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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. I was talking about the hair contrast, I didn't even refer to the shirt~
  2. lol, 'grats everyone. Glad I managed to pull off a few votes in the theme category, I'm not the best spriter out there but it was fun.
  3. There's way too much saturation in the hair colors. It's too bright. Although the FE6/7 cool colors are usually more saturated than the warm colors you need to tone down that hair's saturation. The contrast looks fine though.
  4. Julius 'So what did that sword do? Or more rather, what did it's wielder to cause such a journey?' She was asking a lot of questions, but Julius felt comfortable telling her the answers. It felt good to open up to someone. "This sword was once my uncle's. He's dead now." He paused, allowing her to take everything in. "I found out that my uncle had killed my parents when I was younger. He then proceeded to attack me. In defense I killed him with his own blade. To erase my trail I burned down his home and mine." He put the sword on the table and took it out, pressing the button that activated the whip. "My family's symbol is the snake, and this sword--the snake sword--is our trademark. I've been on the run for a few months now, mostly to erase my trail." I wonder if I've run far enough... Lucretia/Adano They arrived and sat at one of the tables in the busy inn. The waiter came and they placed their orders. "I've been wondering..." Lucretia began, "you really want to learn how to be a duelist again, right?" "Why do you ask?" Adano replied, curious as to why his daughter would ask. "I just feel like you miss being a duelist. That's why you came to the arena, right?" "Yes, you could say that." "Well..." She took out the sword she had kept with her. "This sword is called Senso. It is my family's treasure. Needless to say, I have two swords already and I don't need this one. I want you to have it." "Lucretia!! That's...that's too kind of you! I can't accept this! This is your family's treasured sword." "My family's dead. You're the only family I have left. Take it." She handed it to him in earnest. Tears began to well up in Adano's eyes. He was truly touched. He mouthed "thank you" to her and put the blade aside.
  5. Adano/Lucretia "You were good out there, Lucretia. I'll see both of you a little later." Lucretia smiled at Aurelio. "Thanks." She and Adano then proceeded to head to the inn and focus on eating. Both were pretty hungry so they decided to fill up before the finals.
  6. Lucretia Teis shook the hand offered, with a tired sigh. "I really wasn't expecting to win. Good fight, though." She was hoping Teis would win in the finals, he was more deserving in her mind. After seeing the healers, Lucretia took her winnings. Despite losing today, Lucretia had made a lot of money from the first two fights, plus extra gold from the arena owner for being, in his words, "very exciting". She headed back to the hotel, but decided to stop and wait for her father. Adano "Sounds like a good idea. She's pretty amazing, I feel like a barbarian in comparison." Adano chuckled at Aurelio's statement and headed towards Lucretia, who was waiting outside of the arena. He pulled her into a hug and said to her, "Great fight today, even though you lost you've certainly gained the respect of a lot of fighters." Julius 'That sword... does it relate to the chase..?' He stopped. The girl noticed the sword. "This sword..." He paused, reflecting on what it was. In a way, it was related. "Yes, you could say that. You could even say that this sword...caused my journey."
  7. facebook page This may in fact motivate me to get a Twitter. Or reactivate my old one.
  8. Adano "She may have lost but she looked pretty good out there, I swear it could have gone either way at any moment." He turned to Aurelio. "Heh, yeah. Lucretia's the best in Miyako. No one can take that title from her." He smiled. "C'mon, let's go see her." Julius 'Why? Is something taking up time you wish you had free?' "Not really, no. I've just been busy trying to get away from Lushira for some time now. I need to keep a trail leading away from me." He looked down at his sword. Part of him wanted to throw it away and start anew, but he knew that this sword was to be his reminder of his family, and his past sins. It would be the way to absolution.
  9. Better (?) hair color and shading fixes on the hair.
  10. Lucretia The axe came down and Lucretia barely had time to block it with both swords. The force from the blow pushed her down to the ground. With Teis' axe right above her and nowhere else to go, Lucretia knew her time was up. He's good. I'm glad I lost to someone that knows what he's doing. She threw her hands up and dropped her swords onto the ground. She had lost, it was over. "The winner is Teis Risdryn, who will be going to the finals!" Lucretia wanted to hear her name so badly in the finals, but she conceded defeat. She offered her hand to Teis to shake. "Great match. You really deserve to make it to the finals." Adano On the edge of his seat, he was nervous when Teis' axe was right at Lucretia. When she yielded, he knew that there was nothing left she could do. "That was a good fight. Teis is an excellent fighter." He mused. Julius 'Ah. Then a boyfriend? ~' "I wish. Needless to say I've not really had...time to find a boyfriend." He replied. He'd been running for a while now, this was the first town he'd stopped in for more than a night in a very long time.
  11. Best: SIGURD SIGURD SIGURD~ Honorable mentions to: Lloyd, Camus, Seth, Cuan, Muarim, Tibarn, and Gatrie. Worst: Valtome (two rounds in a row?) Dishonorable mentions to: Lekain, Gharnef, Manfroy, Beldo, Ratface, and almost every bandit character in the series.
  12. That would be why I never saw him leave, I'm pretty sure I one-turned him after Chadwick and Jonas got their A support. Is there a list of who supports who, or are those still in working? I know Jonas can support Chadwick and Keagan, but that's all I ended up getting.
  13. Julius '...Um… are you... here with anyone? Like your parents, family, friends.. Girlfriend?' Julius couldn't help but laugh out loud at the last word. "I don't have a girlfriend, and I don't plan on having one." He said between chuckles. "No offense, but I'm into men." He paused, allowing her to take that last bit in. "As for family, needless to say I'm the only one alive."
  14. Lucretia Her sword hit Teis' shield. Her left arm was sore from where he had hit her, but she could move it still, albeit barely. My arm hurts, my ribs hurt, I'm tired... She swung at him again. This needs to end soon... Julius 'Thanks for making sure they waited for me. I was gonna ask for something filling, like a bit of meat...' He wanted to chuckle at the last part regarding the meat, but he stayed calm and asked the waiter to come over. "She's looking for some meat. It seems you didn't eat in some time." He said, as he gave the waiter a shiny coin. "And bring us some drinks while you're at it."
  15. Lucretia He's trying to ram me--! She was pretty close to him when he started running. From the distance, she knew that she wouldn't be able to dodge the whole blow. She did the best thing she could--duck down and take the blow on her weaker arm. She kept the sword in her right arm (her strong arm) ready to attack as soon as she was able to get an opening.
  16. Lucretia She watched him swing the axe, and immediately sidestepped the blow. That precious moment she received allowed her to send another slash towards Teis. Julius 'Good to meet you, Julius!' He quickly smiled at her. "You got my note," he began as he handed her a menu, "I already ordered, but I told them to wait until you arrived and ordered to start making it, if that's all right." Adano This was turning into a fight that would really test Lucretia. Adano continued watching intently.
  17. The boss leaves? When does this happen? I just rushed Chadwick and Jonas to him and wiped him out easily.
  18. Lucretia She was able to gain some time after one of the swords connected. She needed to outspeed him and throw off his balance in order to win. She took a deep breath in, her ribs hurt. She'd have to ignore it. Instead of raising her swords and leaving her chest and stomach open, Lucretia kept her swords lower this time and thrust them towards Teis. Julius He noticed the girl as he was sitting at the table. He made a quick motion for her to come and sit with him.
  19. How's this for line smoothing? Direct comparison:
  20. Chadwick does give a game over in mine. So does Jonas. I just did a test in the Prologue.
  21. Ignore the body on this one, it's temporary and will go through many many changes.
  22. I'll have to test later because honestly my Chadwick doesn't die, ever. :p
  23. Lucretia She watched him raise his shield. By this point she was going to take a hit from the shield, so she figured she needed to at least get an attack in on him. She braced herself for the hit, which connected with her stomach, and made her bend over. Mustering all of the strength she had remaining, she threw her arms towards Teis, hoping her swords would connect.
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