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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. He can get soloed by Matthew, who usually can get OHKOed by him. That's how bad Zagan is. 2.5/10
  2. I never thought FETO killed FEP. In fact, I don't really think FETO's effect was that much on FEP from what I remember of it. FEP died because Jeff quit and went on to GTS+ which, as of what I remember, is still running smoothly. All of FEP's old people are either there or here, or disappeared. In fact, I think half of the FEP admins are staff at GTS+.
  3. It's too late, I already made the next round although I'd love to give Lex a better score
  4. JamkaxLachesis I did in a draft once. The kids had some pretty decent skills but it was weird. ClaudexAyra ClaudexBriggid That's all I got for now, haha.
  5. Can you elaborate, even a little bit? Just saying your rating, especially when it's not as consistent with the others, won't work for me...
  6. If you want them to sling Magic Swords Azel or Claude would work well, but Azel gives them a much needed Pursuit. But you have Beowulf and Fin who are leagues better.
  7. He's really only good for Tiltyu and possibly Lachesis. He's Arthur's second/third best dad (depends on what you think about Lex!Arthur) and he's not horrible for Delmud and Nanna. He gives them better usage of Magic Swords at the least.
  8. Shit I posted right as you did shit okay I'll add your score just this once EDIT: Final score for Lex is 8.83. Sigurd IS sexy. Just not as sexy as Lex. Lex is the one FE character I would bang. Seth is a close second that's kinda creepy
  9. Rules (Borrowed from whomever made them first with modifications) - Ratings to be assumed from when a unit is first available. - Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted (unless they fall into the general parameters of the average rating, but reasoning is still strongly encouraged on those even if you just wanna quote people) — incredibly low scores or high scores without proper justification will not be counted. Don't put in some random text thinking it'd count as justification. Put in at least a little thought and give REAL reasoning. - Numbers for votes, please - not something like "Sigurd/10", etc. - Personality / Appearance may be taken into account, but only +/- 1 point at the most. - Votes out of 10, or something proportional to it, please! - Make votes easily visible, please and thank you! - Every ranking phase will end on the next day at approximately 10:00 PM (or 22:00), EST. Units and Ranking Sigurd: 9.96 Noish: 6.15 Alec: 6.17 Ardan: 1.39 Lex: 8.83 DAY 6: AZEL ___ Azel. Where do I start with Azel? He has awesome Speed and Magic and has Pursuit, but he gets weighed down so horribly because yay FE4 Magic. But Azel has Minor Fala and is a pretty good father for the magic kids. He's one of the best fathers for Arthur and isn't bad for Delmud. He also promotes to one of the sexiest classes ever, FE4!Mageknight. He's decent, has a bad start because of not having a horse, but he is a force to be reckoned with once he promotes. 6/10
  10. Lex gets an 8.85 for this round; next round will be up shortly.
  11. Not like I'm offended, I was more curious if anything as to what they wanted the zombies to look like. I'm too busy as it is to sprite for a project.
  12. Dat Strength. Dat HP. Oh, that speed. Oh hey Axes. He's probably one of the best earlygame nonmounted units, and he is pretty good once he gets going. Slow start hurts. And Warriors suck. But Garcia's alright. 7/10
  14. I tried. Tidal Sword. A Rank Magic Sword. Extremely high power, moderate accuracy, lightweight. Effective against Armors and Horses.
  15. It depends on how "zombie" you want the sprites to be. Do you have any reference pictures?
  16. Probably because she's the best swordmaster, the second/third best unit in the GM's, and horses suck in this game if they're not named Titania.
  17. Erk and Lucius combined can take him out, especially if raised, and since both of them have claim to the Energy Ring fairly easily, it shouldn't be a challenge. Besides, you get Thunder in that chapter. Otherwise, you have to really hope Lyn gets lucky, because no way is Dorcas gonna be able to take Lundgren out. And lolheavyspears. 6.5/10 normally, 5.5/10 because he's an asshole.
  18. Rules (Borrowed from whomever made them first with modifications) - Ratings to be assumed from when a unit is first available. - Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted (unless they fall into the general parameters of the average rating, but reasoning is still strongly encouraged on those even if you just wanna quote people) — incredibly low scores or high scores without proper justification will not be counted. Don't put in some random text thinking it'd count as justification. Put in at least a little thought and give REAL reasoning. - Numbers for votes, please - not something like "Sigurd/10", etc. - Personality / Appearance may be taken into account, but only +/- 1 point at the most. - Votes out of 10, or something proportional to it, please! - Make votes easily visible, please and thank you! - Every ranking phase will end on the next day at approximately 10:00 PM (or 22:00), EST. Units and Ranking Sigurd: 9.96 Noish: 6.15 Alec: 6.17 Ardan: 1.39 DAY 5: LEX ___ Sexy Lex. I'm giving +1 for the look right now. Besides that, Lex is one of your best units. He's on horseback and has exclusive access to the Hero Axe. He is also a mounted tank, has Minor Neir, and has Elite. He'll be one of the first to promote, and that will make him tankier. I'm pretty sure that most enemies will 10+HKO Lex. While he has hit issues, he could easily claim the Skill Ring. Lex is also one of the best fathers for melee. He gives amazing defense and Elite. Despite not passing anything down, he turns most of the Second Generation kids into massive tanks. He's best with Ayra because of making the Swordtwins indestructable. He also fathers a great Arthur (but lollevin!arthur) and is pretty good with the others. Lex can't fuck up a kid. Even Lex!Corple would be awesome. Just not as awesome as Lex!Swordtwincest. He gets a 9.5/10 before biased, because he's not Sigurd. So with Biased he'd get 10.5/10, which doesn't work. So 10/10 for Lex from me~
  19. Ardan gets a 1.39. Next round goes up shortly.
  20. Most epic mustache I have ever seen. I hope he never shaves it ever.
  21. He's the best Trainee. Does that say anything? No. Ross is outclassed easily, and the fact is, training him is a pain. His Hatchet is really nice but otherwise he's useless. Outweighed by Iron? Yep. No. BENCH. 4.5/10
  22. Eagler requires baiting so Lyn can kill him. Because Lyn is really the only one who wants to kill him unless you promote Walolace. And he's got a depressing yet never expounded upon backstory. 6/10
  23. He could do that, once he promotes. The problem is getting him to that point. The other problem is the massive competition for the Pursuit Ring. Cuan, Lex, Levin, and Noish all want it a lot more than Ardan does.
  24. That's true, and WTD in this game isn't as horrible as later games. Not like Ardan's gonna get much combat anyway.
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