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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. Nanna has the Elite Ring. I forgot to give it to Sigurd before ending Gen 1.
  2. This is perfect, I am going to so be watching out for this. Enjoy everyone becoming uberized.
  3. Arguably it would be canon/close to canon pairings. I mean the only canon incest is AlvisxDiadora.
  4. Both Fin and Beowulf are Lachesis' best pairings-both give the kids Pursuit, it's just a matter of what else. Beowulf has Charge, Fin has Prayer. Beowulf can also pass down items to Delmud, whereas Fin can't. Hence why some people think Beowulf is a better father because he can potentially give Delmud some great starting weapons. But Prayer is probably better in the long run especially for Nanna, and she also gets a boost to her Speed if Fin's her father in her join chapter. The one issue is that they have unequal move and so you have to hinder Beowulf/Fin in order to get them to fall in love with Lachesis, especially Fin because he's only there for the rest of Chapter 2 and Chapter 3. As for your other pairings, Jamka is a great father for Lester and Lana, because his skill set is, in my opinion, better than Midir's. Continue and Charge over just Pursuit. It's essentially having Pursuit anyway. Also, another good father for Sety and Fee is Noish. It's almost the same skillset except Noish gives Charge instead of Continue. Not like it matters, Sety has innate continue and Fee gains it on promotion. The only thing would be that Sety won't have any Holy Blood, see: Major Holsety. Of course, that leaves a chance for you to get Levin!Arthur, which is always a nice touch, especially if you give Levin the Pursuit Ring before the end of Gen 1.
  5. I'm gonna be judged for this nomination but I also wanna nominate Best/Worst Incestuous Pairing. Hell, FE is full of it. MOST: Brunya Absolute loyalty to a higher power? Been there, seen it. LEAST: Micaiah I mean there's plenty of generic people in the world but Jesus H. Christ Micaiah.
  6. That's got more incest in it than FE4. :<
  7. The Traveling Pair They rode ahead, Lucretia's horse close to Aurelio and Ormis'. Adano was also not too far behind. They rode in a group, staying close together in case of emergency, but also riding far apart enough so that they had room to view their surroundings. Sexual Tension 101 "No, Gabriel! I won't do this!" Julius was shocked at Gabriel's request. "I am not going to kill people for you!" "You don't have to be the one doing the killing, Julius--I just need your help." Gabriel replied calmly. Come on, Julius. Please, help me. Julius stayed quiet. No... I'm not doing this again... "Gabriel... you don't know why I left, right?" "No--" "My uncle's death... I killed him, Gabriel." "What---?" Gabriel was taken aback. "He killed my parents, Gabriel. All I did was create retribution." Julius turned away. "I can't do it again, though." Gabriel put his hand on Julius' shoulder. "I understand. I shouldn't have asked that of you. It was a dumb request anyway." The next thing that happened was a blur to both--Gabriel pulled himself closer to Julius, and kissed him, as hard as he could. It was euphoric, in a way. As Julius received Gabriel's kiss he was stunned--unsure of what to do. He remembered all of the nights spent with Gabriel, the countless hours cuddled together in bed, whispers shared, kisses given. As he broke, Julius was unsure of what to do or say. Gabriel stood there dumbfounded as well. That one guy on his lonesome Cameron saw a town in the distance, the first thing being a moderately sized arena. "I've heard of the Lazarynth Arena before..." He muttered to himself as he entered the town. He wondered if there was a tournament going on. He needed money. Then again, he was not that good at fighting. He learned basic protecting techniques if necessary. He shook his head and continued onward, stopping, of all places, at the jail. He didn't know why, but he just felt it necessary.
  8. In the ZI draft I did LachesisxJamka and it's working well. Kids get Continue and Charge and a nice stat boost. Of course lack of inheritance for Delmud is rough, and also lack of Pursuit but if you've got the Pursuit Ring and no other kid needs it, it could work.
  9. Jill should be above Ilyana, because even though she has better availability, Jill has utility and BEXP priority, giving her a chance to fix her poor STR easily.
  10. Time for some Gen 2 love. Chapter 6! Tilanogue to Ganeishire! 12/12/12/217 Turns! Yeah Celice! Go kill everything with daddy's awesome sword! Oifaye, Roddlevan, and Radney also contribute to this killing spree. Ganeishire to Rivough! 22/34/34/241 Turns! I stopped at Sophara. Bad move, I know, but Fee had already killed the captain there with her Hero Sword. Thanks, Fury! :) Speaking of Fee... Not kidding. I love NoishxFury now. Anyway, since Dannan was a prick and Proc'd Greatshield too many times Julia killed him with her sparkly Aura tome instead. Also, Celice soloed both Johan and Johalva's squads. Chapter 7~ Post-Arena Stats!
  11. I agree with this, especially with looking at the stats of the chapter's boss, most of his stats absolutely trump Sothe's and he's only four levels higher.
  12. It's possible to solo the entire first generation with Sigurd but it's highly inefficient and spells death in drafts.
  13. Lucretia and Adano "D'you two wanna set off now? We'll probably make it there before nightfall." "Absolutely!" Adano replied. He looked to the new companions that had joined the group. He remembered Ormis and Teis, but the younger girl he didn't recognize. He hobbled over to her and extended his hand. "I'm Adano, and that's my daughter, Lucretia. Welcome to our merry little band." He said with a smile, as Lucretia had finished packing their supplies and had also put out the campfire. She saddled up the horses and helped her father onto his horse, then turned to the group. "I can walk," she said to their new companions, "one of you is more than welcome to take my horse." She then looked to Teis. "I'm kind of glad you're here, I was hoping maybe we could spar sometime--I'd love a rematch, and also I think my father would love to learn some techniques for fighting in armor." She flashed him a smile before looking to Aurelio again. She walked over to him, slipping her hand in his, and whispered lovingly in his ear, "We'll find your sister, and she'll be all right. I feel it."
  14. I need to figure out what to do. Of course, after seeing the Summer entries, I know I'm fucked but I'm in it for the fun. and maybe if i make it bad enough they'll vote it for scariest.
  15. IIRC Leif has great growths but his bases are pathetic as his starting weapon. I do usually slap a Javelin on him and let him chip because he can do that at the very least but he's really there for the comedic death scenes.
  16. Either you're being sarcastic or you're blind, 'cause them's some bigass titties. :x
  17. EXP gain is changed by changing the value of the item in the Item Editor. IIRC for range you can do, say, 0x13 for a 1-3 range bow. For Mag/2or ranges above 10 it's a bit trickier, but you can look at Ballistae and Seige tomes for that.
  18. Lucretia She returned to the camp, swords tucked away, and noticed some familiar faces--Teis and Ormis were there, as well as a girl with a bow whom she didn't recognize. What are they doing here? I haven't seen either of them since the Guild fight... She quietly gathered her things together, it was almost time to leave anyway, and turned to their new companions. "Hey guys, long time no see, huh? What brings you here?" She asked. She wondered if they were staying in the area, or possibly they were joining up with Lucretia, Aurelio, and Adano. Adano He noticed the new faces that had appeared at camp. Two of them he remembered from the Arena fight--including the one who had beaten Lucretia. Aurelio was talking to them, and in his grogginess, Adano wasn't able to decipher what was going on, but it seemed their group had gotten bigger.
  19. CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER FOUR Sailaine to Thove! 19/19/159/159 Turns! Ugh. This is probably the worst part of this chapter. The Wind Mages proved especially difficult. Deetva's squad was ridiculously easy, Fury soloed most of them, including Deetva herself, with the Wing Clipper. I'm hoping for a repeat performance with Pamela's crew. Everyone else charges ahead, Sigurd's unable to critblick Maios on Turn 18 so I had to wait another turn. A lot of these turns were also me waiting for Dew to get over to the bridge. Also, Fury is fond of Noish~ Thove to Zaxon! 13/32/172/172 Turns! With no Levin this time I have no need to capture Silesia! That'll save a few turns. I hope. The Return Staff gets a workout so I can rush everyone to Zaxon faster, especially Sigurd, Noish, Holyn, and Jamka. Fury, on the other hand, is gonna be busy tackling Pamela's squad in the hopes of a repeat. Sadly in the process Lachesis and Fury were sacrificed, but fear not! They will be Valkyrie'd next chapter! Yay Claude! I knew I drafted him for something! Not gonna bother with stats because half of my team is dead. Oh yeah, Sigurd just rushed ahead and critblicked everything. :3 AND CHAPTER FIVE FOR THE POST GEN-1 WIN Zaxon to Lubeck! 5/5/177/177 Turns! Sigurd, Fury, Holyn, and Jamka cleared the Arena! Fury got the Hero Sword and began to kill everything! Why didn't I do that sooner? Sigurd killed everything Fury didn't kill. :3 Lubeck to Phinora! 7/12/184/184 Turns! Cuan and Ethlin :( Aaand Siggy rushes ahead again. Everyone else dances with Thracia. Noish is gonna have a lot of problems. No one gets put to sleep, though. :) Phinora to Velthomer! 21/33/205/205 Turns! THE FUCKIN' DESERT. But everyone scrounges up some last minute kills. Fury, Holyn, and Siggy all reached level 30. Claude did too, but he died, but since he's unpaired, meh. Noish and Fury finally fell in love. FINAL GEN 1 STATS, FUCK YEAH: 158 Kills: SIGURD THE MAN aka JESUS ON WHEELS aka GOD OF FE4 aka PRETTY SURE NO ONE ELSE GOT A BOSSKILL 49 Kills: FURY aka JESUS ON A FLYING HORSE aka DESTROYS EVERYTHING 25 Kills: NOISH aka WASN'T AS USEFUL THIS TIME BUT STILL A GREAT FATHER FOR SETY AND FEE 41 Kills: JAMKA aka DAMN BOY aka KILLED EVERYTHING SIGURD, HOLYN, OR FURY MISSED 64 Kills: HOLYN aka SIGURD WITHOUT A HORSE 6 Kills: LACHESIS aka BACKUP HEALER YEAH ? Kills: CLAUDE aka DEAD HEALER (Don't have final stats but he did reach Level 30) ? Kills: FIN aka Y DID U LEAVE ME! ? Kills: DIADORA aka I DON'T REALLY CARE And now to Gen 2!
  20. Seconding the nomination for Best/Worst Tragic Moment. Best: The Last Holy War Honorable Mentions: Dance in the Skies, Doors of Destiny, Birth of a Holy Knight, Light, Battle Before Dawn, The Value of Life, The Infernal Element, The Silencing Darkness, The Pinnacle of Light, The Atonement Worst: It's A Trap! Dishonorable Mentions: Training, Solo, The Latecomer, Pirate Ship, Turning Traitor, Clash!, Incandescent Glow
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