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The Divine Swordmaster

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Everything posted by The Divine Swordmaster

  1. Quilava lv: 17 Hoothoot lv: 16 Flaffy lv: 17 Furret(filler) lv: 15 2 badges and about to fight Whitney (Anyone else notice that Bugsy has been powered up in the remake? He swept my entire team with Scyther in ONE blow and Metapod & Kakuna are harder as well) EDIT: Disired Final Team Typhlosion Noctowl Ampharos Cloyster Houndoom (Hopefully) EDIT2: Ok, now Im sad..... I cant get Houndour until after the national dex :( Umbreon will be my Dark type then Screw it, no Umbreon, Im using a 4-mon team
  2. Why is sentret that low? and Chikorita that high? EDIT: also I think you can get Ponyta before the Elite Four, litterally BEFORE the Elite Four Also Hoppip > Sunkern?
  3. FE6KarelxFE7Karel RutgurxGuyxEdwardxJoshua (myrmidon action 4x) LuciusxTanith (Guess which is the man) ZiharkxMarissa
  4. Crobat is good. high speed Rapes Bruno and Chuck, and bite is good for Morty as well, but I know what you mean about raising it. Leech Life sucks hard. Its always a pain to train my Zubat in D/P
  5. I agree Hoothoot learns some useful moves: the hypnosis/dream eater combo, confusion. He's great againist Morty, Chuck and Bruno And I agree Chikorita is terrible, Grass types are really not of much use in the game especially the pure grass ones
  6. I wish poison types had more uses, their only effective againist grass and most grass types are half poison....... Not to mention that most of them are not the best stat wise Seriously I wonder why Poison types even exist
  7. I hope Houndoom gets an evolution, and the eveeloution's should get another evolution too
  8. FE7: Making us go through all that crap to recruit Karla, Nino's availibility, Renault's magic, Dorcas' speed. FE10: Meg's growths, The nerfing of Sages, the cats, character availiability, Fiona's exsistence
  9. Lyndis has kinda fail bases 16 HP and 2 Def, never good if your not a mage, and Rebeeca bases just about fail everywhere
  10. I think I've heard of others having similar issues like Disk Error coming up when they promote Nolan or something. Also, I think you could buy RD online if you wanted to, its probably expensive though
  11. Thats funny its the same problem mine has, only anytime someone attacks a pegasus knight or if I use a pegasus knight I get the disk error. Only Haar can attack them without having that problem. It sucks though becuase as long as I have that disk I cant use the pegasus knights. It even happens ehen I promote them And they dont do disk replacements anymore, I asked recently about it. You'll have to find a copy, preferably new.
  12. I personally like Micaiah, to bad she is slow as all hell and cant take a hit to save her life. If IS is going to make a slow mage then give them good def, if they want to make a speedy mage then I guess could live without the extra def. but to give the mages neither? And the only mage(Tormod) with good speed and def has availiability issues?
  13. Your right Guy is more of fragile speedster, I forgot about his 30% str, but Edward can be thought of as a melee glass cannon 60% str and bad defense sounds like a melee glass canon to me Lyn doesnt have the str to "dish it" shes more of the fragile speedster
  14. My Lyn's usaully got 55 HP when I gave her the robe
  15. Well let me think of some Melee glass cannons..... Myrmidons are glass cannons in general like Edward and Guy
  16. Erk (I always get blessed Erks) Hp-48 Mag-26 Skl-25 Spd-*26 Lck-16(Goddess Icon) Def-11 Res-*25 Farina Hp-50 Str-*23 Skl-*25 Spd-*28 Luck-25 Def-20 Res-22 Rebbecca Hp-39 Str-*24 Skl-29 Spd-*29 Luck-23 Def-11 Res-15 Prisilla Hp-36 Str-*25 Skl-*24 Spd-*25 Luck-*30 Def-11 Res-*28
  17. I had 99% until one day a few years ago, I turned on my game and saw all the data had been erased I had to start all over, I just got to Eliwood's story for the first time
  18. Hey the affinity thing wasn't to far off, For instance, Lou and Ray have the Fire & Ice affinity, you know who else has that? Their parents, Nino and Jaffar . Also Niime has the same afinity as her son Canas. Of course it could be a freak coincidence and IS is just playing playing with our heads, but still a strange coincidence indeed. ^_^ Whats wrong with Hector x Florina ? Opposites attract all the time. What if....after the fight with Nergal Hector, Lyn and Florina were in a love triangle but Lyn's greater love for the plains caused her to go home and shack up with Rath? btw Rebecca has the fire affinity which is the opposite of ice, so maybe Wolt inherited the element that opposes his moms, same thing with Roy and Ninian *does not what to start a shipping war*
  19. I honestly think HectorxFlorina is cannon. Think about it Florina and Lilina rhymes with "-ina" They both have the same affinity (light) and terrible defense. Mother and Daughter maybe? Also LynxRath? Sue and Lyn have the same affinty as well
  20. If Farina cannot exist in a ranked run wouldn't that make her bottom tier? perhaps below Karla? Or at least below Renault, At least he heals and gives us Fortiy. Thats worth more that costing mney to exist and 10k to even promote
  21. For some reason Reevers look like Warriors only with a dress.
  22. 1. I want 3rd Tier's back, it was cool seeing all the different outfits and stuff 2. Give Archers bows that can attack from 1-2 range(Iron Bows, etc) and 2-3 range(Longbows, etc), also when they get attacked head on they get a +10 evasion boost. Also the further away they attack the less the accuracy. 3. Give Bishops(or promoted healers) an ability that allows them to use staves more effieciently. Such as giving them range on any staff. Imagine being able to heal from affar with only a basic heal staff or even restore(its gonna be magic/2 of course though). And when using physic's and fortify's it wont be magic/2 anymore it will be just their magic stat determining range. 4. Bring back fire/thunder/wind mages from RD (except with better caps IS <_< ) and when they promote to 3rd tier they get a choice between light magic and dark magic. You can only choose one. 5. Bring back skills. 6. Let Valykries use magic again, no more swords and when the promote they get light magic and a choice of one the wind/fire/thunder magics. 7. Bring back lancereavers, swordreavers, etc. and this time let them have 25 uses instead of 15 8. Bring back supports FE9 style, that way you dont have to glue 2 units together for a support 9. KEEP Wind Edges/Storm sword/Tempest Blade!!! Swords finally get 2 range that doesnt depend on magic
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