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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. Just a note, no one here will bother to help unless they can see some legitimate progress on the hack. I suggest posting progress before asking for help, especially in terms of graphics.
  2. Alvis also had no idea that Diadora was Sigurd's wife. For all he knew, Diadora was just some hot chick that Manfroy showed to him. Alvis had no clue until right before Sigurd's death that there was any relation between the two, and byu that point his mind was already made up.
  3. The issue with Alvis and Trabant is that the two of them were pawns in Manfroy's grand scheme of things to revive the Lopto cult. So, unlike other villains in the dishonorable section, they really had no choice, and both of them eventually sacrificed themselves for the better good.
  4. FE8 has too many things lacking to make it a good game. Poor plot and characterization, and horribly easy gameplay make it the worst FE game. At least the gameplay in FE7 is more fun.
  5. Are you trying to give the illusion of cheekbones on Alex? Because right now it's still pretty odd, especially with the illusion you seem to be trying to pull. You need to define them more by adding some of the third skin shade where you want them to be defined the most, like Dorcas has.
  6. Suck dick for my next meal Move to Chicago, get an apartment, a job waiting tables/bartending. While I'm not doing that, I'm going to audition for acting jobs. Get a professional repertoire in Chicago. Eventually move to New York or LA. Act some more. If that fails, grad school for Psychology. Clinical Psychologist. Or get my Masters' in Education and teach Psych, Latin, or Theatre. Or get my PhD in any of those and teach at a college.
  8. Not to mention FE8!Cormag's armor is bulkier than Glen's. It's like you demoted him by giving him less armor.
  9. get out. get the FUCK out. If you think this is going to solve your problems and make you a better writer, you are HORRIBLY MISTAKEN. Not all criticisms are going to help you, but, clearly, in your mind, NONE are helping you. You cannot prove that until you've looked at them, and applied them. If you see no improvement, then, guess what? IT'S NOT GOOD CRITICISM! YAY! But you're clearly too ignorant to do that. Congrats.
  10. Congrats. You know how to write essays. So does most of the world. Doesn't mean you're a good writer. And, by reading this topic, you need to go back and learn critiques. You're not supposed to like every critique you receive. But you take what people say and look at your work from another perspective. Look at it from their shoes, and improve your work. Instead of bitch and moan about "WAAAAH EVERYONE'S AN ASSHAT BECAUSE THEY'RE SO MEAN AND DON'T LIKE MY WRITING", DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Not everyone's gonna fall head over heels for your writing style, but at the very least you can work to improve it so that you don't look like a prick when you brush off critiques every three seconds.
  11. Lucretia "Thanks, buddy. It's nice to know people are fightin' on my side. If I can talk Carrion outta it, things shouldn't be too hard. Although I'm cutting her down if I have to, I've waited too long to have Lunaria taken from me again." Lucretia suddenly became worried. She'd seen Carrion's power firsthand. If She wanted to, she could immolate Aurelio on the spot. No, I won't let her. If she even lays a finger on him, I'll kill her boyfriend... Adrian. "Well, for her sake, let's hope we can talk her out of it." Lucretia added in, riding close to Aurelio's side. I'll kill Adrian if Carrion even thinks of touching Aurelio, or Lunaria. I can't lose Aurelio now.
  12. It depends on how old Lowen was in FE7. If he's late teens/early 20's he's not gonna age much. If he was earlier teens I'd say yeah, he should age some more.
  13. I mean, looking at his party, Lex is the only person who doesn't already have it or will staffspam or be captured. Pursuit!Lex may be very dangerous.
  14. Best: Ishtar Honorable Mentions: Camus, Lloyd, Linus, Brendan, Uhai, Selena, Alvis, Trabant, Bryce, Shiraham, Levail, Reinhardt, Gale. Worst: Manfroy Dishonorable Mentions: Sonia, Ephidel, Hilda, Blume, Erik, Leidrick, Schaeffer, Valtome, Lekain, Petrine, Narshen.
  15. It all depends on whether or not Celice can use the sword skills, right? If the Junior Lord class can use sword skills I'm assuming that Celice would be able to use Astra.
  16. The only way would be to not count Lyn Mode in the total turncount and just burn Nils to Level 7. It's very annoying, though, to even do that much.
  17. Lucretia and Adano The riding felt longer than it actually was; of course, Lucretia was silent. For some reason, she just felt no motivation to talk. Maybe it was because she had nothing to say, or maybe it was because she didn't know how to act around Aurelio. She grew up in a matriarchal household. Sure there were men around, but there were none in her home as a child. Her grandmother was traditionalist and did not have any men in her home. Her mother and aunt were from different fathers. She knew that she loved Aurelio, she just didn't know what to do about it. Maybe he did--or maybe Adano would. But she didn't know what to ask. Part of her was worried, too--she saw her mother in her dream last night. Even though after Anastasia's death, the dream had stopped, she felt her mother's presence. It was extremely unnerving. She didn't want to mention that to Adano either. She was nervous, she felt like she was keeping secrets from everyone. Maybe I should tell them the truth--or at least everything I know... she pondered. Adano, on the other hand, was busy learning about their new companions. He remembered Teis and Ormis from the arena, yet he didn't actually get to know them. He was somewhat intrigued with Teis, mostly because he had beaten Lucretia in single combat, something that few people could do. If she was truly the daughter of Anastasia, which she was, she was near-unbeatable. Adano could never beat Anastasia, and neither could any of the swordsmen in Astarte. So why would someone like Teis, a simple knight wielding a large and heavy axe, be able to beat the one person who was able to defeat Anastasia? He wondered the answer to that, and hoped that maybe Teis would be willing to give him advice about moving in armor, something that still took Adano getting used to. In return, he had hoped that the younger ones would seek his combat advice. Not only was Adano the oldest, he was also the most experienced. His many years of swordfighting made him very dangerous, even in his crippled state. Nonetheless they continued onward, both Lucretia and Adano wondering what would happen next. Julius and Gabriel The pair were sitting in the grand hallway of the manor, wondering what they were going to do next. Gabriel had laid out an elaborate and yet dangerous plan that would ruin his siblings, enough so that he could take his father's inheritance for his own. They were sitting unbelievably close, something that neither would have expected. "Gabriel... this plan is extremely difficult. If you really want to pull this off, you need to know how to do it quickly and without them noticing." Julius said after a long space of silence. "Have you ever even killed someone?" "No, I haven't... I have a sword but I've never used it..." Gabriel replied nervously. "Then you need to learn." Julius said, standing, and drawing his sword. "Especially considering two of your brothers are trained fighters." "Julius..." Gabriel stopped, looking at him. "I'm sorry." Julius lowered his arm, looking to Gabriel, somewhat inquisitive about why he was apologizing. He'd already apologized for everything Julius felt he needed to apologize. "I'm sorry for kissing you." Julius felt a pain in his chest. Part of him remembered the love they once shared, and part of him was appalled by the fact that Gabriel would fall back so easily. "Gabriel... you..." He was dumbfounded. Usually an excellent speaker, Julius had no clue what to say. "I don't want you to apologize for it." He turned to Gabriel, looking directly in his eyes. "Part of me wanted it." Gabriel stood and crossed behind Julius, putting his arms around Julius' waist. "I love you, you know. And I want to prove it to you." He kissed Julius on the neck. "I made a mistake and I want to let you know that I regret it with every inch of my body." Julius felt his eyes begin to water. "And Cameron...?" He asked. "I never felt anything for him. What happened between the two of us..." He stopped himself. "I don't love Cameron, Julius." "I... I believe you." Julius turned to face Cameron, their eyes locking. "What would you be willing to do to prove to me you love me?" "Anything." Gabriel replied, sweating a bit. "Whatever you want." Julius smiled. "Kiss me." And they did. This time Julius knew Gabriel was being serious. This was the Gabriel he knew, and fell in love with. This was the Gabriel that Julius spent hours with in confidence. When they broke, Julius knew that he belonged, finally. "Let's leave, Gabriel. Let's travel together. See the world." Julius smiled big. "What about the manor?" Gabriel asked. "Leave it to a servant. We can come back to it. As for the fortune, I've already come up with a solution." Julius grinned, and handed Gabriel a slip of parchment on the table. "I wrote a will that gives you everything." "You didn't..." Gabriel began to cry. "Julius, I..." "Say nothing," Julius said, kissing Gabriel once more. "Let's go." He headed toward the front door, and beckoned for Gabriel to follow. "Where to?" Gabriel inquired. Julius merely laughed, and took his lover's hand, and they set off for their next destination--wherever it was. Cameron Furious with himself, Cameron merely stood outside the jail, finding nothing. He was almost out of money, he didn't have enough to stay in Lazarynth much longer. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" He cursed to himself as he wandered the streets, running his hands through his hair, hoping for an idea. "What have I done...?" Tears streamed down the sides of his face as he racked his brain, looking for an answer. "Come on, come on..." He walked up and down the same alleyway, hoping to find a clue before it was too late.
  18. Kent, Sain, Florina, Guy, or Raven. One of those, depends of course on who I decide to raise up.
  19. I'm definitely gonna watch this one, after all, it's much more of a chance game as to who gets what units.
  20. Question, will the turncount in 28x be free, or will it have a certain limit?
  21. How about not being such an asshole? Not everyone here speaks English well, some people barely know the damn language and have to rely on translators in order for the memberbase to understand. His English, while grammatically not the best, is understandable. So instead of being an elitist prick, why don't you learn some respect?
  22. Best: Ishtar Honorable Mentions: Ursula, Cog of Destiny!Lloyd, Trabant, Alvis, Levail, Camus, Final!Lyon, Limstella Worst: FE9!Black Knight Dishonorable Mentions: Hilda, Manfroy, Riev, FE10!Black Knight, Denning
  23. Even if they are remixed, they sound completely different.
  24. AK, of course~ Props to Crocket for that awesome Pirate!Lloyd as well, and for making it clean.
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