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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. I had rehearsal! Um, I'm gonna take the more shota version of Skasaher, aka Roddlevan. Whoop whoop. Now I have someone in Gen 2 besides my kiddies. Edit: For now I'm gonna take Holyn. He's quite the powerhouse right now and he could be a good father for Nanna and Delmud. Gogo Pursuit!
  2. Jan would strike me as being an armored Brigand, of course his clothes don't suggest that. Then again, how many FE characters have clothes that match their battlesprites? Not many.
  3. She already exists in Tale 4x, but I would love to see her and Jaffar make an appearance there as well. Looks to be Legault and Jan so far but it would be phenomenal to see more Black Fang members show up.
  4. Wow, that was an assholish move, nonetheless I shall prevail! Now to plot my next draftee...
  5. Aw hell, I'm the only one without a Holy Weapon at this point (excepting Tyrfing and Narga of course)...
  6. I realized that, giving Sigurd a Return Ring helped by skipping the forests. Of course waiting for Silesia to get overtaken by the Beige Ritter is annoying.
  7. Not like it matters too much! My Chapter 4 party is Fury, Lachesis, Sigurd, and Noish at the moment! That isn't much!
  8. The two best fathers are always gone first D: Let's go with Noish.
  10. Aw, fuck. I wanted Ethlin. After proving that she's pretty useful in drafts too. D:
  11. Ayra is godly and so are her kids, especially with fathers like Lex and Holyn running around.
  12. I figured Darros would take Ayra, so I prepared a backup. FURY.
  13. Ellandra ‘I wanted to- well, if you wanted, would you like to…? Well, go out sometime, as a thank you? Or maybe just… to go out, you know. Because that would be amazing. Really.’ She smiled, flashing her teeth at Zwool. No one had ever really made her smile this brightly. Oh if only I could speak... She instead managed to wrap her arms around and hug him in a friendly yet warm manner. Julius His mind racing with questions, he moved what little he had into the guest bedroom Gabriel designated for him. It was of a moderate size, nowhere near the size of Gabriel's room, but it was comfortable enough and had everything he needed. He even had his own private bathroom. He laid in bed, hoping to understand what was going on. Cameron As he left the manor, without looking back, he wondered where he'd go next. He didn't want to go to his parents; the story was too embarassing for him. He'd have to divert his focus elsewhere for the time being, away from Gabriel and away from Lushira. Now independent for the first time, he figured heading north was his best bet--he didn't know what he'd encounter, but he figured it would be better than just waiting around. Gabriel Composing himself, he went into his room and noticed that Cameron had left--nowhere to be seen in the house. "Where--where did he go?!" He asked himself. He prayed that Cameron hadn't gone too far.
  14. Fuck it. I'll join, but I want to finish lose to you the Gen 1 Draft first...
  15. Well Ishtar has a face and she's berserkable in the final chapter...
  16. Adano "Some Astartean soldiers were near by, I had hoped they'd come and help out. I was wrong. They laughed, turned out my old man - one of their own, had been killed off ages ago and nobody had told us. I kinda started a scuffle, and well... here I am today. I'm really glad Lucretia has a father like you. You spent so long looking for her, but in the end, you were reunited. The only time my father came near Keyes was when he didn't feel like paying for a room." "I'm just glad she didn't turn out like Anastasia." Adano sighed heavily, as if to try and exhale part of Anastasia out of him. "I loved Anastasia, don't get me wrong; but, that changed... I didn't see inside her. She's not... She wasn't right in the head, Aurelio." Looking to his sleeping daughter, he smiled for a moment. She looked so peaceful. It was hard to believe that she was Anastasia's daughter--despite the spitting image and sword skill, their personalities were so drastically different. He was thankful that this was the truth. "I don't know what Anastasia's done to Lucretia... I almost fear the truth. For Lucretia to kill her... even in self defense..." He choked up. "I can't fathom the horrors that have happened to her."
  17. And now they look like real eyebrows. :3
  18. Fox has always been around though. :p
  19. Oh cool, someone with a member number that is lower than mine. Good to know that the old folks are coming back. Damned whippersnappers...
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