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Everything posted by Yexin

  1. NieR, both Replicant and Gestalt (Remaster) FE4, FE9 and FE10 (Remaster +/ Graphic Overhaul/ whatever you want to call it, i mean a Remake that is as faithful to the original source as possible (basically what Crash N-Sane Trilogy is to Crash 1, 2 and 3), though i'd like for FE4's Graphic Overhaul to be 2D and not 3D) Final Fantasy VI (Remake) this is my list foe now
  2. i'm playing Trails from Zero, walking my dog (it's still allowed here in Italy, although you must stay close to your house (yes, this is as vague as it sounds) and only for a limited period of time), and watching tons of videos on YT i also have university online classes, but tbh i don't really like it, my teachers don't know how to use Microsoft Teams properly and this makes following their classes much harder for us students Funfact: in Italy there are more people who got reported for not staying at home, doing their daily activities such as jogging and hanging out with friends like it was nothing, than infected people
  3. Sora: Keyblade Transformations - Grand Magic: In KH3, Sora can charge a sort of gauge which allows him to trigger a special effect, depending on which type of attacks he mainly utilized to charge it If Sora focuses on magic attacks, he'll be able to unleash a Grand Magic, an upgraded and much more powerful magic based on the type of magic he used the most (Firaga -> Firaja, Thundaga -> Thundaja and so on) If Sora focuses on physical attacks, he can trigger a Keyblade Transformation, which is different depending on the Keyblad he's using: this grants Sora a completely different moveset which allows for longer and more powerful combos, different properties and different magic effects To name just a few Keyblade Transformations, we have: Blizzard Blades: Sora's arms and feet are covered with ice blades, allowing Sora to skate instead of normally running and attacking with mostly slash-based attacks Double Arrowguns: Sora wields two guns which can shoot magic projectiles repeatedly, just like a machine gun, and Sora can't shield attacks during this form, he can only dodge, but he automatically shoots some projectiles while dodging; this can then evole into Magic Launcher, a big cannon which shoots slow magic bombs, but it can also be used for melee combos Counter Shield: Sora's Keyblade transforms intp a shield which allows him to perform mid-range combos as well as parrying enemy attacks and then immediately retaliate with a powerful counterattack Hyper Hammer: Sora's attacks are much more powerful and cover a wider area, thanks to this huge hammer's range; this can evolve into Drill Punch, that causes the hammer to transform into a big drill-arm that covers Sora's right hand, and allows his combos to be quicker, but not less powerful Now of course this would take a shit load of work to be implemented, and i don't expect them to, but honestly even just 1 or 2 transformation, maybe the least time-consuming ones, would make me so happy (i'm prioritizing Keyblade Transformations because magic would make Sora seem too similar to the Hero and Robin)
  4. that's why wise monarchs surround themselves with lots of reliable counselors: one single person, no matter how idealistic or powerful, simply can't rule a kingdom, let alone a whole continent, on his/her own because being controversial what edelgard's entire character is all about...? i mean seriously, let people dislike what they want, they can't undermine your appreciacion towards those things, and there's no need to shove your reasons why they're wrong down their throats, just live and let live, it's ok to disagree about something Hitler probably had what, in his head, seemed like very valid reasons to exterminate jews, and he probably didn't live a happy childhood; after all, he only did what he thought was good for his beloved Germany feel the sarcasm does this mean that people who fail to comprehend his complex and somber past are wrong?
  5. i think i know what a certain green-haired traveling bard would tell edelgard "You know who suffers then? The people" @omegaxis1 you said you can't know for sure whether your actions will cause the desired result unless you bring them forth what i think is that a tactician like Soren would be able to do that with a certain degree of accuracy yeah, imo edelgard lacks a reasonable, capable and unbiased tactician, who can advise her about the consequences of her actions, a role hubert clearly can't fit point is, i doubt she would listen anyway, she's way too convinced she has to carry on her war, she wouldn't change her mind so yeah, while determination is indeed commendable, it only is when your purpose is positive is edelgard's purpose positive? well, that's her character's entire point i guess, everyone has a different opinion about it for me, it isn't, not in the slightest
  6. i personally really hate what she does, and i can't see myself ever changing my mind on this however, for me, this hate i feel towards her is due to her very good writing, in fact i can't think of another non-Fates FE character which makes me feel so damn disgusted (in a good way) when appearing on screen anyway, she'll always hold a special place in my heart, because she's a perfect example of what i do not intend to be or do in my life (presumptuous, full of myself, presuming i know what is best for others, and forcing my beliefs on who's weaker than me) putting aside her most controversial aspects (so basically 80% of her whole character), she's a nice cute girl with a rather likabe personality were she a real person, i'd honestly try and get to know her, so that i can see how she actually is behind her composed demeanor also, i find it so hilarious that the most human characters in the whole series, namely Makalov and Brom, are left in the dust, or even harshly hated and criticized in Makalov's case is being a cute anime girl really that big of a deal for people? i mean both Makalov and Brom are appreciable their own way
  7. i'm happy i wasn't wrong, this banner is of zero interest to me my orbs and sanity due to a possible Bunny Rhea: preserved anyway why is no one mentioning how stupid Est's weapon's effect is, compared to its condition? i mean, all stats+5 during combat AND penalty negation JUST BY HAVING AN ALLY WITHIN 2 SPACES, and of course atk +3 because why the hell not people like to make memes about how short early 2017 prf weapon's descriptions were, and now IntSys throws them all out of the window by adding a prf weapon with a description just as short, but 100000 times better, it's absurd also yeah, idunn is op, but that's to be expected from an armored dragon duo unit i'm honestly surprised she doesn't have 200 BST since they're technically 2 dragons counting as one unit
  8. super fake genealogy's never gonna get any seasonal alt
  9. My changes would be: 1) A big roster cut, leaving 45/50 characters at most, counting both veterans and newcomers: in particular, Fire Emblem characters would be reduced to just Marth, Ike, Robin and Byleth Most notable newcomers: Estelle Bright/Lloyd Bannings/Rean Schwarzer (Trails series), 2B (NieR:Automata), Mark Evans (Inazuma Eleven), Tiz Arrior/Agnés Oblige/Ringabel/Edea Lee (Bravely Series), Rex and Pyra (Xenoblade 2) Furthermore, Echo Fighters would be costumes for their original fighters, except for Ken 2) A brief description for every Spirit/Trophies just like previous Smash games 3) Return of Melee "Break the Targets" minigame 4) Return of Home Run Contest 5) Return of Boss Rush and All-Stars modes 6) More Mii Fighters archetypes these are the things i would focus on if i were to make Smash 6, i would think about other things later
  10. i can't really see the guy being Boyd, the hair just doesn't match, even though it's definitely similar as for the physical build, imo that guy's too beefy to be Boyd, not even RD version Boyd, so yeah i guess i'm Bartre gang also Boyd just needs to be introduced as a regular new hero come on as for the girl, i really have no idea, she both reminds me and doesn't remind me of Est at the same time, although that could be due to the artist's own style, but i'm not sure anyway yeah, Est is 99% confirmed to be in this banner, if previous Spring banners are anything to go by af for other potential candidates, imo 2 Heroes character seem very likely to be part of the banner, it's been a trend since 2018's Spring banner and i don't see IntSys stopping right now although i would really like to know what even is remotely interesting about Heroes' OCs but that's probably just me Lif and Thrasir are my bets, but Eir and Fjorm are just as likely all these things considered, i can now say without any kind of doubt that Spring banners are my most disliked seasonal banners, they all seem to feature characters i'm not interested in at all, except for Paula and Loki although Bunny Rhea might change my mind...
  11. Avatar: Shinkou (a character in my Pathfinder adventure, he's the son of the girl in my Profile Pic) Class: Mage Fighter (he's a Magus, a Mage/Swordfighter hybrid, so yeah) --------- Lord: Sigurd Mercenary: PoR Ike Myrmidon: Ayra Thief: Sothe, because he technically is a pre-promoted Thief...? Anyway, if Sothe doesn't count, I'm going with Matthew Fighter: Boyd Brigand/Pirate: Nedata Cavalier: Makalov Armor Knight: Gatrie Soldier/Spear Fighter: Nephenee Archer: Brigid Bow Knight: Astrid Pegasus Knight: Paula Wyvern Rider: Haar Anima Mage: Levin (Sage) Light Mage: Oliver Dark Mage: Pelleas Cleric/Priest: Mercedes Troubadour: Marianne Dancer: PoR Reyson (I wanted to add Lene, but Reyson flies and refreshes 4 allies when transformed, so yeah Reyson is my pick for dancers) Trainee: Faye Manakete: Nagi Beast: Caineghis
  12. only interested in that New Heroes Banner in early april, but i MIGHT be pulling on that Even Skills Banner, if Karla's present and she's the only red focus unit (unlikely): i only need 2 more to +10 her
  13. i generally liked them, there's almost no character i strongly dislike like i do with Fates's cast: the only two i can say i REALLY don't like at all and towards whom i feel something very close to hatred are Edelgard and Lysithea; i'm also not exactly fond of Bernadetta and Lynhardt, but it's not that i dislike them there are also characters i feel neutral about, such as Petra, Ingrid, Ashe, Raphael and Ignatz, but the characters i like are much more numerous: Rhea, Dimitri, Manuela, Dorothea, Marianne, Hilda, Mercedes, Annette, Sylvain, Felix, Dedue, Caspar and more so i'm overall quite satisfied with 3H's cast
  14. well tbh Sephiran could be a colorless infantry mage with Cordelia (Creiddylad, i just love to use its italian name), it's just as possible as Staff Sephiran with Ashera Staff
  15. i honestly wouldn't add them in SoV they were fine since Gaiden wasn't exactly a master example of battle mechanics, it was just "brute force vs brute force", and positioning wasn't really a thing, except for woods and gravesa Genealogy absolutely isn't like that, so imo adding them would undermine the whole combat system which is balanced around skills, weapons, weight, speed, proximity of the Main Character and/or to a unit with Charm to gain Hit and Evasion bonuses, proximity of a sibling or a lover to get a chance to land critical hits, and so on
  16. which means nothing if you're playing genealogy for the first time and have little to zero knowledge about the game, aside from some story spoilers maybe you're making statements as someone who already played genealogy at least once and knows its gameplay elements, units and so on, but this rule doesn't apply to everyone not getting some canon children, or even all of them, doesn't mean you can't beat the game or enjoy it in general
  17. while producing SoV, they perfectly knew it wouldn't have sold as much as awakening or fates did sadly, yet they said they were very satisfied with its sales, so i'm pretty sure casual players are NOT their target, or at least their main target, when producing remakes of older titles i'm pretty sure they know their business... for remakes at least also, they could try to take advantage of 3H's, Awakening's and Fates's popularity to push Genealogy's remake; something like "Hey, characters have something similar to the crest system of 3H! It has deep politics just like 3H (eh)! It has children just like Awakening and Fates! It has lots of romance just like 3H, Awakening and Fates!" and so on and so forth what a Genealogy remake does NOT need IN ANY FORM OR SHAPE, is an avatar, just like 3H, Awakening and Fates they haven't added one in SoV, so i'm quite confident they won't add one in another remake (right Kris?) lastly, i know this may be quite controversial, but i'm curious about whether they'll add new characters and/or villains, just like they did with Faye, Berkut and Ferdinand in SoV imo it's highly likely they'll add a female cavalier in the prologue along with Alec and Noish, for the sake of gender representation, which is probably the same reason why Faye even exists to begin with, although they would have to create new children units if that is the case also, don't nerf Master Knight please
  18. tbh sylvia never says that line in japanese anyway yeah, i'd like a hypothetical Genealogy remake to be as faithful to the original game as possible, but of course QoL changes, such as skippable enemy phase, are to be expected
  19. oh right, Elphin could be a colorless mage too, since i can't see him using any kind of physical weapon i guess he could be either green or blue too
  20. i just found out that Chapter 5's last map's Lysithea (a gen 4 infantry red mage with very min-maxed stats) at the highest difficulty, with all stats+4 thanks to the adjacent Helbindi and her special ready, can't even kill my Brave Ike (+atk , 40+10, +10 from dragonflowers, Summoner Support, G Duel Infantry and +17 in-combat res (+3 from drive res, +2 from Marth's Falchion, +2 from Marth's support, +4 from distant guard, +6 from distant defense) in enemy phase... so like... Tactical Nuke who "Of course he can tank her with all these buffs" yeah but i'd like to remind you that BIke's res is extremely low and that he has color disadvantage, honestly even just considering this match-up is crazy i can only imagine what a gen 4 Brave Ike could manage to do anyway, i got Bernadetta in like 100 orbs and Annette with a ticket, so i don't need to waste my feathers on the Flame Emperor to use him as my arena bonus if only Annette's Crusher was effective against armored units, that would've been nuts
  21. by "VERY premium units", i meant at least 5*-locked units, and imo they would wait at least a whole year to add 4* colorless tomes or even free units with colorless tomes, just like they did with green colored bows and red colored daggers, even though this could be justified by the fact that colored bows and daggers are worse than their colorless counterparts so yeah, i can see a colorless tome orochi, but only if 5*-locked anyway, thanks for everyone's replies!
  22. With today's update, staves without damage limitations colorless tomes have been added! Who do you see fit for this new weapon type? Personally, i can see being colorless tomes units i previously thought would be either staff, blue tome or green tome units: Sephiran, Ashera, Rhea and others, just to name a few It's highly likely imo that only VERY premium units will have colorless tomes, so i really can't see units such as Erk, Ilyana or Asvel to be part of this category So, what are your guesses?
  23. Definitely Makalov, he gets so much undeserved hate Luthier shoud get more love too, he has a small fanbase but he should get much more
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