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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. This set is so hard, ugh. Hopefully I can scrounge something up.
  2. Basically this, but I'm going with Prime's for this one. SL's is very good too, as usual.
  3. Adano "He's Zwool, he's a friend of a friend. I'm showin' him around and keeping him out of trouble. Don't worry, Zwool. Adano's not gonna do anything funny with that lance." "It's a pleasure, Zwool." He said, turning back to the fight. "They're just standing there. What's going on?"
  4. Adano He had bet about a fourth of his gold on Teis. Anyone who could beat his daughter in combat deserved to win this tournament. Besides, both of these men relied on power if anything. Teis knew how to control his power much better than Arcen did, at least it seemed like he could from what Adano's seen. "Oh, hey there Aurelio!" He smiled. "Lucretia's asleep, she might be able to make the end of the fight." He looked to the newcomer, someone he's never seen before. "Who's your friend?" Julius 'I don’t know... wanna check after we've finished eating?' He nodded. "Yeah, I'd like to see what's up." He continued with the meal. It was good to actually eat something that was prepared by trained chefs, and not something he'd just hunted. Lucretia She awoke, that short nap made her feel a bit more awake. After all, it was only the afternoon at best. She took her swords with her--old habit--and headed to the arena, hoping to catch the last fight. Although she would have missed the betting period, she would at least be able to watch a good fight. She was hoping Teis would come out on top.
  5. Adano Remembering the final match was fast approaching, Adano made his way to the arena and sat in his usual seat. Although Lucretia wasn't in the finals he was still excited to see this battle. Julius He snickered at the girl's thumbs-up and continued his meal. The crowd had emptied the inn fairly quickly. "Where did everyone go?" He asked.
  6. So it's not just me who's getting crazy strength for Anni? Her strength, speed, and luck are all at 14 and her skill is at 15. Her defenses are pretty subpar but she's dodging everything so it's all good. And she has CON! So she can use Iron Lances without penalty! Here's some screenshots of some of my mainly used characters. Since I got stuck at the end of the demo I can't show Jonas. He was level 20 and had awesome stats. As you can tell, Keagan was really overused but he kicked massive ass. Chadwick doubled everything. Anni just destroyed shit. Tracy was a great addition to my team (although his weapon levels are a bit awkward but Mariobro is aware of this already). Jonas was also a great powerhitter.
  7. The colors on the Nergal recolor are very well-done. It looks like there's a few stray pixels on the left (hpv) side of the mouth. Makes it look awkwardly done. That could just be the colors you're using and maybe I never noticed it on the original.
  8. This hits the nail on the head, especially when we're looking at Nephenee being weighed down by her starting weapon, leaving Brom to be the main bosskiller because we can't trust her avoid at all. And the only other weapon we have is a Javelin. Whoopee.
  9. Ike does have some awesome durability, but of course in C27 of FE9 the bastard still only does 9 damage to the Burger King with max strength and he takes 16 damage from him with max defense. And his speed in FE10 is lol. But statistically he's on the level of Sigurd, Alm, Hector, and Ephraim.
  10. Alvis and Trabant are much more well-written than Lyon is. Especially Alvis. I've been in a very long skype discussion over why Alvis is actually sympathetic in some ways. But as Cam said:
  11. The shading on the jawline is nonexistent. The eyes also are awkwardly done, you need more of the white to set the eyes apart from the skin.
  12. oh fuck this Yeah, C4 has been screwing me over for the longest time. I... I'm going to try and figure it out, somehow.
  13. Unless Vaida's secretly a drag queen, I ain't rating her. even if she were a man she'd get a pretty poor rating, that makeup job and wig are awful
  14. Julius 'Well, avoid the guild, I'd say. That place is full of...' He watched her shudder at the thought of the guild. Clearly that place was dangerous. He reasoned that they weren't a pleasant bunch and he would avoid the guild, although he hoped that if they tried to mess with him, they would learn their mistake quickly. He continued to eat, simply giving a thumbs up to the girl to let her know he understood her. Lucretia/Adano They finished their meal and paid the fee, deciding to part ways for a while. Lucretia was tired, and decided to head to her room to rest. Adano took the sword Lucretia had just given him and headed near the forest and began to take practice swings, hoping to regain some of his own skill.
  15. Reppin' the home state, annexin' the small state. Alabama - 50 Alaska - 50 Arizona - 50 Arkansas - 50 California - 50 Colorado - 50 Connecticut - 50 Delaware - 50 District of Columbia - 50 Florida - 45 Georgia - 50 Hawaii - 50 Idaho - 50 Illinois - 50 Indiana - 50 Iowa - 50 Kansas - 50 Kentucky - 50 Louisiana - 50 Maine - 50 Maryland - 50 Massachusetts - 53 Michigan - 50 Minnesota - 50 Mississippi - 50 Missouri - 50 Montana - 50 Nebraska - 50 Nevada - 50 New Hampshire - 50 New Jersey - 53 New Mexico - 50 New York - 50 North Carolina - 50 North Dakota - 50 Ohio - 50 Oklahoma - 50 Oregon - 50 Pennsylvania - 50 Rhode Island - 45 South Carolina - 50 South Dakota - 50 Tennessee - 50 Texas - 50 Utah - 50 Vermont - 50 Virginia - 50 Washington - 50 West Virginia - 50 Wisconsin - 50 Wyoming - 50
  16. No, I don't mean those. I'm talking about the battlesprites in battle. The weapons never change color there.
  17. No, I agree, the shirt is dark and the shades don't work well together. I wasn't trashing your opinion. I was telling you that the shirt isn't too saturated like you originally said.
  18. Julius 'I can kind of get why someone would do that, without any fact or reason, just instinct. Hope you can find what you're looking for...' He was so busy talking that he hadn't even noticed the food. He realized he was hungrier than he first thought. "Heh... I've certainly traveled a long way so far. Maybe I'll stay here for a while, see if I can find anything." He began to eat his meal. "Mm.. This is delicious. Compliments to the chef." Lucretia/Adano As the pair ate their meals, they continued light conversation with one another. "So what are you planning on doing after this?" Adano asked. "I don't know. I've spent the last year or so running from my mother, but she's gone now..." Lucretia said, "I really don't have any reason to run anymore. I don't know what I want to do."
  19. I'm talking about the pallettes for weapons. They're usually the same as the basagame (then again, nobody really does generic enemy pallettes, you and Arch are some of the first I've seen), even on PC's and major bosses they tend to stay the sane.
  20. Julius 'But... why do you still need the sword? It may have been in your family, yet if it was used like that, if it ties you to that man... why do you keep it?' He was honestly a bit confused by this question. He had never thought about why he kept the sword. "I feel like... I feel like it's a bit of my destiny to carry this sword. I left Lushira to try and figure out my own identity." He put the sword away and took a long gulp of water. When he finished, he continued. "When my uncle took me in, I became one of the faceless nobles, a paragon of gentlemanly manners. I really just want to find who I am. I feel like this sword... It might hold the answers I'm looking for." He paused. "Or, at least, it can lead me to the absolution I seek."
  21. Lolwut? The saturation of the colors, from darkest to lightest, is 73, 144, and 120. Out of a maximum of 240 that isn't really a lot save the middle shade. Compare that to Canas who also has purple hair. His colors are 113, 141, and 156. Compare that to purples in FE8. Lute's hair is 107, 180, and 165. Myrrh's are 88 and 96. Geitz's hair is not that saturated, even when compared to characters in his own game. Hair colors aren't designed to be shirt colors, because there's differing contrast in them. (and for anyone who wants to discourage my argument, I went into paint and checked the colors myself)
  22. Everybody loves FE10!Jill~ and I do apologize for not finding Tibarn. Brunya~
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