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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. Too bad Alvis and Diadora were brainwashed by Manfroy the whole time.
  2. Yay FE5 mugs. Yay FE8 colorizations. I've taken some creative liberties in a few of these with the colors, mostly trying out some possibilities.
  3. The English Longbow was really the revolutionary longbow, it made Crossbows outdated and useless, and since you're buffing it a bit, I suggest looking to English/Welsh roots. Maybe a mythological name?
  4. Amia can recruit him? That's good news. I don't have to waste a deployment slot with Henrietta now. :P I do like that Divine has less weight now, giving Amia a /better/ shot at survival. Her defenses and HP just allow her to get 2HKOed by every Physical enemy on the map.
  5. Pennsylvania California ----------------------------------- Alaska - 40 Arkansas - 50 Colorado - 35 Connecticut - 50 Delaware - 50 District of Columbia - 50 Florida - 40 Hawaii - 74 Idaho - 50 Illinois - 59 Indiana - 53 Iowa - 50 Kentucky - 30 Louisiana - 50 Maine - 50 Maryland - 50 Massachusetts - 68 Minnesota - 50 Mississippi - 31 Montana - 50 Nebraska - 45 Nevada - 50 New Hampshire - 50 New Jersey - 53 New Mexico - 50 New York - 55 North Dakota - 50 Oregon - 50 South Carolina - 45 South Dakota - 50 Tennessee - 110 Vermont - 50 Virginia - 53 Washington - 59 Wisconsin - 50 Wyoming - 50
  6. Judging from the angle and placement it seems like she's just keeping her arm very close to her side, almost like a standing at attention pose. I'm loving the armor details. Very well-done and elaborate.
  7. Pennsylvania California ----------------------------------- Alaska - 40 Arkansas - 50 Colorado - 35 Connecticut - 50 Delaware - 50 District of Columbia - 50 Florida - 40 Hawaii - 71 Idaho - 50 Illinois - 59 Indiana - 53 Iowa - 50 Kentucky - 30 Louisiana - 50 Maine - 50 Maryland - 50 Massachusetts - 65 Minnesota - 50 Mississippi - 41 Montana - 50 Nebraska - 45 Nevada - 50 New Hampshire - 50 New Jersey - 53 New Mexico - 50 New York - 55 North Dakota - 50 Oregon - 50 Rhode Island - 5 South Carolina - 45 South Dakota - 50 Tennessee - 110 Vermont - 50 Virginia - 53 Washington - 56 Wisconsin - 50 Wyoming - 50
  8. Lucretia & Adano "It's probably a good idea. We're pretty good on supplies, but your father's right, it couldn't hurt to stock up a little. Who knows? Maybe we'll find something else that takes our liking." "We should split up, cover more ground that way," Lucretia replied, "what is it we need anyway?" Lucretia and Adano looked through their supplies. The food was steady, but it wouldn't hurt to get some more. Getting to Lushira wouldn't be easy, and if they ran out of food, it could get dangerous as well. The other supplies were holding out, needless to say if there was something that was useful it would help to get it. "I've still got my tournament winnings." Lucretia said. "We can use these." Julius The group was approaching him faster. He couldn't trip up now. He had one finger close to the whip activation, if he needed it he would use it.
  9. Lucretia Despite Adano's injury making progress a bit slower than usual, the group certainly was traveling at a very good pace. Even if they weren't moving as quickly as they would if it was just Lucretia and Aurelio, Lucretia enjoyed traveling with the two. And she noticed that Aurelio had really taken a liking to Adano. For the first time in a long time, Lucretia was able to travel with people she truly cared about, with little fears. As they approached Phirias, things began looking up. This was the last town before Lushira, which was the intended goal. Lucretia had never been to Lushira before, although she had heard a lot about it from her grandmother and aunt. She was pretty thrilled to see Lushira for the first time. "Ah, civilization. Haven't seen this in a while. Are we going to stop here for a bit?" She asked. Adano Traveling with Lucretia and Aurelio was certainly enjoyable for Adano. The daughter whom he'd just met, and his new student. It felt interesting, to the least, because Lucretia was helping Adano with re-learning swordplay (even though it was apparent from the guild fight he still had it in him), and Adano was helping Aurelio with learning some new fighting techniques. Aurelio referred to him as the "Oracle of Combat". The three would joke around, asking for his next "prediction". Adano truly enjoyed the company, and it made travel that much better. "Ah, civilization. Haven't seen this in a while. Are we going to stop here for a bit?" They had reached Phirias after a week's worth of travel. Phirias was their last major stop before Lushira. Adano nodded, adding, "The supplies are still surviving, but it would be smart to see if we can get some more food here while we're around." Julius He cleared the steep hill not seeing anyone. He had hoped that it was just his paranoia, but his fears were realized when he hopped into the middle of a camp of sorts. There were many tents all surrounding a central campfire. There was no one outside; Julius hoped that they were all gone, but the campfire was still going. He tried to escape as quickly as possible, but as he passed the last tent, he heard a menacing voice. "Lookie here, boys. We got a pretty one walking by!" Shit. He turned around to see about six men standing there. They all had stupid grins on their faces. "What's a pretty boy like you doing here?" The one in front asked. "I'm simply traveling towards Albion. I'm coming from Lazarynth." Julius replied, deadpan. "Heh heh...well, me and my boys here are headed in that way too. How about you join up with us?" One of the man's hands inched closer to his crotch. Julius had a bad feeling. "Well, I'm really in a hurry. I can't stay." Julius tried to move onward, but he walked straight into another man. "We're all a bit...aroused by your arrival." The leader said. "How about we have a peek at that pretty ass of yours?" Julius immediately drew his blade, and before anyone could react, he stabbed the man in front of him and continued running, quickly. He had to get to the next town. Immediacy took over as he ran with the six men in pursuit.
  10. Guess which state has twelve top 100 colleges in the US according to Forbes? Which state has four top ten colleges? Which state hosts the college at number one? THAT'S RIGHT. Alabama - 15 Alaska - 50 Arkansas - 50 California - 190 Colorado - 35 Connecticut - 50 Delaware - 50 District of Columbia - 50 Florida - 40 Hawaii - 65 Idaho - 50 Illinois - 50 Indiana - 50 Iowa - 50 Kentucky - 50 Louisiana - 50 Maine - 50 Maryland - 50 Massachusetts - 61 Minnesota - 50 Mississippi - 50 Missouri - 01 Montana - 50 Nebraska - 50 Nevada - 50 New Hampshire - 50 New Jersey - 53 New Mexico - 50 New York - 53 North Dakota - 50 Oregon - 50 Pennsylvania - 185 Rhode Island - 35 South Carolina - 45 South Dakota - 50 Tennessee - 95 Vermont - 50 Virginia - 53 Washington - 50 West Virginia - 25 Wisconsin - 50 Wyoming - 50
  11. Allrighty. Needless to say I was pretty excited when I learned I could play as Lloyd, Linus, the Black Fang, etc. But there's a lot of work that needs to be done. First, I don't see why Darin should be there. The other Black Fangs [barely] make sense, but Darin? Makes none. He's not a member of the Black Fang, nor has he ever been. Sain and Rath are not in character at all. And more importantly, why them? Why were they the chosen two out of all of the army? That's not explained. The concept needs to be worked on. It's an interesting premise and you have potential with the idea, but it needs to be expanded on. Also, why does Ursula not know any of the Black Fang? That makes no sense. Overall you need work. If you want a writer I wouldn't mind lending my hand, or at least lending ideas to you. There's a glimmer of potential. I hope you can improve for the first official release because I am interested in what will happen.
  12. Playing through the game again, already at Chapter 10. Promoting Luke at Level 20 does make 8x a LOT easier. I'm using a similar party but now that Luke has more usefulness I dropped Batta entirely. I'm also using Tom this run, he's not bad (doubles enemies when he joins) but his defenses are poor, especially his wtfawful resistance, which hinders him in C10. I actually recruited Amia and Norris. Amia needs to be buffed majorly because keeping her alive is very hard. Even if she's standing on a fort/forest. Norris is all right. I still need to recruit Eddie. Problem is, I lost Leif the chapter prior and haven't used Henrietta at all. I was going to just leave hi, but then I paid attention to his death quote and it made me wtfsad, so I was like, "I NEED TO RECRUIT HIM AAAAAAH". Also, Tom has no death quote. Just an FYI.
  13. Julius His journey to Lushira was long and saturated with stress and anxiety. The memories of his encounter with the kid still haunted him, as well as memories of his past. He was heading home, in the hopes of regaining his noble status. No one knew what had happened to his uncle, anyway. At least, he didn't think so. Most people probably assumed Julius died in the fire that ravaged his old home. He smiled briefly at the prospect of a "triumphant" return to the nobility. The "Gentleman's Gentleman", Julius Kilstrong. He reveled at the idea of coming home. That brief moment of happiness was swept away when Julius remembered his mission in the first place; to try and figure out who he was. The life of a noble was unfulfilling. He was showered with everything he wanted: money, clothing, food, drinks, but he couldn't find happiness. He felt ill at his forgetting of that simple task. Heading home was the only logical decision; he still had enough money to survive, but he didn't have much else barring his uncle's blade. If he was able to return to the nobility, he figured he could use his social position to figure out what he wanted. Was it love? Success? Financial stability? A sense of being? Whatever it was, Julius had the gut feeling that he'd find it in Lushira. Because he was traveling alone, he was able to move quickly. After only a week he was already approaching Malegon via the mountain pass next to Belenos, his first stop. His goal was to make his way to Albion, where his family's home was located nearby. If he could get to Albion, he could find people his uncle affiliated himself with and reclaim his title. Approaching the end of the mountain pass, Julius was tired and weary. He had been traveling throughout the night in order to reach the next city more quickly. He had found himself climbing a steep rock wall that marked the last large mountain before Malegon. As he climbed higher, he couldn't help but shake off the feeling that he wasn't alone. Whether or not the presence was malicious, he couldn't determine. One thing was for certain; however, he kept his hand next to his sword and was ready to fight at any moment.
  14. Alabama - 20 Alaska - 50 Arkansas - 50 California - 171 Colorado - 40 Connecticut - 50 Delaware - 50 District of Columbia - 50 Florida - 40 Hawaii - 62 Idaho - 50 Illinois - 50 Indiana - 50 Iowa - 50 Kentucky - 50 Louisiana - 50 Maine - 50 Maryland - 50 Massachusetts - 59 Michigan - 10 Minnesota - 50 Mississippi - 50 Missouri - 38 Montana - 50 Nebraska - 50 Nevada - 50 New Hampshire - 50 New Jersey - 53 New Mexico - 50 New York - 53 North Dakota - 50 Oregon - 50 Pennsylvania - 167 Rhode Island - 40 South Carolina - 45 South Dakota - 50 Tennessee - 89 Vermont - 50 Virginia - 53 Washington - 50 West Virginia - 50 Wisconsin - 50 Wyoming - 50
  15. Lucretia and Adano "Heh, I haven't been to Lushira in a while, it couldn't hurt to go there. You guys can do a bit of sight seeing too. I've pretty much been everywhere, except Miyako. If they've ended up there, I'm in trouble." Lucretia gave a smirk. "I'm not ready to head to Miyako just yet anyway. Too many memories." "Lunaria's smart though, I doubt she'd hide somewhere I couldn't find her." "Lushira it is, then."
  16. Julius "Dude, leave me alone." Julius found himself at a loss. He was uninterested. Julius' advances failed. The kid was in no mood to even attempt to talk. In the social world, he would have been considered rude and disrespectful to someone of a higher class. But here, it didn't matter. Social class and manners meant nothing. I was once a paragon of gentleman-like manners, and yet he's not even remotely flattered by me...what is this? "You were that guy who wanted an explanation earlier, go ask them what happened." "There's no need for an explanation. We all got thrown out of town anyway." Julius took the bag of money he was given by the town guard. "Here," he said, throwing it at Ormis' feet, "I have more than enough of my own money. Take it." After throwing the money down he walked solemnly out of the inn, not wanting anyone to see him cry. He ran to the edge of town, not caring which way he went next. Nothing mattered at this point. I'm wanting to find who I am, away from the façade of the nobility, and all I've done is rely on it this whole time. Wake up, Julius. You're not a noble anymore. You revoked it when you burned down your home. He sat under a tree and buried his face in his knees, wanting nothing more than to just bury himself in a hole. He was humiliated and disappointed in himself. Where do I go now? There's nowhere for me to go, except back to Lushira. Not like I want to go there. Unless... He looked at the sword he had in his hands through his misty eyes. No one knows what I've done. Lucretia and Adano "So, who wants to pick a direction?" Lucretia smiled. "I don't know. We've been all over the continent by this point, barring Lushira." She looked to Aurelio. "We're looking for your family, Aurelio. Why don't you pick?" "I'm fine with wherever we travel, there's nowhere for either of us to go anytime soon." Adano added.
  17. Julius "Those guildies never even scratched me, you kidding? And either way, who the hell are you to care? Just fuck off and leave me alone." "Heh. I'll give you that one." Julius wasn't going to let this kid up that easily. He was getting to him, and he knew it. "In any case, I care because a cute boy like you shouldn't be upset." He sat next to the kid in the hopes of becoming more personable. Lucretia/Adano They grabbed their things and met outside of the inn, waiting for Aurelio. There wasn't too much of a need for either of them to say their goodbyes, neither of them knew these people well enough.
  18. Julius "Uh, what? I'm fine, leave me alone." "For someone who's gotten his pretty little ass handed to him by a bunch of guildsmen and then got kicked out of a town, you're certainly handling it well." Julius replied with a wink, hoping the kid would open up, at least a bit. Kid, I murdered my own uncle and torched two homes to the ground, there's no fucking way you're fine after what's happened.
  19. Julius He saw the boy from before heading down from the area with the rooms. Now or never, Julius... He thought. Besides, I kind of need a place to go after this, as long as it's not Lushira. He maneuvered his way to him, intercepting the boy on his way out. He appeared sulky, at best. At worst, Julius didn't want to know. He put on his best comfort face and finally spoke. "Hey, buddy. Why are you so down? A cutie like you shouldn't be so upset." I hope that doesn't sound too stupid.
  20. Y'know, this one looks interesting. I'm going to reserve this post for a sign-up. Aand...
  21. I don't even know if there's a Popeye's north of the Mason/Dixon line. There aren't any where I live, and the only one I've seen was in Washington DC.
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