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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. No, Dart joins with a Steel Axe, Hand Axe, and Torch. The only way to get items via mine glitch is to trade them to a unit whose last item is droppable.
  2. I would rank Cuan above Lex because Hero Axe costs turns and he's not contributing much even with it. After Heirhein is seized, Chapter 2 is a Hero Lance!Fin playground. Lex can contribute a bit with the Augusty brigade, but he's not doing much with it in 2. In 3, he can probably counter some Cross Knights with a Hand Axe in a forest, but that section's pretty exclusive to whoever has the Light Sword. With regard to Lex and the Pursuit Ring, he might have it, but Leaf wants it more. If he's fathering Arthur, he definitely wants it. but Leaf still takes priority, and by the time he promotes, it's free for grabs. But that's around Chapter 9 where Lex!Arthur falls off and becomes less of a kill machine. His sister probably wants the ring more.
  3. Nihil is useless unless you're in a class susceptible to criticals from Slayer weapons, and even then, they have such awful accuracy that your units' odds of being hit by them are slim. Jamka!Swordtwins is an amazing combo, minus Skasaher's lack of inheritance. I usually make up for it by giving Ayra more weapons so that way Lakche can just sell off a few of them and Skasaher picks up the remains. The Odo blood makes up for Jamka's poor Skill growth, and they still have the best accuracy weapons in the game.
  4. Altenna costs turns to recruit and once Arion appears in F she's spending too much time traveling back to the main battle scene. Azel!Lana is the best COMBAT Lana, and she's amazing with staves too. But Claude!Lana Rescues from the crib. That one just depends on preference.
  5. Maybe then we can assume ~220-245 turns. Not everyone plays Draft efficiency, and while Drafts are extremely useful for looking at lists, we also have to account that Drafts have specific units used, so we're looking at less pair competition. In a regular tier list we are looking at everyone being recruited and used at least a little bit.
  6. I'm going to wager that a few of them are a given (i.e. Elite Ring passed to Seliph, Pursuit/Bargain to Levin!Arthur, the usuals) but as for the others I'm sure there's leg room. Power Ring!Levin!Fee is very good, for example, and I don't see her competing for it with anyone else in her generation (at the least she can sell it later for cash).
  7. It's nice for Fee so she can not get killed by arrows, but Alec!Fee is such a bad pairing, like how are Levin, Claude, Noish, and even Lex occupied? Nihil's useless because not enough enemies have skills that your units should be worrying about. The exceptions are crits from slayer weapons, but those are so few and far between that it's very, very easy to work around them. Your one issue is with Fee and arrows, but if you're positioning a flyer to where they are being attacked by bows (and potentially murdered) you suck at Fire Emblem.
  8. Possibly, I've never done Lex!Fee personally because my Lex is usually glued to Tiltyu. Lex/Fury is definitely not priority, but it's possible.
  9. I think Claude!Fee and Noish!Fee should be ranked separately, but every other Fee can afford to be clumped together. Levin doesn't benefit Fee as much, and she really doesn't do anything that much more spectacular than the other dads. I personally rank Claude!Fee right above Claude!Sety. He really only owns Reserve and Valkyrie, because Leaf still wants Rescue. Claude!Fee picks up Libro, Warp, Return (if Nanna for some reason doesn't already have it) and other goodies to fly around and be a crazy staffbot. She still has decent combat enough where she can use the Arena for cash, plus her flight usually allows her to get Villages others may not. She's never strapped for money so she can even buy Silence/Sleep if she wishes. She can use every staff not named Reserve, Rescue, or Valkyrie. That's a great list. I'd rank it like this, roughly: Beo!Delmud Claude!Fee Claude!Sety Noish!Fee Nanna Claude!Lana Fee etc, etc... I do believe Claude!Lana deserves a higher mention because early Rescue. She may even go above Nanna, honestly. I also don't think Nanna needs to be separated; her father doesn't matter as much as Delmud (although Azel and Fin are her best options, but they're not leagues ahead of her other dads).
  10. Wrong. Sety does not get Resire. Sety has B Rank Light, Resire is A.
  11. Durandal: It usually switches users over the course of the game but in the end it usually ends up in Rutger or Percival's hands. Malte: Miledy. Always. Armads: It's glued to Gonzales the moment he promotes. Mirugre: Sue, because I don't train Shin that often. But when I use him, they tend to share it. Sue gets it more often, though. Forblaze: Lugh sometimes, Lilina often, or I just ignore it because FE6 hates Mages. Aureola: LOL. Apocalypse: Niime usually gets it after I pump her with statboosters. Extended staff range, thank you!
  12. Edward is one of the best of a bad group. Mia is one of the best of a group where half of the units trivialize the game. And that's before Haar even arrives. When it comes down to it, Eddie saves the DB in the earlygame but is obsolete by the time Zihark joins. Zihark will automatically take priority because everyone wants Earth Avoid, and Eddie can't reliably dodge to keep him in Wrathrange for that long. Mia, on the other hand, doesn't possess as much uniqueness as Eddie, but she's in a group where she can grow the most, has tons of support options, and is able to take advantage of the heaps of BEXP the GM's receive (even in HM). Being good in a group of gods >>>>>>> Being great in a group of scrubs
  13. Dew!Swordtwins start out pretty strong, and have very good growths. Bargain is always welcome, and Dew can actually give Skasaher items to inherit. It's not optimal because they have much better fathers out there (and the odds of Lex, Holyn, and Noish being taken are very slim). But Dew!Swordtwins are probably in the top half of Swordtwins.
  14. But she's worth the investment. 270 Turns is enough time to invest in Lex!Tinny when she needs only a few levels to wreck things. I agree that she most likely doesn't get Libro (it's usually glued to my Lana), but she can pick up Return/Recover/Warp and provide staff utility. She's naturally not your first choice for a staff user but she's arguably your best backup. She can do what most Lanas can't, which is fight. Azel!Lana is arguably your only fighting Lana option, so she wants to stay away from the front lines, where Lex!Tinny can afford to be closer to the front and provide much needed healing. Especially in bottleneck scenarios like Final creates, Tinny is that much more valuable. I'm not sure if she's contributing much after Ishtar's squad is gone, because from then on it's Seliph and Julia, but she may be able to take out a few Dark Warlords to help clear their path even more. Also, her lack of Pursuit doesn't harm her that much. She has Continue and hits RES, and she has very high MAG, even with Lex as a father.
  15. I lost around 45 lbs. What's better is Disney lets me keep it.
  16. I feel like people aren't going to do RTU's for hacks because a majority of the ones people would do them for are not finished yet.
  17. Azel!Arthur is extremely overrated. He's a low-rent Levin!Arthur who, while he has Pursuit and a better Magic growth, doesn't have the almighty Holsety, and Elfire/Bolganon weigh him down too much to be of any real use. He's decent upon promotion, but with lack of Elite or a kill-everything tome, he's not promoting as quickly.
  18. I just pulled up my Azel!Lester, he reached Level 27 and had some decent stats. His Speed was overwhelmingly good, and he capped (lol)luck. Strength was measly, and he had high (useless) magic. Azel!Lana, though... god tier.
  19. Lex is Tinny's best father by miles. She needs only a few levels before she starts killing everything, and it's not hard to give her levels when she has Elite and the almighty AmbushWrath combo. As Horace said, a c9 promotion isn't unfeasible, and Tinny can do a number of things as a Magefighter that Arthur can't. I've always found Tinny a lot better with swords, and she has the added staff utility, which is crucial in 10 and F.
  20. Azel!Lester is probably the best of the MagicLesters, because he does get Pursuit and can use basically every non-Ichival bow. Unfortunately he inherits none of them so there's that hurdle to overcome. My last playthrough I did AzelAideen, and Lester was still quite useful. Not terrifyingly dangerous like Azel!Lana, but he was still useable. He was glued to the Skill Ring from Gen 1, though. And I may have given him a Power Ring later on.
  21. We're not Sigurd soloing. He needs Sandima to be silenced so he can run up and wreck him. Fenrir hits like a tank, Sigurd's RES is nonexistent, and the Barrier Ring isn't until Chapter 2.
  22. Ethlin above Levin. Mounted healing is better than lategame Holsety. Plus, Ethlin can get the Pursuit/Elite Rings, Magic Swords, and Silver Sword/Blade for Leaf to start wrecking from the crib.
  23. This tier list does take into account who possesses/can possess these skills, and in Gen 2 we assume optimal pairings. We're more likely to see Lex!Swordtwins and Lex!Tronkids versus, say, Azel!Swordtwins or Alec!Tronkids. Also, I did take the skills themselves into account. Wrath sucks because of who it's on, but it's still a very overkill skill, hence why it's not completely in the bottom. Wrath can also pair up with skills like Continue and Ambush to really do some damage. It is hard to truly rank a majority of the skills (besides the top like Pursuit and Dance and the bottom like Sol and Great Shield) because a lot of their usefulness depends on who's got the skill (in Gen 2 at least, Gen 1 is a little more workable).
  24. Dew passes down good growths, which is very good for a lot of the kids. Claude!Swordtwins are good for Magic Sword use. Azel!Swordtwins are also decent for Magic Sword use, but I think Claude!Swordtwins turn out better overall.
  25. A lot of hackers nowadays are using placeholders for their graphics, especially if the hack creator themselves is not a spriter. It's a lot easier than twiddling your thumbs waiting. People will, as Cam said, be a lot more willing to help if you have substance in your hack.
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