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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. Hahahahahahahahaha! Yes, Siegbert! Luck is what you need! A single point of luck out of a level? In Fates!? Boy, I wish they were all as great as you, Siegbert! That's the kind of thing I would say, which does not help your case, now, does it?
  2. Siegbert. A very useful person. I am truly ever so glad that I have Siegbert in the team for Shelter instead of someone else. Siegbert is doing much work. For instance, Siegbert is helping me to learn the map by suggesting that I go back to the beginning and take a deeper look at the situation. I am not mad at all. Siegbert. What's that /s doing there? It should not be there!
  3. Maaan... The Fuga map. I wasn't gonna, but I think it might be worthwhile to reclass Elfuigi to kinshi knight. Just so I have a flier with bows to help with the onslaught of peggies that I can't reach. Hahahahaha... Nice. That kind of glitch is the best. It's like the Shaun glitch in Heavy Rain, or the many glitches in my first run of Conquest. They improve the experience. Yeah, I agree, that was mean. 06 is just a big, big bully. I respect you for that.
  4. AAAAUURGH I'm so sorry man... Pffffhahahahahahahahahahahahah What a glitch.
  5. Right, I almost forgot the proper anime terminology. Go ahead, ignore everything I said and purposely misinterpret everything so you may jump to a false conclusion. I don't understand, 06. You want me to hate her? ...Okay though, if her crit face was actually like this I might give her a chance. I mean, hell, the reason I gave Charlotte a chance in the first place was that I caught her crit face on a stream. It was love at first sight. Can't go wrong with funny faces. I'll bet he uses the royals and Mozu. Psch. I mean, at this stage, is there any point in denying it? I like how the lance is upright when he's firing his invisible bow, and then it instantly snaps into a horizontal position so it can pierce the enemy's dick. Senno is truly a master of his craft. Jesus fucking Christ. You go too far, 06. Take it back at once.
  6. So I've attempted Fuga's Wild Ride a couple of times. This is going to be fun, I can already tell. Cry me a river. We like joking about it, but this is one topic where I don't believe I'll be changing my mind any time soon, Fates or no Fates. Heck, the closest thing to a loli I've used in Fates is like, what, Hana? Mitama? I suppose they come slightly close, but then you compare them to shit like Kana, Sakura and Elise, who are all the stereotypical loli, and well... Yeah, no. I hate those designs and the characters that accompany them. They can die in a ditch as far as I'm concerned. Yes, I understand the irony of this rant when Yubello is in my sig. That's different, though. Bad meme unit bias overrules loli disgust, to an extent. How unfortunate that Fates's lolis are all disgusting and good units. ...Okay, maybe not Sakura. At the very least, the game has the restraint not to show panty shots of Sakura. I can respect her for that much, I suppose. And she sucks pretty hard as a unit, so... Yeah, Sakura is decent. I'll give her that much. How cute. Oh right I almost forgot you cannot hear the sarcasm in the text Right... Well, still a bit annoying. This is the second time I've heard of this Zoran person. Must be a pretty big deal.
  7. Well... To be fair, I'm not really that sure about the staves. The person that tells me staves cannot be used until the final two maps is you lol. I've yet to find out. ...That does suck, though, I will admit. Blech. I will never understand the appeal. They all look the same, goddamnit! So boring... Death. Death is how I handle the lolis.
  8. I'd love to share proper images, but Serenes is giving me the "sorry u blocked" treatment again. So here are some links of Senno using weapons correctly. This is still a game with RNG. Kind of stinky to be punished with an unbeatable run because Felicia decided she wanted to flub a 99%. Also, I'll admit, the whole "noooo you can't use staves during the game, you must save them for the final chapter or you lose" annoys me. You have these fun tools and you can't do anything interesting with them because if you do you can't win the game. Fsss... Mind, I do feel that Conquest's difficulty is, save for a couple of shenanigans, quite on point. But that doesn't change the fact that the game is terrible for ironmanning. It's a great FE, just not one for ironmanning. Classic mode should really just be called "every unit game overs you mode." All of them. Sacrifice the lolis. Embrace the middle aged captured bosses. Probably because Shadow Dragon gives you replacements at all. Conquest's generics really don't work as replacements when they depend on Niles being alive. Congratulations. I probably will have an even harder time despite having more tools than you.
  9. I mean yeah kinda, but... One's cheating. Besides, save points in DSFE have to be earned, which I know you don't like, but it's a big difference. Turnwheel/divine pulse are far closer to being glorified save states, and RD battle saves are... Well, just glorified save states. No, what I meant is like, I got a strategy down that works consistently for something like the first half of the map, but then I make a mistake and have to redo everything because there's no reason to change the first few turns if they work. After three or four resets, I'd rather just make a state and save myself the hassle of doing the exact same thing again. Especially in this game and difficulty, where the levels stay the same and absolutely nothing changes on a reset. The argument they've made to me was that Conquest is tightly designed and therefore each mistake is on the player, not on the game's bullshit. So theoretically you can just not make mistakes and you won't be caught by stuff like ambush reinforcements. That's all well and good. The problem is that when you do make a mistake, the game is way, WAY too unforgiving. You lose a dad early on and that's two units and a chapter full of rewards you lose from a single mistake. You lose a mom and you still lose two units and a map, you just get to choose which child poofs out of existence. You lose Niles and every useful generic/boss is out of your grasp. You save yourself from an unfortunate situation with staves and the game becomes unbeatable because you have to save them all for the final maps. You lose your tank or your damage dealer later on and you're in deep shit because all the late joiners are squishy healers or children you may or may not have lost. You lose gold and you can't buy brave weapons to one-round early Takumi, leaving you exposed to his shitty proc skills. The game is tightly designed enough that if you're absolutely perfect, you will be just peachy. That much I agree with. The problem is that there's, in my humble opinion, too little room for error, and more alarmingly, too little room for RNG screwage. I'm not saying the game should be PoR-tier mindless, but you can't even let yourself use a staff charge to correct a mistake. It's one of the other reasons I place NMotE above this one. It takes far more for everything to go to hell there. ...maybe I should try Conquest in casual one day. Being the filthy elitist I am it goes against my principles to play on casual mode, but it would certainly be less stressful. And no resets is something I would welcome with open arms. Sacrifice the loli.
  10. I mean, I use save states with moderation to achieve the same effect, but the difference is that using save states injures my fragile ego, while the save points in New Mystery felt completely fine. And this is not a game where you want to accept losses and keep going, losing the wrong unit can make the game unbeatable lol. O O F
  11. O O O O OO AA A Hey, Ruben did it again, he took one phrase 06 said and ranted for three paragraphs. It just hurts my pride to use save states... It's the reason Conquest is below New Mystery, those save points are such a goddamned blessing.
  12. Noooooo... Takumi's Fun Castle already required absolute perfection, because the slightest misstep or RNG-screwage put me back at the beginning. Hoo, boy...
  13. Yeah, I suppose if I had to pick between wasting an extra hour doing the exact same moves to get to the same point where I died previously or being deemed a cheater, I'll gladly take the insults. Besides, I'm not doing like some other people who savestate every turn and load whenever the RNG doesn't go their way. I really don't like using save states, but if I am just doing the same moves every time, well, I save myself the hassle of doing it 100 times for each tiny mistake I make in the later stages of the map. Heck, it's not like the levels change, either. What I'm trying to say is, please don't patronize me. I'm not activating godmode. An occassional save state to avoid having to redo the first 10 turns of Kitsune Hell 30 times is not enough cheating to keep me from gauging the difficulty. It is not much higher than hard, thus far. So Takumi's Fun Castle is mostly the same? Thank God.
  14. There, a lot of curses and some savestating shenanigans later, Kaden's shitty map is over. I continue to fail to see what's so much more horrible about lunatic than hard, to be honest. Up to this point it has consistently been mostly the same.
  15. Fools: Captured units bad. Me: Against the beaststone users he still has over 80% chance to hit, by the way. Lowest it has gone so far is against the paired-up ninetails, against whom he has a 70~% chance. Oh, and Kumagera one-shots some of them with a simple steel axe. Amazing. Also I went overboard and almost got Haitaka killed, BUT he dodged a 96. I shit you not. He dodged a 96 that would've killed him and lived. Hahahahahaha... It's a good day to be a captured boss, it seems.
  16. There is no image. It's just a space. Dramatic build-up for the edit, if you will.
  17. There we go. It's over. Camilla pulled her rear off the bench briefly so she could carry Elfuigi to the mountains where he would be safe, then Ignatius flew north, quickly grabbed a level and the 5000 bucks, then flew west and Benny put an end to Kaden. Shitty map done in five minutes. Hell yeah. EDIT: Oh. It's rout.
  18. Pfffft... I don't know if this is a glitch in the original or a thing with the promotion palettes mod, but Senno's merchant animations are glitched. When he uses a bow it's fine, but if he tries using a lance, the guy keeps his bow animations, so he just... sort of fires an imaginary bow that propels the spear into the enemy. Amazing. I love it. Bugquest may have ended, but its legacy lingers on, it seems. Also, it's Kitsune Hell time. I'm really tempted to just give it the finger and have Iggy and Benny skip it entirely. Great. All those nice items and I only ever get iron weapons. I legit through that was all you could get, I've never gotten anything half worthwhile. Heck, I've gotten far better stuff just from my troops finding items on the ground!
  19. I joined in 2015, but I wasn't truly active until 2017. So yeah, I beat a couple of you but I'm still baby. Wait, what? You can get good weapons from silver prizes? The best things I've ever gotten from this piece of shit lottery are iron weapons. Look, forgive me for enjoying more characters than generic goodie-two-shoes every single time. Yeah, she's insanely creepy. So what? She's entertaining and I like her design. She's not even close to being the worst Fates character in terms of morality, we've got murderous psychopaths running around being worshipped for their oppai. And don't even get me started on Leo. Again. Yeah, as a matter of fact. She's a girl in Fates without a fanservicey design. That's enough in my book. ...Is that why you tried to bait me into getting him when I played Birthright? Just to see my reaction? Does he tell Hinata that he's a disgrace because of the way he dresses? I mean, she didn't really harrass Nina in their support. Nah, they just... got mad at each other, tried to sort of ungay/unstraight one another, and when that obviously failed they reached an understanding between insane stalkers to respect their respective brands of insane stalking. I don't know, I laughed. Does that make me so terrible a person?
  20. She probbly benefits from having no competition. In my current run she lasted longer than I expected, but she'll hit the bench tomorrow (or well I guess today since I'm still awake, I probably shouldn't be). I have no room and I'd rather have Edsel the adventurer and his double seal skills. ....though, come to think about it, he can't reach A staves... Gotta be honest, I like her. I find her funny. She's completely, unabashedly, unapologetically, hopelessly, permanently horny. It's hilarious. Just a year? Huh. Ayyy, my boy Iggy! Ninja Luigi's a great choice, too. Nyx is an interesting character, my one complaint is her outfit. Hana's all right. I only know the other two from Heirs of Fate, where Velouria didn't make the best impression and Hisame made no impression at all.
  21. Magic Assugi for flame shuriken memes. Unless Felicia already got those covered. Also
  22. Great minds think alike, as they say! https://gamebanana.com/mods/51424
  23. What? ...What...? The inner machinations of your mind are an enigma to me, 06. Glad to know I made the right choice by complete accident while trying to justify my favorite guy. Oh, really? I was not aware. Then again, I don't think I ever checked her reclass options. Then you straight up won't have a choice but to use the Takaman! Brilliant! Ain't it? Well, nothing is perfect. I, for one, don't think its flaws hamper the experience too much. ...But then again, what do I know. I'm the one who thinks the story being massive dick farts is almost a positive kind of. Who needs that when you can have Garon T-posing on top of a throne instead?
  24. His exp growth is unfortunately low, even with paragon, and he spends most of his time shooting things from afar instead of getting kills. I don't think he'll get there, but that's okay, he's gotten all the others. It has crossbows, if that's what you mean, but it also has ballistae as well as a playable ballistician. He's... all right. Faster, but weaker and less tanky than Ignatius. Effie kicks his ass out of the park, but she doesn't have shelter.
  25. Excellent. I mean, heck, I almost didn't even use any new kids at all, but I ended up picking up Siegbert over Soleil, sole(il)le because I need a shelter guy. Well, it's happening, and it's great. I mean, helps that I made... possibly the best person into a ballistician. Shura has general movement, which sucks less than knight movement, innate bows so he isn't stuck with bronze, and great base strength so he delivers mighty blows to all enemies unlucky enough to be caught by his rain of bolts. It's great stuff. B E R W I C K S A G A
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