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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. Hmmm... It's the handsome man with the giant hair. He's the playable there, clearly. Yeah, another moment of modern FE drawing inspiration from the old and doing it worse, I guess. Though in that case, it seems like the primary inspiration were the unfulfilled ambitions of the Arran/Samson split. That's beautiful. No witticisms, it's just beautiful. Eyup, you're correct. That is indeed just Chagall. Made fun of this before, but I'll do it again because... seriously, why reuse Chagall? Macbeth was right there! He's the height of forgettableness, after the Verdane gang! I guses he looks a tad too "old noble" like for a general, but... Then just reuse the mustache guy for the 3rd time, or heck, constipated dude for the 8th time. It's better than reusing Chagall! He'll lose. Oh, and this guy? Another of the game's never-reused faces. Right next to Chagall 2. It's like they did it on purpose. Hermina would've had no problem. Michael? Dang, maybe it really was intentional. ...Still don't know if it was the wisest joke to make, but... If he dares, simply deploy a "ur mom" on him. To be pedantic, he's not really a "shadow of his former self", he's the exact same guy minus the legendary. Your second point stands, though.
  2. I do have to give this to Blume: Tinni notwithstanding, he is probably the most moral member of his family. It's him or Ishtore, but Ishtore amounts to a throwaway bossman and I really do not trust this "fine youths" fella when he puts Ishtar in the same sack, so who even knows there. Ishtar was using a rescue staff. There, solved. Small terminology error, Ping wins, Shanty Pete loses.
  3. Uhhh... See, something funny just happened. I uh, completely forgot there's a map between this and Thracia proper. I had a feeling I was forgetting something, so I went to the wiki to check, saw the next map is called "The Wyvern Knights of Thracia" and just sort of assumed "yeah, next up is Thracia then." Sheesh.
  4. Hm. Only Ayra, then. And Ethlyn, if you count Travant's ambush as part of the overall battle. Arvis is sexist. Fine youths, yes. I'm sure this claim won't be put into question by Ishtar's actions later on. Thracia 776 confirms in its opening scroll that Leif's grandfather died after Quan, too. So no, that's not quite right. I wish I'd had charm in my run. Not to worry, the next map is way better. I mean, I recall it being about as boring as all of gen 2 gameplay-wise, but the most important character joins the army there.
  5. Every game should learn boss design from Binding Blade. Henning stays with just about everyone who plays the game. Now that's what you call a memorable boss.
  6. Medically, she's completely healthy. For reasons we can't explain, we're losing her. We don't know why. She has lost the will to live. So uncivilized. That's a wonderful idea. I hope Maeda is reading this.
  7. Eugen: The best part of TRS without even being playable. Fair enough. Yeah, that's what it ended up becoming after the executive meddling. Ayyy Johalvier appreciation. Make my guy into a warrior to... still fall behind because lol infantry in FE4, but hey.
  8. For me, it brings the mind to FE fangame Sun God's Wrath. Don't recall if you played that one or read my LP of it, but without delving into detail, suffice to say that game's protagonist, Astrea, indulges in some... strategic decapitation at one point. It comes up, very subtly, a few other times where corrupted are concerned. Alear's terrified of them. However, it's all very lowkey, and for the most part they're just "protagonistic protagonist." Again, the writers wanted to really push Alear's cowardice and their growing out of it in the story, but the higher-ups said... well, yeah, the bolded part, pretty much. Thanks a fucking lot. Hope they're happy now that Engage is widely regarded as one of the worst stories in FE. That's probably the wording a FE4 remake would go with, to be consistent with Owain/Odin. Unless, of course, they too forget, which wouldn't surprise me that much. To be fair, the monocle is a rather major advantage.
  9. If it helps, basically the only thing Reptor has going for him is the rad monocle and not being surrounded by more interesting family members. He's less boring but more by context than any merit of his own. Sometimes stories are more than the sum of their parts. Not that uncommon to have a story you love with a protagonist you just don't jive with.
  10. Whoops, two updates! I don't recall if this is a thing with her sub. ...Yeah, seems like it is. Neat. Yeah, not quite an enemy on the level of Clement, this guy. Goodbye, recolor of a decently interesting character despite her two lines in the whole game. ...They really shoulda done more with her, honestly. Yeah that's a pretty neat detail. This alone makes him beat Blume, which means he's officially the most forgettable member of his entire family. (Sorry, Jotari) One thing people give Gen 2 Lewyn credit for is that he doesn't mince words. He's... not quite as good at that as Thracia 776's brilliant main advisor, but he's getting there. Certainly beats Malledus. Okay, before it wasn't as poignant, but now it really is the time to make the joke. That entire part is filled with so much dumbassery. Ares for thinking Bramsel wouldn't try anything with Laylea once he was away, Jabarro for not even trying to employ just a tiny wee bit of finesse so as not to end up on the receiving end of the dEmOn bLAdE, Bramsel for being Bramsel and Laylea... eh, Laylea's not really done anything wrong here. In the final chapter I was basically done with this game's gameplay so I just threw Ares at everything with Shannan's backup and the game played itself. Le that be a testament to how hilarious this guy is. She was the continent's greatest warrior. Alas, she was taken by the greates affliction in anime middle ages: Grief. Yes, let's talk about that... Being fair, her mother's Hilda. Not entirely sure what the reference there is, but Astrea is a name that brings a different image to my mind. But what if dead already? Unlike Clement, you will be swiftly forgotten. Funny how this is basically the same as Engage's avatar worshipping. Yeah, the game acknowledges it, and that's cool. Doesn't make the protagonist any less of a bore. Except Alear has a few moments where they show a personality - and more were intended, but the executives forced the writers to make them more saccharine because what if otakus can't relate as much. Seliph... Yeaah... He sure is a character! They do beat Lewyn and Sylvia's dynamic, that much is true, and without Lene's portrait being an issue, we can safely call this one of the things gen 2 has over gen 1. We'll get to the other one. When the time comes, you'll have to bear(d) with me. To be honest, yeah, Lene has her own advantages. It's more that they're close enough, and then the other child of Sylvia is way worse than his respective sub. One's got innate paragon and a unique item you can only get from him. The other needs a horrible pairing that isn't any good for him otherwise just to be able to get paragon - and considering what class and level he joins with, he needs it. I mean, he basically already says that with slightly different wording. Let's not forget, the Odin Dark shtick already is a reference to this. Remember Missiletainn? I'll give you this, I don't get why she's singling him out in that conversation. I thought it was primarily Hilda that ruined Tailtiu's life?
  11. The game where two of the characters are childhood friends, and the other is just some rando they barely know that has no story relevance whatsoever. Genius! Them and half the cast besides. It's just a really popular style in Jugdral. Oh, he was an armor? I forgot that. I don't know what you're talking about.
  12. Who has ever dared call me a chicken, cheep cheep cheep cheep? Maybe he is Wang Fire. You ever stopped to consider that? Okay that's incredible, thanks Wraith.
  13. Sorry, you were saying? I was actually kind of impressed by how many of them rock the look. Rosalie and Paramythis should adopt it permanently.
  14. I'd been sitting on this for a while. Never had a good opportunity to share anywhere. But, today seems like a good opportunity for it. You see... I've improved the cast of everyone's favorite FE game, Berwick Saga. Check it out.
  15. Yeah, I forgot to clarify but I know there's some stuff. It's just... well, that there's enough for that note to be possible is just kind of lazy. Ahahaha! Oh yeah, I remember that one. They were right to be concerned, too, because the both of them were by far my worst units. Dalvin ended up dying in the final chapter to keep an absolute behemoth of a boss I didn't want to confront at all from capturing my first castle, and Tristan was so lame I made a disparging edit of his final stats. I don't know where that one went.
  16. No that wasn't the point of this exercise, stop, stop, believe in meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee In all seriousness though. Come to think of it, I've been so focused on the Lene/Laylea thing that it didn't even register with me that this is how it is for all character/sub pairs, isn't it? I didn't even know that. I had always just foolishly assumed they'd write them different lines because, you know, different characters. ...Really being too charitable on gen 2 there, wasn't I... Yeah, all in all, Jotari's probably got the right of it. I stand by my point about Hannibal though Yeah, exactly. Lene manages to look even more juvenile than Sylvia somehow. Blegh.
  17. I mean, Lene's the one I saw. She's one of the only children I actually got. I was thinking Laylea wouldn't be the same, going by the far less... questionable design alone.
  18. I mean, I do like how awkward and embarrassed Alear is about everyone worshipping the floor they walk on, but... Yeah, better to just not have the thing at all, honestly. Oh. ...Well, at least she has a less cringe design. So there's that. In my own defense, this is the one pair of subs I didn't get, so I kind of just assumed, since she looks less childish... lol HEY Hannibal has a personality. It's called beard. How dare you imply otherwise.
  19. Yeah, I was more on about how Pigtails Mage overthere's design is so obviously more elaborate than the rest, but in this case it's not as bad. There's Liza being a recolor but at least she's only been used once before, unlike the one guy. Yes, but Blume is a massively overleveled, legendary-wielding baron sitting on a castle all pavised up. Get ready for some RNG. Hence why it doesn't count, see Bad Ping. Go back and do it optimally. What if you need that +3 strength against the final boss? They should've fridged Seliph and let Oifey and Shannan be the main characters. There's theories that that's what happened, but... Eh, to be honest, T776 retcons enough things as it is. I suspect a FE4 remake will just establish Leif has an offscreen army doing things. Pffft. She's gonna wish she was Shannan's drinking water next? ...What a silly character that one was... See, even if you go for a subs only run, you basically have to extend the rule to "get Shannan killed immediatley" because otherwise it doesn't even matter. Shannan and the next fixed character can just solo the generation on their own with minimal help from the scrubs and Hawke. Also interesting is how this guy is a recolor of Actually Interesting And Nuanced Bossman Clement. And he's, uh... let's just say, one of the least nuanced bossmen in the game. Funny how that works. For the record, and in case you needed more proof that I have never, ever led you astray - As I recall (someone yell at me if I'm wrong), Lene's personality is exactly the same as Sylvia. Had you married the latter, you would've had to endure that again. Instead you get actually kind of badass dancer. No need to thank me. I guess Kaga figured 10%s across the board was reasonable enough.
  20. Jamulan becoming a dedicated armor killer is neat. Sadly it's probably not as valuable as it would've been in Berwick, but it's something interesting, at least. Jamulan was in a dire need of that. Being able to warp items from the other side of the continent is super janky but, eh, preferable to just getting screwed, I guess.
  21. I mean decent romances. Nah but yeah, Samson and Sheema is neat. FE4 remake, you know what to do. Actually, the other way around. Aida was from Gen 1, this is Liza. Anyway, yeah, she's kind of like Hemorrhoids Knight in that she doesn't look overtly evil, but the reuses give her away. All things considered though, this is far from the funniest screenshot of this kind. Even if it's still plainly obvious who the playable is. And hey, I actually didn't realize that first part. Huh. Interesting. He does, but it's pretty heavily implied that Hannibal doesn't buy it for two seconds. He just chooses to play along. Dang, you're right. We must look deeper into this. Who was the Kaga of Sacred Stones...? I may have realized the implications and paid them no mind.
  22. I believe there are versions where he was translated as Kutuzov, so yeah, that's probably the intended reference. Thanks for the heads-up!
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