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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. Lloyd decided to star in his own FE game and be the next Sigurd. Of course, since Sigurd's SNES era, Lloyd had to take his fashion advice from, well... someone else.
  2. Uhhh, where's the shading on it? Anyway, thought of one, it's an Eastern European Sabre, called the Skasaher Skasaha Lakche Shashka: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shashka If this thing were to be in FE it would probably be a B/A ranked sword, high power and moderate critical.
  3. Recruiting Jamka isn't hard unless you have an undrafted Aideen (and need to keep her out of trouble); you have to go through the Spirit Forest to get Diadora anyway. Same with Beowulf, arguably he'll arrive to your group around the same time you're fighting Macbeth.
  4. I thought it was the temple where you got Apocalypse, not Malte.
  5. Fury is beast. Give her the Hero Sword/Hero Lance and Elite Ring. She'll be killing everything. And then watch Fee murder everything as well.
  6. Alternatively, give Fee the Hero Sword, because Fury should do some massive damage to it, and it should have some kills on it by the time Fee rolls around. She also makes better use of it with her higher move, especially because Celice wants the Leg Ring. Also, Sigurd should try and get the Power, Defense, and Barrier rings as well. Alternatively, give the Defense and Barrier rings to Jamka, he's got low defenses and so will Patty. Also, since you're doing AyraxHolyn, Lakche and Skasaher will be able to use the Balmung. :3
  7. Not to mention there's been post-game content in Fire Emblem for a while now, so even for your hack it's not original. Nonetheless it'll be interesting at the least. And although I am unfamiliar with VP, the name sounds epic.
  8. FE4: -Chapter 2. Mostly because of the wtflength and Eve, Alva, and Eva's suckiness. At least Sigurd makes it to Lachesis on Turn 4. -Chapter 3 (Silvail to Orgahill). Because wtfBriggidislockedto2rangeandisgonnagetswarmed, and ohfuckeveryone'stoofarfromMandinohowthefuckamIgonnagetthere. -Chapter 5 (specifically from Lubeck to Velthomer). Because you not only have to tank Meteor mages, you also have to avoid the two sleep Staff Priests, AND you have to deal with a shitton of Dragon Knights who have Horseslayers, thus putting a decent amount of your party at serious risk for massive injury. FE6: -Chapter 7, for reasons listed above. -Chapter 14, for reasons listed above. FE7: -Any LNM chapter that involves a Tutorial. -Chapter 10. That rain. Makes me want to cry. -Chapter 16/17. Because I usually have to waste one to three perfectly good units by rescuing the world's worst NPC's so I can get the sidequest. Also, wasting another unit to guard Merlinus against the swarm of Cavalier/Nomad reinforcements. -Chapter 22/23. PENT STOP KILLING EVERYTHING I NEED THAT SIDEQUEST. -Chapter 25 (Hector's Mode). FARINA WHY MUST YOU REQUIRE ALMOST ALL OF MY FUNDS. -Chapter 26/28. Yay, a chapter based mostly on luck! And keeping Nino alive! -Chapter 27/29. LLOYD WHY ARE YOU SO HARD TO BEAT. FE8: -Chapter 11B. I have to send units careening into harm's way for the most annoying unit in the game, who isn't even that useful because I've already got two potential mounted healers. -Chapter 19. Yay more useless NPC's! FE9: -Chapter 8. Because getting swarmed is so easy in that chapter, and Titania isn't able to do everything. -Chapter 27 Part 2: Yay more luck based mission! And it doesn't matter, I get a horrible unit no matter what I do! FE10: -1-8. Not having Jill and attempting to rescue all of the villagers? Ha. Ha. Good one, IS. -4-4. SO. LONG.
  9. Best: LakchexShanan for MAJOR ODO BABIES~ Double bonus points if it's Holyn!Lakche. Honorable Mentions: RavenxPriscilla, LachesisxEltshan, IshtarxJulius (since Hilda's a member of House Velthomer it makes Ishtar and Julius related so suck it!) Worst: EphraimxEirika Dishonorable Mentions: AlvisxDiadora, CelicexJulia
  10. I've killed Diadora before C3 and she didn't reappear and the kids still showed up~
  11. This sounds interesting, all of the kids are going to be used in some manner (barring Corple and Leen, of course, but meh). Of course, the question is who gets the best kids.SP Gets Midir!Lester, Lex!Arthur, and Holyn!Patty, LD gets Holyn!Swordtwins and Azel!Tordokids, Darros gets Lex!Swordtwins and Levin!Arthur. Everyone's got their advantages.
  12. Celice and Julia are fixed, though. Doesn't matter what happens, they should still appear.
  13. I can assume that for Julius, if he's to be the vessel of Lopto, he can't have any Narga blood in him.
  14. Actually the Epilogue Bosses don't have Holy Blood from what I remember, even Minor Blood. I wonder, though, if it is possible to give someone like Shagall Holy Blood and give him non-genericness. Not like it would matter much anyway because Eltshan would still have Mistolin. But what I find interesting is that a decent portion of the Gen 2 Bosses are in that editor. Even the Mage Sisters, who have no Holy Blood. And all of the Dark Warlords.
  15. Well, if you want it changed, Blazer, just shoot it my way, I'm sure I'll be cool with it. Or you can just remove Swarm and just give her Thunder... not that big of a deal. =) *PS. The reason I gave her Resire at first was because of an Idea I had where I threw all of my characters into Jugdral, and made children to go along with it, and Alissa would end up with Major Narga and Minor Tordo~
  16. Alrighty, it's been fixed. Makes sense, I wondered why it had such a low weapon rank in this game.
  17. I just love the hair shape, it's nice and smooth with good lines.
  18. I always wondered why Maios and Daccar didn't have Minor Holsety blood (unless Rahna was the one who had Major Holsety) and yet most of the Epilogue's bosses who didn't have Holy Blood are in the Holy Blood Editor. Also, you could use that to give Shagall Minor Hezul (since he is a descendant of Hezul, technically).
  19. This... sounds cool. Of course I don't have a portrait yet... I /hopefully/ will get on that soon.
  20. Oh, so many flaws in all of them... so, so, so many flaws. Pnorm's has the least amount of flaws so I'm voting for him. Weak round, though ._.
  21. Well, yeah. In casual runs I have the set few I always use (aka Lex/Ayra paired, Levin/Fury paired, Nino, Lute, Vanessa, Jill) and then I build the party around the rest of them.
  22. I am still in love with the hair shading, and the temple shading looks better now. There's also a better head size/shape. You should consider sheeting it. I love that mouth.
  23. That hair is gorgeous. Nice work. However, that blob of second skin shade at her visible temple is a bit odd, I don't really see the point in having it show that much, but I love it.
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