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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. The Psycho Sword Lady's Daughter and Baby Daddy With their debts squared away, the rest of the night was free for the group to do whatever they wanted, really. It was too early to go to bed for the night, although they were leaving early. At the least, a few drinks wouldn't hurt. Lucretia and Adano sat down at one of the tables and waved the rest of the group over. "What'll it be?" The server asked. "I'll just have some ale," Adano replied, "the darkest one you've got." "Absinthe for me," Lucretia added, "with a mint leaf would be nice." She smiled as the server gave her an odd look and then proceeded to get their drinks. "It's been a while since I've had some good absinthe." She and Adano chuckled, enjoying each other's company.
  2. So yeah. The Elibe section confirmed canon, I guess. unless I was really out of the loop.
  3. Farina's pretty good, not gonna lie. She rapes Funds almost as hard as Dart, but she has much better stats to back it up. She's the best of the sisters stat wise, although you should have Flo Flo promoted and flying circles around Farina by now. She's very useful, though. 7/10
  4. Even Ross' arms are somewhat different, his arms aren't glued to his body.
  5. Naesala has a charm to him that I definitely find attractive, but Tibarn is... Tibarn is a man. And he's manly. And those muscles are sex.
  6. I'd go straight for that. unless she's lesbian Also for a slightly on topic post, I dislike Igrene officially. Oh, well. Back to the drawing board.
  7. He gives us Kent/Saindin and a Silver Lance... is that something? Probably not. Oswin should be running circles around him. And Oswin's in armor. 0.5/10
  8. Not to mention it looks like he's standing like a stiff board, with how close his arm is to his body. Unless you're going for that pose. But he's gonna be really uncomfortable if he keeps that pose up.
  9. Ooh, fun set. I'll get something up later, hopefully.
  10. He's not horrible by any means, but GBA Warriors tend to suck testicles. But Geitz sucks less than the other two mooks you get in this game. His recruitment sucks (especially in HHM), because you have to waste a spot with Dart, who isn't used that often unless you're super casual or want your Funds to commit suicide. The thing is, you have Hector and Hawkeye, plus a whole slew of mounted axe users (Marcus and Isadora and most likely a promoted Sain) and other axe users (promoted Raven, promoted Oswin) who are better than him. He is the most reliable of bow users, able to use Brave Bows out of the gate, and he's got decent Strength to use them too. His Resistance sucks but so does the Resistance of every other axe user not named Hawkeye. He's a good unit by his class standards, but when it comes to axe users in general, he's at the bottom of the pack (really only ahead of Dorcas, Bartre, and Dart). 6.75/10
  11. Going with Prime for this one but props to Krad, Elincia, and Leif as well.
  12. Not to mention he can walk on peaks and get the avoid bonus. He can then proceed to tank everything. Especially good in 26. I don't know off the top of my head, but what hit would he face from Vaida if he were on a Peak?
  13. Hawkeye is an awesome addition to your party, he's required for 23x, and he has a sexy Killer Axe. Essentially the best nonmounted axe user after Hector. He also doesn't cost a ton of money to promote. Decent stats, crit boost, can stand on a Peak and tank Flyers in 26. 7.75/10
  14. I'm offended with all of these Sonic posts and nobody has posted one of the greatest Sonic songs of all time.
  15. That's the thing; I have other units that are much more necessary to train. Sain, Florina, Serra, and Lucius take top priority. Hell, Lyn, Kent, Dorcas, Erk, and Matthew take priority. The only units worse than Rath at this point are Wil and Wallace. I'd rather pool resources and training into Sain and Florina, who are going to be around a lot longer, than Rath, who isn't around as much and really isn't that good.
  16. It's sad when killing a unit in LHM makes them better in HHM. Because at least there Rath has B Bows. But really it's a testament to how bad he is. Locked to the two worst weapon types in the game, comes late, needs babying to be any good, and has no EP until promotion. Being on a horse doesn't help him here. 1/10
  17. Isn't that basically most/least attractive all over again?
  18. I TOTALLY forgot that chapter. But then again it's not mandatory unlike the prologue (which is mandatory first time around), but yeah, that chapter's easy because losing is impossible.
  19. As if I even have to mention. Not like there were that many pickings anyway Yeah, Dei's is... amazing.
  20. He's better than Vaida, Fiora, and Farina in my eyes, but he's still outclassed by Florina's practically broken nature. But he's got more con over her, and comes with some sexy items. Not to mention he's a Wyvern Rider. Bonus points~ 7.75/10
  21. Trainees already kind of do have Paragon because of how underleveled they are, and not to mention Class Power. They gain proportionally more EXP than most other units. Give Jaffar Wrath/Resolve, maybe he'll survive BBD better. Hector would have Charge, I'd wager. My +5.4 Speed Sain with Pursuit
  22. She's purty. And marries Harken. And she's a Paladin. 8.5/10
  23. It's only luck based if you aren't LTCing, because you'll probably have at least a few decent high level units. He's got no crit evade, so using Guy's Killing Edge (or the Mani Katti) would do enough. His avoid is a bit trolling though.
  24. That Tana is gorgeous. Makes her look much more attractive than before and I'm a flaming homosexual L'Arachel's angle looks odd, though. I think the hair and head aren't on the same angle. The hair looks to be the same angle as it was originally, but the head angle changed. But yay, you fixed her neck! Kyle's eyes look a little discolored but otherwise it's good. if he looked like that in vanilla I would consider using him over Forde
  25. It's Chapter 27. Also, I remember that video. One of the funniest things I've seen.
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