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Status Updates posted by Inui

  1. happy birthday

  2. be my waifu

    1. Esau of Isaac

      Esau of Isaac

      Okay. But only because you said ple-- wait a second.

    2. Inui


      u shud msg me on aim/skype, u seem k00l

    3. Raven
  3. rage all day erryday =(

  4. who the shit are you

  5. Stocking > Panty. :)

    also who r u


  7. if i post more, i get banned, since everyone hates me

  8. Nope. Never managed to get one that would work for me. =/

  9. i had to sleep. i'm going to a tournament now.

  10. I can't find Japanese FE 9. Help me out. :(

  11. Not sure if I will. I'm very busy with a ton of shit in my life atm.

  12. Yeah, FEFF is dead and this place is really gay sometimes and hates me. I just like Red Fox and a few random people I post in the spam board with.

  13. SaS went inactive over a year ago and hasn't done anything since.

  14. Yup. The staff there is too retarded and bad.

  15. Don't own anything to play it on or live near anyone to play with.

  16. No. A good friend of mine is the best Litchi in the nation, though, lmao.

  17. Eh, sorry. Not a big fan of the staff or the community, tbqh.

  18. LOL

    nah i got this =)

  19. Uh... Okay? Friendlies aren't meaningful to me, lol.

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