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The Divine Swordmaster

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Everything posted by The Divine Swordmaster

  1. Actually, it kind of is, since she's missing out on the S-Rank +5 crit bonus when using Anima magic. Would you rather have a pointless staff rank or extra critical? :P ...I forgot about that... too bad its not like FE10 where you can fight with staves I'd equip Priscilla with Fortiy and have great laughs on the last chapter Priscilla's fority vs Jerme's failsword who wins?
  2. Priscilla hitting S rank for staffs instead of Anima isnt a problem unless you want her use Excaliber, but I think there are better candidates for the tome anyway... Shes a damn good healer nonetheless
  3. Defense, yes. Resistance, no. she has like a 30% growth for it. Thats kinda high for a non-magical unit. The Bases suck tho...
  4. Lyn has like a 40% strength growth, thats not low. Guy has 30% and some consider him the best unit in the game. Its really that 4 str base that kills her
  5. The only way L'arachel can even be used is if you tower abuse her, availiability kills her I go with Priscilla, even though I have problems with her low HP, she was dodging everything with that avoid of hers and her offense is decent too
  6. I voted Eliwood as the worst. He sucks earlygame (lance users sure like to impale him), doesnt double reliably until promotion mediorce caps and growths and gets a crappy legendary weapon. The best is Ephraim, sure his caps blow but at least he can reach his (looking at you Eliwood <_< ) plus he gets lances and rapes as soon as you get him. idk why some think Lyn is bad, at least she can dodge and she doubles at base level. When she promotes she is a dodge tank!! Her growth spread is good. (I think her bases somewhat suck but thats another topic for another time)
  7. Thank you. Your Lilina photo is looking cute as well. Thanks for the welcome!! :)

  8. It does have to do with receiving the brand. The brand is the proof of Lehran's power inside of them, thats why Michiah can heal someone by touching them, feel the emotions of others around her and hear the goddesses voice. Lehran's power was passed to her. It doesnt pass to anyone else, all of it goes to the first born. If mulitple people in the same generation inheirit the brand then there will be multiple apostles
  9. Best: Physic staff (I like the way the icon on GBA looks ) Worst: Berserk Staff (this thing gave me problems and cost me an entire army ;_; ) I nominate: Best/Worst Dragon Rider Unit
  10. Thanks for the generic greeting haha

  11. Haha! Thanks for the welcome!

  12. I just replayed Lyn mode recently and I dont remember him one rounding anything but soldiers, but anyone can do that even Bartre
  13. Actually Stefan's build is quite big for a Swordmaster he's very tall as well. Zihark is tall as well but hes not as thick as Stefan is. For Zelgius I'd say hawk branded, I remember reading something the game designers saying something about the hawks havings different tribes where certain hawks are larger than each others. Maybe Zelgius is from the larger Hawk tribe. As for the apostsle the game states that the Apostle's first born child always gets the brand. So Sanaki cant pass it down, only Micaiah can. No more branded apostles for Benigion.
  14. I've always wanted to try FE 6, If using Roy is anything like using...Eliwood.....then Im sure the game is a....challenge XD to bad they didnt localize it. I have to settle for a ROM or Patch or something Although...it would kill my computer
  15. Erk also has higher HP and Res than Pent too But Pent is less screwable in terms of Mag (and for me Skill) I once had an Erk with HIGH mag but with the accurracy of Lilina. I think its Lute, she comes early has nice growths and good bases
  16. Just wanted to introduce myself I used to lurk on this site, but one day I decided to sign up. I have played FE 7-11 (basically all the english ones) So hey everyone!
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