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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. 1. Genealogy of the Holy War: This isn't just my favorite Fire Emblem game. It is my favorite VIDEO GAME period. The variability in the game makes it playable time and time again. The storyline is Fire Emblem's darkest; the villains are Fire Emblem's best. While it has some flaws (Horse Emblem being one) it's still in a class of its own. 2. Path of Radiance: Fantastic storyline (too bad its sequel didn't follow), the new mechanics (minus lolaguz) are interesting and make the game worth playing. Also arguably has some of the most balanced units. 3. Mystery of the Emblem: How Marth's storyline should have been. 4. The Sacred Stones: Branched promotions and postgame make this a great repeat play. While this game has poor balance in its playable cast, it is still good on multiple runs. 5. Blazing Sword: Mostly nostalgia here, but FE7 still holds up 13 years later. While it's not the best storyline after a while, and Lyn is a waste of a main character, but it's still a good game to play. 6. Thracia 776: I have never actually finished this game. But what I have played is fantastic, although some of the mechanics (looking at you fatigue) are questionable. 7. Sword of Seals: The most epic Fire Emblem in terms of scale. I don't hate Sword of Seals but I don't love it, especially when it suffers from balance problems, an awful main character, and the gaiden chapters are just abysmal. 8. Radiant Dawn: So much wrong with this game I can't. No need to repeat what's already been said. 9. Heroes of Light and Shadow: I just abhor the storyline, and sacrificing the great character arc of Marth for the awful lack thereof for My Unit is just irredeemable. I have not played the others, so they are not on the list.
  2. I've never understood this "pair Ike" obsession, honestly. He strikes me as asexual given his complete lack of romantic hints with a majority of the Tellius cast. The few people who have romantic hints with Ike are either not explored enough (Titania, Elincia) ore are one-sided (Soren, Aimee).
  3. If you're arena scumming, your units should be strong enough to take on the onslaught of Chapter 21's enemies. The turn limits in FE6 are very forgiving as well, so as Cyas said, have a relatively tanky unit go to the Secret Shop and grab the items you want.
  4. If you're planning to transfer over to FE10 be sure to use units who will benefit best from them, specifically Jill and Ike. Otherwise, you'll want to use Titania, Oscar, and Boyd liberally as they are not only your best units throughout a majority of the game, but they are also available for most, if not all of it. Kieran is also a stellar unit with a bit of work; he is Titania lite. In FE9 when you promote Cavaliers you are able to pick their second weapon. Axes are probably the best weapons in the game, so Oscar especially benefits from them. FE9 is extremely generous to mounted units so be sure to utilize them all, even if you don't plan to use everyone for Endgame.
  5. I'll most likely have custom map sprites for her class, same with the Prince/Princess and their promotions.
  6. Assuming a "Clear Data" run, we can assume the following in some semblance of combination: Caineghis Naesala Tibarn Reyson Pelleas Soren and/or Titania and/or Mist Elincia Sigrun and/or Tanith Lucia and/or Geoffrey Ranulf and/or Skrimir Nailah's storyline falls off after Part 3 and it would make sense that Ike would want a strong ally leading the remainder of the army outside in case there are additional enemies. Nailah seems to fit that bill the best, possibly with Skrimir as well. The others have a much more prevalent storyline, especially if Reyson is the Heron (very likely). Pelleas because he's involved with the Blood Pact, and Sigrun/Tanith to guard Sanaki.
  7. When I first played POR I always thought an Ike/Jill paired ending would be interesting, given their initial relationship. They clearly learn a lot from one another over the course of the game and I think they provide excellent foils for one another. On top of it, they both share a bond of having fathers killed in battle (and presumably Jill's mother is also deceased). Plus, with Jill and Mist becoming close friends it would make sense for Ike to interact with her as well.
  8. All right, so I'm currently trying to balance the playable cast in terms of size, unit diversity, and also how well I can write everyone. Ideally everyone will have a backstory, presence in the plot, and reason for joining the army, however small. Obviously some units have more reason than others and they will have more fleshed-out stories. Here's the breakdown of units thus far: NOTE: Join Chapters are still rough estimates, however, they are within ~2 Chapters of the number currently posted. [spoiler=Playable Cast]Caliban Prince (SW) -> ??? (SW/??) Joins in Chapter 1 Margaret Princess (LA) -> ??? (LA/SW) Joins in Chapter 1 Buck Paladin (SW/LA/AX) Joins in Chapter 1 Anya Stradiot (LA) -> Dame Knight (LA/SW) Joins in Chapter 1 Henry Pugilist (AX) -> Warrior (AX/BO) Joins in Chapter 3 Cody Archer (BO) -> Sniper (BO) Joins in Chapter 3 Eilley Troubadour (ST) -> Valkyrie (ST/LI/AN) Joins in Chapter 4 Kate Pegasus Knight (LA/SW) -> Seraph Knight (LA/SW) Joins in Chapter 6 Tristan Dracoknight (AX) -> Dragonlord (AX/LA) Joins in Chapter 6 Benvolio Hero (SW/AX) Joins in Chapter 6 Aurora Cleric (ST) -> Saint (ST/LI) Joins in Chapter 8 Max Thief (SW) -> Assassin (SW) Joins in Chapter 9 Lysander Convoy Joins in Chapter 9 Edmund Cataphract (AX) -> Great Knight (AX/LA) Joins in Chapter 10 Zack Cavalier (SW/LA) -> Paladin (SW/LA/AX) Joins in Chapter 10 Callisto Pegasus Knight (LA/SW) -> Seraph Knight (LA/SW) Joins in Chapter 11 Gilroy Sword Fighter (SW) -> Swordmaster (SW) Joins in Chapter 12 Jacob Turcopole (BO) -> Silver Knight (BO/LA) Joins in Chapter 13 Eve Dancer Joins in Chapter 14 Spade Pugilist (AX) -> Warrior (AX/BO) Joins in Chapter 14 Bianca Berserker (AX) Joins in Chapter 14 Gideon Priest (ST) -> Bishop (ST/LI) Joins in Chapter 15 Baxter Paladin (SW/LA/AX) Joins in Chapter 16 Kumar Marauder (AX) -> Berserker (AX) Joins in Chapter 17 Aurelian Cuirassier (SW) -> Gold Knight (SW/AX) Joins in Chapter 17 Lucretia Mercenary (SW) -> Hero (SW/AX) Joins in Chapter 17 Alexandra General (SW/LA/BO) Joins in Chapter 19 Cassia Archsage (AN/LI/ST) Joins in Chapter 19 Diana Sniper (BO) Joins in Chapter 20 Daphne Neophyte (AN) -> Mage Knight (AN/ST) Joins in Chapter 21 Philip Duke Knight (LA/SW) Joins in Chapter 23 Jamie Swordmaster (SW) Joins in Chapter 24 Charlotte Seraph Knight (LA/SW) Joins in Chapter 25 Theodora Dragonlord (AX/LA) Joins in Chapter 25 Levi General (LA/AX/BO) Joins in Chapter 27 Justine Empress (BO) Joins in Chapter 27 Magdalena Valkyrie (ST/AN/LI) Joins in Chapter 29 Brittan Hero (SW/AX) Joins in Chapter 30 Anne Swordmaster (SW) Joins in Chapter 30 Kali Voice (AN/LI/DA/ST) Joins in Endgame I A few characters are up for the chop while a few may be moved around (for example I am debating cutting Gilroy and replacing him with Jamie while no one will join in Jamie's current spot; Jamie will join as a Sword Fighter if that is the case). Alternatively I may change a few classes, I realize I have a lot of earlygame axes (Henry was changed from a Mercenary to a Pugilist so that way we don't have two Hero classes that early) and may fix that as well as shuffling a few others around.
  9. Eliwood is just average whereas Hector is great. He's not much better than Lyn, though, and he does get a horse on promotion, which can be quite early on Hector Mode if he promotes first. Durandal is a pretty shitty weapon, but then again so is Sol Katti. Roy is just plain bad, and his forced late promotion makes him worse. Even in Eliwood Mode he still has at least a few chapters to gain promoted levels and catch up including Chapter 28 in which he's forced to solo 1/3 of the map.
  10. The idea is to show Caliban and Margaret as they mature. At the start of the war, they have some combat experience, but not enough to lead. They are chosen to lead the counter-invasion because the king is leading the main army in the Hapsbourg invasion. Thus, they begin their involvement in the war mostly out of convenience. Once they end the Krell invasion the Mor'vel arc begins as they are instructed to seek support. The queen of Mor'vel is a relative of theirs, so there is a family connection. Beyond that I haven't completely mapped out the character arcs, although the Amazon arc is mostly there for plot and adding exposition. The finale brings the exposition and character arcs together, especially with Caliban and Margaret's connection to Malcolm, who is the main antagonist of the story. There are also sub-plots with a few different characters and a few that span several chapters while the main story happens.
  11. This will probably never come to fruition So this is something that's been a bit of a pet project for a while. With no team, no hacking skills, and no time, it's probably going to make little to no progress, however, I feel like I should at least post it here and get some feedback/generate interest. Fire Emblem: Wargames is a [planned] hack of Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword, featuring a new playable cast on a new continent. The story revolves around Caliban and Margaret, the prince and princess of Vespasio, who are forced into war after their kingdom is invaded by a neighbor while they themselves are embroiled in another war with the kingdom of Hapsbourg. The snowball effect comes into play as Caliban and Margaret discover assassination plots, a coup d'etat, a hidden society, and eventually, come to full-scale world war with the fate of the world at stake. This hack features: -New world and map -Completely new cast of characters -Expanded class roster -Roughly 27-30 chapters of gameplay, split into five story arcs -Expanded items table, including several characters getting personal weapons Other planned features: -Custom music -Updated battlesprites and animations for some classes [spoiler=World overview]The continent of Edrigal has four kingdoms, one empire, and a republic. The Kingdom of Vespasio: Home to the main protagonists, Caliban and Margaret. The Kingdom of Hapsbourg: The main antagonist nation, Vespasio is invading Hapsbourg at the beginning of the story. The Kingdom of Krell: An economically failing kingdom that invades Vespasio at the beginning of the story. The Kingdom of Mor'vel: An ally nation to Vespasio; Caliban and Margaret uncover an assassination plot after the Krell invasion. The Nossar Empire: A large theocratic empire, dealing with a coup d'etat against the empress Justine. The Republic of Genisis: A small republic formerly part of Nossar that was founded by rebels of the lower class. There is also the hidden society of the Amazons, who are secluded from the rest of the world. [spoiler=Plot outline]The story is split into five arcs, taking the cast across the continent and eventually involving all nations in the conflict. Arc 1: The Krell Arc (~7-8 Chapters) The first arc of the story, this arc deals with the Krell invasion of Vespasio which Caliban and Margaret are forced to counter. Arc 2: The Mor'vel Arc (~4 Chapters) This arc follows Caliban and Margaret as they travel to Mor'vel to receive formal support in the Hapsbourg campaign from queen Constanze. While there they are forced to stop an assassin from killing the queen and her two children. Arc 3: The Amazon Arc (~4 Chapters) This arc takes Caliban and Margaret into the hidden society of the Amazons, where they aid the deposed princesses Diana and Daphne in defeating those who threaten them. Here, they learn much about the mythology and history of Edrigal. Arc 4: The Nossar Arc (~6 Chapters) Receiving word of the coup d'etat in Nossar, Caliban and Margaret travel to Nossar to aid the empress Justine. Arc 5: The Hapsbourg Arc (~5-6 Chapters) The finale, where Caliban and Margaret join the main Vespasio army with their forces and continue the invasion of Hapsbourg, coming face-to-face with their enemy, Malcolm, prince of Hapsbourg.
  12. Agalli either has crazy high POW, Frostbite is ridiculous, or that enemy has shit for RES.
  13. Longbows, historically, though, were an infantryman's weapon.
  14. I like the idea but I wish the roles were expanded more. Not just Wo Dao and Longbow, but more weapons. Maybe one for every weapon type. From a historical standpoint the "larger" weapons should be locked to infantry, i.e. we shouldn't see cavalry carrying a massive battleaxe into battle as they wouldn't be able to use it properly.
  15. You're right; if anything the promoted names could be the more historical ones that way there is still some variety in class names (not a million 'X Knight' classes running around) but still indicators of what weapon each class uses as its main one.
  16. This is a thought I've had while working on the hack that will never actually happen brainstorming. Fire Emblem is sometimes quite simple with its class names, such as naming them after their mounts (Dragon Knight, Pegasus Knight, etc.) or weapons (Swordmaster, earlier games with Sword Fighter/Bow Fighter/Axe Fighter). Now, some of those names have been changed over the years, for example Sword Fighters becoming Myrmidons, but some of the names have retained their simplicity. I'm polling those in the Fire Emblem community to see if they would prefer the simplified names for classes, or perhaps giving them better names. I've noticed in hacks recently that horseback knights have had some name splits, and classes like Cataphract (which, historically, was a form of heavy cavalry) are making more of an appearance. In my opinion I prefer the cleaned-up version of names, as it signifies more of a difference between classes besides "horseback with a different weapon". If you prefer the simplified names, why? And if not, what would you name them? Below I've listed some of my examples: Sword Knight -> Cuirassier Lance Knight -> Stradiot Axe Knight -> Cataphract Bow Knight -> Turcopole Axe Fighter/Fighter -> Pugilist Bandit/Brigand -> Marauder
  17. I do love this split. I like the idea of Trent/Noah being Rangers better, but I think Percival still fits best as a Paladin. Three Paladins is a good FE standard, and in this case they're all spectacular units. if anything, make one of Trent/Noah a Ranger and make the other a Cataphract.
  18. Fair enough. Garret is completely redundant when you have Gonzales and Geese already. Karel was also a waste of time bring back FE6 RR!Karel and is better suited as a legend, if anything. If you want to use him that bad, have him be an NPC in the Brunya chapter that gives you a cool item, or something. I'm glad Niime is the Ilia choice, I always felt her appearance in Sacae was a quick "let's get the plot moving in Sacae" shoehorn. I am curious as to see what the new units' classes are, given that FE6 has such a huge playable cast as is and there really is no shortage of any class. If anything, there's an overabundance of a few. Speaking of, is anyone being reclassed, or are there some new classes being added to balance? We really don't need 8 million Paladins like the original. Noah and Treck (and even Jerrot, by extension) could do with a different class.
  19. I have no issues with the Niime/Joder split, given that having both is purely redundant minus Joder bringing you two Legendary Weapons, but that role can be retconned to a story-exclusive one (a la Gotoh in FE3/12). They both have too much plot relevance overall to be scrapped, but I am liking the idea of splitting them. Alternatively, cut Joder from the playable cast and have him become a true FE3!Gotoh.
  20. I mean, no one's going to be willing to make any contributions when there is literally nothing. No premise, even. "Fire Emblem: Custom Dbz" is really vague, and you've given nothing to back it up. You need a basic idea if you want any help on this. What game engine is being hacked? Estimated length of the hack? Plot outline? Major changes from Fire Emblem mechanics? What DragonBall mechanics will be included? Questions like these are things you should be thinking of before making a post.
  21. A worthwhile excuse. I'm okay playing through it again anyway.
  22. As of now, yes. 2-1 is the last fully playable chapter. Hopefully when Ghast releases the new patch you will be able to apply it over an old save and continue with your same file.
  23. I'd like to point out that this particular lagoon is a man-made lagoon with so many bacteria, amoebas, and other microscopic shit that I'm sure hundreds of people who go in the water have gotten sick before. The sign wasn't "no swimming" just because of the animals in the lagoon, it was also because of the fact that it just wasn't safe to swim in. EDIT: Also, I am not defending Disney here, but I have an intimate knowledge about how Guests think here. If there were a sign saying "danger! Alligators in area!" a majority of Guests would assume that they're going to be attacked by a gator basically anywhere and then the numerous complaint would fly in. "No Swimming" is a basic blanket statement BUT it covers everything that one needs to know.
  24. The alligators live in the lagoon, which is strictly off-limits to Guests. There are signs all across the beaches saying "no swimming". They are spaced out enough that you can always see at least two. Also, once again: the resort was built on swamplands, which is where alligators live. Their home was already reduced when the resort was built. 66% of Walt Disney World Resort's property is not industry, instead dedicated to sustainability and conservation, including the protection of natural wildlife. I understand that you are a parent and thus you are thinking of your child's welfare here, but you would also not take your child swimming in an area where there are "no swimming" signs posted. It's not like the family was on the beach and the alligator came on shore and snatched the child. The child was in the water, the alligator's habitat. Also, gates will not do much. Alligators can climb over fences.
  25. Guys, it's Florida. There are alligators living on the side of the road. There were signs posted near the lagoon saying "no swimming". Not only are there alligators in the lagoon, there are also water moccasins, and a ridiculous amount of bacteria. It's a man-made lagoon in the middle of swamp and marsh lands.
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