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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. If I did both Fins now most people would go "HURR DE DURR HE'S AVAILABEL THE WHOLE GAME" and not take anything else into account so I'd rather rate his usefulness separately. Hell, Mekkah in his top 30 split the generations into separate games. I think that's a good idea when discussing Fin because he's such an interesting case. Although talking about his parenting is still important.
  2. Lunacrits are mean. IIRC he'll probably OHKO all of your units with a lunacrit unless someone got babied. That stealable Speedwing is pretty awesome, too. 7.5/10
  3. Rules (Borrowed from whomever made them first with modifications) - Ratings to be assumed from when a unit is first available. - Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted (unless they fall into the general parameters of the average rating, but reasoning is still strongly encouraged on those even if you just wanna quote people) — incredibly low scores or high scores without proper justification will not be counted. Don't put in some random text thinking it'd count as justification. Put in at least a little thought and give REAL reasoning. - Numbers for votes, please - not something like "Sigurd/10", etc. - Personality / Appearance may be taken into account, but only +/- 1 point at the most. - Votes out of 10, or something proportional to it, please! - Make votes easily visible, please and thank you! - Every ranking phase will end on the next day at approximately 10:00 PM (or 22:00), EST. Units and Ranking Sigurd: 9.96 Noish: 6.15 Alec: 6.17 Ardan: 1.39 Lex: 8.83 Azel: 4.63 Cuan: 8.41 Ethlin: 9.15 DAY 9: FIN (First Generation) ______ We're splitting Fin by generation. Anyway. Fin has Prayer, Pursuit, and a horse. That alone should be 10 material. But the problem is that he has a lance. He has WTD in his first two chapters, which really hinders him. Of course, he gets two very good bonuses from Cuan. A stat boost, and the ever-broken Hero Lance, which he can easily claim until he leaves, and then it can go to Fury. His parenting skills aren't that good. He doesn't pass any weapons down because no one uses Lances at base. But he passes some amazing skills to his kids. He can also give Nanna, Rana, or Lakche +5 in Speed, Magic, or Skill respectively if he's their father. Of course, getting to that point may be a hard one because Fin's on a horse, and none of those mothers is on a horse. Lachesis is after promotion but the odds of her promoting before Fin leaves aren't easy. In the First Generation, Fin is still pretty awesome. Getting to promotion is doable, because once Chapter 2 hits, he'll be able to catch up to and possibly even surpass Cuan. 7.5/10
  4. Alright. Round's over. New round up soon. Ethlin gets 9.15. Badass.
  5. He used three fucking points of bias. That is pretty serious when it can affect a score.
  6. Even in casual play getting Lute to A Staves is a pain. Natasha gets there faster.
  7. I was looking at Vaida, and I was excited because she looked somewhat pretty. Then I looked again and noticed that her hair needed more contrast.
  8. Best: FE10!Tibarn <3 Honorable Mentions: Nailah, FE10!Naesala, FE10!Ulki, Fa, FE9!Reyson, FE10!Reyson Worst: Gareth Dishonorable Mentions: FE10!Ena, FE9!Nasir, Lyre
  9. Narga's right. That sounds a lot like 2 points of bias. Make it 6.5/10 or justify why Ethlin gets 5.5 or it's not counting.
  10. Rules (Borrowed from whomever made them first with modifications) - Ratings to be assumed from when a unit is first available. - Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted (unless they fall into the general parameters of the average rating, but reasoning is still strongly encouraged on those even if you just wanna quote people) — incredibly low scores or high scores without proper justification will not be counted. Don't put in some random text thinking it'd count as justification. Put in at least a little thought and give REAL reasoning. - Numbers for votes, please - not something like "Sigurd/10", etc. - Personality / Appearance may be taken into account, but only +/- 1 point at the most. - Votes out of 10, or something proportional to it, please! - Make votes easily visible, please and thank you! - Every ranking phase will end on the next day at approximately 10:00 PM (or 22:00), EST. Units and Ranking Sigurd: 9.96 Noish: 6.15 Alec: 6.17 Ardan: 1.39 Lex: 8.83 Azel: 4.63 Cuan: 8.41 DAY 8: ETHLIN ___ SHE'S CUAN'S WIFE 10/10 No, in all seriousness, Ethlin is amazing. She's your first healer until Aideen, and she's pretty good at it. Why? SHE HAS A HORSE Also, she's married to Cuan. She also has Critical. And the broken Slim Sword. She also gets the Return Staff which is very good for sending people to the main castle to promote, sending Levin to Evans to recruit Fury, and a whole bunch of other goodies. Once she promotes she becomes a Paladin and can use Warp. Of course, promoting her is the problem. She has the same availability as Cuan. But she has WTA in her join chapter, unlike Cuan, and she also has an extremely amazing dodge ability. So in short. Mounted healer + Amazing dodge + Return Staff + Sibling crits with Sigurd + Slim Sword + 1 for bias = 9.5/10
  11. oh right this shit round closed and whatnot 8.41 for cuan, yay
  12. YOU GUYS ARE STEALING MINE GAAAAH. //classical music geek @Balcerzak: I see your Night on Bald Mountain and raise you one Pictures at an Exhibition. BABAYAGAAAAA
  13. They're all good. I voted Prime's for this round although that yellow is a bit too harsh. Still excellently done. Props to everyone this round.
  14. Crocket's has some great armor, but goddamn AK's is awesome. That hair shading is too good to pass up. Oh, and the rest of it is amazing too.
  15. Unlike a certain one I made and then Sholes wanted to use... I can also see the female with the trap. I do agree that feminizing the face a little more may really be all you need. The eyes are pretty soft already, so maybe just making the rest of the face a bit softer/fairer would work.
  16. That Zephiel is... really really good. Like, Zephiel got hot. Damn. Also, your project looks like it's going to be a very good one. The writing is excellent and it really gives depth even to simple chapters. I wish you the best and I will be following this.
  17. Um, what?! Natasha can actually warp shit when she promotes. Lute cannot ever be a warper in LTC. Infact, Natasha is a warper on a horse. That is more than any other staff user can do. L'Arachel comes too late to be of use. 8.5/10 for me for Natasha. I gave a biased rating for this as well.
  18. 6/10 He's actually fairly tough to beat because he can have WTA against all three lords and he's a paladin. Also, amazing quote.
  19. Bobbi Kristina my love goes to you <3 RIP Whitney, one of the greatest voices <3
  20. AK's elf gets my vote but what a great round! :D
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fgm2mAEA2Wo
  22. That Jaffar silhouette is making me drool with anticipation. Are you going to have the mugs that are already shown restyled? or at least fixed, lilina's hair ugh
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