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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. Woah, the forums are four years old. Which means the old-timers like me are celebrating our fourth anniversary. Time sure flies...
  2. Raven faces a lot of Lances in the game, and he's got competition for the Lancereaver in 17x. Once he promotes he has Axes so he doesn't have to worry, but he actually does have some issues pre-promotion, mainly because he's probably going to be in the front so he can promote quickly.
  3. Most: Amelia. Dishonorable Mentions: Wendy, Sophia, Marisa, Cath, Ilyana, Pelleas, Cecilia Least: Seth Honorable Mentions: Sigurd, Lex, Ayra, Ethlin, FE10!Gatrie, FE10!Haar, Jill, Nino, Hector, Raven
  4. Sunflora and Jumpluff still suck, though. Gyrados is amazing.
  5. Arugably the best combat in the game, with some of the best support partners. Lack of a horse hurts in LTC but even then you want Raven on your team. 9.75/10
  6. Ballistae aren't really that worth it in this game for the few chapters they're around. Except to take out a few flyers here and there. But they come with extremely heavy risk, and the three Ballistae users are all very frail.
  7. Well it's in the FE7 board so I'll answer FE7 first; Lloyd, Linus, Uhai, and Ursula. As for the others... FE4: Ishtar FE6: Brunya, Murdock, Gale FE8: Selena, Glen (well you don't kill him but still) FE9: None FE10: Levail, Zelgius
  8. Worst class in the game? No thanks. 1.5/10
  9. Then the 20% that is able to do it should do it, so everyone's happy, yay~
  10. It doesn't have to be flashy to be impressive. Flashy work is good for a while but eventually it just gets old and annoying. It's perfectly doable to create a work that is still on the level of a flashy one while being subtle.
  11. I love how these guys have similar facial structures. Their faces are merged in multiple places. The hair is Harken and Lloyd, the body is a combination of all three.
  12. Fiona has Savior but otherwise she's useless. Even the most basic of weapons weighs her down and she's got horrible stats. But she has 1-2 Range, something Astrid lacks unless she gets the loldoublebow.
  13. B-but... Nino... Yeah I'm expecting her to be on the list. Training Nino is the biggest pain ever. As long as she's not top five worst. :3
  14. He gets a few points of Speed and LHM and he becomes a mounted god. Better than Marcus. 9/10
  15. I'd argue that Amelia's worse than Wendy simply because she has to promote twice to be any good. Although she has possible horse access it takes longer for her to get to it, and her stats equally suck.
  16. That is the sexiest jacket I have ever seen.
  17. Flo Flo is the best of the Pegasus Knights merely due to availability. Lolfiora. She's also got the game's fastest support, and Lyn A does her wonders (hello max attack and crit). 9.5/10
  18. It's not a horrible set, I think it was one of the better ones I've worked with not like it matters, mine looks horribad compared to ecut, kon, and strawman
  19. ECUT! Props to Kon and Strawman for good entries too, but Ecut's just had me from the moment I saw it.
  20. 9. Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer as Aibileen Clark and Minny Jackson The Help (2011) These two fabulous ladies received Oscar nominations for their work in this film, and both have a strong shot at winning for the Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress awards, respectively. As two of the film's protagonists, Davis and Spencer gave us a wonderfully heartbreaking look into 1960's Jackson. They drove the film's plot and drove my interest in the movie. It's a wonderful film with an extremely strong cast, but Davis and Spencer spearheaded that cast with incredible skill and talent. There's really not too much to say on this particular entry, except that these two are truly formidable in their work, and together they are a team that cannot be beaten.
  21. The game's best healer, AND on a horse? We don't even need to argue anything else. 10/10
  22. I actually have to think this one through. Best: HeatherxNephenee, because Heather~ Worst: LuciaxElincia, mostly because they're like sisters already.
  23. Using an arena in Max Efficiency, aka Low Turn Count, is not even a question. It doesn't happen.
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