on the first page of the thread if I end up taking this route.

    EDIT: OK this seems like it might not be so bad after all! I can't control anything up to the end of Chapter 13, after which we have

    Chapter 14: Lowen (38), Oswin (40)

    In Chapter 14 both Lowen and Oswin use their lance once, so this doesn't matter

    Chapter 15: Lowen (37), Oswin (39)

    In Chapter 15, Lowen used his Lance 8 times while Oswin used his 9 times. But I want to flip this around and have them trade lances before hand. Thus the next chapter should now read:

    Chapter 16: Lowen (31), Oswin (28)

    Lowen uses the Iron Lance he has 10 times, while Oswin's Lance is given to Marcus (who gives it to Florina on the first turn of the chapter) and is used 3 times. I want to flip this around. Sain also joins with an Iron Lance and uses it 5 times during the chapter.

    Chapter 17: Lowen (18), Florina (28), Sain (40)

    This one is actually done exactly the same as before! However, there was already a change in the errata (which is maintained) and things get complicated here, so let me give a run down of what happens here. Sain gives his lance to Kent, and then lances are traded in the cycle Kent-->Lowen-->Florina-->Kent. During the Chapter, Kent uses the lance he gets 5 times. Florina's lance is traded to Sain mid-chapter when we de-equip her and is not used. Lowen uses his lance a bit, and later trades it to Florina who uses it even more for a total of 9 uses.

    Chapter 18: Florina (31), Sain (18), Kent (23)

    In this chapter, Florina uses her lance 8 times, while Sain uses his only once (Kent isn't deployed). Therefore, we swap Florina and Sain's lances

    Chapter 19: Florina (10), Sain (30), Kent (23)

    Lowen takes Florina's lance and uses it 6 times, Sain uses his lance twice, and Marcus takes Kent's lance and uses it once. No changes need to be made here

    Chapter 20: Marcus (22), Sain (28), Lowen (4)

    And thus we have a 4-use Iron Lance for the chapter. I'm too lazy to actually go back and do all of this trading, especially since it won't affect anything in the playthroughs, so I'm just going to hack in these changes to my save file.

  9. Alright, so the 4-turn clear with Legault recruited is actually surprisingly easy to do, even without the second Paladin. However, the usual train Florina issue has resurfaced, and I would kind of like to resolve it before I post a clear; maybe you guys will have some ideas that I haven't thought of.

    Heading east toward Legault is our team of cavs: Marcus, Sain, and Kent (along with Priscilla carrying Lyn in the rear and providing unnecessary healing for EXP). I was really excited (perhaps too excited) to see Marcus smash down walls with the Steel Axe, but it actually turns out to work better for Sain and Kent to destroy the walls and have Marcus charge forward. Erk snipes the nomads and the killer bow guy from the starting area, so they don't get in anyone's way and things are resolved pretty simply.

    On the west side is where things are slightly more problematic. The standard Florina/Fiora rescue-drop puts Lowen in position to facetank Cameron; he's fast enough to double the cavs who attack him with the Steel Lance so he leaves space to maneuver on turn 2. Florina kills Cameron with an Axereaver crit (and gets a 6-stat level up so that's not an issue). The problem comes with deciding what to do after that. It's easy enough to have Lowen charge ahead and (after using a Vulnerary) slaughter everything with Javelins, and then crit-kill Darin with the Heavy Spear; I've got enough EXP to get Florina to level 10 with like one more kill after Cameron, so she'll definitely be able to promote.

    I would, however, like to place Florina up in the front and funnel all the EXP down her throat instead of Lowen before she promotes. But then rigging all the dodges from the cavs/nomads and stuff is problematic for obvious reasons. I don't think there is any easy way to get around this, but let me know if I'm overlooking something.

  10. Fates making it impossible to save before the final chapter and the Epilogue is unforgivably regressive and whoever had the idea should be fired.

    Probably not an unpopular opinion but I had to vent and idk how strongly people actually feel about it

    Being unable to save before Epilogue was needless in Awakening aswell but at least its Endgame is short so I didn't care

    They did that?! Wow, that's really annoying and bizarre, I had no idea.

  11. Yeah that turn 1 EP is pretty awful; IIRC that was literally the only seed I could find that let her survive at that spot (and is the reason why I had to "burn" RNs by having Florina attack first with the Horseslayer and then giving Bartre the kill along with a level up instead of the other way around). Not only is she 2HKOd by everything, but all of the nomads (except for the Longbow guy) 1HKO her because they have Steel weapons!

    There is a much safer and more reliable option of dropping Florina to the spot east of Sain instead of south. I found somewhere between 5-10 seeds where this worked out perfectly well, but the disadvantage of doing that is that the cavs who attack Florina get a Def buff from the forest and are no longer killed by a crit+hit from the Slim Lance; instead, they survive with 2-3 HP.

    As for the hitrates:

    Steel Sword!Cav: 36 hit (true hit: ~26.3)

    Florina levels up here, gaining +2 or 3 Avo (I forget the formula)

    Iron Sword!Cav: 48 hit (true hit: ~46.6)

    Steel Lance!Cav 43 hit (true hit: ~37.4)

    Hand Axe!Pirate: 48 hit (true hit: ~46.6)

    Longbow!Nomad: 42 hit (true hit: ~35.7)

    2x Steel Bow!Nomad: 47 hit (true hit: ~44.6)

    Oh wow, so everything was under 50%. Nothing compared to the RNG abuse in RD/Awakening then, but dodging 6 attacks at about 50% hit rate and landing a couple of ~10% crits is pretty lucky, especially when you consider that she has to get a good level in the middle of that and it's really helpful for Erk to dodge the Iron Bow!Nomad who attack him at 48 hit (he'll almost certainly dodge the Pirate who has like 24 hit or something like that).

  12. Thanks for the insight. What I'm trying to figure out, though, is the answer to the following:

    Here is my situation. I have Marcus 2 spaces away from Uhai and I've whacked him with a Hand Axe crit so he is down to 3 HP. Now usually if no one else is nearby, Uhai will run toward the forts on the EP, while if I have Florina/Fiora/Lowen lurking around, then he instead switches from the Killing Edge to one of his bows and suicides on Marcus.

    However, I've noticed that in certain situations (which so far I can only classify based upon the two nomads above him and to the left still being there), he won't run away but he also won't attack. By hacking the game to give Marcus an extra turn and then killing one of those nomads (but leaving everything else the same), it turns out that Uhai will attack. Do you have any idea of what might be causing this strange behavior? I think I read your post on the FE7 AI blog somewhere something about the 4th byte of the AI code determining the "skip turn" behavior, and I think that might be relevant?

    I can post screenshots if that would be helpful.

  13. After a break that was a little bit over 3 months, this playthrough has finally resumed!

    3 turns, all the items obtained, and good levels for (almost) everyone! Let me know what you guys think, and as always, feedback is very much appreciated!

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