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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. Lucretia "Begin! Her opponent just looked her down, gripping his shield. He didn't look like he was going to move. Damn. Do I have to take the fight to him? She raised her swords high, and began running towards him.
  2. Hannah dying nets me a game over, I think Chadwick does too. Jonas doesn't for me.
  3. Aideen 66 Pelleas 387 Cellica 23 Miranda 530 Laura 13 Sara 151 Tinny 312 Julius 66 Oliver 49
  4. The contrast between hair shades is nonexistent.
  5. Lucretia "For the next match, we have Teis Risdryn facing off against Lucretia Germane, two very strong competitors! Both are newcomers, who will come out victorious in the end?" She hadn't even paid attention to the first match, but the hotheaded kid (well, she was the same age as him but mentally he was much younger than she) seemed to have won. I wonder what it'll be like to fight him in the finals, if I make it that is... Lucretia looked to Teis, clad in armor, axe at the ready. This was going to be her toughest battle yet, in her mind. She had faced off against knights before but she wasn't used to them, and with the axe he carried, she worried about getting hit. Unlike my first two opponents, if he hits me with that axe, it will hurt. She walked into the ring, standing confident and poised. This is it. Adano He was so excited that Lucretia was up next. The first match was exciting, but he was very happy to see his daughter fight. He turned to Aurelio, who now had company. "I really am excited to see this one. Lucretia's got her work cut out for her, but I think she'll win." He flashed a smile. Julius He awoke again, this time noticing a blanket was on him. Deciding to get up, he noticed the girl was still asleep. No need to wake her. He thought as he quietly tiptoed out of the room and washed up, leaving a note for the girl in case she woke up. "My name is Julius, and I hope you're feeling better. In case you wake up and I'm not around, I'm washing up quickly. I'll be down at the inn afterward eating some breakfast if you want to join me."
  6. Adano "You look pretty beat, what were you doing, drinking all night?" He smiled at Aurelio, he could tell that there was something between him and Lucretia. Although he wasn't about to meddle in the life of his daughter whom he'd just met, he thought Aurelio was a nice and capable man. "I only had one drink of absinthe," he replied, "I guess it just hit me more than I remember. I used to drink absinthe all the time." He shook his head and turned back to Aurelio. "Excited for Lucretia's match? I think she'll win today. I hope she does."
  7. Adano Although he still felt the after-effect of last night's absinthe, he made his way to the arena and sat in his usual seat. He knew he was early but he wanted to make sure he saw his daughter fight today. Lucretia As she entered the fighters' entrance she noticed the guild leader from the night prior, but paid him no mind. It was more important that she prepare for her match with Teis. She quickly ran her swords over a sharpening wheel and then began striking one of the sandbags. Julius '...Uh... I'm, sorry if you're asleep... but thank you.' He heard the girl's words but didn't get to make a cohesive response; he mumbled something incoherent and inaudible and fell back asleep.
  8. Lucretia "Heh, that innkeeper can yell at me all he wants, I'm seeing that match. Teis is good, but you'll be running circles around him. How's your old man doing? Is he still asleep?" Lucretia was mildly amused by Aurelio, and she smiled back at him. "Knowing him he's probably already at the arena with a good seat. I'm glad you'll make it there." She said. "Anyway, I'm not sure I'll run circles around Teis, but I do think I can win. I've fought people in heavy armor before." She began to walk down the hall, towards the arena.
  9. Lucretia She got a long and full night of sleep, something that was rare but welcome in Lucretia's mind. Part of her was still tired, though, and the past two fights certainly saw themselves on her. She ached a bit, but it was nothing compared to what she was used to. "I can just let it pass." She said to herself as she washed up and dressed for the day. She ate a quick meal and grabbed her swords, heading out of the inn for the day. Before she left the inn, she noticed Ormis and Aurelio not too far from her room. Feeling sociable, Lucretia approached the pair, just in time to hear Ormis say to Aurelio, "Not a lot. Gonna go watch the fight today? I hear your girlfriend's gonna go kick Teis's ass today." Heh heh, I wouldn't call myself that, but okay. "Thanks for the reminder, I'll probably skip part of work to see it. You might want to keep a better eye on yours, she seems awfully close to that Gideon guy." Lucretia was about to collapse due to laughter, but she composed herself and approached the pair. "Either of you going to watch my fight today?" She asked, wavering close to Aurelio. Adano The sun hit his face and he awoke, albeit feeling slightly ill. The absinthe he drank the night before certainly was stronger than he had last remembered it. I must be getting older, I can't drink absinthe like I used to. He stumbled a bit out of bed, but he was able to dress and head down to the main lobby of the inn for some breakfast. Julius He was cold and wet, but he made it to the inn with the girl in tow. Without any words, the innkeep led him to one of the few remaining rooms and unlocked it. Julius put the girl on the bed and paid the innkeep with the fee for one night. He then proceeded to curl up on the floor and sleep. - He awoke the next day feeling exhausted. The girl was still asleep on the bed, and the sun was beating down into the room. Julius figured there was nothing wrong with sleeping in, so he shut the blinds and allowed himself to fall back asleep.
  10. In medias res is something that can really bring this game something new. I'm looking forward to progress in this hack. This. The fact that you have something going is a start. You can always improve on the things that are lacking later. Focus on the positives of the hack first, and use those to bring up the negatives, then go back and fix them later so you don't have negatives.
  11. The hat is awesome, it reminds me of old-style gangster movies. trent give her a suit and tie now Fox's mug is awesome too, the color choices are very interesting. Her right arm looks shaded wrong, like that line of the first skin shade doesn't seem right. The right side of the neck also looks too large.
  12. Revamp, now with less custom shading/colors!
  13. That might be it. He has ranks for Anima and Light, but he happened to get a Steel Sword from a battle and he was able to use it. I didn't because I knew it would break the game, but still. Also, in the top left corner in C12, the right chest breaks the game. I sent Paul to open it and the screen went black.
  14. Makes sense now. even though Keagan is doing better than any Erk I've ever trained One thing to note, Tracy can currently have full movement in Blizzards. I don't know if it's intentional or not but he can. Also he can apparently use Steel Swords.
  15. I figured it would be bad to promote Chadwick, and Hannah wasn't ready for promotion by the time I got the Guiding Ring, so I used it on Keagan, who is amazing. His speed exceeds his magic by a lot, but I can't complain when he dodgetanks everything in sight.
  16. Which is why I did that, so I could get the better reward. It could just be me overusing Chadwick (who was Level 20 by around C5)
  17. The reason why I never used Vivi was because Keagan was about level 16 by that point and he was able to destroy anything in his path. I'm gonna probably replay anyway to get Luke better so 8x doesn't become Savestate Abuse Central and also to keep everyone alive and use characters I ignored. Hmm, I will have to check it out later. I'm already at Chapter 11 and I want to play that one through before I go back.
  18. Mariobro, I'm loving the new patch. I do have a few comments, but overall it's awesome. I've finished every chapter in the guide you wrote so far. Putting my comments in the spoilers for those who don't want to read them. I'm excited to continue playing. I have two questions though: -How far does the patch go? -Is there a table of averages? I'm curious as to how my characters are stacking up.
  19. Well, yeah, but you said it kind of differently, and you put a lot of emphasis on French, but there's many English words that take root in Latin directly. //Latin Geek gonna stop going offtopic now
  20. Best: Denning. "This is a message from Lord Nergal. I await you on the Dread Isle." Worst: Valtome. "Uwee hee hee!"
  21. Julius The girl passed out. He took her in his arms--she certainly wasn't heavy--and followed in the direction she pointed in, hoping that he could reach the town soon.
  22. If a 48 hour video can be on Youtube, so can a 7 hour one.
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