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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. English is a combination of Germanic and Latin. Words in English find roots in both languages.
  2. Ashnard OF COURSE! I am King Ashnard of Daein! I am immortal! No one can stop me! Pwahahahaha! *obliterated by Ghost Rider* Nino, Lilina, Tinny, and other Loli mages: why do all of you have awesome growths and averages but take so long to train?
  3. Azel 5 Nino 32 May 25 Aideen 73 Artur 31 Lana 25 Malliesia 20 Pelleas 270 Knoll 14 Cellica 28 Elice 25 Linde 25 Etzel 25 Lute 25 Sanaki 25 Tiltyu 5 Miranda 368 Ellen 25 Diadora 15 Laura 23 Silk 25 Hawk 25 Canas 28 Jenny 25 Calill 25 Sara 49 Lilina 31 Katarina 25 Claude 5 Teeta 25 Saleh 25 Corple 25 Sophia 25 Yuria 28 Tinny 237 Arthur 25 Levin 25 Julius 42 Ishtar 34 Judah 25 Brunya 25 Oliver 51 Gotoh 25
  4. This. Anyway, some actual critiques. Nothing to say on Raven because it's literally his head on Karel's body. With Oswin, the cape's colors are very FE8 like while all the other colors are FE7 like.
  5. That would be The Blind Archer, if I'm not mistaken, and he's probably going to be pretty upset when he finds out that you used part of his mug. Even though his is based off of Dart, the edits are still his, and you took them without his permission.
  6. Julius 'Over there... carry on... straight ahead...' The girl was shaking and losing focus. "Shit. You need to get inside." Julius walked over to her and put his coat around her. "Come on, we can go together." He was cold, but she needed his coat more than he did. He had his hat anyway, which kept him a bit dry.
  7. Shit. Trent, my hat goes off to you. when the fuck am i gonna watch it all
  8. Lucretia After the incident with the guild was over, it was looking to be dark soon, and Lucretia needed to rest before her match the next day. She bid farewell to her father with a hug and headed towards her room, where she laid down on her bed, unable to sleep. "My father, at long last..." She whispered. "I feel so sorry for him, though... He can never walk properly, or fight like he used to... I want to do something for him." She looked to the side of the room, seeing the glowing blade. "Senso...my family's treasured blade." She looked at it. It was in perfect condition, it seemed like the only time it was used was when Lucretia fought Anastasia, and that wasn't too much time. It was as if the blade called to her, telling her it would be put to use in her father's hands. I can train him to use a sword again...after the tournament... Her thoughts meshed together into one and she fell asleep, with a new resolve driving her forward. Adano He watched Lucretia head to her room, she was tired. He couldn't blame her. She had a fight tomorrow. Adano, on the other hand, was not as tired, so he decided to stay awake for a while longer. He was still hungry, so he decided to order some food. He headed to the bar, ordered a bit of absinthe, and ordered some food. "Absinthe, eh? Strong shit." The barkeep said as he slid the drink over. "I've been through worse." Adano replied as he drank the absinthe. It was strong but he enjoyed the taste. Julius The figure, as he approached, was definitely female. She appeared to have crouched down in the rain. Not surprising, he was getting cold. "Miss? Excuse me, but how far from town am I?" He asked.
  9. I'm assuming there will be separate videos covering each project, if anything.
  10. I was laughing at the screenshots alone. I cannot wait for this.
  11. Still sticking with Glenn on this one. Even though both are massively impressive.
  12. Azel 25 Nino 29 May 25 Tina 25 Aideen 73 Artur 31 Lana 25 Malliesia 20 Pelleas 249 Knoll 14 Cellica 28 Elice 25 Linde 25 Pent 5 Etzel 25 Lute 25 Sanaki 25 Tiltyu 25 Miranda 338 Ellen 25 Diadora 15 Laura 23 Silk 25 Hawk 25 Canas 28 Linda 15 Jenny 25 Calill 25 Sara 49 Lilina 31 Katarina 25 Claude 25 Teeta 25 Saleh 25 Corple 25 Sophia 25 Yuria 28 Tinny 219 Safy 20 Arthur 25 Levin 25 Julius 42 Ishtar 34 Judah 25 Brunya 25 Oliver 48 Gotoh 25
  13. Right up there with Thailand, HVV, China, and All-Stars (even though this one is just a remix of the first seven, it's still really good)
  14. Lucretia is now a healthy 65 pixels wide, and she also grew a pixel taller. I'm also working on a battlesprite for her, but it's derp right now. Nonetheless, here it is so far:
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPUrFHeFUaU
  16. Azel 25 Nino 31 May 25 Tina 25 Aideen 73 Artur 31 Lana 25 Malliesia 20 Pelleas 249 Knoll 19 Cellica 28 Elice 25 Linde 25 Pent 5 Etzel 25 Lute 25 Sanaki 25 Tiltyu 25 Miranda 338 Ellen 25 Diadora 15 Laura 20 Silk 25 Hawk 25 Canas 28 Linda 15 Jenny 25 Calill 25 Sara 49 Lilina 31 Katarina 25 Claude 25 Teeta 25 Saleh 25 Corple 25 Sophia 25 Yuria 28 Tinny 216 Safy 25 Arthur 25 Levin 25 Julius 42 Ishtar 34 Judah 25 Brunya 25 Oliver 48 Gotoh 25
  17. Julius As the rain began to fall, Julius became more nervous about reaching his destination. He wandered for a while until he found a clearing, away from any trees. Covering himself with his coat to prevent from getting wetter, he looked around and noticed a figure running about near the trees. Am I near town? He wondered to himself. The rain was heavy and the trees were still fairly thick, so he couldn't see too much if the town was approaching, but he figured if he could see the figure, he was close. He walked toward the figure, hand near his sword in case the figure was hostile. Lucretia and Adano Their reunion was glorious. Lucretia found the father she never knew existed, and Adano found the child he'd been looking all around the continent to find. Their embrace ended, tears still in their eyes, when they heard a commotion in the inn's main room. It sounded loud and dangerous. Without even saying a word, the pair grabbed their weapons and made their way over and noticed a group of around twenty men, all wielding various weapons, ready to face off with a group of four. Lucretia recognized three of the four immediately. It was Ormis, Aurelio, and the knight from the arena...Danyon, was it? She looked to the fourth, noticing the axe and armor, and assumed the fourth was Teis. The two made their way to the group. "What's going on?" Lucretia asked.
  18. Working on widening the body to around 65 pixels, which is the width of Karla. Also made some changes here and there. New eyes (donated by Eleanora), new haircolor, earring added, shoulder flair added, recolored the hand to match the jacket (she's supposed to be wearing gloves anyway)
  19. Lucretia (and Adano) She heard a knock on the door, curious as to who it was, considering room service had just left. She hesitated, but simply replied, "Come in". The door opened, revealing a man standing there, leaning on a lance, lightly clad in armor. She was surprised to see someone like that, needless to say a bit suspicious as well. "Who are you?" She asked, putting her food down and looking to her swords. "I am not here to fight," he said quickly, "this lance is almost never raised in battle." He demonstrated how it helped him walk. "It is my walking aide, after an injury I received almost twenty-two years ago." Lucretia paused. She looked closer at the man. His eyes resembled hers very closely, and she could see some facial features in him that she recognized in herself. "Close the door, and tell me who you are." She said sternly. The man simply nodded and did so, and sat down on the bed. "My name...is Adano Havel." He began. The rain started to fall outside. "I was born and raised in Astarte, near the Astarte-Miyako border. I was taken in at a young age by the swordsmith Sevan, who also trained me in swordplay." He leaned on the lance. "When I was in my early twenties, a young woman came from Miyako and challenged all of the swordsmen to a duel, claiming she was the best in Miyako." Lucretia's eyes widened, and her mouth opened. "I was impressed with the woman's skill. I wanted to test myself against that skill, so I challenged her to a duel. The match was long and neither of us were able to overcome the other. That day we became great friends. Her name was Anastasia." Lucretia could not believe what she was hearing, and she wanted to stop the man there, but at the same time she wanted to continue. "We were friends for some time, but those feelings eventually evolved, and we fell in love with one another. Eventually Anastasia told me she was pregnant. I was overjoyed and was so excited to become a father." He decided to put the lance down instead, focusing his attention solely at Lucretia. "I sold all of my weapons and equipment to make some extra money, but Anastasia was hesitant. One night..." He heard his voice crack. His eyes welled up with tears. He swallowed and continued. "One night she told me she was leaving. She told me she was going home to Miyako. I wanted her to stay, I wanted her to live with me. But she insisted. I tried one final time to convince her to stay, and she..." He lifted up his shirt, revealing the age-old scar from Anastasia's sword. Lucretia gasped. She stood and walked to Adano, and sat next to him on the bed. Tears were running down both faces. "I always wondered about you. My mother...she never spoke of you." She sighed. "I always wondered if she had killed my father, it wouldn't have surprised me." "I was unconscious for a year. The shock from the wound was too great. When I awoke I knew nothing about Anastasia. I could barely walk as well. Sevan forged me a lance which I used to help walk. Eventually he told me about what had happened, and then I was determined to find out about you, so I began traveling." He looked at his daughter. He could see Anastasia in her face, but her eyes were different. There was no cruelty in Lucretia's eyes. "I escaped from my mother. She was so cruel to me...she called me worthless." Lucretia stopped. The sting of her mother's words still hurt her, even after her death. "You are such a worthless CUNT! HOW DARE YOU believe yourself my daughter!" The sting of her mother's blade hurt. "I'm sorry, it's just a little too tough to talk about what happened." "You don't have to. I can see that whatever she did was painful. I don't want you to talk about it if you don't want to." He pulled her close. "I'm just so glad I can see you finally, and meet my daughter." Lucretia felt in Adano's arms a love she had never experienced before. This was parental love, a love she never felt from her mother. For the first time, Lucretia felt like she belonged.
  20. Yeah, the legs are pretty fat and have random bulges. The hero legs are a good reference point. Also ditto on the sword shadow.
  21. Lucretia The inn was noisy and obnoxious, all of the arena patrons were enjoying a meal after the fight. Lucretia was starving, but she didn't want to draw attention to herself. She quietly slipped to the front desk where she requested food be brought to her room. "Certainly! And great fight today!" The concierge said. "Thanks." She replied and headed back to her room, sitting down on the chair. She put her swords to one side and slipped into more comfortable clothing. She had no need to wear her fighting clothes. "I wonder," she thought out loud, "what if I just stayed here? After all, I have no need to go anywhere else. My mother is dead, so I don't have to fear her anymore. The nightmares have stopped so I don't need to find the Crimson Witch. I can just stay here. With the gold I've made today, and the gold I have, I can buy a home, and just live in peace." Her thoughts were interrupted by a knocking at the door. "Come in." The room service had arrived with a plate of food. Lucretia thanked the employee and turned to her meal. Adano Arriving at the inn and seeing it packed with people, Adano decided to skip his meal for now and eat later when the tourists were all gone. He hobbled off to his room but passed a hotel employee on the way. "Whose room is that, may I ask?" He stopped the employee, who was carrying a large tray. "That room belongs to Lucretia Germane, one of the arena fighters." He replied. Adano thanked him and watched as the employee headed away. He looked at the door for a while, considering if it were right to knock. He decided that this would be one of the only moments he'd have to talk to her. He tapped on the door lightly. Julius The woods seemed endless. The animals all stared at him as if he were some foreign object that didn't belong, but they all sensed that he was one that they would stay away from. In his mind, he was a bit distressed that he was so isolated, even from the animals. Are the sins of my past that noticeable...? He paid it no mind and made the decision to continue. It appeared to be late afternoon by this point. He had only a few hours before nightfall, and he couldn't afford another night in the woods.
  22. How did you get the villager's shirt to be a pauldron? It's super impressive!
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