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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. Adano "Don't worry, I've seen you can still put up a fight, remember when that tournament got out of hand? I'm bettin' that I probably couldn't take you down." Adano smiled, he remembered the fight. Although it wasn't a pleasant experience, he did prove both to himself and to others that he could still fight. Nonetheless, he was running on almost pure adrenaline, and he did suffer a strong injury when fighting one of the soldiers. Nonetheless he remembered when he first awoke, how he could barely move. If it weren't for Sevan he would probably still be bedridden, or probably dead at that point. "Maybe there'll be someone in Pravna who you help you out. I don't really understand that magic stuff, but there's got to be someone who could fix you up a little." "Believe me, I've tried." He said, almost grimly. "When I was in the coma, after Anastasia stabbed me, Sevan brought many healers from around the continent to try and save me. While the wound itself was healed, my mind was still hurt from the shock of the event. I had to re-learn how to walk." He paused and turned away for a moment, not wanting Aurelio to watch him cry. Adano enjoyed having someone look up to him--Aurelio was almost like a son to him. While he loved Lucretia dearly and wouldn't trade her for anything, but having someone like Aurelio around always lightened Adano's spirit. He didn't want to disappoint him... "I eventually learned again," he said finally, regaining most of his composure, "but it was different...changed. I couldn't walk with the spring in my step I could when I was in my prime as a swordsman... So I was forced to walk the way I do now, which is why Sevan gave me this spear. It helps me walk, and if I ever need it in battle, I can use it. That's why I learned how to fight in heavy armor. When I was just a swordsman, I never had more than a shoulder guard. Now, I've got heavy armor because I can't move as much." He stared into the fire, avoiding eye contact. "The point is, they can't heal me, Aurelio. I'm stuck like this for the rest of my life."
  2. Well they all are fabulous, of course. The halfbody is looking wonderful, I love the clothing concept. And the dancer is just gorgeous. The angle is awesome and the hair and eyes are just dazzling. I also adore the headpiece of the third character.
  3. What pallette do those use? Because it is gorgeous.
  4. That's true. I was actually talking to him about it on Skype, we both came to the agreement that it was really only useful in a Gen 1 Draft because Pairings aren't a necessity unless you're looking for things like the Hero Bow which only applies to the drafters who have characters who can benefit from it.
  5. Well after you proved how dangerous having Sylvia can be, maybe she should be free for all to use but one person drafts her to get Corple and Leen, and everyone else gets Laylea? Oh and I'm not signing up unless you need a fourth, I still need to have Holyn and Ethlin not die to Thracia in C3. D:
  6. "David. You seem to be the most skilled here, seeing as that weapon is suited to hand-to-hand combat. Mind giving us some basic pointers on what to and not to do?" David nodded, putting the gauntlets away for a moment and standing in the center of the room. "Yeah, well... It's not as easy as it looks. You need to make sure that, when you punch, your thumbs are tucked away so they don't break," he demonstrated the proper technique, showing everyone his fist with his thumb carefully tucked away from danger. "You've also got to make sure you flip your wrist when you punch. It lessens the impact on you but it also adds more power to the punch." He looked around the room, hoping everyone understood what he was saying.
  7. Gabriel He stood in the room that housed his father throughout his life as a noble. The only thing missing from the room was his father. The body had been picked up and brought to the family's crypt. The formal service itself would be held later, at Gabriel's discretion. He had a lot to do still, contact his relatives. He wondered if he should write, send servants, or go himself. Tears streamed down his face, both at the loss of his father and also at frustration of himself. Weeping for his mistakes and missed opportunities, Gabriel realized his wrong, and realized he had not only lost his closest friends, but he also lost the love of his life. And now his father was dead as well. "I'm sorry... I'm so, so sorry..." He muttered through sobs. Cameron Not wanting to be bothered with Julius' presence any longer, Cameron left in silence, immediately going into his room and packing his things. Gabriel had betrayed him and Julius had come back. There was no need for Cameron in this home any longer. As for where he'd go, that was a tough call. He wanted out, but he just didn't know where. Julius I've got what I came here for, I don't need to stay any longer... Julius wanted to leave, and he had every intention of leaving. Yet part of him wanted to stay, walk through this place. Relive the memories. No--why do I want to relive it?! He lied to me. He betrayed me!! He stood at the door to Gabriel's bedroom, which was left open. -- "Do you love me, Gabriel?" He asked softly, as Gabriel dressed near the bed, the silhouette of his body moving intoxicatingly. Julius observed Gabriel's body, his movements. He was so beautiful; a living, breathing, work of art. Just watching him make the slightest gesture was amazing. "Julius, that's such a dumb question." Julius was somewhat offended. "Of course I love you. You are my everything. My sun, my moon, my stars." He kissed Julius on the lips, a warm kiss that could melt snow. His hand ran down Julius' chest, which made him shiver somewhat. It was so smooth, so endearing. "Good, I love you as well." Julius replied with another kiss, and with it he pulled Gabriel into bed with him. "Now... Where were we?" -- "No.. No, no, that part of my life is over." He said to himself. "I am... I'm not in love with him--no, I can't be."
  8. Adano and Lucretia "So, Adano, what d'you think you'll do after... if we find my sister. In all honesty, I've been chasing ever single lead I could get. Sometimes I use to think I'd be doing it all my life, but this time's different - I can feel it. Maybe we can reclaim Keyes together, it's been a bandit hideout for ages." Adano pondered the question for a moment. "Well I wouldn't mind helping you with Keyes. If I'm still alive." He chuckled. "I'm certainly growing older, and ever since the injury Anastasia's given me, I've been far from my prime." Lucretia stirred slightly, but nothing else. She was still asleep. "But I'm sure Lucretia will help." Ellandra ‘Uh… I came to say sorry. I… well, over the past day or two, you’ve been treating me really well and ‘cus I was being a bit narrow minded, selfish, I didn’t quite see how kind you were being Ellandra. And I wanted to also say thank you. Thank you, a lot, a real lot. If I could see you again, or something--then I would like to see you again and even though you don’t speak, I um… would like to get to know you more? Uh… yeah. Sorry for coming across… yeah.’ Ellandra smiled and merely nodded. I wouldn't mind seeing him again. She couldn't do much else, but her face read approval like a novel.
  9. HEY GUYS I REDID CHAPTER THREE SO IGNORE THAT LAST NUMBER KAY? Augusty to Mandino: 5/113 Turns SIGURD SIGURD SIGURD Mandino to Silvail: 16(+3)/132 Turns I was gonna fight Eltshan but then he almost obliterated Holyn so instead he was close enough where Lachesis could run out from hiding and chat with her boy toy brother after I whacked some more hits on the Cross Knights. Lachesis did get attacked a few times but I'll gladly take the penalty, it's better than getting murdered by Eltshan again. Oh, RNG. How you troll me so. Holyn, Levin, Azel, and Ethlin are its poor victims time after time. So yay for wasting turns so I don't get RNG raped. At least Ethlin's ready to promote. Silvail to Orgahill: 13/145 Turns Ah, I love having a free unit. Especially when that unit is Briggid and she obliterates half of the Orgahills. Noish stayed behind to fend off Pizarl and his wave of pirates, successfully doing so. Yay Noish! Oh and Briggid died but she helped defeat some pirates. Not like it matters. Ethlin makes a brief pit stop in Augusty to promote, not like it matters anyway but I figured it wouldn't hurt. She does clear another Arena level though. Noish and Holyn all reach promotion level, they'll promote before Chapter 4. Levin's literally 12 XP away from it. Tiltyu kills A LOT of Pirates. Yay Wrath! Bye bye Ethlin... :( STATS: Unit LV HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Equip Sigurd 27 57 28 5 22 17 18 22 13 Silver Sword (+100), Javelin, Shield Ring, Barrier Ring, Power Ring Diadora LOLDEAD Noish 20 48 21 1 17 18 8 14 2 Slim Sword (20), Iron Lance (1), Speed Ring, Skill Ring Azel 15 42 2 16 7 16 7 4 7 Fire (19), Thunder (9) Ethlin 21 39 15 12 17 19 12 16 9 Live Staff, Prayer Sword (5) Holyn 20 48 15 0 22 17 3 11 2 Steel Sword (42),Light Sword (5), Life Ring Levin 19 47 1 15 15 25 9 5 10 Elwind (19) Tiltyu 7 30 0 11 19 11 11 1 9 Tron (8), Thunder (1) Claude 21 35 0 21 15 15 9 5 21 Reserve, Valkyrie
  10. I deserve to be on God Tier, even on the bottom of it D: I'll post something later hopefully with some voice recordings, or something. Maybe some Shakespeare.
  11. Not my fault when they're on the same level and look like they're continuous. :3
  12. VOICE ACTING?! Dude, I'm fucking in. Please, shoot me a PM. I can send you samples of voices, or something. I have a wide vocal range for male voices, and can do various accents and whatnot. Theatre majors rule!
  13. ((Uh what, a post? Jesus.)) Adano ((Eating in silence. Doku, you can think of something!)) Lucretia ((Asleep on her dream man)) Ellandra She heard the knocking, and wondered who was at her door. She figured the nap would have to wait and instead headed to greet the visitor. As she opened the door she saw Zwool standing there, which surprised her. Last she had seen, he had just up and left. What is he doing here...? She wished she could ask him. The Tricky Trio In silence, Julius and Gabriel moved outside. It was nice out, the sun was setting soon. Gabriel had tried to talk to Julius, but he refused to speak. His desire was focused on one thing only, and he wasn't going to leave until he got what he came for. Cameron, on the other hand, stayed behind, watching the two from the inner garden. "Julius..." Gabriel tried again to reach him. "Julius, please talk to me." "Just give it up." Cameron yelled to him, from his position. "Shut up, shut up, shut up!" Julius snapped finally. "You have no fucking reason to speak, you lowly servant!" Cameron's rage had reached its boiling point. He was seeing red. He drew his blade and charged toward the pair. Gabriel quickly stepped aside, and Julius merely drew his blade, extended the whip, and threw it at Cameron. After quickly flicking his wrist, the whip coiled around Cameron's sword, and Julius tugged hard enough to send the blade out of Cameron's hands and make him trip. Almost as casually as he drew the blade, Julius resheathed it and stood over Cameron. "Fucking... Asshole!" Cameron pounded his fists on the ground. "We were perfectly happy! Then you came back and his eyes have gone right back to you!" Tears began to fall down Cameron's face. "I loved him, I cared for him, and you just went off and screwed everything up! And again! You're fucking with our lives!" Gabriel was stunned into silence. His mistake had been realized; he had used Cameron, prolonging his lover's feelings that he did not feel. The truth was, seeing Julius again reminded him of his true love--the love he had felt for Julius. "And so the truth is revealed." Julius turned to Gabriel. "I'm sorry, I've caused too much pain for you. Your father's dead and here I am, intruding on something that is clearly working for you." "No--no--Julius, I was wrong." Gabriel exclaimed, "I'm going to give you my backing, and I'm going to help you rebuild your home. For now, you can live here, in one of the spare bedrooms." Both Cameron and Julius were now silent. Gabriel, noticing the tension, merely headed inside, and tended to the issues with his father, while Cameron and Julius stood outside, merely looking at each other in surprise.
  14. Best: FE10!Reyson Honorable Mentions: Sylvia, Leen, Tethys Worst: Nils Dishonorable Mentions: Ninian, Elphin, Rafiel
  15. Anphony to Mackily: 17/94 Turns FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK THIS FUCKING PART OF FE4 Also if I had like a Restore staff or if the RNG was nicer I would've probably not been this upset at how awful this part is. Turn 45 seize. Fuck. Mackily to Augusty: 14/108 Turns You know Sigurd is manly when... he no longer fears Horseslayers. That's right. ORKOed Zyne, and Zyne's Horselayer did JACK SHIT to Sigurd. Hell yeah. Also, Azel purchased Thunder, cleared some more of the arena, and became a god among men. The SSS reaches 100 kills, Noish becomes pretty awesome, Ethlin's Prayer Sword prays for her, a lot, and Azel beats up some knights. Azel and Noish help with chipping at Shagall but Sigurd (shockingly) delivers the final blow. And stats: Unit LV HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Equip Sigurd 25 55 23 5 22 17 18 16 6 Silver Sword (+100), Javelin, Horseslayer Diadora LOLDEAD Noish 15 43 16 1 11 18 7 12 2 Speed Ring, Iron Sword (14), Iron Lance (1) Azel 13 40 2 16 7 14 6 4 6 Fire (19), Thunder (5) Ethlin 17 37 8 9 13 16 12 10 7 Live Staff, Prayer Sword (4) Holyn 17 45 15 0 20 17 2 11 1 Steel Sword (39) Levin 7 35 1 12 12 17 7 5 9 Elwind (3) Chapter 3 Pre-Chapter I didn't get stats this time but it was glorious. Everyone did well, Ethlin got stuck on the Lance Armor, Noish, Azel, and Holyn got stuck on the Dark Mage, and Sigurd and Levin cleared the Arena. Levin got the Elite Ring, and Noish got the (superior) Slim Sword. Augusty to Mandino: 7/115 Turns Sigurd rushed the shit out of everything, everyone else mopped up.
  16. Farina's eyes are different! Woah! Sexy armor trim on Farina, and the creepy looking Cyas lookalike is cool too.
  17. Continuing onward... Heirhein to Anphony: 13/77 Turns Sigurd essentially soloes like this entire part save for a bit of help from Azel and Holyn. Voltz's squad, including Beowulf, is obliterated by the SSS. Sigurd's a bit too hurt to kill Macbeth on turn 26 when I finally reach the castle after lots of retreat and charges and Ethlin heals, so he racks up another SSS kill and Ethlin heals him so he can tackle the Scottish Play with 75 kills on the SSS under his belt. Of course Macbeth is an asshole and Greatshields Sigurd's first attack, so I'm forced to have a Turn 28 capture instead. But Azel got the bosskill and a much needed Shield Ring! Yay! All the while Levin robs saves a bunch of villages. Anphony to Mackily: To be continued... Sigurd and Noish begin immediately running towards Mackily, and Levin stops stealing and runs for Evans. Of course stupid me didn't get the Return or Warp staffs, I'm probably gonna be screwed. We'll see. I may take a penalty not like it matters I'm already royally fucked anyway. Ethlin picks up the Prayer Sword, Holyn gets the Return Ring and waits at Evans for the Fury Squad. When they finally meet, Holyn ORKOes Fury! Sorry, Levin... After five turns of walking and healing the first Augusty encounter happens, with Sigurd at the helm, and Noish on backup. Levin also helps, Elwinding from the cliff. Sigurd soloes the two waves of Horsebacks, one wave with the SSS and the other with his Steel Lance. He still kicks ass. The second wave sees Noish and Ethlin helping a bit more. Gotta love that Prayer Sword! And that's all for now, Sigurd and Noish are taking out the last wave of Mackies, and then it's off to kill Clement!
  18. You're probably best off going chapter at a time, doing everything for one chapter and then moving onto the next chapter. Obviously having a general plan in the direction of the storyline is key too, but if you rush too far ahead you'll end up with issues later when you seem stuck.
  19. In most drafts Sigurd's probably a high enough level where he can safely go toe-to-toe with Eltshan, and if it's really that much of an issue have him sit on a forest and RNG abuse so Eltshan doesn't activate Mistoleen's Critical skill.
  20. Needless to say she was killed after Heirhein, even though that wouldn't have been an awful idea; she only chipped like one enemy.
  21. You guys are all bitching about eventing and ASM for things that already exist in FE8, see: World Map traveling. Also, implementing the Anima Triangle isn't impossible, making it a triangle is hard, but at least putting the spells in is easy. There's a slew of monster weapons, dummy weapons, and useless items. He's hacking FE8, not FE7. The mugs, yeah they look bad, and you're all degrading a hack that has barely started simply by its graphical quality. Seriously, give the kid a fucking break. Not everyone is a perfect spriter. Maybe offer legitimate critiques instead of being all "it sucks". You do realize that's why people are up in arms about the spriting community at large, because the people who are good at it refuse to offer critique and instead offer the same useless comments? Get over yourselves, people. As for the hack itself, you're all seriously flipping shit over this. There was never a set requirement of what had to be posted here; be it an idea, a hack with some progress, or a completed hack. Sure he's shown little premise that he is an expert but that doesn't discredit him, maybe he does know mapping/eventing/et cetera. You're all basing your arguments on a few minor details and completely tearing this person to shreds. Shame shame. Protip: don't judge a fucking book by it's fucking cover. //end rant
  22. Yeah, true, maybe letting Diadora get massacred is a bad idea, Clement is not fun to deal with especially if Sigurd gets affected considering he's 99% likely to be the bosskiller (as he's been since the Prologue).
  23. It didn't look like Elibe, it looks like a new continent. I couldn't recognize any characters.
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