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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. Pennsylvania California ----------------------------------- Connecticut - 50 Delaware - 50 District of Columbia - 50 Florida - 40 Hawaii - 125 Idaho - 50 Illinois - 98 Indiana - 53 Iowa - 50 Louisiana - 50 Maine - 50 Maryland - 50 Massachusetts - 86 Minnesota - 50 Montana - 50 Nebraska - 45 Nevada - 50 New Hampshire - 46 New Jersey - 38 New Mexico - 50 New York - 55 North Dakota - 5 Oregon - 62 South Carolina - 45 South Dakota - 10 Tennessee - 125 Vermont - 50 Virginia - 56 Washington - 95 Wisconsin - 50 Wyoming - 45
  2. Adano Eating one of the apples, he watched the people walking by. It was certainly interesting to say the very least. These people were different from Lazarynth's people. The fact that no guilds or arenas existed could have helped with that. There were armories and a blacksmith, but this was also the last major town before Lushira, after all. That was to be expected. Adano certainly was enjoying his time with Lucretia and Aurelio; he'd never traveled with others before and he couldn't ask for a better pair of people. Part of him hoped that the two were more than friends, although he would be happy with his daughter's choice in men no matter what. He was just thankful overall that she didn't turn out like Anastasia. Even thinking of her name made his side hurt where she stabbed him. Finishing his apple, he decided to look around some more to see if anything else would be needed for their travel. Julius As Julius continued onward he realized how tired he was. He completely bypassed Malegon and was headed south, towards Coryngols. From there he would pass through Ensaria and then move to his old home which was located near Albion and Crystis. As he was on the road to Coryngols, his exhaustion continued. He didn't know how much longer he would be able to make it. I... I need to keep on... Going... I'm going to find what I need... His mind blanked, his body gave out, and he fell unconscious on the ground. Lucretia She was used to broadswords; they seemed to be a weapon of choice for most. She knew, however, that she just needed to win this quick duel and be done with it. He struck first. Swinging the sword in a large arc, Lucretia blocked it with both swords, then ducked out of the way to advance towards his legs, which were left open from the attack. He sensed this and took a closed stance, leaving Lucretia no room to go. She backed up and parried another hit before moving in with her swords, eventually pointing them at his neck. "Very good, very good," he smiled as he put the sword down, "you are certainly the greatest duelist in Miyako." He went over to the blade and took it off of its shelf. "That was quick yet I enjoyed it very much. I'll give you a discount on the sheath as well. Twenty gold in total." She smiled back and paid the gold, taking the sword and putting it into its sheath. "I wonder... I have seen swordplay of a similar style before. Many years ago." He looked at Lucretia carefully, studying her features. "It was a Myan woman, looking just like you. Yes, and she challenged everyone in town to a duel." Lucretia's expression turned sour. "Y-yes, you're probably talking about my mother." She looked downward. "I apologize, but I must be going. Thank you for the sword, I appreciate it greatly." She left before the man could get another word in. The mention of her mother hurt her deeply; the scars she had all over her body seemed to pulsate with Anastasia's rage. She's dead; I killed her. Why is the pain coming back?! Her focus shifted to the sword she now held in her hands. "Aurelio will love this." She smiled again. Thinking about him made the pain dissapate, even for a moment. He truly made her smile. Look at yourself, Lucretia. You're falling for him, aren't you? Her smile was truly bright now. He's quite the man. Attractive, strong, and he understands you more than anyone. She rushed off to find him and give him the gift that, she hoped, would win her his heart.
  3. Lucretia As she walked around town, she noticed possibly one of the most beautiful swords she had ever seen sitting in the window of one of the armories. Its blade was sharp and polished, and the hilt was encrusted with gold. It was truly a sword for a master. It reminded her a lot of her family's blade. It was clearly expensive-looking, but Lucretia knew that she wanted to get that sword for Aurelio. It was a beautiful sword, and it was the least she could do. Walking into the store, she looked around for the shop owner. "How much for that blade in the window?" She asked. "That blade's a hundred gold. And that's without buying a sheath." He replied deadpan. Lucretia looked into her bag of gold. From the gold she got from selling her mother's blades, and the gold from the arena, she had about 140 gold pieces left. Before all of that she had about 20 gold. She certainly could buy it, and the sheath, but that would leave her with little gold. "Is there a way I can get...a discount?" She asked. "Well, if you can beat me in a duel, I'll give it to you for free. The sheath'll still cost money." He replied, walking over to the desk and taking out a large sword. "Fair enough," she replied, drawing both swords, "I warn you, though, I'm the best swordswoman in Miyako." "I've never fought a Myan woman before," he replied, "should be interesting."
  4. Laura requires tremendous amounts of BEXP and staff abuse to be able to Sleep Ike and not get obliterated by any of the Laguz that exist in the chapter. For a quick clear, yes, we may want to consider giving her said BEXP, and maybe in that case she'll have some use in 4-3 with the desert, utilizing full range (and possibly Celerity?) and Physic/Restore use is never a bad thing. Beyond that, though, Laura's pretty useless. Once Micaiah promotes she automatically becomes a better staff user who can use Physic right off the bat, which is important for 3-6 if Jill's going to be flying off on her own and hacking shit with the Brave Axe, or Nolan/Eddie who are abusing the Beastfoe scroll on the east side of the map. Laura by that time can probably also use Physic as well, but beyond that she becomes relatively useless.
  5. Lucretia After purchasing the tarp, she went over to the blacksmith, in the hopes of sharpening her swords. When they were sharpened and filed, she walked around town, looking for some food for herself. Adano He walked around town some more, scanning for anything that the group might need on their trip. He knew that Lucretia was looking for some things for the weather and he was getting food. Aurelio was also searching for things they'd need. He decided to sit down briefly on a large rock that was nearby, to think about where to go next. Julius Reaching the next town, Julius was exhausted and afraid that the bandits would eventually retaliate. In the hopes of not being found, he went to the nearest store and purchased a hooded cloak that could protect his identity somewhat. At least they couldn't see his face.
  6. Pennsylvania California ----------------------------------- Arkansas - 30 Colorado - 25 Connecticut - 50 Delaware - 50 District of Columbia - 50 Florida - 40 Hawaii - 95 Idaho - 50 Illinois - 74 Indiana - 53 Iowa - 50 Louisiana - 50 Maine - 50 Maryland - 50 Massachusetts - 83 Minnesota - 50 Mississippi - 01 Montana - 50 Nebraska - 45 Nevada - 50 New Hampshire - 50 New Jersey - 53 New Mexico - 50 New York - 55 North Dakota - 50 Oregon - 59 South Carolina - 45 South Dakota - 50 Tennessee - 116 Vermont - 50 Virginia - 53 Washington - 71 Wisconsin - 50 Wyoming - 50
  7. Rating: 9.5/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcl1ZDL-0Sg
  8. Just noticed the no limit thing. This oughta be interesting. Lord 30 Mercenary 30 Hero 30 Thief 30 Commando 30 Figher 48 Pirate 30 Archer 30 Sniper 33 Hunter 30 Horseman 30 Social Knight 30 Paladin 30 Armor Knight 30 General 30 Dragon Knight 30 Shooter 30 Mage 30 Priest 30 Bishop 30 Manakete 30 FE2!Fighter 33 FE2!Hero 30 FE2!Priest 30 FE2!Princess 30 Villager 30 Demon Fighter 30 Soldier 30 FE2!Baron 30 Bow Knight 30 Sage 30 Gold Knight 66 Saint 30 Badess 30 Majin 30 Kelbeth 30 Belreth 30 Gold 30 Gargoyle 27 Balrog 30 Dragonzombie 30 White Dragon 30 Sorcerer 30 Exorcist 30 Witch 30 Zombie 30 Mummy 30 Bigl 30 Skeleton 30 Lich 30 Dark God 30 FE3/4/5!Dancer 30 Bandit 30 Barbarian 30 FE3!Berserker 30 Dismounted Knight 30 FE3!Emperor 30 Dark Mage 30 Fire Dragon 30 Ice Dragon 30 Flying Dragon 30 Demon Dragon 30 Earth Dragon 30 Dark Dragon 20 Lord Knight 36 Prince 30 FE4!Princess 30 Master Knight 30 Swordfighter 30 Swordmaster 36 Forrest 30 Thief Fighter 30 Mountain Thief 30 FE4!Troubadour 30 Free Knight 30 Forrest Knight 30 Lance Knight 30 Duke Knight 30 Axe Knight 30 FE4!Great Knight 30 Arch Knight 30 Bow Knight 30 Sword Armor 30 Lance Armor 30 Axe Armor 30 Bow Armor 30 FE4/5!Baron 30 FE4!Emperor 30 Dragon Rider 30 Dragon Knight 30 Dragon Master 30 Long Arch 25 Iron Arch 30 Killer Arch 30 Fire Mage 30 Thunder Mage 30 Wind Mage 30 Mage Fighter 33 FE4!Mage Knight 30 FE4/5!Bard 30 FE4!Shaman 30 High Priest 30 FE4!Bishop 30 FE4!Queen 30 Dark Bishop 30 Dark Prince 30 Civilian 30 Poison Arch 30 FE5!Sister 30 Loputo Mage 30 FE5!Dark Mage 30 Master Lord 30 Warrior 30 Berserker 30 Nomad 30 Nomad Trooper 30 Wyvern Lord 30 GBA!Shaman 30 Druid 30 FE6/7!Bard 30 GBA!Dancer 30 King 30 Transporter (Wagon)30 Blade Lord 30 Knight Lord 30 FE7!Great Lord 30 Assassin 30 Monk 30 FE7!Archsage 25 Dark Druid 30 Magic Seal 30 Transporter (Tent) 30 FE8!Great Lord FE8!Great Knight Recruit 30 Journeyman 30 Rogue 30 Wyvern Knight 30 FE8!Mage Knight 30 FE8!Valkyrie 30 Pupil 30 Summoner Phantom 30 FE8!Queen Pontifex 30 Fleet 30 Necromancer 30 Mogall 30 Arch Mogal 30 Mauthedoog 30 Gwyllgi 30 Tarvos 30 Maelduin 30 Bael 30 Elder Bael 30 Gorgon Egg 30 Gorgon 30 Cyclops 30 Demon King 25 FE9!Ranger 30 Halberdier 30 Princess Crimea 30 King Daein 30 FE9/10!Valkyrie 30 Child 30 Beast Tribe 30 Cat 30 Tiger 30 Lion 30 Bird Tribe 30 Hawk 30 Raven 30 Heron 30 Dragon Tribe 30 Red Dragon 30 White Dragon 30 Light Mage 20 Light Sage 30 Light Priestess 30 Trueblade 33 Sentinel 30 Reaver 30 Marksman 30 Sword General 30 Lance General 30 Axe General 30 Marshall 30 Black Knight 30 Whisper 30 Fire Sage 30 Thunder Sage 30 Wind Sage 30 FE10!Anima!Arch Sage 30 Dark Sage 30 FE10!Dark!Arch Sage 30 Empress 30 Chancellor 30 Silver Knight 30 Seraph Knight 30 FE10!Queen 30 Vanguard 30 FE10!Cleric 30 Lion King 30 Wolf 30 Wolf Queen 30 Hawk King 30 Raven King 30 Dragon Prince 30 Dragon King 30 Vendor 30 Pilgrim 30 Horse 30 Fire Spirit 30 Thunder Spirit 30 Wind Spirit 30 Order Incarnate 30 FE11!Sorcerer 30
  9. Ilyana then went in search of fruits to satisfy her hunger cravings.
  10. Lord 30 Mercenary 30 Hero 30 Thief 30 Commando 30 Figher 48 Pirate 30 Archer 30 Sniper 33 Hunter 30 Horseman 30 Social Knight 30 Paladin 30 Armor Knight 30 General 30 Pegasus Knight 5 Dragon Knight 30 Shooter 30 Mage 30 Priest 30 Bishop 30 Manakete 30 FE2!Fighter 33 FE2!Hero 30 FE2!Priest 30 FE2!Princess 30 Villager 30 Demon Fighter 30 Soldier 30 FE2!Baron 30 Bow Knight 30 Sage 30 Gold Knight 63 Saint 30 Badess 30 Majin 30 Kelbeth 30 Belreth 30 Gold 30 Gargoyle 27 Balrog 30 Dragonzombie 30 White Dragon 30 Sorcerer 30 Exorcist 30 Witch 30 Zombie 30 Mummy 30 Bigl 30 Skeleton 30 Lich 30 Dark God 30 FE3/4/5!Dancer 30 Bandit 30 Barbarian 30 FE3!Berserker 30 Dismounted Knight 30 FE3!Emperor 30 Dark Mage 30 Fire Dragon 30 Ice Dragon 30 Flying Dragon 30 Demon Dragon 30 Earth Dragon 30 Dark Dragon 20 Lord Knight 36 Prince 30 FE4!Princess 30 Master Knight 30 Swordfighter 30 Swordmaster 33 Forrest 30 Thief Fighter 30 Mountain Thief 30 FE4!Troubadour 30 Free Knight 30 Forrest Knight 30 Lance Knight 30 Duke Knight 30 Axe Knight 30 FE4!Great Knight 30 Arch Knight 30 Bow Knight 30 Sword Armor 30 Lance Armor 30 Axe Armor 30 Bow Armor 30 FE4/5!Baron 30 FE4!Emperor 30 Dragon Rider 30 Dragon Knight 30 Dragon Master 30 Long Arch 25 Iron Arch 30 Killer Arch 30 Fire Mage 30 Thunder Mage 30 Wind Mage 30 Mage Fighter 33 FE4!Mage Knight 30 FE4/5!Bard 30 FE4!Shaman 30 High Priest 30 FE4!Bishop 30 FE4!Queen 30 Dark Bishop 30 Dark Prince 30 Civilian 30 Poison Arch 30 FE5!Sister 30 Loputo Mage 30 FE5!Dark Mage 30 Master Lord 30 Warrior 30 Berserker 30 Nomad 30 Nomad Trooper 30 Wyvern Lord 30 GBA!Shaman 30 Druid 30 FE6/7!Bard 30 GBA!Dancer 30 King 30 Transporter (Wagon)30 Blade Lord 30 Knight Lord 30 FE7!Great Lord 30 Assassin 30 Monk 30 FE7!Archsage 25 Dark Druid 30 Magic Seal 30 Transporter (Tent) 30 FE8!Great Lord FE8!Great Knight Recruit 30 Journeyman 30 Rogue 30 Wyvern Knight 30 FE8!Mage Knight 30 FE8!Valkyrie 30 Pupil 30 Summoner Phantom 30 FE8!Queen Pontifex 30 Fleet 30 Necromancer 30 Mogall 30 Arch Mogal 30 Mauthedoog 30 Gwyllgi 30 Tarvos 30 Maelduin 30 Bael 30 Elder Bael 30 Gorgon Egg 30 Gorgon 30 Cyclops 30 Demon King 25 FE9!Ranger 30 Halberdier 30 Princess Crimea 30 King Daein 30 FE9/10!Valkyrie 30 Child 30 Beast Tribe 30 Cat 30 Tiger 30 Lion 30 Bird Tribe 30 Hawk 30 Raven 30 Heron 30 Dragon Tribe 30 Red Dragon 30 White Dragon 30 Light Mage 25 Light Sage 30 Light Priestess 30 Trueblade 33 Sentinel 30 Reaver 30 Marksman 30 Sword General 30 Lance General 30 Axe General 30 Marshall 30 Black Knight 30 Whisper 30 Fire Sage 30 Thunder Sage 30 Wind Sage 30 FE10!Anima!Arch Sage 30 Dark Sage 30 FE10!Dark!Arch Sage 30 Empress 30 Chancellor 30 Silver Knight 30 Seraph Knight 30 FE10!Queen 30 Vanguard 30 FE10!Cleric 30 Lion King 30 Wolf 30 Wolf Queen 30 Hawk King 30 Raven King 30 Dragon Prince 30 Dragon King 30 Vendor 30 Pilgrim 30 Horse 30 Fire Spirit 30 Thunder Spirit 30 Wind Spirit 30 Order Incarnate 30 FE11!Sorcerer 30
  11. Pennsylvania California ----------------------------------- Alaska - 10 Arkansas - 40 Colorado - 25 Connecticut - 50 Delaware - 50 District of Columbia - 50 Florida - 40 Hawaii - 89 Idaho - 50 Illinois - 71 Indiana - 53 Iowa - 50 Louisiana - 50 Maine - 50 Maryland - 50 Massachusetts - 80 Minnesota - 50 Mississippi - 11 Montana - 50 Nebraska - 45 Nevada - 50 New Hampshire - 50 New Jersey - 53 New Mexico - 50 New York - 55 North Dakota - 50 Oregon - 56 South Carolina - 45 South Dakota - 50 Tennessee - 116 Vermont - 50 Virginia - 53 Washington - 68 Wisconsin - 50 Wyoming - 50
  12. FE6-9 has them, not sure if any other FE's have them. :/
  13. Pennsylvania California ----------------------------------- Alaska - 20 Arkansas - 40 Colorado - 25 Connecticut - 50 Delaware - 50 District of Columbia - 50 Florida - 40 Hawaii - 86 Idaho - 50 Illinois - 65 Indiana - 53 Iowa - 50 Kentucky - 15 Louisiana - 50 Maine - 50 Maryland - 50 Massachusetts - 77 Minnesota - 50 Mississippi - 16 Montana - 50 Nebraska - 45 Nevada - 50 New Hampshire - 50 New Jersey - 53 New Mexico - 50 New York - 55 North Dakota - 50 Oregon - 53 South Carolina - 45 South Dakota - 50 Tennessee - 116 Vermont - 50 Virginia - 53 Washington - 65 Wisconsin - 50 Wyoming - 50
  14. Fiona also has innate Savior thus giving her no penalty for Rescuedrop spamming. Gust give her a forged lance so she doesn't suffer massive AS loss and defend herself a bit better and have her rescuedrop spam.
  15. Lucretia/Adano "Sounds like a plan. Meet up again in a couple of hours? We're pretty good on most stuff, I suppose we should prepare in case the weather gets nasty. It's a long way to the next town, and bad weather is the last thing we want." Both of them agreed, it would be best to cover as much ground as possible so that way they could purchase as many supplies as possible. Lucretia headed toward the shop with the tents, hoping to get an all-weather one. The shop owner looked like a con man but Lucretia decided to take her chances. "Do you have anything all-weather?" She asked politely. The man looked at her blankly. She sighed. "Works in any weather?" "Right! This here tarp is what you need. All-purpose, highly affordable." Lucretia now had the blank stare. He understands all-purpose but not all-weather. Really? She looked at the tarp carefully. It could cover the three tents easily. The material looked promising, although she didn't trust the salesman. Nonetheless she purchased enough for the three, and still had more than enough gold for more supplies. Realizing she was hungry, she decided to look around and see if there were any places she could get a quick meal. It was still early in the morning but she hoped somewhere had some decent food. Adano, on the other hand, decided to purchase the food for the journey. It was his hope that he'd be able to purchase food that would keep with their diets, and keep them healthy enough to reach their destination. He looked through the produce that was there. For once, he thanked the goddess for his slow movement. It allowed him to see what was around and what looked good with a better eye. He saw some very delicious looking fruits that he chose to purchase, as well as some meats that would be useful. He paid the shopkeeper and decided to walk around town for a bit, considering he had a decent amount of time left. He hoped he could maybe find anything else that could be of use as well. Julius He decided to stop running and hold his ground. One against six yielded poor odds but he hoped someone from the town would hear him and help. He stopped dead in his tracks, activated his whip, and turned around. The six had split up, in the hopes of surrounding him. Once they were close enough, he slashed his whip at the first bandit he could find, successfully cutting at the man's chest. The other five looked on in horror as their comrade fell to the ground. This kid meant business. They didn't want to mess with him. They instead turned around and headed back to camp. Julius sighed. He was safe, for now. Retracting the whip, he headed onward to the town in the hopes of reaching his destination.
  16. That's quite the splice. The colors work well together and it's very creative. I really love the different armor pieces.
  17. That's what I did second time around, first time around I used Jackie and Anni to bait the ballistae and take out the archers.
  18. In C25 we have Jill and Haar, who, if the former has a good enough defense, can survive hits from the ballistae. They'll basically fly around the map, rescuedrop Ike and Boyd and maybe a staff user, and kill stuff. Easy few turns. If you really need another unit, Tanith can use her reinforcements to distract the ballistae users. Nephenee isn't that useful in the chapter.
  19. Pennsylvania California ----------------------------------- Alaska - 30 Arkansas - 45 Colorado - 30 Connecticut - 50 Delaware - 50 District of Columbia - 50 Florida - 40 Hawaii - 83 Idaho - 50 Illinois - 62 Indiana - 53 Iowa - 50 Kentucky - 25 Louisiana - 50 Maine - 50 Maryland - 50 Massachusetts - 74 Minnesota - 50 Mississippi - 16 Montana - 50 Nebraska - 45 Nevada - 50 New Hampshire - 50 New Jersey - 53 New Mexico - 50 New York - 55 North Dakota - 50 Oregon - 50 South Carolina - 45 South Dakota - 50 Tennessee - 113 Vermont - 50 Virginia - 53 Washington - 62 Wisconsin - 50 Wyoming - 50
  20. Staff utility. Mist is the second healer and her and Rhys are the only healers until Soren/Ilyana/Tormod promotes.
  21. When working with efficiency it really doesn't matter if Nephenee has "potential" to be a great combat unit. To become a great combat unit she needs intense babying, BEXP, and resources that take time. Especially when we have units that can use lances and have equal or better combat (see: Titania, Jill, Oscar). Plus, Neph doesn't contribute much in terms of utility. Her poor join situation lowers her usefulness even more. Muarim, on the other hand, has pretty strong combat when he joins, and has the utility to back it up.
  22. Not to mention basically all of these characters have better Magic than Oliver, so better range. Also Micky has Sacrifice which eliminates Status conditions, so she's a free Restore staff with no item slot.
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