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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. I hate Arthur's paralogue so much. I hate it so much, and the fact that it's absolutely vital because money in Conquest. I want to say that it's a good concept, but on the other hand, it's long as all hell and a single mistake puts you all the way back at the beginning. Thanks. Duly noted. Ah, it doesn't matter. It ended up not working out anyway.
  2. Damnit, I have the most creative use for a rescue charge, but since the game is balanced around preserving every single staff till the endgame, I can't do it. Fsss... That is so annoying, honestly.
  3. All right, so in the end, I hadn't the heart to kill Shura. However, the generic adventurer is still better. So I decided to do a funny. I gave him a tank. Professor Layton and the Curious Village. First game in the series. Give it a shot! It's really fun. Though be warned, it is as capable of making you feel like a genius as it is of making you feel like a complete moron.
  4. It's... it's not even anime, tho... ...Yes, on second thought, I... I probably should've phrased that differently.
  5. A true gentleman does not snitch. - Layton in prison after he was caught stealing evidence from a crime scene, holding a shank to his cellmate's jugular vein. Somehow, I doubt it. Hey, what's this tool you've been using to check out children?
  6. I mean, sure, but usually there's a grand plan and theatrics and noble intentions involved. This is Layton swiping evidence from a crime scene because he believes he's smarter than the police. ...Which, I mean, yeah, it's true, Mr. Big Stache is a complete idiot, but it's still a bit of a dickmove to just steal evidence, isn't it? How are we going to build a case based on stolen evidence, if and when we find the evildoer? This vidjagaim is not logical, man!
  7. It's been five minutes and Layton has already committed a crime. Apparently being a gentleman and an outlaw are not incompatible concepts. Hey, I almost missed this. How dare you say such a false thing, Draggy! I'll kill you!
  8. I hate that this match up is so close. I really hate it. That's one of my favorites, game! Why must you be so cruel...? Shura has slightly better bases, but Edsel has a huge magic lead, B staves and two sealing skills. Aaaaarrgh I can't decide! Fuck it, I'm gonna play Layton 2 so I can postpone the moment I have to choose.
  9. So uh. I captured a generic adventurer. He has comparable stats to Shura, except his magic is way better and he has Seal Defense and Strength. Jeez... I kinda want that. But then if I use this guy instead of Shura, I'd have to kill Shura for his boots, and I don't want to do that either. But on the other hand, I'd rather have Highwayman for the speed reduction, -3 strength is still good and Haitaka already has the defense sealing covered. But on the other other hand, Highwayman doesn't work if Shura can't find a way to attack without being attacked himself, whereas this guy could reduce enemies to nothing by just shooting at them. Of course, his luck is lower, so he'd face crits more often, but taht can be fixed, and his 6 magic lead and perfect weapon ranks are nothing to sneeze at. Aaarrgh... Decisions. Damn you, decisions! My parents were both smokers. Thankfully, they both quit when I was a kid. My father took some convincing, but eventually he managed it. No. Wha--? ...You can go now.
  10. Now see here, you little-- Don't start! It's too early to start!
  11. Damnit, the Shigure hair inheritance mod doesn't work. Or maybe it just doesn't work properly if Corrin is the father. Either way, that sucks. I wanted green Shigure, but now I get to remove the mod and have boring old blue Shigure instead. Bleh. Yeah, that's what I did. Damnit, they give you a broken Ryoma but let Shura remain as his CQ self? I mean, CQ Shura is still awesome, but BR Shura would've broken it like he breaks Rev.
  12. Gunter done. Then Elfuigi and Azura married, but the game couldn't handle it and crashed. It's not even the mods, this has happened before. Citra just seems to not be able to handle the confession scenes that well. Well, that's just as well. I needed to time travel to recruit Kumagera anyway. ...Oh. Does he come with his Birthright stats though?
  13. Gunter time. Should be a simple map. Well, I'm only on the first game, but I believe I might become one as well. I'm 100% going to be picking up the next one and playing it as soon as possible. It has been a most riveting journey. At this point it's her middling speed that's dragging her down a bit. She can't double as much as I'd like her to, which is a shame, because she deals an unreal amount of damage. I mean, I'd say she's kinda close. They're both unrepentant, unapologetic murderers. The difference is, Peri seems to understand what she's doing, she just doesn't grasp the immorality of her actions. Selkie doesn't seem to understand what killing even means. Ultimately, it's a similar concept. With his good speed, I prefer to forego Wary Fighter entirely and make him a great knight. He's not going to get doubled by most things, and being a GK will allow him to tank with movement and even double some things. Wary Fighter is much better on Benny. It makes him utterly invincible, and he has single digit speed for like the entire game, so it suits him like a glove. Conquest is ruined. Unfortunately I don't have the original clip, but eh, this works just as well. I knew it. It originated from hentai. You cannot fool me, 06! ...Also, I hadn't noticed it was the protagonist of Yume Nikki. Huh. Who replaces Shura? It really is the most brutal death in the series. Goes to show that you don't need gore to create a truly unnerving end. Congrats on a successful second run, Sooks! After him! Don't let him escape! We must drag him to the dark side! And to think, it started like it always does: with people falsely accusing me of being a degenerate and bullying me. Well, he who laughs last, laughs the longest. Bwahahah! I look forward to seeing how different it is on lunatic difficulty.
  14. Yeah. Exactly. Lol I mentioned her later in the post and I still forgot her there. She's... I don't know how to feel about her. She's dangerously close to Peri, the difference being she doesn't seem to fully understand that she's murdering people. But yeah, she's another mad girl who is portrayed as cute and quirky. Not on Mitama or even Shiro's level, but she does beat the rest, because that just isn't so hard. Well, in her (and Velouria's) case, it's not as annoying. Both of the monster girls are just their dad, but at least they're rare classes so it's more justified than the other ones. I feel like Nohr did a better job of making the kids feel unique even when they're the same class as their dad. Iggy, for example, looks like he should just be Benny 2, but thanks to his existent speed, he instead functions as a sort of middle ground between him and Effie. Check my edit on that post. It's possible there's still a chance. Make one, then! Assist the community effort!
  15. It's been going for so long I have little hope about it. On the other hand, Sun God's Wrath went though like three iterations over 10 years and then it came out and rose to my top tier of FEs, so... There's always some hope. Hmph... That's not what kindness is! Sure. Well... Potentially there'll be. There is not yet. 06. My dude. You can try to hide it with a poorly photoshopped ice cream cone. But we all know what lurks underneath. Unleash the bonk. Mitama is the best. Not that she has much competition. Hoshido's kid selection is awful. Kiragi and Hisame are just their dad in design and as units, Rhajat and Asugi are carbon copies of shit Awakening characters and Caeldori is merely okay, I'm just fond of her portrait and not much else. That leaves Mitama and Shiro as the only ones with a cool design, a unique personality and a distinct unit performance. Mitama beats Shiro in all three by a bit, thus she wins. In my opinion, of course. Well... If you are determined enough to get the Sooks%, you can go back and not get Gudmundr. Still, I just realized, if you've managed to get rid of all the extra days, it should be possible for you to see all the returns. Except the first and last one, they give a surprisingly small amount of time. F for Selkie I guess.
  16. Why, thank you! How uncharacteristically kind of y-- No-- How dare you post anime when I win! You should've done that before, when I lost! You can't punish me for succeeding, or I will want to lose and never get anywhere! You could at least find a pic with my type of gal if you're going to reward me with anime you know Ewwww The heck, 06? This another one of your hentais? I seriously hope not... I mean, there've been some hacks in development for a shitton of years that were finished eventually, so you never know. But yes, it's best not to get hyped about these kinds of projects. There just is no guarantee. I've been checking on Maiden of Darkness (huge FE6 overhaul, if you're not familiar with it)'s progress for a long time, for example, but I've always assumed that it won't ever be released until proven otherwise. Massive spoilers below:
  17. Odin and Felicia B "Silas? He's OK, but he's into some strange stuff." They knew. All this time, they knew. They knew, and they still did it. Anyway a quick attempt at chapter 15 proves I am too tired to play any more. So it's off to bed with me. Fuck countermagic.
  18. A success, everyone. I did not forget that Kumagera has countermagic. Again. Neither Elfuigi nor Niles have married their respective partners, but that's okay. I still need to go to chapter 16 to get Xander so I can start grinding supports for all the kids I want. Besides, if I absolutely need it, I still have Arthur's paralogue in the backburner.
  19. Okay. Now PLEASE Don't forget that Kumagera has countermagic. Ruben please. Grow a brain and don't shit yourself again. That'd be so awesome. Hype.
  20. Aaaaaaaaaand then I died. Again. I am doing worse and worse each attempt, but I am too stubborn to go to bed with this map undone after dying to Kumagera. I refuse. I'm beating this now.
  21. Skill emblem is not good for my health. ...And still I managed to get out of there alive thanks to defense stance. Fates mechanics invalidated each other. Oohhh, my heart though... Remember when I started playing Fates and I said I wouldn't even touch the dating sim because it was crinj? How the mighty have fallen indeed...
  22. Yes, that's true, but bad levels are much less common in the world of high growth rates. There's room for frustration, but overall, the mechanic works in the player's benefit more often, I feel.
  23. My only relief is that, since this is lunatic, none of the great levels I got are lost, I just have to get them again. ...Seriously great, that mechanic. Sure, stinks when you get a bad level, but on the other hand, I stress less over bad levels. Who cares if someone gets a bad level on the first enemy of the map? I don't need to reset and get a better one, because I can't! I can just keep on going with my life. It's so nice.
  24. They're not made automatically and the map went so smoothly that I didn't make any myself. I should've known I was being set up for a fall... Fuck these counter skills, seriously. I can never remember the enemies have them. Never.
  25. Cock Cock COCK COOOCK A THOUSAND FUCKING BLUNDERING COOOCKS NOOOOOO I FORGOT KUMAGERA HAS COUNTERMAGIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGGGHGHGRHHAHGAHHAHAHCAHGHAHGAHRGAHGH An hour of my life down the damned drain... Okay, fine. ...Wait, no, that's not fine at all-- Weren't you supposed to be busy? True. They're both best girls too. I see. Thanks.
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