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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. SO MANY GOD TIERS. SIGURD, IKE, HECTOR, EPHRAIM, ALM Both of their weapons give them +5 STR which is pretty awesome though.
  2. I don't remember what this thread was originally way back when. I feel old
  3. Lucretia watched as the fighters entered the arena. Crossbow versus Axes, huh? She thought. This will be interesting, at the least. She decided to return to the fighters' area. She only had a few fights left before her own, and after looking at the people who were fighting after this one, it looked like it would be too quick. She wondered in her mind which fighter remained would be her opponent.
  4. It's pretty funny that Greg ended up getting voted off by him anyway. He said "I'm not sure this is going to do much" yet it was the deciding vote.
  5. Duessel wants the boots because he's leagues better than Gilliam, and if we're not giving them to Duessel we're at least giving them to an 8-move unit like Franz or Vanessa. Hell, even Natasha could use them for two extra move which extends her Physic range ever slightly.
  6. This. Also, this is the majority of Micaiah's lines in FE10. "DAEIN" "FOR DAEIN" "I LOVE DAEIN". She's a main character. She needs more than just "DAEIN FUCK YEAH" lines. Um, I like boys, hence my Manly Tier. FE9!Ike is an asshole. FE10!Ike is not. I don't care statswise, they're both broken. I've never liked Ninian. Natasha is pretty cool in my opinion, don't know why but I've always enjoyed her. As for the personality three, they bored me. Sothe in FE10 is kind of annoying, he has some moments but he's boring. Sophia and Myrrh just irritate me.
  7. Actually God Tier of fruits is reserved for Pomegranates~
  8. Mmkay. Yes, the man is forever being whipped by either his mother or Lekain. Micaiah is my least favorite FE Character because she is boring, generic, and rides plot twists to the endgame like no tomorrow.
  9. 1) G/S/C/HG/SS 2) R/S/E 3) B/W 4) D/P/Pt
  10. Which is why I chase my shots or make mixed drinks~
  11. Blueberries, because I'm picky about which apples I like.
  12. This. Also, unlike 1/2 of the winners in the HII seasons, Hatch was smart and didn't need a HII to survive. He came close to getting voted out a few times, yet he made it to the end anyway. And he won against the favored Kelly.
  13. I am dissapoint in the lack of Jill. Voted Calill.
  14. Because it belongs here. Jill Tier Jill Brunya Tier Brunya The Only Est Archetype I Care About Tier Nino Manly Tier Sigurd Camus/Zeke/Sirius Lloyd Gatrie Cuan Tibarn Lex Seth Muarim Cormag Fierce and Fabulous Tier Ursula Vanessa Lute If Your Voice Actor was Better You'd be Higher (aka in Manly Tier) Tier Zelgius Almost as Manly as Manly Tier Tier Pent Glen Sety Haar Levail The Black Fang are Awesome Tier Linus Brendan Legault Jan Uhai I'd go out for Drinks with You Tier Titania Natasha Ismaire Jaffar Ishtar Selena Syrene Joshua Altenna Leaf Nanna Naturally Awesome Tier Hector Matthew Ephraim Arthur Best Personal Theme Ever Tier Oliver Incest is Freaky but You Rock Anyway Tier Raven Priscilla Celice Moderately Awesome Tier Ranulf Duessel Sigrun Ethlin Ayra Tanith Eltshan Shinon This is a Message from Lord Nergal Tier Denning Limstella Awesome Generic Bosses Tier Damian Istvan Catalena Nino's Children Tier Lugh Ray You're Evil, but I Like You Anyway Tier Julius Everyone Else Tier Everyone Else Incest is Freaky and You're not Awesome Tier Julia Eirika Nolan's the Only Good Dawn Brigade Member Tier Sothe Edward Leonardo Laura I'd Hit That...With a Truck Tier Tana Serra FE9!Ike Makalov Shut the Hell Up and Staffbot Tier Saul L'Arachel Just Shut the Hell Up Tier Hetzel Skrimir Creepy Bosses Tier Caellach Valter Riev Lekain Valtome Asshole Bosses Tier Hilda Sonia Alvis Beldo Manfroy Where the Hell is Your Personality? Tier Aran Wil Sophia Myrrh You're a Bitch Tier Almedha Nailah Ashera I Don't Care what Everyone Says, I Still Think You're a Whore Tier Ninian Thanks for Screwing Me Over by Sucking Tier Gilliam Pussywood Tier Roy Pelleas Eliwood Micky Sue Tier Micaiah
  15. I know, but I still like it over Cook Islands so I put it there.
  16. I do, but he was fairly lacking otherwise, in my opinion. Anwyay, I'm gonna rearrange things a bit. Tier list time~ Back when Survivor was Amazing Tier Borneo Outback Amazon Survivors of the Carribean Tier Pearl Islands All-Stars I Should Rewatch this Season so I'm Putting it here for now Tier Thailand Certainly Entertaining Tier Micronesia Africa Tocantins Vanuatu China Hidden Immunity Idol Breaks the Game Tier Guatemala Exile Island Palau Cook Islands Sugar is an Annoying Bitch Tier Gabon At Least Boston Rob Existed Tier Marquesas Russell Hantz is an Annoying Asshole Tier Samoa Heroes vs Villains Let's Give the Money to Rob Tier Redemption Island Jeff, you Failed Miserably Tier Fiji I Didn't Watch this Season Tier Nicaragua
  17. That's where we differ. Minus Lisi's jury speech, I thought she was worthless and irritating. Rocky and Dreamz just annoyed me from start to finish. Yau-Man was really the season's saving grace, and that was minimal. The Fall of the Four Horsemen was one of the few things I enjoyed, I'll admit. Once again I'll have to rewatch these episodes in order to get a feel. Maybe I'm overrating how much I disliked Fiji. Especially when Cook Islands was before it (an okay season at best) and China was after it (a pretty well-done season), so Fiji's kind of trapped in the middle. To be fair, though, Ravu was cursed, I'd say even worse than Ulong was. The tribe switch made it so that there would be one lone survivor like Stephenie was.
  18. Ignoring the first two sentences Gilliam is still pretty useless beyond the earlygame. C4 is where his usefulness ends, because C5 is too big for him to do anything important, as is C6. C7 Eirika is rescuedropped by Vanessa and this chapter is like 3-4 turned. In C8 this is another rush chapter, and Gilliam's usefulness ends at the beginning part where he could help with a few loldiers. That's about it.
  19. I'm curious as to why you ranked Borneo so low and Fiji so high. In my personal opinion Fiji was just pathetic in its entirety. Everyone was either uninteresting or completely idiotic, and even the idiots weren't entertaining. And Earl Cole? Like, he did nothing all season and then he won. Confused. I was probably mean to a few seasons, I need to rewatch a few. Thailand is on the top of my list to watch again, because from the clips I've seen online, it's not that bad. There were a lot of unmemorable people on that season, but there were also a lot of memorable ones too. Hmm, I agree with you here. Richard Hatch really was the most entertaining part of the season, and I think he is one of my favorite winners, but this season was quite bland otherwise save for the end and the Snakes and Rats speech cliche
  20. I'm not following this one, does it mean that, instead of getting x2 to all stats upon transforming, Laguz get x4? That's gonna make them very, very broken, especially the already broken Royals.
  21. In any case it doesn't matter. Franz, Forde, and Kyle can and should promote first. Unless this is a draft we can assume we will use all units barring Seth. When it comes down to it, Gilliam will be lucky to get a few kills before C4 rolls around. He has WTD across the map in C2 and even with lolaxehit he's gonna get hit a few times, and Moulder's going to be preoccupied healing Franz/Eirika/Garcia who will essentially fight the whole map. In C3 there's one mercenary. ONE. And it doesn't matter, this chapter has lolbreakablewalls that Gilliam could chip at but he'll get eaten alive if he goes any farther, in all honesty. He's better than Ross but that doesn't mean much, he still sucks.
  22. Some edited weapon icons from sprites past. Tethys edit, I call it the Gypsy class (blame Hunchback of Notre Dame music). Swordsman edit. Looks a bit more eastern if you ask me. Or desert-like.
  23. Not like that qualifies her as a bad parent. She didn't torture her daughter to death like she did to Tiltyu.
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