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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. Nasty being the overload of Killer weapons in the first few chapters, making the game a bit more luck based. :3
  2. Lucretia She watched Aurelio take off his shirt, this was the first time she was able to see him in this particular light. She didn't even bother to listen to the words he said, she just sidled closer to him, shivering still from the coldness of the rain. She removed her outer jacket and put it near Aurelio's shirt, leaving her in her undershirt and bottoms. Leaning into his chest, she smiled. "At least we've got a fire going to warm up." Adano "Let's see what provisions were have, I don't think we've eaten since we left." He heard Aurelio's statement and checked the rations. There was still a decent amount of food, the trio had been eating well and managed to still leave some food behind. "It's not a question of what we have, it's what we can eat," Adano replied, putting some of the soaked food aside to dry and hopefully be edible later. He threw away the food that was beyond salvaging, leaving behind a few different items that were still edible despite being a bit wet. He took out an apple and chewed into it, showing the bag to Aurelio and Lucretia as if to ask what they wanted to eat. Julius, Cameron, Gabriel "You want your position back?" Gabriel asked coldly. "Heh, I see. You've come all this way to play up to your destiny, the same destiny you told me once that you didn't want to fulfill." "No, Gabriel," Julius replied, "I'm here to find what my purpose is. I've tried and failed, believe me, I need to become a noble again so that way I can find what I need in life." He looked into Gabriel's eyes, remembering the eyes that looked at him with such love and kindness, passion and romance. He missed those eyes, which now had a hollow emptiness and sorrow about them. "I need the resources." Cameron couldn't bear to listen to Julius' speaking. He was afraid Gabriel would leave him right there, forget everything Julius had done, and just throw Cameron to the side. "Gabriel..." "Shut up, Cameron!" Gabriel snapped again. "This is a matter that extends beyond you. Leave us!" Cameron silently left the room, giving a dreadful glare to Julius before exiting toward the main hall.
  3. Louise again? Shit. I'll do this one, just not sure what to use for the third yet.
  4. Best: Nino, for being so awful to recruit and having a trollol join chapter but for being so kickass if trained. Honorable Mentions: Any Est archetype, any Camus archetype, the RNG Worst: IS
  5. Technically that's the 3-7 map but they're the same map, and this one makes more sense because it's not fog.
  6. White Lightning, combo of Fire and Thunder. No, I don't know what the fuck I was doing.
  7. David really was clueless on words at this point. It seemed that this was serious. No weapons? We'll be lucky to come out alive. I wonder if this is a trap. He whizzed right by Ayse and Elizabeth, not in the mood to talk to either of the two. He had to pack and ready himself. "No weapons. No weapons. Such bullshit." He repeated this phrase over and over again as he got into his room and hung up his katana next to his gauntlets. He looked through his clothes and belongings, wondering what would be necessary to bring with him.
  8. Gabriel & Cameron Gabriel rolled over in bed, both men covered in sweat. It had been this way for a while now, no words exchanged between the two, except for the occasional "you good?" that Gabriel would ask to make sure Cameron was able to take him. For Gabriel, it was the fix he needed ever since Julius left him. For Cameron, it hurt him mentally, because he remembered the times that Gabriel would have much more passion. He sighed as Gabriel's heavy breaths slowed down and he slowly fell asleep. It looked to be late afternoon at the worst, yet here he was, sleeping. "Damn..." Cameron muttered to himself as he slowly got out of bed, taking extra care to make sure he wouldn't wake Gabriel. He put on a robe and fixed himself a drink of ale, gulping it down like it was his first drink in a year. "Cameron..." Gabriel's voice muttered from over the bed, "what else is over there? I need a drink, love." Cameron paused for a moment, letting the word "love" fly by him. He knew Gabriel didn't mean it in the way he had hoped, despite his constant wishes. "We've got a bit of ale left, some whiskey, we're out of mead, and a tiny bit of vodka," Cameron replied, "we need some more alcohol soon." "You alcoholic, you..." Gabriel teased, "I'll just finish the vodka off, give me a bit of regular water to go with it as well." Cameron brought the bottle of vodka as well as a pitcher of water and a large glass to the bedside. "Thanks, love." Gabriel twisted upward and kissed Cameron on the cheek. Cameron paced around the room for a bit, trying to reflect on something, yet he couldn't grasp what he was trying to think about. Julius "Ah, Lord Sarson has passed, I see..." the servant Julius had spoken to began to tear up, and wiped his face with the handkerchief he was holding. "We knew it was only a matter of time, you see..." He pointed in the direction of Gabriel's bedroom. "Master Gabriel is in there." Julius paused for a second. Do I want to go through with this...? The servant of Sarson's had disappeared, presumably to call others to retrieve the old man's body and prepare a service of sorts. Julius refused to help them, he had more important things to do. I just wish the old man would die after I got my title back... He shook his apprehensions aside and walked down the hall to Gabriel's room. He just hoped he wouldn't catch him with Cameron or another servant boy this time. As he approached the door his mind flooded with memories of his time with Gabriel, the love they shared, the secrets, the late nights. It hurt him to think about them, and he knew that it would only worsen if he entered that room. Yet, that room held the key to him retrieving his position back. It was really the only way. He knocked on the door. The big confrontation between the trio~ The knocking startled the pair, it wasn't a servant's knock. It was bigger, louder, harder. Gabriel got out of bed and put on a robe, and walked to the door. Tentatively opening it, he was surprised to see Julius standing there. His face had grown older, yet he still had the young, angelic beauty that first attracted Gabriel to him. His eyes still pierced through like they always did. Cameron took one look and his body immediately tensed. Shit, shit, shit!! The one person whom he wouldn't expect to show up did. "Shall I..." He began, but Gabriel waved it off. "Don't, Cameron." Gabriel responded, a tone of harshness in his voice. "Julius." "Gabriel." Julius replied, coldly. "If I could avoid this I would, but...your father's dead." Gabriel wasn't surprised that his father had passed on, he was prepared for a long time. He refused to shed tears, not in front of Julius at the very least. "Why are you telling me then?" He asked. "Because I came to your father in the hopes of regaining my nobility. I figured he'd be able to help me, but before he died, he told me to come to you," Julius said, "He told me to seek your help." "Fuck this, Gabriel, just kick him out--" Cameron's agitation became more and more prominent. "SHUT UP!!" Gabriel turned to him and pushed him on the bed. "I will handle this, not you!" Julius sighed. "Look, I just... I've fucked up and I just want my position and my house back. That's all." He looked down at his feet. "If you help me with this I'll never bother you again."
  9. Lucretia & Adano They had made it under the trees and were soaked, but it was good to finally get out of the rain. They parked the horses and began to set up camp in the hopes of starting a fire and drying off. "Let's get a fire going, the ground doesn't look too wet... maybe we can find some twigs or somethin'. Man, what I'd give for Carrion's magic right now." Aurelio was right, the branches were wet though, it would be tough at the least. "Here, let's use this," Adano said, pulling out a medium-sized cloth, "I'll wrap the sticks and things in here, we can dry them in here." He began to gather some sticks he found that weren't as wet as the others. "The ones closer to the ground are the driest ones." Lucretia added as she also looked for sticks. It was almost like an adventure in itself, finding the sticks that were the driest and easiest to use to make a fire. "When we get into the next town, I need some absinthe." Adano joked, Lucretia laughed at his statement, she could use some as well. She wondered to herself if Aurelio liked to drink, and what drinks he enjoyed.
  10. Alright...next question. David had multiple questions yet before he was able to open his mouth, Zilliana spoke instead. "Oblivion.... magic?" He was curious about the truth of Oblivion Magic himself, so he waited patiently for the dean's response, hoping for some insight into the true nature of the journey and what was in store.
  11. WHOOOOOO. Name: Gabriel Sarson Gender: Male, Aged 20 Class: Caster Affinity: Ice Weapon: Snow Magic, which is another form of magic that derives from the Ice affinity. It is a special magic that his family has practiced over the ages, and every so often a boy in the family gains the ability to use this rare form of magic. Gabriel has the ability to manipulate snow in different ways, including solidifying it into ice, reshaping it, and concentrating it into large amounts. He cannot create snow, only manipulate what already exists. He can't really use this offensively, mostly he uses it to create a defensive wall, but if he concentrates enough he can create avalanches by manipulating the snow just right. When all else fails he's got a shortsword that rarely sees use. He's not into the whole fighting thing. Appearance: Nation of Origin: Lushira, in his father's manor near Albion Backstory: Born the youngest of six children to Lord Daman Sarson and his beautiful yet troubled wife Jessica, Gabriel was thrust immediately into the world of the social elite; his three older brothers and two older sisters (ranging from the ages of three to seventeen at the time of his birth) were all trained in the art of the sophisticated. Gabriel immediately was tutored in the musical arts, to become the family's resident musician. Gabriel began with the basic instruments like most musicians. He found the harp and lyre to be his favorites, specifically the harp. For his tenth birthday his parents purchased an elaborate ornate harp that had a beautiful sound. He began playing in the orchestra shortly after, achieving the position of third chair at age eleven. The orchestra was one of the most famous groups of musicians in the world, and his parents made large monetary donations every year. When he was fifteen, the previous first chair of the orchestra retired after many years of playing, and this allowed Gabriel to take the man's place as first chair harpist in the orchestra. After one of the annual Spring shows, his father introduced him to a young man only a few years younger than he; a nephew of Lord Dovern, one of his father's closest friends and allies. Gabriel was instantly smitten with the beautiful young man, who had piercing eyes and yet such a stoic and calm face. The boy was attractive and loved Gabriel's music. It wasn't until later that the two became any closer than friends: Gabriel was eighteen and Julius was sixteen. It was not too long after Julius was able to acquire property independent of his uncle and have his own lordship. By this point all of Gabriel's siblings had moved onward and either married into another noble house or acquired their own smaller home, and his mother had passed on from illness a year prior. Gabriel stayed home with his father in the hopes of keeping the man company, as well as learning the ins and outs of being one of Lushira's most prominent nobles. He attended every event his father attended, and co-hosted all events that were at their manor. To that day Julius was becoming more and more attractive to him; his gentlemanly manners made his heart swoon with delight. It was late and Gabriel was just about to leave Julius' home to return to his own dwelling. Yet something kept him from leaving. "What is it, Gabriel?" Julius asked quizzically. "I...don't know," Gabriel replied, as if he knew all along yet he didn't at the same time. Instead he ran to Julius and the pair embraced in a kiss, as if it were what they both wanted the whole time. It was as if the pair were lovers from the start and one of them had just returned from war into the loving arms of the other. The happiness did not last, however. Shortly after, Julius began to act strange. At the mention of his uncle Julius would tense up slightly, and he would become distant. Gabriel was becoming annoyed and afraid at the same time for Julius' mental stability and health. While he was alone in his manor one night, he found himself quickly embroiled into watching one of his father's servants walking by. For some reason he had never noticed the man before, who was the same age as he, but in the light of the candles, he was almost mystified by him. Despite his love for Julius, Gabriel found himself walking up to the man. He didn't remember what happened next, but the angry and sob-ridden voice of Julius snapped him from his dreamlike state. He didn't know what was going on underneath the amount of profanities and accusations flying his way. After finally taking the time to look at what happened, he noticed he was not clothed in bed, and next to him was the servant, also not clothed. He tried to apologize but Julius refused to hear more, he had snapped. The argument between the pair ended with Julius delivering the final blow on the pair's friendship, going outside and snapping the neck of the Sarson family's animal mascot, the hawk. The two became sworn enemies after that day. Gabriel returned to the servant, whose name was Cameron, and laid back in bed with him. His love life was in a wreck, but he at least had companionship. Shortly later he learned that Julius' uncle was dead and both his and Julius' homes were burned to the ground. With no confirmation on Julius' body being found Gabriel was in shock--he wondered if Julius had escaped, or worse, done the deed himself. He became slightly paranoid afterward, wondering if Julius would ever come back to Gabriel for revenge or not. Since then he still lives at home with his sickly father and his "lover" Cameron. - Name: Cameron Elderson Gender: Male, aged 19 Class: Guard Affinity: Thunder Weapon: He wields a small sword that almost never sees use. All of the servants in the Sarson household (and many other households as well) have weapons to protect their masters if necessary. Appearance: Nation of Origin: Albion, Lushira Backstory: His parents were servants of the Sarson family, it was only obvious that Cameron would take the same profession as his parents. When he was seven years old he became a servant in the Sarson household, starting with catering to Lord Sarson's youngest son Gabriel, who was only a year older than he was. The pair's relationship never escalated beyond master-servant, although it was obvious that Cameron was Gabriel's favorite servant. Cameron and his parents were among the first people to actually meet Lord Dovern's nephew, whom he had discovered wandering the streets of one of the poorer districts of Lushira. The boy was less than a year younger than he was, and quite attractive. Cameron feared that Gabriel would take notice of the boy, and pay less attention to him. His fears came true when Gabriel announced to the heartbroken Cameron that he and Julius had become lovers; and the pair were hoping to one day unite their families and fortunes. Cameron, having been in love with Gabriel for years, was crushed. Part of him wanted to give up and leave; the other part of him wanted to take Gabriel from Julius. He began to act much more seductively around Gabriel, making sure he used his body in all of the right ways. His excitement would peak whenever he caught Gabriel giving him a few looks. Everything began to turn in Cameron's favor when Gabriel's relationship with Julius began to become strained. Cameron intensified his seduction, and Gabriel took more notice. The usually innocent Cameron was becoming more and more devious, determined to crush Julius and take Gabriel for himself. It all culminated when Gabriel suddenly embraced Cameron for the first time; he was ecstatic. It was also the night he first experienced what he had been desiring for so long. The happiness faded when Julius caught the pair in bed and swore revenge on Gabriel. Gabriel was crushed; he truly did love Julius. Cameron, on the other hand, was thrilled: finally, Gabriel would love him for the man he was and realize his mistake. However, things changed between the pair. Gabriel was less affectionate, his kisses lacked passion, whenever they made love, it wasn't meaningful for Gabriel. Cameron sensed this and realized what had happened: he was now an object to Gabriel, only there for companionship and the occasional fuck. His goal became simple: prove to Gabriel he deserved better, that Julius was a wrong choice, that his true love was right next to him in bed every night.
  12. Lucretia & Adano "I'm up for that! Let's hope the horses can hold on a little longer!" Lucretia and Adano both signaled to their horses to move in the direction of the trees. There wasn't much else the two were really thinking, after all, the main goal was to get to these trees and, after the storm's pass, to Pravna. Ellandra (Um...) Julius "Julius..." A faint voice from the other side of the door signaled to Julius that he was allowed to enter. The room smelled heavily of incense, obviously to ward off the bad odors and bad aura of the room. Lord Sarson, a man once in his great prime, now sat an old and crumpled form in his chair, barely able to move and breathe. He clearly had little time left. "Lord Sarson, I wish I could be seeing you in a better condition," Julius said solemnly, "I've only been gone for a few months..." "Ah, yes..." Sarson coughed, "Your...disappearance. Your uncle's charred remains were found in the ruin of his home..." He coughed again. Julius held his breath, he had feared that his uncle's body might still be found. "No one knew what to do when you weren't found." "So, my uncle's death..." Julius gulped. "He died in the fire, right?" "Yes, it is a tragedy indeed. I am glad that you are alive and well." Sarson coughed some more, his breath and voice getting weaker with each cough. He urged his muscles to look to Julius once more, and spoke. "I see you've probably come here for my support in reclaiming your title, well, I cannot do much here. I wish to pledge to you my support, but, alas, I will not be here much longer." He coughed some more, this time blood appearing on his handkerchief. "My son, Gabriel, will be able to lend you his support." Julius sighed. Gabriel... He remembered his time with Gabriel. He was only a few years older than Julius, no older than twenty. Julius had always had a mild crush on Gabriel, but the last meeting the pair had, it ended in the two becoming enemies. Julius feared that his journey had come to an end. Gabriel wouldn't support him, no way. He turned to Sarson, to try and ask for him to reconsider, yet when he looked to the chair, the old man had slumped over the side. "Lord Sarson..." his voice trailed off, and he closed his eyes out of respect. He walked out of the room silently, not even speaking to the servants. He instead went to the den and sat on one of the ornate couches. "What the fuck do I do now?" He buried his face in his hands. The one person he could turn to was now dead, and that person had put all of his power and trust into one of the people Julius hated the most. "I've got no choice," he muttered to himself, "I have to see him again." He dreaded the moment of seeing his former lover turned enemy, yet he knew he had to try. It was his only chance this time.
  13. Those selected to accompany me during the summit are David Brenshaw, Elizabeth McDoogle, Ayse Hayes, and Zilliana Heartsell. After the assembly is over I want to see you all in my office to prepare you for your trip tomorrow. David sat there in his seat, a bit stunned. "What the hell...?" He turned to his newfound companions, mostly by fate, but companions nonetheless. "Doesn't it strike you as odd that we were chosen by name? It wasn't as if they picked the entire class or that this is a huge ceremony where such behavior would be proper. They wanted us specifically and I can't figure out why. Are we meant as body guards? I have never engaged in such activity before and my sword skills are not that exceptional as to qualify for that. I only managed a four out of five today on the targets after all." David looked to Elizabeth, shaking his head. "If the dean was planning on picking bodyguards he wouldn't pick four kids with barely any experience, even if we showed promise in our classes, which, from the duel between Ayse and myself, probably isn't that true." His voice lowered. "This is much more than that."
  14. The hairline's still really straight, like unnatural straight. Have you thought of giving him a widow's peak? It makes the hair more dynamic and gets rid of the perfectly straight hairline.
  15. The FE7 colors look faded but then again next to FE8's super saturation madness, that makes sense. Gorgeous and clean, as per usual.
  16. ALS. That Chiki is amazing and it looks very custom but you can tell it's still spliced. Amelia, Lumi, and Elincia also get props this round, Lumi for once again doing a great genderbend, Amelia for amazing shading (and making Myrrh's hair look natural and not the shitty FE8 shading), and Elincia for the creative bow and outfit.
  17. I'm going to nominate Most/Least Honourable Villain this time 'round.
  18. In Nightmare it mentions (Tutorial) next to any character with a Tutorial slot.
  19. Lucretia & Adano With the rain pouring down, Aurelio had landed the suggestion that the three stop moving and wait until storm's end. "Bah, and it was going so smoothly! I don't see any shelter around here or nothin'. How're you two holding up?" It was hard to hear him over the weather. Moving onward would be a bad idea, at least if they could find something to provide even the least possible amount of cover would be good. The horses were beginning to complain from the weather. "Why don't we continue onward for a bit to get to some cover? I see a decent amount of trees that way; we can rest under those and get out of the rain," Adano hollered over the rain, the sound of water on his armor getting louder as the rain got heavier. Lucretia could only nod, her voice wasn't that loud even when she was shouting. It wasn't in her personality to yell, anyway. Julius It was longer than he expected to meet with Lord Sarson. He had learned from the guard that Lord Sarson had recently fallen ill and could barely stand. When the guard returned, he informed Julius that Lord Sarson was more than ecstatic to meet with him, but he would need to wait until Lord Sarson could muster the energy to get out of bed. As he entered the manor he remembered the lavish parties and gatherings he would attend when he was younger; the halls resonated with the scent of lavender and aloe. He remembered the attractive socialites dressed to the nines in their extravagant jewels, dresses, and tuxedoes. He remembered the dances with the wives and daughters of the nobles and the proper courtesies associated with each dance. He wasn't the best dancer at the parties, but the nobles were impressed with Julius' courtesy and perfect gentlemanship. Lord Kilmore, the perfect gentleman. That title made him famous among the social elite, and while he appreciated the fame, he wondered why he was there in the first place. Why am I here again...? I'm looking for my own place in this world, yet I feel like I'm taking a step backwards. He stopped his thoughts when a servant of Lord Sarson approached him and led him to the large master bedroom on the second floor of the mansion. "Lord Kilmore, I warn you, Lord Sarson's condition is not...attractive. He has been bedridden for a while, and his appearance has become much more gaunt." "I see," Julius replied, "I'll keep that in mind." He nodded to the servant and looked at the large and ornate door. "Lord Sarson, it's me, Lord Kilmore." He said as he rapped lightly on the door and slowly opened it.
  20. Voting Elincia's. It's a bit busy but it's an interesting (yet trollol with the amount of desert) map. Feaw's would get my vote if the perspective was better. I love the concept. Celice's is well-done but fairly plain, and Prime's has sand issues (so does Elincia's).
  21. I personally think it's unfair to vote Niime as the least attractive because of her age.
  22. When you recolored the first time you used one color for the two darkest shades, thus eliminating the hair's definition. Resplice Kyle's head and recolor again, making sure all three shades are present. The third shade is crucial for definition. Also, don't use BattaRecolor's hair color for that color because the rest of the mug is FE8 colors. Use an FE8 black, like Garcia, Ross, or Gilliam. The outline's darker than the FE8 outline, which you don't need to do, FE8 has a pretty dark outline already. Use that instead of pure black. Also, save as a .PNG instead.
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