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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. The only characters we hear speak are Cogsworth and Lumiere--yes, Ewan McGregor's accent isn't the best, but was Jerry Orbach's? Lumiere's accent is never meant to be serious. Cogsworth, on the other hand, is a British character, as is Mrs. Potts; at least, in the original film they both had those accents. There is nothing in their backstories that places them as French citizens, so they could very possibly be from Great Britain. Also, while I am not 100% set on Emma Watson playing Belle just yet, I have heard that she isn't awful at it and actually does have vocal training. Plus, Belle isn't the most vocally demanding role, especially since they aren't including the songs from the stage version. The more vocally demanding roles in the film are given to people who can actually sing for the most part. Emma LOOKS the part--and for such an iconic character, that's probably more important. I don't think anyone is going to place too much emphasis on her singing--as long as she's decent, no one will complain much. This isn't another Les Misérables scenario where you literally sing everything and it's much more vocally demanding. Beauty and the Beast has a lot more dialogue, and unless they are giving her another song (I have yet to hear this on the grapevine) she'll barely have to sing.
  2. Disney has several expos but the big one every year is the D23 fan expo where most major announcements are made. It happens in July every year.
  3. I bolded a few of your statements because you basically hit the nail on the head of all of FE10's problems. It focused so much on the Micaiah/Ike are God storylines that it wasted the potential of the Crimea plot. Elincia's growth in Part 2 is one of the best-written parts of the series, in all honesty.
  4. Moana is Disney's next princess, so trust me, it's important. Beauty and the Beast has always been very special to me, it's my favorite Disney movie, Beast is my all-time favorite Disney character, and I actually have a growing collection. My fiancé worked at Enchanted Tales with Belle for a while as well, so it's very special to the both of us. I cannot wait.
  5. I made a new chicken dinner today, so this is almost too good to not share: ALMOND-CRUSTED CHICKEN (now featuring BLUE CHEESE) Ingredients (per 1 serving): -1 chicken breast, boneless and skinless -Almonds (either raw or lightly salted) -[OPTIONAL] salt, pepper to taste (I used himalayan salt, black peppercorn, and red pepper flakes) -1 cup flour (I use whole wheat flour) -1 egg -Blue cheese crumbles TO MAKE: Preheat oven to ~400F. I defrosted my chicken beforehand, so I recommend doing that as well. To prepare almond crust, place almonds and (optional) seasonings in a blender (I use a Nutri Ninja). Blend until almonds are a crumb-like texture. Cut along the middle of chicken breast, leaving the breast together but able to be opened inside. Pound chicken until it is mostly flat. Place blue cheese crumbles inside chicken breast. Adjust amount of crumbles to your taste level. Fold halves together. Have three bowls ready--one of flour, one for egg wash, one for almond crust. Roll chicken in flour, then egg wash, then liberally sprinkle almond crust over chicken until it is completely covered. Place chicken on non-stick pan and cook in oven for 20 minutes, flipping halfway through. [OPTIONAL] add shredded cheese (I used cheddar jack) on top of chicken after 20 minutes, cook another 5 minutes. Enjoy! I made two breasts so I did not have anything else with this dish, but I assume it would go nicely with some sweet potato fries. Other seasonings are probably welcome as well, but I decided to stick with the basics for this one.
  6. Personally, I voted Legion because he is just batshit insane. And I love that about him. Obviously Fire Emblem loves to have crazy/narcissistic villains, but Legion to me takes the cake. Also, there are plenty of names on this list, but I do have to give honorable mention to the bandit pairs (Maggie/Rose, Paul/Jasmine, Pain/Agony) for their ridiculousness and awkward homoeroticism.
  7. Perhaps you have, I've never been ridiculously active, but I like to talk about FE4 a lot. I'll try to stick around, hahaha.
  8. My longest vacation since I started college was a week long, but I didn't even leave the state.
  9. Good to see you, nice to know familiar faces are still here.
  10. I remember the first topic and also having my opinions there, but that was when I was in my teens, so... -I hated Ninian for the longest time; I still dislike her due to her personality, which I find just plain dull. -Ike is probably my least favorite Lord character in any Fire Emblem game. The fact that you're basically forced to like him makes it worse. -FE6 has arguably the best cast in a Fire Emblem game, but one of the worst overall storylines.
  11. I also graduated high school 6 years ago--god, I feel fucking old. Nonetheless, graduating high school is still awesome, so congrats to you.
  12. Fun fact: I've been lurking for the past few months or so, I guess it's time to show my face again for the 800th time. For those of you who don't know me: I'm an old soul now, known by many usernames over the past several years but Hamlet is the one I've stuck with for a while so let's just go with that one. I joined the forums in the height of my Fire Emblem craze in 2008 when they first started and was a loyal lurker for a good... 3-4 years, and then college happened and I dropped off the face of the planet. Then, I kind of didn't have much to offer the community, especially with my lack of spriting/creative/hacking abilities, and also my lack of knowledge of FE games past FE10 (although I did play FE12 a few times). I'm basically a bitter old queen who rises from the depths every so often, makes comments about the new generation, then backs off. But I feel like I want to contribute again after so many times spent just lurking. That said, I've had several life updates since my last major activity, which was... I don't even know when. So, in summation: I still work at Walt Disney World--actually was fortunate enough to open/get stuck in a new venue which has become my new home. I also received my one-year service pin in January, so that's exciting. I've been living in Florida full-time for almost two years, I have a new apartment with my roommates and life is getting good on that end. I've gotten back on a health kick and am in the process of trying to find the diet that is best with my needs. I now eat more organic, working on a Paleo week in the near future. I'm now running very seriously, looking at a few race challenges over the next year. The biggest news, I guess: I got engaged in December. We don't have a date set yet, but are aiming toward Late 2017/Early 2018. I guess that's all for now, I'm sure I'll make contributions here-and-there, I do work full-time hours at my job and am seeking a second, so I do lead a busy, yet not thrilling life--however, I hope to actually stay around and maybe chat with some nice new kids.
  13. That's why HolynxBriggid is just so good, because it nullifies any of Faval's hit problems. Plus watching him break the HP Cap is hilarious.
  14. Andrei's inheritance also happens because Briggid was lost at a young age, and Ring mist likely would have believed her dead. Also, Andrei killed Ring and seized control while Aideen was in Silesia. I'm not sure if Andrei was legitimate or not since it was never confirmed the identity of his mother (numerous possibilities galore, but if she was a mistress it makes Andrei a bastard), but it seems like Aideen had quite a presence in Jungby.
  15. To be fair my clothes were kind of off but we sort of Disneybounded as Woody and Buzz. His mom sent us bow ties for my birthday that we wore in the parks. We were quite popular!
  16. Andrei is also Briggid and Aideen's half-brother, not that it matters as much, but he is still younger than them. Same thing with Lex and Danan, Eltshan and Lachesis, etc. The only outlier is Ishtar and Ishtore, with Ishtar being the carrier of the Major blood.
  17. I don't think they matter, most anyone can take them out, but in terms of who does a better job, Fury wins that one.
  18. Fury also will be a lot better against the dracoknights than Midir because she can use the WIng Clipper and doesn't face crits from the Horseslayers. Minor point because Midir snipes them from distance, but it's also tricky because he doesn't have 1-range or an enemy phase against them. While Fury should be killing Meteo mages, this is also something she can help contribute with. If it's this close, we kind of have to look at details.
  19. I guess a good enough Alec can maybe do things with Magic or Hero Swords, but he's so low on the priority list for both.
  20. But he can pass down the Iron Cutter, which Skasaher can use to great effect in Chapter 6. Edit: Just so you know, if you need to add in an extra thought, just edit your post instead of posting multiple times.
  21. Noish passes down swords to Skasaher which Lex can't do (except for Shagall's Silver Blade if Lex gets the kill).
  22. Have a gratuitous boyfriend picture. [spoiler=bowties!] Spot the reference.
  23. Gen 2 usually doesn't matter for me but I to tend to pair Lakche with either Shanan or Johan just because it's easy. For no real reason I tend to pair Skasaher and Tinny just because, even though it's awkward half the time because she inherits Freege but he doesn't go with her. I usually do Arthur or Delmud with Fee because similar movement, and Seliph/Lana, Leaf/Nanna, and Aless/Leen just tends to happen naturally. My last run I actually paired a lot of the kids: Jamka!LanaxSeliph Noish!LakchexShanan Levin!FeexFin!Delmud Fin!NannaxLeaf Holyn!PattyxJamka!Lester Dew!LeenxAless Lex!TinnyxNoish!Skasaher
  24. Yep. Azel screws over Lester (he's still salvageable with the Hero or Killer bow) but gives you the best Lana. Lana is pretty unfuckable, so usually people pair Aideen with Lester in mind. Jamka!Lana has hilariously high strength for her class.
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